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Am i time tracking..

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:51 PM
There may be others threads on this but i've decided to write this seen as im going through it myself.

Whats happening is every other hour im looking at the clock uintentionly,everytime ive looked the numbers of the hour and minutes are exactly the same(24 hour clock).Its like theres something in my mind reminding or telling me to look at the time,within the 2 week period i have looked and noticed the times;


I dont believe i have something special here or some sort of power,
im just wondering if anyone else has expierenced this sort of thing.


[edit on 15-10-2008 by BedroomHero]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:22 PM
I don't have this happen to me ever but my brother does, he doesn't label it and he takes it as a coincidence. Even further though, with him after he sees the time he notices that time once again in a different form. He uses a 12 hour clock and say it's 3:12, he'll look at his stereo in his car and the song will be playing at the 3:12 mark as he looks for that one second. Or it'll be on a billboard quoting scripture or something. Just informing there is someone else that has this happening to them

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Funny you should mention that...
I have been experiencing the very same thing for the past few weeks - since early September, I think.

And that's not all: when I mentioned it to a relative of mine, she told me she had been experiencing the same lately.
(This may be relevant: we do not live in the same house; most of the time we don't even live in the same country. But we ARE very "synchronised"; we jokingly refer to each other as "twins". Except she is even more level-headed than I am - and I consider myself a born skeptic.)

I have never experienced such a thing before (many truly "weird" things, yes, absolutely - but not this).
And it's not about a single combination or two; what makes it interesting is that it happens almost EVERY time I look at my PC clock: 15:15, 23:23, 14:14, 9:09 - etc.

It's not a matter of "attention", as many would, no doubt, flippantly suggest.
I have always been quite "attentive" and sensitive to my surroundings (I have to be, considering the kind of work I do); I only noticed this "pattern" after it jumped at me, so to speak - after it has happened many times. So... why now?

I would like to hear any explanations anyone might have (even though none can be "definitive").

[edit on 15-10-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:47 PM
My belief on this is that the human brain is doing this, and it's nothing paranormal or exceptional.

I know that this phenomenon has a name, but I can't find it now, I'll post links when it gets back, it's actually a documented thing, nothing uncommon.

Fact is that we see the time, signs, radio displays, etc. all the time, because there are such things everywhere. Most of the time, we see those numbers without properly speaking looking at them, they just happen to be in our vision field, but not at the focus. When those particular numbers are shown, because they are somehow particular, the brain gets more attention to them, and we somehow notice them. It is the same phenomenon that makes us see objects or faces in the clouds shapes for instance.

To give you another example, when I was more or less addicted to IRC, I used to see the clock show 13:37 more often than ever!

For those who don't get it, on IRC, some people speak "elite", or leet as it has become. It involves using numbers (amongst other things) for letters, like a 4 for a A, 5 for S, etc. LEET can then be seen or written as 1337...

To remain totally honest, I was also seeing all sorts of "other" times on the clock, like 14:02 or 12:50 or any other... It's just that being in the context, that particular number 1337 had some meaning, and the clock is right there on the bottom right of the screen, so I see it even if I don't look at it... The brain is doing the rest.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:57 PM
i have had that problem since i can remember. always 11:11.

even in 6th grade.. i was like weirrd.

but i dont think ill ever know why that is... unless its just coincidence

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by SpookyVince

See, this is precisely what I was talking about...

You have a "reason" to see - look for - the number 13:37.
And you see other numbers, too.

But I have no "reason" to look for every single number on the clock - doubled.
They mean nothing to me.

And I hardly ever see a different number, lately.
(I know because I started making a mental note each time I glance towards the clock; and I don't look at it very often at all. I am not a watch/clock person

Nothing in my working (mental) habits or environment has changed.
If there were such a "pattern" before, I would have noticed it.

But I realise it's difficult to explain to anyone who doesn't really know me why this has grabbed my attention to the point of feeling the need to reply in this thread.

And it doesn't matter anyway, I suppose.
I'd just like to know what is causing these "sightings" - because, whatever it is (in me), my PC clock definitely IS trying to tell me something...

[edit on 15-10-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince
the brain gets more attention to them, and we somehow notice them. It is the same phenomenon that makes us see objects or faces in the clouds shapes for instance.

This is very interesting,im rather intrigued
because i often see cloud patters/symbols too.


posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 06:04 PM
internal clock. I use to do the same thing.. BUT, I knew I had to be off the computer and off to bed by 12:00 so I always caught the clock at 11:59 (was there a reason for the time your seeing? Really think about it)....everytime.
As far as the patterns, I ALWAYS find patterns in everything.. You can break down even your toes to find a pattern (I promise on that one). If your looking for something your gonna find it and it will drive you crazy if you get stuck in it.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:36 PM

As far as the patterns, I ALWAYS find patterns in everything.. You can break down even your toes to find a pattern (I promise on that one). If your looking for something your gonna find it and it will drive you crazy if you get stuck in it.

Very true.

But *I* am not looking for any patterns - not in clouds, not in numbers.
If anything, this particular set of "patterns" is looking for ME.

(And it's not a question of psychological make-up. In me, deliberately disregarding patterns is actually a matter of personal philosophy - unless I have the specific task of finding a pattern, or until a pattern imposes itself on me, i.e. becomes too obvious to ignore.)

And BTW, it's slowly subsiding now.
(My not looking at the clock may have something to with it...

[edit on 16-10-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:59 PM
I wake at 5:35 every single morning. I wondered if it was me or the internal clock. I changed the time to 10 early. Surprise, 5:35.
There are algorithms running in the brain you may not even be aware of.
I have lately been noticing the apparent time effects of 11:11, 12:12 etc....
I realize this may be happening because I read some articles on ATS that had to do with this and perhaps awoke me to the possibility. It's kind of like you buy a new car, and then all of a sudden, you see that same make and model all over the place. Is it that everyone is buying that car at the same time as you are, or just that you have become somehow attached to the idea of it and your brain becomes pre programmed to notice. There are so many things that bypass your consciousness and go directly into you sub consciousness that if you were thinking about all of that all at once you would blow a fuse.
Not really the exact answer you might be looking for, but read more here on some possible connections.
The aethereum and our connection to it.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Vanitas
But *I* am not looking for any patterns - not in clouds, not in numbers.
If anything, this particular set of "patterns" is looking for ME.

(And it's not a question of psychological make-up. In me, deliberately disregarding patterns is actually a matter of personal philosophy - unless I have the specific task of finding a pattern, or until a pattern imposes itself on me, i.e. becomes too obvious to ignore.)

double digit occurrences...that's pretty cool. i've only fell prey to one or two specific times that kept popping up for a few weeks at a time.

what you are saying is that these double digits have no inherent meaning to you and you are not looking for them or the pattern of them, right, they just are there when you look?

i think we do not give our subconscious mind enough credit in these kind of circumstances. i think you saw a 12:12, a 10:10, a 9:09, all separately within the course of a few days and that triggered the response of "oh, that's weird," which is all the brain needs to dwell, mull, obsess over for the next few weeks/months/years. recognition alone is enough to sync yourself up to these events. in the background, your brain always calculates...always times things out...and if you do not impede its process, it will provide you with commonalities that seem irrational.

the reason you see double digits on clocks is because your brain/body knows when those double digits are due to show their gleaming twin silhouettes. you picked up on a pattern, recognized it's oddity, and sealed your fate.

this does not devalue the significance of these occurrences or the meaning attributed to them, because your mind has its own need and purpose for them. the pattern was recognized, therefore, maybe it was essential for you to be aware of certain times [and your location at that those times] or those individual digits specifically. the duality and commonality could be lessons for anything in your specific life that your brain needs to tell/warn/prepare/obsess you with.

our minds make anything sacred, and i really do love that.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 09:40 PM
I am glad I found this thread. A while back I had the same thing happening to me. It stopped after about a month. I never said anything or told any one because it was so crazy. Now I know it was not just me. Finding this thread makes me feel a lot better.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 09:59 PM
Sorry for not having replied sooner; I didn't notice your post.
(So many threads, so little time - and it's not even mine

what you are saying is that these double digits have no inherent meaning to you and you are not looking for them or the pattern of them, right, they just are there when you look?

That's exactly what I mean. I could be watching [insert trashy programme of choice
] while scribbling and humming an impromptu tune, all at once, and then my eye catches the clock - and there it is: 21:21, 16:16, 23:23, etc.

The reason you see double digits on clocks is because your brain/body knows when those double digits are due to show their gleaming twin silhouettes. you picked up on a pattern, recognized it's oddity, and sealed your fate.

If THIS isn't poetry, I don't know what is.

I love your explanation.

(And I am serious, the hideous smilies notwithstanding. :-))

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

Did you see a particular number / combination or various numbers?

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Vanitas
reply to post by fixer1967

Did you see a particular number / combination or various numbers?

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Vanitas]

No matter what time it was the last two numbers (minutes) would be "stuck" on 11.
3:11 and so on. I could wake up in the middle of the night and the clock would read :11. It got really odd. It would happen at work and at home day and night. It went on for a month or so and just stopped and oddly and it started.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 08:01 AM
Not to brussle any feathers but there is a reason for it. It goes like this...
Say you brain is a computer..
Your visual "sight" picks up 2,000 bytes of info to send to your brain through conscious effort.
Now your subconscious on the other hand, is picking upwards in the 2 million bytes range, although you dont "consciously" notice it going on...hence our ability to attach emotions and sensations to memories even though we didnt "try" and make it happen.
Now with the numbers. I have had it alot to, all my life as a matter a fact ! Everytime I get down to business and just stop when I see it....I have a memory of something. It isnt always important but about 80% of the time it is.
Next time you "notice" your number pattern stop what your doing relax and just wait a minute or two and see what comes to mind and write it down. Do this for one day or more and compare the thoughts and see if you have a pattern. hint hint it will stop then.....

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

Ah... the mysterious 11!

I don't know why so many people see it (and no other number) - I suspect in many cases, especially among USA citizens, the mind has taken the "ominous" number, associated with the September 11th disaster, as some sort of (personal) warning sign - but it is interesting.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by xoxo stacie

Well... it's certainly worth considering.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:21 PM
Well Ive asked a few people about this and everyone I have asked said that it happens to them.. Im still leaning completely toward the internal clock and the magnetic draw that patterns have on us.

Maybe I will be proven wrong though

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:44 PM
I see 2:40 all the time. Not just clocks, receipts, people saying it for various reasons, addresses Im needed at, it happens at least 3 times a day not on the clock and twice a day on the clock. I think I know why but still I want to see 420 instead.
It pops up on electric poles or license plates right before something happens that requires me to make a decision that could change the outcome of my life. At which point, I am prompted to either make a materialistic decision, or a spiritual decision. I have come to realize, it is merely a play on numbers, the universe telling me to look at the 4-d more closely.
If it be mere coincidence, right on, cause its aided me in making some awesome decisions and observations about time and people that I would otherwise have had no reason to contemplate.
Thank you oh mighty plethora of meaningful coincidences. (240 coincidences seem to only make up %10 of the strange coincidences that haunt me hourly. 240 is just the only one associated with numerical allegory.)

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