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Why the heck does my eyes see the fanlike wheel with my eyelids closed?

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posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 12:18 PM
When I sleep, sometimes I see what looks like a fan spinning even though my eyelids are covering my eyes. Its like black and gray, I don't know if people see something like this, I hope I'm not crazy.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 12:35 PM
I know what you mean. When I get up to use the bathroom and close my eyes with the light on I see it spinning clockwise. Am I a clock?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by stikkinikki

They're a common occurance, people see things like flashing colours and geometric shapes... often neon colours dominate. They are even more prevelent in drug users and can still be seen years after final usage.
It's only wiki but...

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by deltaboy

It is called hypnagogic images. About 20 percent of the population has this and I am also one of them. It is fun! And the minute you start to become too alert they vanish.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:14 PM
Check and make sure that your eyes arent dry..yeah silly but people dont normally pay attention ;another medical type cause is small particles getting behind the eyes and not being washed out by tears as they should hence the dry eye thingy.
Other than that alot of people will move quickly to do a bunch of stuff right before bed this can also cause nerves in the backs of the eyes to fire off in this manner due to the sudden rush then slow down in the blood flow to the area...then theres the other one hehe
Alot of us who meditate intentionally use these lights that pop up when we are meditating to help us work out things we are focusing on. Some people who are capable of telekenisis have this constantly even with the eyes open at times.
If you arent working on some sort of awakening type of thing I would lean towards the fact that you are getting alot of particles building up on or behing the eye...

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:35 PM
ok so according to the wiki article i can do up to number 4, haven't tied 5 yet

also number 2 is something ive always been able to do all the time, i thought everyone could do it i thought it was normal vision.

Anyone have any more info on this?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Me too!

I see a spinning wheel too when my eyes are closed. And sometimes something that looks like words on a book or a street with somebody slowly walking around.

I mean it is not an afterimage, not an irritation of the eye (like if you rub your eyes you know), not imagination, not dreaming... Very hard to say actually.


I don't even know about that Wikipedia article, I've never used drugs? Though I'm a bit weird naturally...

[edit on 8-12-2008 by ukuli]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 09:56 PM
I notice that when I look at the sky.. I can see blurs of fluggy black dots with holes in the middle moving together in the same direction.

I have 20 / 20 vision and can even see in the pitch black darkness. When I un-focus my eyes when looking at lights I can see it as well.

I had an occurence a few years back when it seemed I was being swarmed by a bunch of black ash.. Like if someome lit somepaper on fire and it was bowing in the wind.. It was wierd then faded.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Cio88]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:09 AM
The things that float across your vision are different than the spinning wheel or whatever it is. The spin is constant like a metronome. I thought it was related to rapid eye movement but that is more random than this spin. I haven't had any psychedelic mind alterants in many years so I don't really buy that it is drug induced.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:34 AM
Reading that wiki article, I've been entertained by Level 1 to 4 for years now. As for the drug link to this, I can't quite remember if I was capable of this before I first dabbled with acid or pot as I started dabbling in these things at a fairly early age.

Level 3 is my usual bedtime routine. Finally get settled in bed, close my eyes and watch the pretty patterns for a while as I fall asleep.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:12 PM
Lucky you, my hypnagogic images are full of deformed and scary, metallic faces of unknown people.
Hypnagogia - The Unique State of Consciousness Between Wakefulness and Sleep

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 08:45 AM
Ok this morning something weird happened related to this. I was just waking up facing the closet and barely opened my eyes and I could see little green lights and the spinning thing. I focused on one of the little green lights and i could see it was digital time with green numbers. It looked the same as the clock my wife uses but I was facing the closet away from her clock. Pretty weird huh?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:16 AM
QueenofWeird has it right...

unless your describing a state of dreaming in black-&-white

here's more about that hard-to-pronounce visual effect, from:

activities are mutually reinforced."

Every night of every day, people everywhere retreat to their beds to sleep, and oftentimes to dream. Many of us are not aware however, that the many levels of consciousness we undergo during the stages of sleep offer a link between our conscious mind and its manifested dream world; perhaps even the possibility of another realm of cognition altogether. Hypnagogia, the deeply relaxed state of consciousness that occurs shortly prior to falling asleep, has been recognized for hundreds of years as a source of creative thought and intuition by a long list of distinguished philosophers, artists, and scientists, names of which include Aristotle and Albert Einstein (1).

Research into hypnagogia is now shedding light on long-sought-for explanations of psychic abilities and creative intuition obtained outside direct sensory processes by revealing the possibility that our brain may have the ability to tap into other states of consciousness (6). The phenomenon of the hypnagogic hallucinations which occur in this period are characterized by a slideshow of highly condensed, discontinuous, and bizarre imagery of faces, figures, animals, print and writing. Also accompanying this is often hearing one’s name being whispered, hearing music, and undergoing temporary physical paralysis (4, 7).

These visual, auditory, and physical stimuli, have been known to cultivate intuition, bring flashes of inspiration, and offer creative insight to those who experience them (1).


to my thinking, you are glimpsing at the contact with the higher brain,
it is up to your consciousness to develop a more developed link through
more contact, via intentional/visualization/meditation, etc

much, if not 99.9% of this type of communication is blotted out by the
'noise' of work-a-day living and the admonishment to 'Quit Daydreaming'
by the hectic, total involvement conditioning we are taught in the west,
leaving no time for one to truly expand one's ability to interface with the 'collective consciousness' or higher brain function.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Sometimes-mostimes when I close my eyes at night to goto sleep, I see 'shadow characters' and/or something I do see sometimes is a 'white spirit' that is the best way to explain the whatever it is. When I goto sleep sometimes it is 'above me'. So strange, because afew nights ago that I tried to do alittle experment. I 'focused' on that white spirit and all of a sudden after that I felt 'energy' around me and I saw while I had my eyes closed, look something like black'inwhite tv with the lots/and/lots of black things moving around. I really hope ALL of what I said is due with meditating and/or psychic. I hope that you can answer.

Originally posted by xoxo stacie
Check and make sure that your eyes arent dry..yeah silly but people dont normally pay attention ;another medical type cause is small particles getting behind the eyes and not being washed out by tears as they should hence the dry eye thingy.
Other than that alot of people will move quickly to do a bunch of stuff right before bed this can also cause nerves in the backs of the eyes to fire off in this manner due to the sudden rush then slow down in the blood flow to the area...then theres the other one hehe
Alot of us who meditate intentionally use these lights that pop up when we are meditating to help us work out things we are focusing on. Some people who are capable of telekenisis have this constantly even with the eyes open at times.
If you arent working on some sort of awakening type of thing I would lean towards the fact that you are getting alot of particles building up on or behing the eye...

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