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I WAS THERE: The protest march on the RNC in Saint Paul 9-2-08: FULL REPORT

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posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 06:03 AM
Elliot Hughes was beaten and denied medical care while in jail for the RNC protests.

Listen To His Story...

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 07:34 AM

RNC and a Republican Focused event at the Excel Energy Center:
Thousands of riot cops, FBI, snipers, provocateurs, teargas, flashbangs, fences, and angry loud protesters.

A Democratic event at the Excel Center:
A handful of traffic cops required to manage the huge overflow crowd of supporters.

You see this is why we must have a Democrat in office. A people's candidate who doesn’t need to hide behind a mercenary army of trigger happy stormtroopers..."

Thanks for your post and thoughts...

Could it be as simple as the police manning up for the size of the opposition?

Could it be that there were no disruptions on Obama like the 3 rude, loud protesters against John mcCain?

Doesn't the left understand, that you have your base...and the right has their's? And that the millions in the middle...who see ugly protests, both in and outside of the venue, are DISGUSTED!

It's really a turn off...what you desire results in the opposite, with disrespectful protesters...although I champion your/others rights to do's just it turns off the many many in the middle...and that your desire to have a liberal leader in the white house is jepordized by the ugliness??


[edit on 6-9-2008 by OldThinker]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by anyone

I am shocked by this video as well. Shocked that this official did not have them removed from the mayor's office. Shocked that he even gave them the amount of time he did. This city is in the midst of a major event. The law enforcement officers & city officials are most likely stretched and working overtime. This idiot comes in trying to provoke an incident so he can get it on video. The city official showed a great amount of restraint and handled it well. This spokeman for the protest needs to cut his acid intake in half. How selfish. These city workers are resposible for protecting EVERYBODY, in that city. Not just him. If he doesn't feel safe, leave. He sounds like a little girl - it's sickening. Folks like him will hand McCain a lot of votes. Bringin the 60's to the 21st century ain't working folks.

[edit on 6-9-2008 by DrBedlam]

[edit on 6-9-2008 by DrBedlam]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Echtelion

Not a radical?! Do some research on Mr.Obama.Did you ever hear of Willliam Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn ?Obama has direct links to domestic terrorists.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 05:18 PM
I think mr Obama might be a grey? He, they are going to down us in one fell swoop!!

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 08:43 PM
I cannot speak for the convention, but I did have the "unique" opportunity of getting caught in the middle of a massive protest/riot before.

I can tell you one observation I had which always contradicts the accounts from protestors. The Police DO leave the peaceful protestors alone. The others who call themselves "peaceful" are often burning American Flags, torching Effigies, and Trashing Vehicles along with Storefronts and other Personal Property. They have some misguided and misconstrued idea of what truly composes a peaceful protest. Those whom I have seen, believe it to be peaceful to yell at people, scream in individuals faces, push, shove, and even attempt to scale and tear down security barriers.

A Peaceful Protest is rarely witnessed in this Modern Era. The Late Great Dr. King had Peaceful Protests. Bare witness to the Million Man March, and the Selma-to-Montgomery March. THOSE were Peaceful Protests. What you see now-a-days is a grouping of Anarchists who act rather like a mob, as opposed to concerned citizens attempting to affect positive change.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 12:13 PM

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Elliot Hughes was beaten and denied medical care while in jail for the RNC protests.

Listen To His Story...

Was that kid's haircut part of the beating he received in jail?

Seriously, this kid sounds like he is reading a script, at the very least, ripped off from Gitmo.

[edit on 7-9-2008 by steaksandwich]

[edit on 7-9-2008 by steaksandwich]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by steaksandwich

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Elliot Hughes was beaten and denied medical care while in jail for the RNC protests.

Listen To His Story...

Was that kid's haircut part of the beating he received in jail?

Seriously, this kid sounds like he is reading a script, at the very least, ripped off from Gitmo.

[edit on 7-9-2008 by steaksandwich]

[edit on 7-9-2008 by steaksandwich]

I was thinking something more along the lines of brain damage from having his head slammed against concrete after being knocked unconscious.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Corralled into a protest!!

Here's a vid. summary of what happened.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 10:33 PM
In response to any who felt that a concert is an unlawful gathering, and to the riot police that are encouraging the violence that kicks off the riot they are there to prevent I say only these words:



posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 06:03 AM
I quit reading the posts after the 4th page because most of you spoiled brat protesters make me sick. And to think I spent 16 years in the military - before being discharged with a duty caused injury - to protect your right to live in the greatest country in the world. Go to almost any other country and try "protesting"; you'd end up in a prison before you could even get your camcorder out. A message to the OP and those who believe we "live in a police state": You live in a fantasy world where you are the perpetual victims. I'm sick of you soiling my country. Go live somewhere else. No need to reply, I won't be coming back to this loser thread. Have a nice day.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Tippys Dad
I quit reading the posts after the 4th page because most of you spoiled brat protesters make me sick. And to think I spent 16 years in the military - before being discharged with a duty caused injury - to protect your right to live in the greatest country in the world. Go to almost any other country and try "protesting"; you'd end up in a prison before you could even get your camcorder out. A message to the OP and those who believe we "live in a police state": You live in a fantasy world where you are the perpetual victims. I'm sick of you soiling my country. Go live somewhere else. No need to reply, I won't be coming back to this loser thread. Have a nice day.

Well said!

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:29 AM
Paraphrasing: "I fell to the ground, unconscious... and an officer then picked up my head and slammed it to the ground."

I've been knocked out stone cold on at least 2 occasions and I'd just like to say Elliot Hughes is a God amongst men if he is able to relate what happened to him while he was unconscious! I don't believe that's ever happened before, but then again I don't believe a word of the kid's tale of sorrow and woe, either... so I guess it ballances out.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 03:37 PM
What would the police and "hired" police be able to do if there were 100,000 protestors or 1 million? Nothing, nada. There is strength in numbers. I was definitely appalled at the police at the DNC and now at the RNC. Restore the Republic! Impeach bush and cheney and prosecute them.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by theyareoutthere
What would the police and "hired" police be able to do if there were 100,000 protestors or 1 million? Nothing, nada. There is strength in numbers. I was definitely appalled at the police at the DNC and now at the RNC. Restore the Republic! Impeach bush and cheney and prosecute them.

Problem is, there aren't millions. Just a handful that become a major inconvenience to the millions who are forced to put up with it. Property damage, traffic problems, police resources, insurance claims, etc. And to the folks on this blog who applaud these people, a quote. A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by DrBedlam

No, it's not a 'handful' and they were not all destroying stuff, et al..
It was a 'handful' acting perversely.
Have you even looked at footage and the minute coverage of the level-headed protesters, who simply held signs and marched?

What are you passionate about, enough to take to the streets, to protect?
Then you are beaten.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Maybe he saw his own video arrest?
Our troops have fought to allow us the right to protest WITHOUT beatings and arrest and we should just stay home?
If we organize and march, we're 'hippies'?
Was Jesus a 'hippy'?
There were democrats and republicans there, you better believe it.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 06:47 PM
The Twin cities have been for a long time,swinging over to a work colony,a company town police state. Get out. I did. Whenever somebody mentions to me,who looks like a nice person,and walking around with a skateboard and longer hair,or just doesn't have that corporate Airport slicked down at on the runway,look. I tell them,don't go there. It's not a very free place. If you aren't spending money,a social worker,law enforcement officer,attorney,judge, a CEO,a banker,politician,retired,school teacher,or a restaurant owner,then stay the heck away from there. It will not be friendly to you. Anybody who is counterculture,or has a differing opinion will find their voice echoeing through the hills but not chimed in. Unless you are in one of their massive prison systems,their gulags are quite sophisticated and they are proud of their public safety record. except for perhaps the latest overreaction to peaceful civil disobediance at the RNC. Remember I think it was in 2001 with the WTO conference in Downtown Minne,where the former mayor purchased,at tax payor expense, over 1 million dollars worth of riot gear to dress up the police like military storm troopers. They looked like paramilitary Iraqi guards in a protected compound. This was friendly ground. Hennepin Ave. Nicollet Ave. There was the Hyatt Regency Hotel right there at ground zero...They ended up herding some old hippies who finally showed up on one of the last days of this horrific conference, with signs,peacefully protesting,the WTO.and their harmful impact on world trade. So the police,with billy clubs and face shields,bullet proof vests,and god knows what else, to justify all their over preparation, herded these poor folks into a restricted area and then maced,tear gassed, assaulted and arrested those harmless protestors. The mayor lost her job over that debacle. Today,it seems,nobody loses their jobs for taking a hard line strong armed, approach to quelling protest by the American People,that's you and me,incidentally,certainly not The Minne apple,nor apparently it's Sister city. St. Paul. I am ashamed to say I grew up there. I won't return soon. And,what about Wellstone. Nobody ever thoroughly,investigated his and his family's most shocking "accidental death."

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