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Examples of the Obama Cult Effect

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by beforetime

thank you. best not to try their heads with tiresome facts though, let us only mutter the holy words "HOPE" and "CHANGE" in their presance.

honestly some of the best examples of cult like thinking can be seen quite clearly in this thread itself. we have had pro obama people who agree there are cult like religious undertones to his movement, and we have the obama zealots who immediatly attack without even reading most of what has been posted.

they can keep muttering their mantra of "HOPE" and "CHANGE" and i will keep pointing out to them "cognitive dissonance" and "cult of personality"

maybe in time they will come to understand...

...probably not.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by TheRepublic

you mock hope and change like they mean plague and pestilence?

In the same fashion that you and mccain mocked obama's idea for keeping tires inflated

on a global scale,t hat saves billions of dollars in oil

and you mock him for it.

don't you realize how silly that makes you, and John McCain, look to the average american voter?

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin


I DONT LIKE MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!! look at my avatar! i think he is a joke, i will not vote for him. and what is this talk of obama keeping tires inflated? i never posted in that thread once because i dont really care about inflating tires. i never mocked him for that. where do you come up with this stuff?

i have a problem with obama saying "HOPE" and "CHANGE" because they are just political slogans for him. he is a fake and a phony and frankly he is just as sold out as john mccain to the major corporations. that is why i will not vote for either of them.

i couldnt care less about either mccain or obama. the point of this thread was to document the lack of discernment and logical thought among obama followers.
all i will say is there have been plenty of good examples in this thread.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:19 PM

that is why i will not vote for either of them.

Are you voting at all????
I don't have political conversations with people who don't even vote. Seems to me that if you don't like the candidates....and " no one will get your vote"...

....maybe YOU need to run for local office, take your own stance on issues, and then let us know how you feel.

I know the lesser of two evils is not a very good political system, but we are not going to accomplish anything just by waiting for that candidate who thinks exactly as you do. I don't ask that you take sides, but please....unless you have any other ideas, choose the candidate who closest fits your ideals...and then re-join the conversation.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic


Thats what I've been yelling at my monitor, every time I read this forum. Whats ironic about this thread, is that the Obama supporters demonstrate exactly what we're talking about with every post.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:25 AM
I am deathly afraid of Obama's ruling this world. I have to say that if he is truly a believer in the religion that Ophah is teaching. Then he is right for us.

Our world has been runned by Illuminati's both Republicans & Democrats since George Washington. They mandate the media, press, churches etc.

It's time that we all stood up and voted with our hearts and mind. Not for the color of someone's skin. I don't blame the blacks for being excited over Barack. Hell, I would too, if I were black. Society hasn't been nice to any race but White. Look at what they are doing now? I am so ashame to be white sometimes.

the Creator didn't put us on Earth to make us hate one another. Lets make a big stand this year and actually Vote with our own mind!

I know this will piss alot of you off. The things that Dennis Kuchinic and Ron Paul are saying is absolutely correct. You want to make a more peacefull world, you need to research their words. I did and have made up my mind to not vote for either McCain (no more war) or Barack (no fascism world) and vote for Ron Paul and re-elect only NEW people in our government. Get rid of all them that have led us down this road with Lies
Go find Dennis's new petition and sign it to impeach bush NOW
peace and light to all

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Dronetek

I think its hilarious that you're yelling at inanimate objects, myself

You can dispel hope and change as religious antics and mantras all you want.

Liberals arent the one's toting their religious versions of superiority in congress, senate, and POTUS positions, trying to squash everyone elses own right to practice their own religion.

Its Christianity or the highway from conservatives.

Hope - that not all forms of government suck like the last 7 years

Change - that hopes that change the government of the last 7 years.

Blasting hope and change is like blasting obama for "inflate your tires"

It makes perfect sense to keep properly inflated tires.

Experts agree.
Conservatives don't

That should give you a pretty big glimpse into the real reasons conservatism sucks.

John McCains energy plan for 2008:

Hey - Lets inflate our tires WITH oil!!

[edit on 8/12/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Grafilthy

I know the lesser of two evils is not a very good political system, but we are not going to accomplish anything just by waiting for that candidate who thinks exactly as you do. I don't ask that you take sides, but please....unless you have any other ideas, choose the candidate who closest fits your ideals...and then re-join the conversation.

I will not vote for any canidate who supports this war in any shape or form. no "ifs" "ands" or "buts" about it. unless they say the moment they are elected they will bring our troops home i will not vote for them. i will not compromise on this in any shape or form. period. i will not accept knowing that i voted for someone who needlessly had others killed in some far off ass corner of the world for oil blood money for the corporations. neither obama or mccain will bring them home so im not voting for them. im not having innocent deaths on my conscience.

the reason we are in such an f'ed up mess these days is because of the two party system fooling the american people with the lesser of two evils schtick every election. my reason and goals are simply to exspose both canidates as the same corporate whores. once people truly recognize there is no diffrence between "corporate canidate A" and "corporate canidate B" than maybe true "hope" and "change" can really occur.
if people fall for thinking obama or mccain is something diffrent there is no hope or change.

this thread has over 5,029 views. if only 1% of those resulted in people reconsidering the way they think about this election than it has been well worth it.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by TheRepublic]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by TheRepublic

So....if someone doesnt agree with you 100%, they are 250% wrong? And their opinion doesnt count?

Mind you - 3000 views. Every time you post - and it takes you back to your newly posted post, it counts as another view.

Just incase you were curious

[edit on 8/12/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

i didnt say 100% on everything.
other parts of foreign policy
social programs
stuff like that i could compromise on.

the killing of over 100,000 innocent civilians and over 6,000 of our own troops in a war that was based on outright lies so we could open iraqs state owned oilfeilds up for the corporations?

sorry, no comprimise on that. bring em back now.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by TheRepublic

So then why exactly are you against Obama?

He supports a 16 month time table for withdraw

John McCain supports up to 100 years more conflict.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

obama has only talked of aiming for a timeline, in short i dont believe him. if he was serious he would say such and such a date everylast troop will be out. but he could start reducing troops immediatly. he wont because he is not serious. if he gets elected i gurantee the troops arnt leaving anytime soon.

on top of that obama has also hinted that he wants to possibly up the pressure on pakistan. i dont trust him. he is a corporate fake. i know if i vote for him he will go back on his word because he is just as sold out as john mccain.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by TheRepublic

Well then atleast your opinions are fair and balanced.

I dont agree with you - but atleast you're able to agree with yourself (unlike most people who are against obama on issues like this)

For what its worth - good job

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:34 AM
Two posts up you made some sense.

But, if you are faced with a decision of a 16 month withdrawal, or the possibility of a never ending conflict....

What choice are you going to make???

The one that fits you the closest????

Or none at all???

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Grafilthy

because obama is sold out to the oil companies just like mccain. im sure there will all of a sudden be some new reason for our troops to have to stay "a little while longer" after obama is elected. in short he is lying. that is what corporate politicians do. plus anyone that contemplates attacking pakistan cant be that serious about peace in the first place. im through being naive, im not having innocent deaths on my concience.

i dont trust obama and i will not vote for anyone who supports being in iraq even one day passed over when they were elected.


Thanks i appreciate that. i guess we will just have to agree to disagree on obama.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by sos37
Has anyone ever stopped to think about what happens to all of this Obama literature and memorabilia if he loses? Does it become collector's items or will it go into the trash?

If McCain wins, I think it becomes what we eat and burn in our cars to get to the human embryo farms run by our reptilian slave masters.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Thank you for the link to Obama's platform to prove your pointless.

[Actually, "you're" pointless works too. How funny when words work in your favor.]

[edit on 26-9-2008 by ZuzusPetals]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 03:13 PM
Obama Youth - Junior Fraternity Regiment

Obama Youth Junior Fraternity Regiment video

I don't know the history behind this video (the info doesn't provide much explanation), but if it's legit, then all I can say is I find this completely bizarre.

Inspiration is one thing. This is something else. This is like indoctrination.

They're chanting "alpha omega" at the beginning of the video. Why? Are they trying to equate Obama with God?

[edit on 10/5/08 by GirlNextDoor]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

sure politicians have tried to use religion to their advantage before in the past, but never did a politician try and create a religion around themselves, at least in america. there are some examples from history, none of which are particularly attractive... think roman emperors, think Hitler.

Here you make two claims that are central to your post. The first that Obama has attempted (and by your own statement to some degree of success) to create a religion 'around himself'. The second is that the historical comparisons for this action are best seen in roman emperors and in Hitler.

I would like to address your second point first. Your comparison of Obama to Roman Emperors and Hitler comes from where? Only through this idea that Obama is attempting to create a Religion of himself? Quite honestly it reads as little more than a basic and rather weak attempt at a smear.

You then say:

The point of this all is that there is a brand new religion in america this election season, one that i find particularly disturbing. The Cult of Obama.

Now right off the bat I am both confused and amused. First off I would really be interested in hearing HOW people's support of Obama is equatable to religion and what exactly the 'new religion' is?

Religion tends to be defined by a set of beliefs that explain the purpose and creation of the universe and humans place within it. It is a spiritual practice that helps to inform ones world view.

While I do see people being highly turned on by the prospect of Obama as our next president I somehow missed the creation of a religion surrounding him as the leader.

you say

but the thing that disturbs me is the religious undertones to the obama campaign. the religious fanaticism of some of his followers. the utter disregard for logic and reason.

Tell me, is the slogans 'hope' and 'change' the religious undertones you are talking about? Or are there more? What are they exactly because I do not see them?

Then you go on to say

the Obama campaign is delibrately creating this messianic atmosphere on purpose, and people are buying it! i find this not only immoral and corrupt but almost unconstitutional!

Up to this point I can kind of follow your argument though it is lacking depth but here I must say you go off the deep end. Ok so you say Obama is deliberately creating the 'messianic atmosphere on purpose' please explain HOW. by promising 'hope' and 'change'? To me I see that is being in regards to the US political system and being directly related to the failed political actions of the Bush administration over the last eight years. Never once did it occur to me that he was talking about 'hope' and 'change' on a spiritual / religious level. I listen to politicians to hear what they have to say about politics and religious leaders to hear what they have to say on religion, I can not think of any point in time that I deviated from this standard.

So you make the claim Obama is acting immorally and in a corrupt and possibly unconstitutional fasion but you offer little or no evidence for your point other than the fact he uses the terms 'hope and change'. To make such serious claims I would simply assume you would have the material to back it up and i strongly urge you to produce it here to prove your point.

To be honest your argument goes down hill from here. The bit from Spike Lee coveys what i have always known, Spike Lee is an animated actor and writer prone to exaggerating reality for the sake of making his points.

The flyer from Kentucky says to me Obama is talking to a state that is known for it's strong faith.

Neither to me say Obama is trying to be GOD!

Obama has the type of support he has today, IMHO, because of how poorly Bush and the Republican controlled Congress And Senate performed for our nation over 5.5 years. Whats more i do believe that Bush stole the second election by tampering with electronic election machines as well as through voter caging and other less than savory tactics. It is also MHO that Gore won the first election and that it was the supreme courts decision to end counting the votes that gave him the office.

My point is this: Bush and Friends created the fevered atmosphere you see in the political world today. The zeal you see directed towards Obama was created largely by Bush, not Obama. People are just so sick and tired of waking up everyday to see what idiotic and down right destructive and dangerous action Bush took the day before. After so many years of such painful and weak leadership people are ecstatic to get just about anything else that is DIFFERENT thus offering the prospect of CHANG?E and HOPE.

It has nothing to do with religion or cult worship, it all has to do with mounting disappointment in Bush's performance.

Think I am wrong and you are right? Then prove it. simply stating your opinion proves nothing and the examples you gave for this 'new religion' are really no evidence at all. My suggestion is GET DIRTY mate. You really need to dig up relevant and credible proof that Obama is truly attempting to create a 'new religion' and 'messianic image' of himself. What you have offered here has little merit IMHO.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Animal

first id like to thank you for taking the time to make your post well thought out. i was not on ATS for a few months and saw you responded to one of my old posts. you said:

I would like to address your second point first. Your comparison of Obama to Roman Emperors and Hitler comes from where? Only through this idea that Obama is attempting to create a Religion of himself?

first of all i mean to say a cult, not a religion per se. there are over 8 definitions of a cult but the one i find most pertantnt is definition # 4.

a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

i also said that there are creepy religious undertones used by obamas handlers and followers. obama has not come out yet and said "i am jesus christ" but there are disturbing undertones that i take issue with. here is an excellent example:

can you honestly watch that and not find it creepy? or if not creepy, at least excessivly odd? i mean seriously...

if not compare with this video

i did use religion in one part of my posts, but i mean the word "cult" which is what ive used in the threads title.

Tell me, is the slogans 'hope' and 'change' the religious undertones you are talking about? Or are there more?

the one slogan i found most disturbing was not actually hope or change (even though they are just empty slogans) but actually "BELIEVE"
belief is what makes religions, logical people dont want belief they want proof. if i wanted belief i would be a religious person. i want facts not belief.

but like ive said before if you can watch both those videos that i have posted and you dont see any creepy similarities than you must still be riding on the obamabandwagon of hope and belief...

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