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Sudden change of mind.

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posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Buck Division

Thanks for the excellent reply.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Sublime620

You need to go back and read what Palin said. She never said she wanted to build the bridge. She stated that she supports infrastructure projects and linking communities. The fact check article is clearly one sided, and it is obvious.

Palin has cut federal money going into Alaska considerably. She ran for governor, because she wanted to reduce wasteful spending. The record is clear. This nonsense on this bridge project is just more of the mudd that has been thrown at her in a display of media bias that is disgusting. Its like the flap about Palins wardrobe.

Obama's failure to prove that he is a naturalized citizen is far more of a serious issue, and the mainstream media is completely ignoring the issue.

I wonder how many people are disgusted with the behavior of the media this year, and change their minds on this situation alone.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:21 PM
Knowing that there are only 2 choices, and that both are obviously fronted by TPTB, has me feeling very disappointed and helpless. ... The arguments of either side are so superficial and irrelevant to the needs of the majority of the working class majority, and only benefit the ultra rich, and to a much lesser extent the welfare class. .... My conscience tells me that voting for either of the candidates is voting for a stranger to the needs of all but a fractional few. They are indebted to a force that exist out of view of all, but those that at the top of the food chain, and both political parties are owned by them. .... I have been aware of TPTB since my early teens, and never was comfortable with the idea that our political system was such a con game of smoke and mirrors. ... Once again I am going to the polls to vote for a candidate, and roughly 50% of the voters will vote for the other.... The manipulators win again, and we continue to exist as a country divided. .... It doesn't surprise me in the least, that a voter would bobble while in the voting booth, and not know why they slipped up, and pulled the wrong lever.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:45 PM
...I received 8 stars for my last post but was removed for manners and decorum....I don't remember what I said but lets see if I can say it again but be polite.
1) I don't believe you changed your mind in the voting booth.
2) I feel an ulterior motive for telling this story, such as to give people permission to "want" to vote for Obama but not to, and blame it on some weird phenomena.
3) You should go find 2 Obama votes to make up for this....if you regret it in the first place.
yours humbly, Res.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

For God's sake, you actually did the right thing. That was the rational, common sense part of your brain telling you what you should do. Be thankful your inner self rescued you from voting for an avaricious, self glorifying, socialist, elitist tyrant.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

Just tossing this out there for consideration... I am not saying that what follows is the case for you.

There is a TON of propaganda being bandied about, and a lot of it is designed to work on the emotional and subconscious level to raise fears about Obama.

The whole set of "we don't know him", he might be a Muslim, he "hangs around with terrorists", and on and on. Pretty much all of these propaganda points are not based on fact, but that does not matter with propaganda.

Your own thoughts at the time:

Originally posted by die_another_day
I was going to vote for Obama almost tentatively, but when I was choosing, I mindlessly voted for McCain instead.

It just happened like that, I lost all of my logic at that point.
All I had in my mind was "No, Obama can't be president."

may indicate that for a split second, the crucial one, your emotions or subconscious took over and made your decision for you.

This is not an attack on you or your choice or your intelligence or anything like that. We all have been influenced by propaganda at one time or another, and only continuous awareness of the attempt is any kind of defense and that is not always effective.

I am intrigued by the power of the human mind, and the ways in which it can be manipulated. And the propagandists in the US have had decades to perfect their skills, and they are very good at it.

Anyway, just a thought.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:44 PM

I have a theory that the reason Obama has so much support, is because white people want to vote for a Black candidate just to prove once and for all they are not racists. Like a badge of honor.

I wholeheartedly agree with that. I would vote for Ron Paul if he were on the ballot but unfortunately we only get to pick the lesser of two evils. In my opinion, I'd rather have a mediocre president who can at least publicly speak and represent our country, so I would have to go with Obama.

I also see a lot of Dick Cheney in Sarah Palin, and I even notice when TV Shows are broadcasting commercials that they're going to be talking about the candidates, it's Obama, McCain, and then Palin. It looks to me like three separate campaigns. I just think the McCain - Palin thing looks backwards and she would be doing more than a VP should be doing, like Dick...

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:46 PM
The same thing happened to me. When friends would discuss politics with me I'd say, "I don't care who is President, only that their is one choosen in a free and fair election."

This year I felt that is very important that I vote and went to register. Seven months later after actually paying attention to the campaign process, I became totally disgusted and thought to myself, "why would anyone pin their hopes and dreams on these people?" and "Only a damn fool would build and live in a system where his life was dependent on the outcome of a vote."

I remembered who I am and tore up my registration card and will not vote at all becuase I couldn't care less about who becomes President or anything else.

I've washed my hands of this madness.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Open_Minded Skeptic

IMO - that is exactly the desired effect of all of the negative ads. To cast a shadow of doubt when you otherwise have no good argument.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Congratulations on your last-minute change of mind. The deed is done, you did the right thing. I think you know in your heart Barrack Obama would be the worst thing that ever happened to our country. For all you America haters that are going to attack me for my opinion: don't bother, I'm not coming back to this thread so I won't see it. I'm sick of your hate. Peace anyway.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

I have been on this site for 2 years and never had a warning or a post deleted
until now. I don't even remember what I said. So I can't repeat it in a less offensive manner.

I am sorry but this site seems to be leaning Pro-McCain at least moderators sure seem to be leaning that way. I post the same things on other sites that aren't political and the MODS don't say a word.

Makes me wonder.

As for changing your mind on who to vote for, that's cool. For some people, until your looking at the screen with the names you won't know for sure 100%. I think they did stats once and it was about 15% that were decided but their vote choice was soft, and they could change their mind.

That's McCain only hope that Obama's last 15% support is soft.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
reply to post by Res Ipsa

As for changing your mind on who to vote for, that's cool. For some people, until your looking at the screen with the names you won't know for sure 100%. I think they did stats once and it was about 15% that were decided but their vote choice was soft, and they could change their mind.

That's McCain only hope that Obama's last 15% support is soft.

Thats more than enough for McCain. If what you say unfolds it could be a landslide for McCain. Considering the margin of error, +- 4%, on the polls and this 15% soft support you mentioned. There might be a lot of sad people come Wednesday morning.

I still can't understand why people pin their self esteem on something like this.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Buck Division

But then I remembered that I could make a historic decision for utter change, the likes of which have not been seen during my entire life.

So basically, you voted for him because hes black? What massive "change" are you talking about anyway?

reply to post by Blue_Jay33

I am sorry but this site seems to be leaning Pro-McCain at least moderators sure seem to be leaning that way. I post the same things on other sites that aren't political and the MODS don't say a word.

Most all of the prominent McCain backers on this forum have either been run out of town or banned out right. The forum run regular MSNBC ads that trash McCain and Palin. Most the posters here are far left, Republican hating conspiracy theorists and you think its a right leaning forum? Where do you guys get this stuff?

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Marcus Calpurnius]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
Most the posters here are far left, Republican hating conspiracy theorists and you think its a right leaning forum? Where do you guys get this stuff?

This claim is made on a fairly regular basis, by both "sides". I have never seen any evidence to support the claim that "the forum" or "the board" leans one way or the other.

Individual mods do, of course. But I don't recall seeing any flagrant "modding" based on political preference.

I do not believe this claim has any basis in fact.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Marcus Calpurnius

Maybe that's because people who you claim to be "McCain advocaters" don't really advocate for McCain, but really just sling mud and BS propaganda at Obama.

And where did you get he voted because he was black (other than that convoluted little brain of yours)?

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:23 PM
I'd say, to the OP, that you had doubt in your mind about Obama that came out swinging at the last minute. Ask yourself - is there something(s) about the man or his campaign that bothers you?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by sos37

I think that's a fair assessment. Either doubt of Obama or a part of him felt McCain deserved more credit than he had been previously giving him.

Like I said, when I went to cast my vote, I briefly considered McCain, but it was all shot in the foot once I thought of Palin.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 07:29 PM
You followed your gut and acted on what you felt in your heart was the right thing to do.

I think too many people are wrapped up in the energy that Obama can create and are buying THAT rather than his actual policies. People aren't thinking things through and are just sold on his chants of 'change'.

I'm hoping that more people will do what you did and that the United States will not elect Obama.


posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:51 PM
Why don't we all agree that we are being manipulated by both sides, that are representing the interest of a few very powerful people, and not the interest of we the people . .... Regardless of who wins the election, the era of our country being a super power is going to end. .... Are we all so shallow that we accept that there is only 2 ways to view the people of our vast nation? This is a carefully orchestrated plan to divide and conquer. .... The issues that people have the strongest feelings about, and stir up anger and emotion, aren't really issues that will affect the majority of us, or even half of us that vote. .... The manipulations are so strong at this point in time, that any one trying to make a logical choice as to which candidate will best represent, instead of choosing due to party affiliation, is sure to find themselves confused once they arrive at their local precinct, or county courthouse, and enter the voting booth. .... In the scheme of things as they truly are, do you really think that it makes a difference?.... In the Soviet Union, people only had one less choice than we do when choosing a leader... not much difference when you think about it.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Marcus Calpurnius
reply to post by Buck Division

But then I remembered that I could make a historic decision for utter change, the likes of which have not been seen during my entire life.

So basically, you voted for him because hes black? What massive "change" are you talking about anyway?

Come again? What? Who is black? You mean Barrack Obama? Sorry, I'm not following you there.

By massive change, I mean a step forward in leveling the playing feel. I'm talking mainly about raising taxes on the wealthy, who really aren't paying their fair share.

I thought that was clear.

You may disagree with me on that, and you are completely welcome to cast your vote for whoever you want, just like me.

Edit: I don't want to be flippant. It is all part of a big picture of much needed and long-overdue change. I do believe it is history in the making, on many different levels.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Buck Division]

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