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Sexual Preferences

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posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 10:02 PM
Another good point. I believe you have to have something twisted in your brain to think on the lines of a killer, that or be pushed to far. Or you just know something other people haven't grasped, nor want to.

posted on Mar, 31 2004 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Originally posted by Facefirst

I believe that gay people are born pre-disposed to have same sex preference. I also believe that no one is born with a desire to have sex with children. I think most people would agree that pedophilia is a result of something that happened to the pedophile to make them have that preference. Most likely when the pedophile was a child. ie. childhood molestation, traumatic experience, broken down family, etc.

So you are saying that abnormal sexual preferences that you agree with are "pre-disposed", but ones you don't agree with are a product of trama?

I don't quite follow your logic here and I think it's rather convinient don't you think?

First off, I never said I agree with anything. Don't put words in my mouth, it is not welcome or appreciated. I was giving my layman's opinion here, just as you do.

I think that I generalized too much in the opinion I presented.

I think that there are always people who are "messed up" by nature. ie. chemical imbalances, genetic deformities etc. Perhaps one day, geneticist's will find a DNA pattern for pedophilia. Who knows?

But I tend to agree with the idea that was presented earlier. I also don't think Jeffery Dalhmer emerged from his mother's womb with the hunger for human flesh. I tend to think he had inherent problems, but most likely he came to act out on them by his upbringing and experiences.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by TheRaven
Another good point. I believe you have to have something twisted in your brain to think on the lines of a killer, that or be pushed to far. Or you just know something other people haven't grasped, nor want to.

I just dont believe that enviroment has too much to do with it, while I have not been molested I myself have seen things that would give Charles Manson nightmares and have known a lot of others that have been molested and abused and NONE of them are serial killers so it has to be something else or at least in combination with something else

[Edited on 1-4-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 09:04 AM
Anything can create a serial Killer, bad childhood, violence, abuse etc. Not all Killers have been molested or anything, some have expose to too much violence.
Thats my theory

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by infinite
Anything can create a serial Killer, bad childhood, violence, abuse etc. Not all Killers have been molested or anything, some have expose to too much violence.
Thats my theory

How many War veterans have become serial killers? Thats why I say it has to be something inside.

Some people even in war can not bring themselves to kill. So can. You do not make some one a killer they are born one and just placed in the right place.

You can ask what about the guy that was a store clerk before joining the army?

He was not a store clerk that became a killer he was a killer that USED to be a store clerk.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Amuk

Originally posted by infinite
Anything can create a serial Killer, bad childhood, violence, abuse etc. Not all Killers have been molested or anything, some have expose to too much violence.
Thats my theory

How many War veterans have become serial killers? Thats why I say it has to be something inside.

Some people even in war can not bring themselves to kill. So can. You do not make some one a killer they are born one and just placed in the right place.

You can ask what about the guy that was a store clerk before joining the army?

He was not a store clerk that became a killer he was a killer that USED to be a store clerk.

i heard that some troops are unable to join the army because they were seemed "too violent"

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 09:28 AM
You really burns me inside when we are catagorized in the same umbrella as child molesters, beastialitists (if that's a word), rapists, serial killers, etc.

First off I know it's not a choice. Example....I have an older brother and younger sister. Our brother has a different father but was adopted by my father when he was 2. Now, my brother is straight, I'm gay and my sister is bi-sexual. Now, with having the same upbringing, how is it that my brother (who doesn't share the same genetics as me and my sister) turned out straight while we have the "gay gene"?

Stop making us out to be some kind of monster just because you don't understand/are afraid of something that your not knowledgeable about. :bnghd:

Rant onto topic. Child molestation is illegal (as it should be). Acting upon being gay is not illegal (anymore). It will be a very sad day in our future if our government/law makers can't see the difference between 2 consenting adults and not 2 consenting adults. As for incest....if they are too dumb to realize that they shouldn't be marrying/having babies etc. then that's verry sad.

[Edited on 1-4-2004 by MacMerdin]

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 09:30 AM
1) Frequent

2) Funk nasty

3) as a daily Night Cap

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by MacMerdin
...turned out straight while we have the "gay gene"?

Come on man, there is just not enough junk science out there to really back this one up yet. I've been on your side on quite a few issues, but this is not one of them.

Also, when people say that it is a choice, they do not always mean that someone (like you) sat down, thought it out, and made a choice.

You, most likely, are not a theif. But why? Did you really sit down and think it out, then make the choice not to be one? Probably not, but yet you are not one. There is still a choice to be had regardless of when it was made.

Same goes with alcoholics. They say that is genetic, yet I see people with the "gene" NOT being alcoholics all day long. It comes down to what you want to do.

[Edited on 1-4-2004 by MacMerdin]

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by JustAnIllusion
I was arguing with my mom the other night about legalizing gay marriage, (Im for it), and she brought up a point that made me think.

She said "Well being gay is a sexual preference, something that cant be helped. So if you condone homosexuality on the grounds that it is an uncontrollable sexual preference, then you also condone child molestation. Its a sexual preference."

I certainly do NOT condone child molestation, (child molestors deserve to be shot), but it made me think. If we allow gay marriage, are we opening the doors to other things?

Also, if we legalize gay marriage, will taxes be higher? Im not sure...

I wont even read the other replies to this and i can tell you why being gay is ok but being a paedophile isnt...

A Homosexual relationship involves two consenting adults...

A paedolphilic relationship involves one consenting adult and a child who either does not want it or does not understand what is happening...

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 09:24 PM

I did not intend to compare you to a serial killer I merely was stating that just because you are born a certain way does not mean it is OK to act on it. My problem was with that arguement not Gays.

I am on yalls side on this issue I wish yall luck in getting society to award you the basic human rights that the rest of us enjoy, lord knows you are gonna need it.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:51 PM
Amuk. I fail to see how getting married is a basic human right.

Really it is just a recognition of something religious.

When the agreement (or union) is done through the state, it should be called that. That would be the definition of civil union and should apply to hetro and homosexual alike.

Even those are not human rights, but rather a recognition.

The term marriage has become to all encompassing.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:00 PM

Really it is just a recognition of something religious.

I fail to see where it is a religious matter, we were married without a preacher

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:39 PM
Marriage historically is a religious institution that was recognized by the government then taking on a governmental dynamic (in that you could be "married" by the state).

Being married by the state is not being married. It is a civil union regardless of your preference.

This system would make everyone happy while keeping with the equality of rights (so long as the "civil union" was in fact given the same rights, which it should be.)

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:44 AM
She said "Well being gay is a sexual preference, something that cant be helped. So if you condone homosexuality on the grounds that it is an uncontrollable sexual preference, then you also condone child molestation. Its a sexual preference."

Am i the only one that sees this, If the mother says it is a preference, it is something that cant be helped? You are not born with a preference. you prefer a preference.

Nice april fools question,its 11:45 p.m. here. just made it.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Marriage historically is a religious institution that was recognized by the government then taking on a governmental dynamic (in that you could be "married" by the state).

Being married by the state is not being married. It is a civil union regardless of your preference.

This system would make everyone happy while keeping with the equality of rights (so long as the "civil union" was in fact given the same rights, which it should be.)

Are you saying me and my wife are not married?

Thats not what our license says. Our marrige is just as legitimite as anyone elses.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:41 AM
link have valid points about the choice issue. But, I think the only people who have an actual choice in their sexual preference are Bi-sexual people. Not homo or Hetero. I do believe that all the factors in your life are what makes you personally. Maybe if we stopped using the word choice and use predisposition instead? I'm not sure.

Amuk.....I wasn't attacking this thread (or you) about the serial killer issue. I was just making a generalized statement. Sorry if I offended you. I'll try and be more clear in the future.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:48 AM
I think predisposition would be just fine. It would not to be gay though, but rather to have the need to be safe.

I think being gay is much more safe than being hetrosexual and far easier.

The sex would be enjoyable to most everyone so it's not an attraction issue.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:25 PM
this might add a little something, well only if your religous that is and believe in the one God.

well first lets look at was God is, its a perfect entity in which each and every one of us is made in his image, put here by him, with our own free will.

in the flood in exodus, God destroyed the earth or the known earth because of human unpurity, and among those things mentioned, is sexual perversion. the sexual perversion listed was sex with animals, outside of marriage sex, and same sex ie woman woman and man man, also in the likes of huge orgys...

God warned and nobody listened, also the city of sodom and gamora was the same, with sexual perversion one of the things for it being burned down.

now if people are born gay, then God has committed premeditated murder, for the fact is that he made a person gay from birth without choice then went on to judge them and kill them for their actions in which he programmed them with, that is premeditated murder and with that God then becomes no longer perfect and in turn is no longer God

so with that how can one be born gay? from a perfect being? who is then later going to judge them on what he gave them no free will with.....

in turn this is also why one cannot be born a child molestor and etc...although birth defects can account for some, but with proper up bringings it should not be a problem...

if this doesnt convince you about gays and it being a mortal sin, i dont know what will

i am a roman catholic by birth and by choice and believe that sexual perversion is a sin and disease, and one will not go to hell if repented but will pass through purgatory before heaven

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
Are you saying me and my wife are not married?

Thats not what our license says. Our marrige is just as legitimite as anyone elses.

Peace brother. I am not saying it is not "legitimate". I am saying that it is a civil union rather than a "marriage"

Call it what you will, but this whole thing is nothing but one huge semantics battle.

Religion wants it called something other than marriage, and gays want it called marriage because they want the same thing, not just the same rights it seems.

Honestly, who cares what the government labels it as.

To label marriages done by the state as civil unions (hetro and homosexual) will sure equality while keeping the religious (which are a huge portion of the US) from tearing the roof off.

That would be the best solution as far as I am concerned because it would please the greatest amount of people.

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