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The End Time Watchman calls out NWO

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posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 02:02 PM
Considering how clumsily he handles a side arm I don't think the NWO has much to worry about - but his friends and neighbors might.
On the bright side hopefully that's going to keep him from ending up (suspiciously) dead in the next week or two.

Do I think he went to far? Yes.

Getting locked up in a FEMA camp isn't going to do anyone in his Family or America any good... Just gives them something to point the finger at and say *Look at the whacko*.

Stay diligent people, keep training, keep spreading the word, keep preparing, but keep your head down!

We're going to need all the help we can get.


posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 02:33 PM
This video made me laugh.
His little, gun slingin' action was pretty good at the beginning too.

I've been waiting for the NWO to take over for years now.
Any day though, right?

Poor fella needs help.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 02:39 PM
People need to stop thinking in terms of prosperity for their own nations, but rather the whole globe. The black hand of the Illuminati stretches around the whole planet. They have a stranglehold on the ascension of ALL mankind, not just this country!!! Lose you national pride and understand that all the people are in this together. No man has the right to designate this land as their own. We didn't create this earth. We didn't put the trees, fertile landscapes, mountains and rivers on this beautiful floating rock in space. What right do any of us have to label another fellow human being as a foreigner? This engineered notion of nationality is another fallacy in our psyche we must eradicate if we are ever to become truly become one as a species.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:11 PM
I can see his concerns, and I feel his anger.
He is simply tired of all the BS. He is certainly
not going to deter the NWO (that's pretty much
in place already), however I would hate to run
into him during martial law. He means business.

I would bet that the media would paint him as a homegrown terrorist when
they see this. He will be categorized as a threat to our nations security and
be handled with deadly force if necessary. This effort would be to make the
rest of us feel that our voices can not and will not be heard. We will all be
terrorists at that point. Anyone who doesn't say, "How high" when the
government says, "Jump" to FEMA Camp you go.

The white zone is for loading and unloading.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:16 PM
Personally, we never tried a complete globalization and we do not know what will happen.

Can't really judge something without trying it.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:52 PM
Hey, I can't blame him one bit. When you're that angry and you have something to say at least YouTube provides a vehicle to get your message heard. Who knows, what the impact might be if thousands starting doing this? Perhap the NWO would recognize that not all are sheeple. Some may laugh or think it's corny, but what he is doing is heartfelt. I like that righteous anger. Rant on buddy! I'd like to tell every corrupt businessman and politician to kiss off, too! These cold blooded, power crazy Empire Builders who want to play God with our lives need to be told off. I hope he's a hit.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:54 PM

although he's on the money, thats one of the funniest rednecks i gone dun an seen

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:14 PM
To much talking and grandstanding.

I appreciate this guys enthusiasm, but that is exactly what the NWO would want a bunch of angry cowboys running around shooting people they think are responsible.

You see in times of war they still win. Divide and conquer.

Sell weapons ammunition to the fools wherever there is a war or civil disorder.

The people at the top are out thinking not running about with weapons.

The next war should be one of wit. Just my opinion.

[edit on 18-1-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:24 PM
I feel this guy's anger but I also think he might shoot first and ask questions later.

On another note, is he related to Alex Jones?

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:36 PM
This man is an American patriot and I agree with him on all levels.
Don't dismiss him as a crank redneck, he is speaking in allegory and poetry and is fully end times Bible cognizant.
I am well armed too, and it won't be easy to take my weapons from me.
But I know that hope and change is going to try.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:42 PM
If there was no NWO this man would be living in peace and taking care of family. Everybody be careful what you say in your own homes. The government have spooks out there listening to our private conversations. I have first hand knowledge. You might also call me a crack pot or what ever, but they are out there. People are tired of the government and we will take our country back and it won't be Boston tea party. Tired41

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:51 PM
I am sorry to see so many snarky, disrespectful replies to this man's video. Is he a plant? Who knows? Who cares? I am a gainfully employed, credentialled professional with several graduate degrees, including an Ivy League sheepskin, and make a decent six-figure income.

I feel exactly like the Watchman feels. I have been inside Fannie Mae and seen their arrogant corruption with my own eyes. I've seen quite a lot actually, given my management consulting career. Most people don't know the half of how wicked their leaders really are.

I suggest those that feel compelled to belittle this sentiment, or attempt to discredit it through disparagement take a moment to find their testicles. I for one am fed to my eyeballs with the anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-ME propaganda since the 1980s. I am worried about the increasingly aggressive Third Worlders and homegrown "minorities"* that are feeling their demographic power and understand they are on the verge of looting my civilization.

I'm not cooperating any more. In fact, I do what I can against this and I don't care what the risks are to me. I have children to think about and I'll be damned if I stand by, do nothing, and give them an America that is the equivalent of Mandella's "post racial" (i.e., post-white) South Africa.

The Spirit of '76

* Keep in mind that so-called "minorities" comprise 5.4 billion of the 6.0 billion people alive today. That means they are truthfully Global Majorities and people like me are the true minority. Who will take care of them when they are finally rid of us???? Interestingly, I don't hear that question asked by the proponents of the NWO and "multiculturalism". Wonder why!

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by die_another_day
Personally, we never tried a complete globalization and we do not know what will happen.

Can't really judge something without trying it.

good point.
however, people are afraid of losing their freedoms as well.
most would rather judge it as a bad idea, then realize when
it's too late.

most are not taking a crap shoot on that.

"well, heck lets try it and see how it works"...

most will resist. we don't deal with change well, unless it's
slow and barely noticeable.

ask yourself, are you really willing to try it? how will you
benefit? and what if you don't like it? What's your plane then?!

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 05:21 PM
I've been an avid follower of the discussions on this website's forum. I felt compelled to become a member seeing this video, and the discussion about it.
I consider myself to be very normal(I know that's a completely subjective term, but, what I mean is, I excelled in high school, was a member of myriad differing groups, played sports, went to college, continued my life of normality, got my degree, and now I own my own business working with hard working Americans.)

A couple of quick points:
1. I have noticed an increasing amount of hostility towards our leaders(regardless of political affiliation).
2. This hostility is, IMO, correctly directed towards the elite trying to hoodwink us.
3. This Endgame Watcher is a patriot. He has balls made outta titanium. Most people will scoff at things he says. Those people have obviously not put in the time and effort(I know that it's hard to commit to seeking out the truth in a hectic world). But the truth is out there. You have to weed through a whole helluva lot of garbage, but you can find it. Listen to Coast to Coast, read a large cross section of things in print and online, and when you think you know somethings Truth, challenge yourself and keep checking. You hear someone talk about the New World Order, and it captivates you??? Well, make sure to the best of your ability that it is the truth. A web of lies has been been strategically built to keep us all confused.

There are many Endgame Watchers around the United States(and more accurately, across Canada and Europe). But we are preparing, and ready for what awaits. That day when a false flag operation is perpetrated to trigger a martial law takeover, I will be ready. My family will be ready. I hope you all are ready as well.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 05:24 PM
This is no joke what is going on. The timing of this video for me is very eerie since i have spent the last 2 days crying over how i will survive, my problem is mainly taxes. If i get a $200. check i only see about $120. the rest goes to taxes. I lost my job and filed for unemployment, within 2 weeks of receiving unemployment, i got audited, (they audited me for previous years i had already been audited for and paid up for! An additional assessment with crazy interest). I dont understand? I feel like I am being raped and there is nothing i can do and no one that can help me. I am so upset and inside I am screaming HELP they cant do this to me! but there is no one to help me.
And you would laugh if you knew how little i made every year. I am a poor.
This is all wrong, very wrong. I am disgusted and hopeless.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 05:35 PM
LOL this guy clearly needs help! seriously he is nuts, NWO does not exist..period

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 05:45 PM
Can someone answer me this.

If S**** hits the fan, and as this guy says " they'll kill alot of us, but we'll kill yu back " who exactly do you ppl think are the ones on the NWO side that will do the killing? American military? I doubt many military men will shoot their own. Unless that microchip speculation thing contains some kind of nanomachines to control their minds.

Also, were will this NWO take over?? Just the US, and maybe parts of Europe most likely near the Royal Families? I doubt they'll even step near any drop of water that belongs to the Chinese. They will put up a hell of a fight.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:26 PM
He speaks for alot of people. And so what if he doesn't speak as eloquently as some of you folks. I wonder how eloquent you would be if you tripped and fell on a hot stove and got burned. The fact that all this came down in this country is absolutely heinous. If the NWO thought they would going to pull this off quietly and incrementally, and we'd never know what hit us...well, too bad if they're surprised. Personally, I won't back down and I won't go quietly.
He knew what he was risking doing this, and I applaud his courage. He also knows he's talking to a crowd of weasly cowards-the NWO and their minions, and their paid mercenaries. His approach is appropriate.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Daystar
Forgive the rant, but these flag waving types who are getting pissed off seriously need to just look beyond their own god damn borders and see whats going on in the wider world.

I agree. It's not just Americans whose freedoms are threatened by the NWO. At least you're allowed to arm yourself (for now), unlike here in Britain
. This isn't a war between American patriots and tyrants, it's a war between THE WORLD and tyrants who would seek to dismantle GLOBAL freedoms. I'm all for well-intended patriotism, but it should be supplemented with a healthy dose of global empathy.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 06:32 PM
Australia has taken away the right to bare arms from it's people. Has been that way for a year now. And It has been rumored that is the plan for the US.That alone will cause a civil war here. I get the passion coming from this guy, but he is obviously not very bright. Spouting off like that will get him what he wants. And yes it would be considered home grown terrorism.

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