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Top Topics: 30 Days

  1. Tick...tock...What one thing on ATS? 42
  2. President BIDEN's FBI Raided Donald Trump's Florida Home for OBAMA-NORTH KOREA Documents. 40
  3. Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases From mRna Jab 35
  4. Oh, Have I got a Goody for You Guys!!! 35
  5. I'm more than ever 32
  6. James O’Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. 26
  7. OBAMA ordered illegal SPYING on TRUMP and BIDEN ordered the illegal RAID on TRUMP. 26

Hot Topics: 30 Days

  1. Tick...tock...What one thing on ATS? 122
  2. I'm more than ever 111
  3. Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases From mRna Jab 75
  4. James O’Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. 69
  5. Oh, Have I got a Goody for You Guys!!! 63
  6. OBAMA ordered illegal SPYING on TRUMP and BIDEN ordered the illegal RAID on TRUMP. 53
  7. President BIDEN's FBI Raided Donald Trump's Florida Home for OBAMA-NORTH KOREA Documents. 50

Newest Topics

  1. Nearly 70% of Gaza Aid From US Stolen 2
  2. Norway, Ireland and Spain say they will recognize a Palestinian state 9
  3. Pyrography and Scrimshaw 6
  4. Our recent trip to Ukraine (Kyiv) 11
  5. Is Lake Lanier Haunted or Cursed? 1
  6. 'Skeptics' Ridiculous Explanations Of The Rendlesham Forest Events 27
  7. P Diddy soon to be falling down the hill 13
  8. I live as a Ghost 4
  9. The Premonition of Ella Mae Bowles 2