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UK to get giant TV screens in 60 towns and cities. Broadcasting 18 hours a day!

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
Sometimes I think some of the people who post their ideas on here are going out of their way to see conspiracy and hidden meaning where there simply Isn't any.

Poster child for being unclear on the concept of ATS?

Hint: ATS is a conspiracy theory website ...

Sometimes the conspiracies are difficult to see. However, this one looks easy - big brother wants you to watch.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:41 AM
A huge TV in towns , ready to churn out subliminal messages to people passing insight of it, and the best thing?
They'll never know. A quick flash and people will think that its 'just a glitch' but you get a few and soon your buying into all the propaganda they want to you to believe, as well as buying more useless items that looked nice on the big telly....
Oh and it WILL be used for subliminal messages like be good, be kind, listen to the Government, they know what's best for you.
it will be churning out sound and vision with no comeback for environmental issues.
It's bad enough trying to get the lights turned off of an evening in my local gas station which is across the street and lighting up my bedroom, I dont like curtains by the way, and the tannoy they use to ask the customer "are you paying cash or card" is getting annoying, so the big TV will be the same. DO as your told, have no mind and voice of your own, we OWN you. blah blah.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:09 AM
These messages don't even need to be subliminal anymore... remember John Carpenters "They Live"? "CONFORM, OBEY, CONSUME". Well, it's here. There are even tv's in supermarkets now - pumping out BBC news 24, which frankly is terrible on a news front.

Strike that first bit, it's not that they don't need to be subliminal, it's just the broadcasters have so little integrity they don't care to make them subliminal anymore.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:35 AM
Big Brother is watching you!




" Attention! Your attention, please! A newsflash has this moment arrived from the Malabar front. Our forces in South India have won a glorious victory. I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end."

News from the Eastern front from our glorious troops today, we are winning!

Food production up 300%
Industrial output up 150%

[edit on 29-7-2008 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:43 AM
I see two divided camps on this issue. Those who are television consumers and those who are not. Those who do consume television programming in iether limited or copious quantities are not speaking the same language as those of us that have removed television programming from our lives.

For myself the thought of this large screen fills me with rage, not for the content that it will deliver, buit for the dichotomy it will force me to endure. If you have removed television from your lives, you will begin to feel this.

1) Relatives who start gently and want to know why thier kids can't watch this or that when they visit.

2) There is almost no way possible to explain to a consumer why you don't watch television. Any and all agruments becom "holier than thou". The minute one begins to explain, the other person becomes offended that you do not partake of the entertainments that they do.

3) Situation becomes difficult because it IS a personal affront to a televesion consumer. When you explain that you have decided that television programming is not healthy for me and mine, (when they have not), I am not simply afforded "whatever" and let be. It become confrontive because I have chosen NOT to partake.

Now, When I stand in the crowd watching "whatever" on the big screen and the commecial onslought begins every 8 minutes between shows, and what is see is innapropriate for my children, and innapropriat for my brain, what do I do?

The point is, the most of the crowd cannot see any ill at all, none whatsoever. Until the violence reaches some arbitrary level, and all violence below the level is accepted.

Very few people will know what it feels like to turn off the television for real, and feel the pressure of the world, local and globally against you.

Turn it off, and don't patronise establishments with the big screen blaring. I have developed a true disgust television programming. I'm not talking about "discovery channel" either. I'm talking about general programming indescriminately blaring 90th percentile programming in every restaraunt, dentist office and waiting room "public space" I enter.

Try it for a while, long enough for your friends and relatives to notice and begin. You may find that you don't have it in you to abstain. Maybe then you may feel the horror of the public big screen face and the crowd happily consuming before it.

I'll check for typo's later.

Found a typo. There are probably more.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by jaywoo]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:50 AM
I did go without tv for 3 years, I have now moved into a "tv" household, fortunately with crazy film-geeks, so we watch lots of movies - however, I'll catch something occasionaly and it's jaw dropping what is being passed for primetime viewing, I'm not surprised there are so many problems with society when so much inappropriate behaviour is glorified.

Although, if you're looking for a "better" mainstream news source, Channel 4 news in the UK is probably the most responsible programming I have found, not to say it's not without its issues.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:14 PM
It's a difficult issue. You could think, it's good for everyone to be able to see (and hear) things while you're on the move, doing your daily business. But if it's all about prime time tv-shows, commercials and (propaganda) useless news, why bother. Most of the people can afford TV and if you can't, don't think the best place to watch TV is on the streets. Maybe a library could be the right place then.

I watched very little TV myself during the last few years and I gave away my TV-set (to a friend of mine) when they started digital transmission here in Finland - almost a year ago. I've been without a TV ever since and I'm happy like this. I do watch a lot of movies and documentaries almost daily, but I get them rented or DL/watch from the internet.

When you own a tv, you very easily just sit down (when bored) and watch what ever comes out, no matter how stupid, boring, uneducational or useless it is. If you get your documents and movies from the internet, at least you have to think what you want and you need to do _something_ to get it. (Well, you could just go to places like youtube/google-videos/I-am-bored etc and watch w'ever everyone else recommends, but I don't do that.. don't you do that either, find your own thing..)

I'd say big screens are ok during big events (like Olympics) but it sucks not to be able to avoid them otherwise/other time..

edit: a few typos

[edit on 29-7-2008 by PilgriMage]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:36 PM
second reference to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, on the news first about the talking cc-tv and now this.


posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by beefeater

I completely agree. Its a slow (seems to be speeding up) and sure road to complete control. regardless how it is viewed, it is happening. We see it as something not so big for now. But the small things add up over time. And moaning? yeah look at the gas prices. They just seem to keep rising and what do we do about it. We complain and then bend over for more doing nothing!!! We as a general whole of a country accept what is going on around us regardless of whether or not we believe it. Orwellian? I agree. I am glad I don't live in the UK but it will get here. When? who knows, maybe sooner than we may all think.

I like to put it this way. All the laws that have been passed over the last 50 years have been succesfully put into place because of the slow effect it has taken. Not to mention the hegelian process used against our sheep. I like to tell myself that if it were to happen over a period of a year that we would have had a revolution from it. (Maybe and hopefully so)

We have a warehouse schooling system.
All real freeing technology is supressed or the makers and inventors disappear.
A cage is correct 'beefeater'. A cage indeed! I could go on forever about all of it. In an apathetic sea we float!

So let all the sheep keep bending over. I for one will not. If I die trying at least I tried. What if all we expect to happen is happening now? Our expectations seldomly turn our accurate and once again we are taken off guard because of them. Big brother knows what he is doing, always has. But all empires fall.

I hope when S H T F i got more wolfs on my side then i like to think i'll have.

I use to be one of the biggest skeptics until i put some time into research for myself. All I can say was it was worth it. This is my belief and who knows, if i am wrong so be it. Until proven wrong by the actions of time....

"None are more hopelessy enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"

-Johann Wolfgang Von Gothe

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Nekrostatik

Thanks for your reply
I used to be a sceptic too, until I did research also.
I cannot believe these propaganda machines are going to be running from 7 till 11 sound and all, I pity anyone that is going to have to live next or close to one of these screens.

And yea hijacking one and showing a 9/11 docu or something is the best possible use for these things. I wonder what jumped up charge the police would invent if caught messing with the big tv's?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Is it possible these have another purpose?

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