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If UFO’s are so advanced then why do they seem to be crashing all over the world?

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posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 05:38 PM
just out of interest of this thread i typed UFO crash into you-tube to find some decent footage of the white sands crash and its there, but also if you take a look there is an interesting piece of military footage titled UFO crash (NASA?). it shows a tumbling object in the shape of a disc complete with running commentary by radio, i would be very interested to find out any body's opinion on this one, i cant identify the object shown falling and after impact, sure is strange. sorry i cant seem to be able to post the video but I'm sure some 1 could.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by stealthyaroura

that fits the description of the genesis re-entry unit to a tee

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

great work! thanks for that. it fits it was a space craft then:-)

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 07:59 PM
I think our nuclear tests disturb their navigation system.. But that's only a theory.. Good question.. peace

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:50 PM
Well it cured my insomnia

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:08 PM
It might be like aircraft, one in a couple of hundred have problems, and land asfly, and one in a few thousand accually crash. They might be more advanced than us but till they stop crashing the are far from perfect. The only crashes I hear about are the greys, maybe they aren't as good flyers as the other or even the others are the ones doing the shooting down.
Now if it's close to the same ratio flights to crashes, how many are really buzzing around that don't crash.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

True, but I would get a bit suspicious when Paris was the "Boeing 747 chrash capitol of the world" wouldn't you?

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:31 AM
I would say:
While both the UFOs, and ETs themselves must be incredibly advanced, I doubt they are omnipotent. Accidents happen, plain and simple. No creature in our universe is infallible.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:51 AM
Some of these crashes could be stage managed by the aliens, perhaps to send a message to someone? People who are left out of the loop? The message is "Yes we are here, never mind the disinformation". A good way to get a politician's attention is to throw a used model into the desert with a few dead bodies in it...I always remind myself that these aliens are arch propagandists. They know what they are doing and they are calling the shots a lot of the time...
edit on 17-4-2013 by EnPassant because: an addition

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:54 AM
That makes no sense to me. ETs are ADVANCED. If they wanted to destroy us, they could. If they wanted to reveal themselves to us, they could. They seem to be STUDYING us, and I can admit I have NO CLUE why. Although they are advanced, however, I do not believe them to be infallible. IMO.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by jjsr420

They are invading by stealth.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:03 PM
I don't think so, but that's just my opinion. None of us know for sure what's going on. We can only stipulate.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:08 PM
Why are UFOs crashing all over the place?
What ever is causing it, if it is simply by accident like we have a plane crash from time to time (and I don't think that's very likely) the sky should literaly be swarming with UFOs

What I wonder is, why there aren't any (obvious) retaliations taken by the ETs for attacking and capturing these crafts and their crews?

Assuming there is an alien presence in our solar system (a very Big IF), this presence must be truely "alien" to us given the way it treats its scouts/military/scientists/civilians (yup, in order of appearance and level of presence in the galaxy/universe)

Just give it a thought, why would an intelligence allow this to happen? I think only an intelligence that solely views everything as a resource would "assemble" fully conscious (semi?) organic life (with a strictly limited "freedom") to interact with its environment without the need for real time communications/instructions
After all, organic life is self constructing, self replicating and self sustaining, traits that come in very handy even if only for the time it spends in a planetary system to restock on supplies and maybe to do research

I don't think it is too far fetched to assume that a far advanced civilization will at some point look for, and find, a way to create artificial consciousness and if we fast forward from that moment a few thousand years this artificial mind will probably become a (dominant) species on its own

What would stop a species like that to leave its planetary system, go into hybernation for as long as it takes to travel interstellar distances
Its "bodies" may very well be large asteroids or small moons/planetoids
Resources like that will easily enable it to travel the (relatively) "short" distances between stars near the galactic core
Btw, I say bodies in the sense that although its consciousness is singular we will (at first) not perceive it as a single entity

Fast fwd a million years and we have a vastly superior hive mind that only needs us like we need anti bodies to fight off hostile organisms, specialist cells to repair or replace worn down parts and nerve cells to gather information etc.
The Greys looking humanoid may be an important clue to how it primarily defines differend species
Most likely it perceives the level of awareness much more as defining a species than their physical form
It may just reason that a "small grey" will stimulate our primitive instinct not to harm our (weaker helpless) young and the Greys' humanoid appearance may have seemed adequate to it
It has taken some time to figure out why we reacted defensive towards these (poorly) faked "children" (Its drones)

Enter the hybridization program we hear about in the abduction phenomenon, and ofc. the strong emphasis put on us not being able to spot the diference between "us" and "them" (the hybrids)
David Jacobs writes in his book "The Threat" that recently abductees are telling him another story than at the begining of his research into this phenomenon.
"You see? Soon we will all be together, isn't that great? Isn't that wonderfull?"

So why do UFOs crash all over the place?
They may be relatively cheap/easy to manufature (in terms of resources) and, given what little is known about the small Greys' rudimentary physique, so is a crew
The greys are also mere "parts", the cpu if you like

Another reason may be that the alleged "crashes" are not crashes at all but the ET trojan horse
If we capture at least parts of their technology who knows what kind of nano tech they're infecting the retreival teams with?

In turn they are briefed by a superior, hierarchy is something we have in common with the ETs, no matter if it's an artificial (hive) mind or a more "conventional" organic species
By the time the guys at Dreamland "wake up" the nightmare may be all too real, nothing more deadly than a vastly underestimated opponent

To understand an interstellar civilization and, moreover, its members we have to think Big, in millennia rather than decenia
We think interstellar travel is not worth it because we have such short lifespans but technologically advanced societies will inevitibly increase its members' life expectancy as much as possible and surely if necessary, probably doing away with aging alltogether
Why? You ask? Simple, because they can and life "demands" to thrive, conscious life most of all
That brings us to step 2 towards virtual immortality; Creating "back up copies", at least of their most important/noteworthy members for a variety of obvious reasons

Some believe we're a "world in quarantine"
Maybe most of our galaxy is already colonized and we are either a curiousity and most Greys are tourists
or we're an important resource on its way to self destruct
We're not only threatening Our survival but maybe also their/its survival, maybe consciousness is parasitic by nature, and inclined to exhaust its resources, and in doing so, forcing itself to expand its sphere of influence ever further

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:15 PM
I would not see the aliens as all powerful. Their situation is complex. What would they gain by destroying us? Why would they conquer in a primitive sense? The west could kill all terrorists by blowing up the Middle East with atomic bombs but what would they gain by that? It is not just a question of power it is a question of how much they would loose or gain. They need us or our help, they won't get that by killing us - and besides, they have enemies...

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by GzusCriest

EDIT: I ran out of characters just before I could wrap it all up

Why are UFOs crashing all over the place?
nr 1:
They're very cheap low quallity assets, swarming the galaxy (probably) aboard the alien equivalence of an aircraft carrier and mere recon drones
I find the recon part a bit unlikely because, if that was all they were, their presence should've decreased by now, there's only so much data reconnaissance can gather before either stepping up -, or abbandoning the program

nr 2:
They sent to base that we're "Mostly harmless"
but by the time the report was reviewed an entire fleet of (disposable) drones was already past the point of no return and without steady support
they pretty soon had no choice but to be "taken to our leader"
nr 3:
They're "Trojan horses" crash deliberately so we would send in our physically fittest specimens to retreive 'm and then bring it to our intellectually fittest specimens for further analyses
This approach would be very effective means of infiltration for a technologicaly superior colony, as in "ant colony"
I mean, seriously, look at what we "know" about the Greys, it screams "insect DNA"
A fleet on its way to our solar system at such a speed that, by the time the queen and her colony arrive, their little "trojan allies" will have infected virtually every human being on the planet with a mind control technology lightyears
beyond our comprehension
For instance; a deadly mix of pheromones, nano technology and electro magnetic waves that
If necessary anyone can be "hijacked" while fully aware of what's going on around 'm but completely helpless, and totally controlled by the hive queen
Long ago it ravaged the Greys' homeworld and at least a century ago it has also turned to us

Btw: I'm merely using the term "queen" to refer to the embodiment of the hives' strongest "motivational forces"
I don't mean an individual consciousness las we human beings have, after all, that wouldn't be very "alien", and besides, treating conscious individuals (like us) the same way, as previously described, surely wouldn't have evolved into a multi bodied, single minded and extremely successfull organism

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 07:12 PM
My comments were deleted by the editor which keeps making auto edits to my post.
edit on 17-4-2013 by bluestreak53 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
We have reports and threads of ufo crashes dating back to the 40’s [Roswell] till recent times. If ufo’s are advance aliens visiting Earth in these Advanced flying spaceships then why do they seem to crash frequently?

Is our militaries around the world advanced enough to shoot them down or could it be our magnetic field has some adverse effect on them? Could it be some atmospheric condition? What could be the reason?

Kinross Ufo crash..could it still be there??

I'll just post this first to see if it works... Problems with post editor....

There was never any indication that the Kinross case involved the crash of a UFO before a couple of mischief makers fabricated a HOAX story in 2006 that they had located the missing F-89 on the bottom of Lake Superior and obtained "sonar images" using a jerry-rigged fish finder. The "sonar images" they produced look like crappy drawings or low res photos passed through a Photoshop noise filter.

The hoaxers:
- invented a non-existent dive company
- quoted a fabricated fictitious news release when they announced their discovery
- never revealed their real names or contact information
- abruptly shut down their hoax website when investigators started asking questions
- falsely claimed the Canadian government was denying them access to the site (when they had never made any such request)

Keep in mind that two US Air Force crew members disappeared with the F-89 and to claim they had discovered the jet wreckage would have raised expectations of the surviving family members.

So although it is possible the Kinross incident may have involved a "UFO" and a "crash" it is generally assumed that the jet crashed (thats the official USAF explanation) or its possible the F-89 was taken by the UFO - which might explain why there was no wreckage or oil slick found in the search.

By all accounts, the "UFO" continued its track on the radar screen after the return from the F-89 and its IFF signal disappeared (after the blips merged on radar). Radio contact with the F-89 crew was last made with GCI about 5 minutes before the blip disappeared.

One other anomaly is that another F-89 pilot sent up to search for the missing plane heard a short radio transmission that sounded just like the pilot Lt. Moncla's voice (a slow Southern drawl), this was 40 minutes after the F-89 disappeared from radar.

edit on 17-4-2013 by bluestreak53 because: Added post text.

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