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Ron Paul to be sworn in as President Jan. 20!!

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posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:12 PM
Since he won the election...i have been greatly optimistic about the new direction my country is going to take. Even with the great troubles coming ahead for the USA and world, I feel like better days are ahead...a day when our country returns to the ideals and freedoms upon which it was built upon.

Everyday i watch television and watch as our media and politicians rip his plans to shreds..continuing to say he's going to destroy the country and that he's out of touch. Politicians are quoted to saying, "He's crazy. He's wants to get rid of most of the federal agencies!"

But yet the majority of people have spoken despite what the media and government officials have led them to believe. They have finally decided to do what is right for all instead what is right for themselves.

The world watches in amazement as President Elect Paul announces plans to bring back all of our troops from all around the world..announcing that "It's time for the USA to let other countries fix their own problems and let them decide their own fates. It's time to focus on fixing our own."

American citizens rejoice when President Ron Paul announces massive tax cuts..declaring that "the federal government will no longer leech the hard earned money away from it's citizens."

I know it's going to be a tough road ahead...but i'm optimistic. The debt has become out of control...but i believe the direction our new President is taking will help us fix this problem.

I don't know if he has all the answers or all the right ideas...but i know that he will he wants what is best for us all...even though the process of getting their may be painful.

I'm just very grateful that Obama or McCain did not win the election as they would have continued the horrible direction that we were going. Finally, for once...I can say that the country finally did the right thing....they woke up.


I don't know why i decided to make this thread. I guess i thought i'd give myself some false optimism...if only for a short while. A man can dream can't he?

What do u think would be happening right now if he had won the election? Who would be the most outspoken against him? What would the first steps he might take into restoring our country's ideals and the rest of the world's view upon us? And most of you think he would be successful?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:20 PM
Drugs are bad and against the TOS of the site so please lay off them.

2nd line. Did I miss something, must be all the subliminal messages in WoW that I made me think i watched obama win.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

I think the point of his post was for speculation only. Then again, the WOW could be effecting my opinion here.

Personally I didn't like Ron Paul, and by "didn't like" I mean "detested beyond reason". Before you say anything about the MSmedia, I don't buy into all their crap. I do my own research and root through everything to form my OWN opinion.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:29 PM
You people from alternate realities always crack me up.

I'm sure in one of those, he was actually elected

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Hey, this is just speculation obviously. I just thought it would be nice to envision the country going in the way i'd like it it's certainly not righ t now.

Thought it would be nice to not imagine the world going to hell.

But hey...that's fine...if you want to insult me...go ahead. Have at it.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:58 PM
I think that one of the most outspoken people against a President Paul administration would be Christopher Dodd. He is the biggest piece of excrement I have ever seen in my life. I hope he is getting rich, helping to draft all of these bailouts and bills that are putting our future great-grandchildren into immense debt... us too.

As for the thread, it did give me some HOPE to read. And not the Obama kinda 'hope', either.

Scaling back the federal government to a large extent, and still continuing to collect taxes would sure help the debt faster than continuing to spend MUCH more than is being brought in. I would not even hold it against Paul if he did decide to do that.

Unconditional freedom under the Constitution....Just a pipe dream, as opposed to what we really have to look forward to.

The future looks very sad, to me.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by David9176

The country was going to go to hell no matter who was elected. It doesn't matter REALLY who you vote for because the president is really a puppet and psychologists have figured out that it really is all about the "image" of the person to be elected.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by LostNemesis

Scaling back the federal government to a large extent, and still continuing to collect taxes would sure help the debt faster than continuing to spend MUCH more than is being brought in. I would not even hold it against Paul if he did decide to do that.

I agree. The debt has to brought down....but after it finally became eliminated..or close to being eliminated..taxes should then be decreased. Social Security and Medicare are gigantic problems as well....contributing to our 53 trillion debt. I'm not really sure how that should be handled. I'd like to think that with huge cuts in federal taxes it would make it easier to help slowly ease people off of these programs as it would put more money in their pockets. The road would be a tough one...but i think it could be done.

I dunno...there are so many problems would be tough for one man take them all on.

The future does look bleak...especially with inflation on the way...

Edit grammar

[edit on 14-1-2009 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:18 AM
In 2012 when the NWO takes over Ron Paul will be president of the world

I'm sure some of you anti NWO'ers would get chipped voluntarily if Ron Paul was the leader of the NWO.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by David9176
I agree. The debt has to brought down....but after it finally became eliminated..or close to being eliminated..taxes should then be decreased. Social Security and Medicare are gigantic problems as well....contributing to our 53 trillion debt. I'm not really sure how that should be handled. I'd like to think that with huge cuts in federal taxes it would make it easier to help slowly ease people off of these programs as it would put more money in their pockets. The road would be a tough one...but i think it could be done.
[edit on 14-1-2009 by David9176]

Well, fine... I could deal with something being done about Social Security and Medicare, if something is done about illegals getting free welfare and medical and everything else, too!

Yeah, we got a lot of problems. I think that a huge problem now, and to come, is the huge losses of jobs. Maybe something could be done to encourage people starting businesses. Hell, ability for any person to have their own business... Isn't that a part of what the 'American Dream' was supposed to be?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by LostNemesis

Well, fine... I could deal with something being done about Social Security and Medicare, if something is done about illegals getting free welfare and medical and everything else, too!

Done!! Lol....i wish it was that easy. I think encouraging people to start business is good idea. Just how do u get it started? How do u stop the downward spiral? Demolishing our "empire" around the world would definitely free up some money for something like this....but eventually that money would go back to debt after it got the economy going.

New businesses are something we definitely need though. We need jobs that actually produce something besides hamburgers and french fries.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:38 AM
I agree with ya completely. If encouraged, maybe people would be able to come up with actual quality things to produce.
I think that most potential business owners are discouraged in a very big way....
Mainly, the amounts of hoops and "fees" that need to be paid just to begin. Then there is the ACTUAL cost of said business. A building, supplies, equipment... Ugh. These days, I don't think I know anyone who would actually qualify for the kind of loan that would be needed.
Obviously, everything around us is monopolized. And people with a new idea, are shot down before they could even begin.

I'd hope that with the smaller government under a Ron Paul administration... That maybe the amounts of insane fees could be reduced, along with the taxes, since the Fed would be reduced.

Hey, don't get me wrong... Ron Paul agreed with LOCAL taxes, only. Because this is what keeps fire trucks and schools running. Shame, that was one of the biggest things to scare voters away from him. I think they seriously thought it would become a society of anarchy, since with no taxes there would be no police, no schools, no money to upkeep roads for driving, etc. Lame. lol
EDIT: typo

[edit on 14-1-2009 by LostNemesis]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:53 AM
great thread,,,,,and wow,,, wouldn't that have been something

first thing he has to do is run 24 hour infomercials so americans can realize the truth not propoganda and the lies

rp and schiff claim to do nothing,,let the market correct,,, which i believe is true

but as i got thinking,,,,,,,,,,,,
if they or he did this,,,,,,people and pundits would never know the what if's,,,as in maybe a bailout would've worked or whatever

so regardless he would be demonized and second guessed

so,,, i guess,,in there eyes,,,, it's better to go way over board with a sham stimulus,,,more debt we can't repay,,,, to at least look like---"well, we tried"

and to anyone who cries he can't win blah blah blah

yeah,, so what does that prove??????oh ,, that's there more sheep than critical thinkers

well that's great!!!!

[edit on 14-1-2009 by shortywarn]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by LostNemesis

Hey, don't get me wrong... Ron Paul agreed with LOCAL taxes, only. Because this is what keeps fire trucks and schools running. Shame, that was one of the biggest things to scare voters away from him. I think they seriously thought it would become a society of anarchy, since with no taxes there would be no police, no schools, no money to upkeep roads for driving, etc. Lame. lol

Exactly. Let the communities/cities/states decide what to do with taxes and social programs. It gives people options...and makes it easier to change those options and programs. I believe most of our federal programs fail because they are to large and cannot meet everyone's needs..and also leaves the system more exposed to corruption. I just like the sound of everything being smaller. Let the people govern themselves.

It's just unfortunate that they thought RP was against having these programs...when really he was against the federal government enforcing and taxing these programs on the country.

The feds should be for our protection only. That is one of the few things i'm ok with being taxed on...defense.

Heh...there are so many problems...we could go on for months. I love seeing ideas ideas on how to go about our country's problems.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 01:30 AM
Ahh sorry don't think I was insulting ya, I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.

It's hard to tell on ATS when somebody is typing something like this because they believe its real or if your doing a piece of creative writing on what it would be like if he did.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by David9176

Hope I didn't derail and take your thread off the original topic. Oops.

I think people like Ron Paul have been against the "Federal Reserve" all along, understanding the scheme that was behind it. He did speak about needing to have a currency that is actually backed by real value. Something like the gold-standard, maybe?

Sure, Ron Paul probably doesn't have ALL of the answers, but no one person does. He is a realist, he is one of the only people speaking out publicly about the fact that we have been running on a system that cannot be sustained. Even if our cash was backed by something of value, spending more than you bring in is never a good idea. Every American household knows this. Simple economics.

I would be absolutely grateful, and enormously thankful if we had the chance for a Constitutionalist to SERVE US, as president. In that respect, Ron Paul would be the only one with any respect for this country's ideals. (Yeah, there was a couple other 3rd party guys, too)

[edit on 14-1-2009 by LostNemesis]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by David9176

Kick a dude, ron paul probably would be a good prez like ross perot, the problem is he's a spaz, and spaz's don't look good, the position is for a puppet not a spaz that knows it all, I do like ron paul though even though I don't agree with him on everything I agree with him on the constitution.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 01:05 PM
If he had won, I think some CIA or Mossad agent would be polishing some sniper rifle at the moment.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by Phazon]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by LostNemesis

I would be absolutely grateful, and enormously thankful if we had the chance for a Constitutionalist to SERVE US, as president. In that respect, Ron Paul would be the only one with any respect for this country's ideals. (Yeah, there was a couple other 3rd party guys, too)

One thing that i hope for is that the younger generation that follows and praises him will continue his message. Maybe we can get more people in Congress with his ideals and to defend our country's constitution.

All the changes that would be made if RP or someone like him would take years upon years to actually enact and structure as he obviously just couldn't pull the plug on everything. That's kind of what i hate about waiting for 4 more years to get another chance. That's 4 more years that is lost and only deepens the hole they are digging for us.

It's going to be tough to climb out...i can barely see light sitting here at the bottom.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by David9176

I was just surprised there wasn't one mention of "Dr. Paul" in your post.

I've come to regard it the same vein as Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers. I thought it was against the ATS rules to just refer to him as simply Ron Paul.

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