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Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by 04326

Wouldn't work. The Palestinians would turn it away since there weren't any guns or bombs on it. How can they kill babies in a nursery with food? That's why they smuggle weapons, not food, in with the billions in aide they've been giving.

I am sorry to see that you have this view. Last i heard, it was not the Palestenian's turning away food & water. It was the other side which was preventing UN trucks along with ships containing supplies from other countries.

For all of those who are advocating that the palestenian's are the Boogey man and should continue to suffer - i ask you all the following:

1. When was the last time you have seen your own family member die because of direct actions of others. Did you harbour any resentment towards them?

2. Did anyone go a week without food and see what that does to the human psyche? I would encourage you to go without food for three days and then tell how you felt.

3. Now imagine your neighbor lives in luxury and imposes restrictions on you so you can't feed your family, earn your livelihood, and you don't know how much longer you can hold out till one of your children will fall ill and need care which is not available. What will you do?

I just want to illustrate that violence and oppression only begets violence and oppression. Especially if your loved ones are dying, you are hungry, live in miserable poverty and don't know if you can provide for your family during the time of their greatest need. What would a person do? what would you do? I know what i would do.... i would rather die trying to provide and fighting the system than letting my brother or sister or mother having to suffer.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:09 PM
Lofty, How old ae you 5, the Native indians or Palestinians did not have schools or hopsitals what you think people in the 16th, 17th and 18tn century who lived off the land would have these things at those times. Utter ignorance, progress and technology are not globally universal if you have not looked.

Whilst some send rockets into space others live the simple primitive lives they have always done. Does that mean that a modern man is work more than a primitive one, to complete imbeciles yes but to the educated no.

There is enough space on this Planet for all of us to live in peace, it is only those who peddle ignorance, bigotry and hatred who want it differntly as evidenced by the attitudes of certain people on this thread. The notion that superioty gives the right to murder maim and torture when it is they who are the savages, the cave dwelling knuckle dragging morons who hide behind a mask of respectability and civility.

Man has 2 choices, we either learn to live together or we wipe ourselves out. What we should do is those who think its a good idea to wage war on those whom are weaker is put them all together so they can wipe themselves out. Then the peace loving people will inherit the Earth.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Solomons

Infrastructure not the same as ours/theirs is known a 'terra nullius". This was a mechanism used in colonial times to justify stealing land from indigenous people. It is based on the fact that if no "civilised"" infrasctructure exists, then it is not owned and therefore can be claimed.

The land that was given to the Israelis did not belong to the English to give.

In my opinion this is the crux of the whole thing.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:23 PM
I think some one has missed the news, the Israelis have been targeting whole villages and have killed all the residents. This nation, a nation born out of terrorism backed by another despot nation the US has systematically committed acts of genocide againt the Palestinains sicne day one.

Let me make it clea, what would any one do if a group of foreign imigrants settled in your neighbourhood and over a period of time by use of force and terror attacked and stole the land that you now reside in. Would you just walk away, would you fight for your land and your possesions. How does one fight a strong military force when you have none, but with terrorism and freedom fighter tactics.

What makes me laugh here on ATS is all these so called tough Yanks stating what they would do in their own country to protect their liberty and freedom but are quite happy to deny others the same right. So I take it that when it happens to you will just hand over your homes and property, your jobs and your lives, yes.

It really makes me laugh to read of Americans screaming about their country being invaded by Mexicans and what should be done to sort them out. Well now you know, you give them everything and you don't fight back because thats what your telling Palestinians to do. Just pack up an go, maybe when some real American comes knocking on your door and tells you that you have stolen his land and killed his people you will just hand him the keys to your home and car, yes.

Mind you I don't balme Americans entirely, they are so far away from all the troubles and so far detached from reality that one cannot expect any other response. The fact that gobally they have lost the moral high ground and no longer hold any respect in the world is totally lost on them.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

Do you have a total in $$$ of all the billions that Palestine has been given in aid yet?

Can you also provide proof of Palestinians bombing an Israeli nursery please as I am unaware that this has ever happened.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by resistancia

You are unaware of all the hospitals they have bombed? All the day care centers? it's all they do! They never target the military. It's always schools, hospitals, stores, clubs, so forth. Edit, I need to get back to my homework. Too much before the break at college to ignore it. No matter how much I want to.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by GamerGal]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:28 PM
The Holy Land is the new South Africa; the only difference there is that it is not blacks and whites. Rather, it is Jews subjecting Muslims to checkpoints and treating them as second-class. I have said to friends and acquaintances that the situation there is by design, and no attempt at "peace" is genuine from either side. The sad thing is, the average person has no voice and simply plays the role pawn in the entire game.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Is that your opinion? or can you give us proof please?

If you are going to accuse a group of people of blowing up nurseries and killing babies you need to give proof please.

When has this happened?

You made an accusation, you need to be able to back it up with proof such as a reputable source that includes time, dates and location etc.

Some of us are waiting for the proof please.

We are trying to Deny Ignorance

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:42 PM
Gamer, what about all the Israeli actions, what about all the murder and mayhem they have committed over the past 6 decades or does that not count in your books. Are your views just slanted towards the Israelis.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Chris McGee
Don't they have a border with Egypt? Why can't the UN go in through the Egyptian side?

Perhaps that approach would not make as much headlines?

Stir up things with Iran and expect the USA to back Israel when the bombs fly?


[edit on 14-12-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by TheOracle

Excuse me sir, would you prefer to live well fed in a prison, under occupation, your land and rights stripped away
or get weapons, stand for your freedom and your land?

And also could you explain why ships containing food and aid are turned away by israelis?

[edit on 14-12-2008 by TheOracle]

It doesn't matter. While it is often considered a noble concept to die for "freedom", or whatever cause the Palestinians are fighting for... they are going about it the wrong way.

The FIRST thing is to feed your people. Emaciated soldiers are of no use to the cause.

Have you ever seen Al-Qaeda operatives who are starving? No... because no matter how evil they and their cause might be, they are far from stupid. They know the basics and logistics of operations.

Whatever the moral discussion behind this debate may be, I think it is highly evident that the Palestinians have made the wrong choice. If even a single child is starving while Hamas launches rockets, they have made a grave error.

Israel is turning away aid because they are engaged in the same total warfare that the Palestinians have been waging on Israel (ie targeting civilians).

I really am nonplussed as to why people forget that the Palestinian terrorists target Israeli civilians exclusively... and when Israel does the same they get called (nonsensically) Nazis.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:22 PM
44, this may be difficult for you to answer but how do you feed your people when others are stealing your land and your homes. Perhaps you are a magician and can conjour up food from thin air. Me I thought you plant crops and live off that but obviously not.

The first thing an invading force does is to deny the indigenous populause right to food and shelter. Perhaps you can tell me how you would feed yourself if you had no means to do so.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

You are unaware of all the hospitals they have bombed? All the day care centers? it's all they do! They never target the military. It's always schools, hospitals, stores, clubs, so forth. Edit, I need to get back to my homework. Too much before the break at college to ignore it. No matter how much I want to.

College??? Hmmm, My mistake.

You say in this and other posts that the Palestinians are baby killing day care bombers,
yet I do not recall ever seeing any links which might offer proof. Is this just your opinion?
The way it is written seems as if you are presenting it as fact. I didn't spend any time
looking for evidence of attacks deliberatly targeting schools or hospitals, I was kinda
hoping you would show me some. I did, however, find these

/2007/08/israel-kills-3-children-in-latest-attack.jpg] Palestinian Children Killed In Israeli Attack

Photographic evidence of what the aftermath of an Israeli attack looks like.

I wonder what her crime was

I wonder what they did

Al Mezan strongly condemns the crime which claimed the lives of two children and injured two others. It renews its strong condemnation of the continued Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip, which represents a measure of collective punishment and, therefore, a grave breach of International Humanitarian Law that brings about gross violations of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Given its duration, magnitude and outcomes, Al Mezan believes that this siege amounts to a war crime directed against civilians.

Al Mezan stresses that the disastrous impacts of this blockade has grave impacts on children, women, elderly and the sick in particular. It represents an outrageous detachment by Israel from its legal obligations under international law.

Al Mezan therefore retreats its calls upon the international community to immediately intervene and put an end to the Israeli human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, particularly the Gaza Strip. Al Mezan also calls on the international human rights and humanitarian organizations to denounce Israel's violations and increase their activities in order to disclose the Israeli practices and provide assistance for the civilians who are struck by them.

Source 12-3-08

Unfortunatly innocent people die in conflict but when you to say that someone is purposfully
targeting innocent people, I think you should look into which way your finger is pointing

[edit on 12/14/2008 by AlienChaser]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by 04326
i am sick and tired of people bringing up that video. It has been debunked a very long time ago. Here's some links to back up my claims:
Palestenians celebrate 9/11 : Debunked

#1 - WIKI isn't reliable.

#2 - The source you gave does NOT debunk the NBC footage.
It debunks those who claim that the CNN footage is fake.

The 'urban legend' is that the CNN video is fake.

Your link shows that the urban legend of the video being fake is wrong.

In otherwords - it's true footage.

And my link was to NBC - not to CNN.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

GamerGal I never agree with you on anything, but you are correct on this issue.

Hell must be ready to freeze.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by JanusFIN

I just hate Israel these days... [snip]

I just ask from all Jews in Israel, how dare you, how can you eat your meal, or sleep your nights?

As others have pointed out, it's odd that Egypt is being spared the wrath of indignation here. Some posters still don't seem to realize that Gaza isn't land-locked by Israel.

Not sure of the total numbers, but the US pledged roughly $750 million in aid directly in doubt the rest of the world pitches in something.

Terrorist attacks by Hamas:
The r ocket and mortar attacks randomly target civilians. (Just over 2500 attacks between Jan and Nov of this year.)
You can also look at a list of the Hamas terrorist attacks. (Notice that some actually do pick military targets.)

Is Israel collectively punishing the Gaza territory for these attacks? Yes. But I'm not sure what a realistic solution is. Hamas is firing missiles and Hamas controls the gov't. It's not realistic to simply say, "Israel should stop it." Yes, they should stop it. But the Palestinians should also stop firing rockets into Israeli towns.

It's an ugly impasse, which makes it so tragic.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:08 PM
How sad is it - that all of this killing has become the norm in a species
where the capacity to love and understand is so great.
And that - so many are so shortsighted - that they cannot see
how they are causing their own demise by their behavior -
and the demise of all that they have created and lived for.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:19 PM
No-one is talking about how the Americans have GIVEN Israel six trillion dollars over the past few decades, on top of free M16's as fast as the factories can pump them out. The Americans also handed them the bomb. Why?! The Zionist banker hierarchy has controlled the US like a puppet from day one. I mean, take one look at the BushCo administration. How many of those guys have dual citizenship?

Don't believe a word that the mainstream media feeds you about this - every single one of those companies are owned by Israeli interests. Mossad is also famous for false flag ops, they probably teach a course for the US operatives. Yes, both sides are full of extremist religious wackos - but don't ever fall for the BS that poor Israel is being 'terrorized'.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:52 PM
Both sides have blood on their hands. Israelis and Palestinians are both guilty of atrocities against each other. For that reason alone one should try to remain objective.

Not everyone can understand this so they take sides like they are at a sporting match. It is not football or is flesh and blood people... Everyone effected by this conflict is a human being, just like you and me.

I am disgusted at some of the nonsensical crap that occasionally spews forth on ATS when issues like this present themselves. I am not going to point the finger but let me say that being bigoted and racist is to embrace ignorance.

Bottom line is that the people on the Gaza Strip have a right to food just like you and I and NO government on this planet should be able to deny ANY human being this basic necessity of life.

Think on that


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by 04326
i am sick and tired of people bringing up that video. It has been debunked a very long time ago. Here's some links to back up my claims:
Palestenians celebrate 9/11 : Debunked

#1 - WIKI isn't reliable.

#2 - The source you gave does NOT debunk the NBC footage.
It debunks those who claim that the CNN footage is fake.

The 'urban legend' is that the CNN video is fake.

Your link shows that the urban legend of the video being fake is wrong.

In otherwords - it's true footage.

And my link was to NBC - not to CNN.

my apologies... it was written literally as i was running off to work and i obviously have not been paying full attention to what i post - my bad

but what i did neglect in my hurry was this link:

Israel & 911
as time goes on the Israel angle on 9/11 is gaining more momentum. I am not saying that it was them who prepetuated this horrendous crime but what i am saying is that there is clear evidence that Israel is not weeping over what happened.

Even more so, the fact remains that Israel had evidence of attacks way before 9/11 occurred but it seems that they failed to provide that information to the authorities... Here is a link to the four part series on Fox.
Israeli Spy Ring

"Since Sept. 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are "tie-ins." But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

"Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis, spotted in North Carolina recently, is suspected of keeping an apartment in California to spy on a group of Arabs who the United States is also investigating for links to terrorism. Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior to Sept. 11, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States."

As for the palestinian's dancing in the streets - my issue is that there was no to offer any context or background to the images, nor any attempt to separate those palestinians portrayed from palestinians as a whole. A comparable situation would be television anchors angrily reacting to scenes of the 1991 riots in Los Angeles, lamenting that "blacks do not respect law and order", while failing to note the preceding attack on Rodney King or endemic racial profiling of the black community in the U.S. by police forces.

The fact remains that the gaza strip is one area which is subjected to so much misinformation in the media that it is just plain criminal. where is journalistic integrity gone to?

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