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The American way of life is dead…

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posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 02:44 PM
When I clicked on the link there was an interesting motto at the end of the page. forum. The place where truth hurts

American dream.
To dream, you have to asslep first.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by yanchek]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by yanchek

LOL. Well that would certainly describe the vast majority of this nation for the past few decades. Totally asleep and oblivious. That is partly why these Elitists have been able to get away with this plundering and gutting of the financial infrastructure. People are now waking up to the criminality of it all, but I fear it may be too late. These criminals are taking the final last heist (off the backs of the struggling tax-serf populace), and running for the hills.


posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 02:51 PM
Thank God! The American way of life is about materialism, greed, consumerism, corporate/political power, and destruction of our resources and environment. Funny how we are supposed to be a Christian nation and everything that we stand for is 180 deg opposite from the fundamental teachings of Christ (it's actually not very funny and NEEDs to collapse!).

[edit on 10-10-2008 by whatsup]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 02:52 PM
Russia shouldn't throw stones in a glass house. There are far more
people on the immigration waiting list for the United States than there
are waiting to immigrate to Russia, LOL.

There are adjustments being made at all times in all nations. Some
for the better, some not. It has occured throughout history and will
continue for many generations to come.

Thankfully though, our country still allows each of us to have the freedom
to chart our own course. Opportunities still abound. For example,
U.S. Blue Chip stocks are a literal STEAL right now. A great investment
for those who understand cycles and still believe that America has the
best, most innovative minds and workers on the planet.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 02:58 PM
Solar, Tahnks for the vid, I have seen it before and of course its all correct. That we have allowed ourselves to be so easily brainwashed is quite astonishing really. The problem is that there are still to many believing this daily diet of lies and disinfo, many are here on these boards, hopefully they too will awake from their deep slumber.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
You know... this kind of reminds me of the Roaring 1920s before the Great Depression that led to World War 2 on other countries which led to the Superpower status of the U.S. Me like!!!!!
We may experience the same parallel situation as other countries' people clamor for action which may include war where the U.S. may benefit.
[edit on 10-10-2008 by deltaboy]

Delta Boy, you romanticize war so much; perhaps you should try it on a personal level. "Clamor for action" so to speak!

American way of life isn't dead, just very, very sick.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 03:29 PM
Whaa, We need to convert people like Delta who think waging war and killing poeple is great. Its one of the main reasons why the US is in the mess its in right now. People who sing the songs of war invariably dont fight in them or suffer the consequences of said wars. And thats the problem for so many Americans, detached from reality by its position in the World makes it easy for the warmongers to ply their trade. If bombs and missiles were dropping on the US for years the people would soon tire of it being a great idea.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Whaa, We need to convert people like Delta who think waging war and killing poeple is great. Its one of the main reasons why the US is in the mess its in right now. People who sing the songs of war invariably dont fight in them or suffer the consequences of said wars. And thats the problem for so many Americans, detached from reality by its position in the World makes it easy for the warmongers to ply their trade. If bombs and missiles were dropping on the US for years the people would soon tire of it being a great idea.

don't worry, the russians can surely do that favour of dropping bombs on USA ...

anyways back on topic , war economy is not favourable in the era of nuclear and biological weapons , particularly, biological ones as they can easily made , proliferated and can wipeout millions in matter of days

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 03:58 PM
Sad, yes thats what I'm concerned about, are the perps who run the US prpeparing to go out with a bang. When they and their money are stashed away in some nice safe haven of course they wont be around for the mass slaughter will they.

I dont know why we dont take them down now before its too late. I hope I'm wrong and its just all, about money and a re shuffling of the pack.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Sad, yes thats what I'm concerned about, are the perps who run the US prpeparing to go out with a bang.

I don't think so.

They'll still be somewhere making money and taking power. Doing what they're told and forsaking a petty little thing like conscience.

Jiminy Cricket died a long time ago.

Why go out with a bang unless the bang will cover your tracks.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 04:38 PM
If things continue to go the way they are going, you're probably right. And i guess you could ask everyone that had their homes foreclosed about how the "American way of life" has been treating them lately. i read a article in the washington post this weekend where the author (don't remember his name) said this exact thing. Another author actuallty stated that whats going on now (with the market) is vastly more important than what happened on 9/11 (of course, not in the loss of human life). Alot of ignorant americans are going to find themselves bewildered by the future if they don't wake up.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 04:52 PM
Nerbot, because the perps are perverse thats why, although I hope you are right and I am wrong but the fact is that these people are experts in selling horse poo to us. If they can make a few more bucks by starting another war believe me they will do it.

Agnostic, Its not just Americans who need to wake up, there are plenty of others on the good ship of indifference and slumber. Just think how bad it really is when you have a whole generation of kids who can work a computer but could not tell you what vegetables are or how to cook them thats what I call scary. Thats how bad it really is, the box in the corner has worked its magic that well that people dont know their butts from their elbows.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Sad, yes thats what I'm concerned about, are the perps who run the US prpeparing to go out with a bang. When they and their money are stashed away in some nice safe haven of course they wont be around for the mass slaughter will they.

I dont know why we dont take them down now before its too late. I hope I'm wrong and its just all, about money and a re shuffling of the pack.

I love how everyone things the US is going to "go out with a bang"! Wait until oil really starts to nosedive. You don't think the Russians might just resort to military action?

"Take them down"? Oh, you mean invade? Funny how you talk about peace yet just clamor for combat with the US.

If the US tanks, I just wonder if that means other countries will quit bothering us for freakin' aid everytime they have a disaster?

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Choronzon
I might not be able to visit Starbucks in the morning. So what? I goto Dunkin Donuts now for half price....And I've actually found that their coffee is better

American way of life dead.....who writes these things? It's not an american thats for sure.

I think the author just missed a word in his descriptive:

The (Hijacked) American way of life is dead

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 05:44 PM
Jerico, I think you need to try harder, no one needs to fight the US, if you have not already realised the US is now the Worlds poor neighbour, no one is going to give you money because you owe us so much already and cannot pay it back. I would stop scoffing and start planning on how your going to survive, perhaps it will take food queues and no gas for some of you for reality to kick in but you will get there in the end.

All Seeing Eye, what a dissapointement, I would have thought with such a name you were here to enlighten us, sadly no, but don't worry there are those with a real grip on reality so you can learn from them. But perhaps you may want to add some constructive words to the thread and to of course your fellow Americans who are in need of help and reasurrance.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 05:47 PM
If the United States of America has a problem, it is because our own banking cartels have robbed us blind.

The "American way of life" is perfectly sustainable IF the robber-barons can be kept out of office.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Whatever. I didn't even read this thread. For as long as I've been alive, every time there is a news story involving America, no matter if its good or bad, it has meant that it is a sign of "The impending collapse of the American way of life."

Our way of doing things is perfect in that allows the imperfect.

We know we are imperfect and in order to improve, we must change. The process so unfamiliar those who would criticize us, this process of changing for the better, sometimes involves accepting the inevitable mistakes.

The "perfect" and "morally superior" systems that America's critics would impose...what are they? They rarely say what they'd replace it with. If they do, its usually some vague notion of a paradise utopia. Hey guys, bring it on! I want Utopia too! Make a case for your Utopia, and Americans will build it.

Not being able to make a case for any realistic way of achieving Utopia, these critics are left with foul and outdated systems such as what? Feudalism? Slavery? Communism? Take your pick from a long litany of failed, unjust, and or otherwise unacceptable systems.

In our current situation, the markets are going through a significant and painful correction due to some creative, new, and now-understood-to-be flawed financing instruments - namely sub-prime mortgage loans. Our system encourages innovation, and by default, in a truly free and perfect system, mistakes are MANDATORY.

Our system allows us to explore and innovate in a way that leaves every other society in the dust, and we are going to discover some bad ideas every now and again. But its a damn sight better than not discovering at all.

Some would like to make the conclusion that a certain large event is irrefutable proof that the "American way of life is fatally flawed."

Sadly, what they fail to realize, is that same disastrous event that is causing them such excitement and joy, is a mere side-effect of the very thing that makes America the greatest country in the world.

Also, what the critics do not understand is that, inherent in our system, is the machinery (and mindset) for disaster recovery, rather than relying on airdrops from another nation.

We have the freedom to help ourselves and thrive afterwards.

America stands stronger after every crisis.

A crisis of this magnitude might not even happen in a communist country, a socialist country, or whatever pompous un-greedy societal system you care to imagine. Nope, those morally superior systems usually just outright fail.

And Americans end up airdropping food and supplies to them.

Their governments just disappear, and usually are replaced by some other shaky system, and guess what? The whole damn thing falls apart again within 5 years.

Crises such as these rarely occur in other countries, because the system fails before the society is capable of reaching that point, with corrupt officials making off with all the riches. Sure, sometimes the corrupt in our society get away too, but at least our whole government is not going to be overthrown as a result. That happens in our elections.

Some may say our "excesses" are at the expense of the rest of the world. Well, to that I'd say that every now and then, our system is going to rightfully put a ding in the Iron Curtain. And as for your miseries, well, examine the curtain rather than the tiny dings in it.

I'm not criticizing the people of these countries; they are the victims of these systems.

I'm not even criticizing those who champion communism, socialism, tyranny, oppression, and whatever else proven-to-ultimately-fail system you can think of.

Until you show a better system, though, our system will accommodate and welcome ANY criticism you may have for us.

The American way of life is not dead. This crisis is the imperative proof of that. We understand we are not perfect, and continually accept that we must improve. And we'll gladly continue to provide fodder for people who just don't get it

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Jerico, I think you need to try harder, no one needs to fight the US, if you have not already realised the US is now the Worlds poor neighbour, no one is going to give you money because you owe us so much already and cannot pay it back. I would stop scoffing and start planning on how your going to survive, perhaps it will take food queues and no gas for some of you for reality to kick in but you will get there in the end.

Yep, because I sure wouldn't hold my breath getting any support from any other country out there.

And as I said, good luck getting any aid from us. Hope that there aren't any more floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, drought, famine, whatever. I think the American teat has gone dry.

But look on the bright side: You can always sell your soul to the Chinese. Seems to be working in Africa right now.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:25 PM
Sym, the US economy was a fake, it could only be sustained by the petro dollar and that has now all collapsed. It allowwed the Fed to print money for fun but its over and its not ever going to be the same again.

CVT, I refer you to my above points, the whole issue was farce, a society fed on fake money it was just a question of time before it collapsed and that time has now come.

Jerico, actually the US Goverment dose not give as much money away as you think, their way down the ladder. But on the other hand the American public are very generous, no doubt at all but thats a different kettle of fish.
The problem is now that these generous people will have to tighten their belts so the money flow will stop. And as I said earlier in this thread the US has helped many in the past so hopefully we will help you.

You need to put aside your emotions, this is not the time for pride or hysteria its a time for cool heads and compassion.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 07:00 PM
The thing that worries me is the companies that depend on credit to make the payrolls and stay in business. There will be a lot more people on goverment assistance...if there are anymore programs like that left.

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