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Muslim extremists conspiring to overthrow Great Britain

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posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by karl 12

I have not come across any people like that in a mosque yet.

But of course anyone who does should report it ASAP.

Here's one website where you can reports such things. Check it out.

We also need groups, youth clubs, organisations etc of muslims that state they are against terrorism and extremism.

For example in India they have movement against terrorism. MAT.

Also something like this in UK would benefit us all. Please check it out.

Here's the music video too. It's said to be very popular in pakistan, the most famous pakistani singers come together to tell us, "this is not us"
Yeh Hum Naheen

[edit on 13-9-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Hot_Wings

Even as a Conspiracy Theorist myself, I have a hard time choking that one down.

Contrary to what Bush and followers think, it is typically NOT accepted to create history as we go along.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:31 AM
NEWS FLASH everyone. Great Britain is just in line of countries that Muslims want to conquer. The average person just can't understand something so simple as a religion that wants you either comply with or just be killed. It seems so barbaric, such a dark age time frame, but this is the time these folks want to live in. Everyone else is an infidel and just needs to die.

Everyone really needs to take the blinders off and take a hard look at the actions of all these people. Not just the "fanatics" but the entire population of Muslims. A suicide bomber killing several innocent people is a one shot deal. He's dead, don't have to worry about him killing himself twice. What needs to happen is to kill the people that are teaching this crap to the followers.

I'm sure there will be people that say we need to just group hug them, or even educate them better to understand us. No, no, no ... they just need to die. The smart ones will stop the silly sh*t and then get along with everyone after they see we will kill more of them than they can kill us.

I'm sure there will be people that will say we are putting our religion on them such as what was tried with the crusades. Folks, there is a crusade and we are the sheep this time, as are Hindus, Buddhists, and all other religions . Even the fanatical Indians see what is going in on India. Muslims would be hard pressed to conquer their land, but it's not stopping them from action. The Russians and Chinese have the same problems. Media censorship restricts much of this from coming across the opens news channels. It's not a Great Britain problem or even a European problem. It is a world wide problem that needs to be dealt with on a world wide scale.

As for the source being The Sun, hey guys who broke the story about John Edwards having an affair and an illegitimate kid. Wasn't NY Times, it was THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER. There are times stories are broke by second rate or shock media that mainline media doesn't want to touch.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by LostNemesis

Just browsing through my replys of which i am very gratefull to you all i noticed one of lostnemisis posts. Yes i would like to clarify that althought ones race does not dictate there personaliy i have found african, oriental, american, european imagrants to be just like most other people ( Some nice some bad).
It's just the sharia law i have a problem with because i thought that was one of the reasons the middle east was falling apart in the first place.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by hinky

Killing them would give them an excuse lol, they would LOVE that, that would be giving them "power"

Not wise, proper education, something like I mentioned above would be wiser.

[edit on 13-9-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:39 AM
In some areas the Muslims have already taken over, especially in Yorkshire. Areas around Leeds and Bradford are almost entirely made up of Muslim families. It is from one of these areas, I think somewhere in Leeds but I'm probably wrong, that the 7/7 bombers came from- if you believe the governments version of events?
I have no problem with those Muslims who just want a peaceful life but, at the risk of sounding racist which I'm not, those who become radicalised and choose to attack their own or hoste country should be thrown out along with their families. Is it wrong to put country before religion?

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
In some areas the Muslims have already taken over, especially in Yorkshire. Areas around Leeds and Bradford are almost entirely made up of Muslim families. It is from one of these areas, I think somewhere in Leeds but I'm probably wrong, that the 7/7 bombers came from- if you believe the governments version of events?
I have no problem with those Muslims who just want a peaceful life but, at the risk of sounding racist which I'm not, those who become radicalised and choose to attack their own or hoste country should be thrown out along with their families. Is it wrong to put country before religion?

Yes of course they should be thrown out.

But the areas you talk about, is similar to areas that have many black people or european people, white people etc etc. It's not really taking over in my opinion lol. Just the way the area is.

In my area in London, it's very multicultral, and there is a good mix of all races from all over the world, a balance I would say lol. I like it this way, no separation like the area you talk of. It's great if you like all kinds of women too haha

[edit on 13-9-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Elemensa

Well this is just awful. I tell you i used to love England my home but after the last couple of years it seems we are becoming second class citizens in our own homeland.
I am seriously considering moving to the U.S.A because i can really tell that England is going down the sink hole due to the fact that our goverment just does not care and are too afraid of offending the muslim's.
It's like they want Sharia law so so much but is that not the main reason they had to flee there own country's. Sharia law is what is destroying there nations so why do they have to damage us. I'd like to stress i am not racist it just this issue annoys me so much mainly because a lot of people are too afraid to speak up about it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Come on over, people bad mouth the U.S. on these boards, but it's really a great country and the loss of freedoms is grossly over stated. I've heard of this conspiracy before, and how Britain and all of Europe are having immigration problems from middle easterners. I have no problem with immigration, but this is pretty ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:02 PM
Islam without a God is closer to facism and Christianity without a God is closest to Democracy in how it treats others. That's my proverb of the day that I just equated.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:02 PM
My friend, I am not touting a conspiracy here. I am simply giving you a shortened version of history which you yourself can easily find is true. It is only the modern media that wishes that you do not know the truth about what all of Islam believes. Anyone can read an English copy of the Koran himself to find these words and others like them.

Qur'an 2:191: And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

The Barbary Coast Wars are a facet of history that anyone can look up for themselves.

As well, many books have been written on the subject.

The truth of my post is easy for anyone to find out if they wish. This truth is not a new thing, which Thomas Jefferson sadly learned. For even in his time, the lessons of the crusades had been forgotten. Why did they happen? Why are they continuing? Sadly, the Islamic world never seems to be able to get beyond the words of their so called holy book and always, they will find cause to continue their holly war against infidels wherever they find them. This is nothing new and my post should not come as some surprise to anyone.

The only real surprise that anyone should come to is why, after we are always attacked again by Islam, do find ourselves wondering, “Why do they always do this?” The answer is simple. The Quran tells all Muslims to attack and kill infidels until only Islam is left in the world. It’s not a big secret to the Islamic world. They hear this almost every day in their mosques. We’re just the ones that never learn about history.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by yellowcard
how Britain and all of Europe are having immigration problems from middle easterners. I have no problem with immigration, but this is pretty ridiculous.

I thought there was more asians and europeans coming to the uk than middle easterners?

I don't know the statistics thou.

But most muslims I see daily are asians. Well except for the Moroccans I meet, only because I'm half moroccan thou lol.

[edit on 13-9-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:25 PM
the solution is quite simple realy
& no i dont care for over breeding imagrants.
yes i do care that england does not become muslim majority.
& if by chance england does become over run by islamic lunatics, then i pray that a uk submarine launches nuclear weapons against the uk to rid it of muslims, after all if the japs can survive a nuclear attack then i`m sure we can.
i would quite simply rather totally destroy england than see it become another insane islamic state.
dear usa president, as a uk citizen i give you permission to launch nuclear weapons against my country in the event it becomes over run by muslims.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Many compare this to a Muslim versus Christian thing, because I really believe that the religions are control that the illuminati don't want to give up. In reality, attendance in churches has really gone down in the western countries. And most of the world, irregardless of spiritual leanings enjoys a very fundamental principle, constitutionally and a high principle of democracy,( though even communist/fascist China also uses this division) and that is: A Separation Of Church And State. Separation is the key.

So first of all this isn't about Muslims overtaking Christianity. This is about Sharia law, something we can't even conceive, ancient and barbaric without human rights recognition and with harsh control penalties, gaining ground. Many countries now enjoy an less than 0% population growth, as Canada does, or nearly that. I have often wondered if that was going to pose a threat to us in the end.
But you have to understand the level of high level politics involved. Our leaders seem hellbent on forcing us into some hideous system of control. So it is there intent to fan these flames because they covet this system themselves. Commander X talks about a new kind of Christianity being readied to be put in place as the law of our land that would be like the old testament, incorporating hangings for adultery and gays, and who knows what ugly thing, so a kind of Christianity which would be similar to Sharia Law.
When Iran struggled hard to elect a moderate government, the US worked to overturn this and gave them the Ayatollah Khomeini instead. So the spread of Sharia Law may actually be our Leaders intent.
So this issue is best approached by us, curtailing our fascist governments mascarading as democracy. Its a serious issue. We must prevail and overcome. This is the only way to get the world on the table. We should also be putting conditions on our immigrations so that only families must curtail their numbers of offspring, and be following strict birth control.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

sorry Phoenix

you are talking rubbish

how on earth can you tell me that what i have said doesnt happen?

I lived in Sheffield as did my wife up until 2 years ago. Im talking from experience and i am not lying and i have a good recollection of the many many conversations with other english people

As for muslims feeling isolated i couldnt care less , let them go to a state with stan at the end of it and practice it there. If muslims wish to see the light and talk about the true path to God i have all the time in the world and a Bible they can have.

My issue is that Christ in this country has become a dirty word yet Islam must be wrapped in cotton wool


posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by drevill
reply to post by _Phoenix_

sorry Phoenix

you are talking rubbish

how on earth can you tell me that what i have said doesnt happen?

I lived in Sheffield as did my wife up until 2 years ago. Im talking from experience and i am not lying and i have a good recollection of the many many conversations with other english people

As for muslims feeling isolated i couldnt care less , let them go to a state with stan at the end of it and practice it there. If muslims wish to see the light and talk about the true path to God i have all the time in the world and a Bible they can have.

My issue is that Christ in this country has become a dirty word yet Islam must be wrapped in cotton wool


Maybe it does happen, but obviously the opposite happens too.

There's a lot of negativity towards muslims in general lately, not just in daily lives, but on the internet too, I mean just go anywhere and you will see people who are really negative towards muslims, it's everywhere, here too, have you see how many threads we have on muslims!? lol

Now places that seem to only have muslims I can't really comment, except I don't like it, separation is bad. I'm living in a multicultral area in London with every kind of people.

[edit on 13-9-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

okay sorry didnt read all your post

many nice muslims, i am sure, i have spoken to many, bad muslims, without doubt, as there are christians and it has always been the same.

regarding your comment on the media.

watch the media and whenever there is a muslim attack article and see what happens a short time later, its not balanced. However i do not think the media is balanced anyhow.

im sure do not want Sharia Law but i am sure some do

i guess we will never know the real figures. Im a Christian i would honestly like to return to the puritan times.

I'll not apologise in my belife that Islam is a pagan system. My faith cannot allow me to think otherwise.


posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by drevill

I understand your concerns,some places in the UK are now seemingly no go areas for non muslims (kuffars).
I also agree that islam appears to be getting ´special treatment´in the UK with more and more muslims demanding this and that etc..
Perhaps the root cause is the indoctrination and conditioning of children as seen in the documentary ´Undercover mosque´ where muslim youngsters are brainwashed into suffering the delusion that they are somehow superior to other human beings.
Cheers Karl

[edit on 01/12/01 by karl 12]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by drevill

You are free to believe what you want, hopefully you will always be.

I hope this country has a bright future, time will tell.

Trust me I would do whatever it takes to stop sharia law in this country lol, the thought of sharia law gives me shivers.


[edit on 13-9-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

there is a lot of negativity towards all faiths, by design in my mind.

but the disparity comes in the defence

i get all sorts about my faith at work but not a word to teh muslims there, they wouldnt dare. the difference is that someone of faith shoudlbe able to take criticism and disagreement.

hate though is a different matter


posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by drevill
reply to post by _Phoenix_

there is a lot of negativity towards all faiths, by design in my mind.

but the disparity comes in the defence

i get all sorts about my faith at work but not a word to teh muslims there, they wouldnt dare. the difference is that someone of faith shoudlbe able to take criticism and disagreement.

hate though is a different matter


It's probably to do with times, things always change. In the future who knows what religion or people are gonna be in the spotlight next.

It's like a show, just sit back and watch the show. lol

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