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Stop Raising The Minimum Wage & Stop Whining

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by forthepeople
Hmm so you think you are worth more?

Sometimes people have a right to complain and you can do something about it while complaining.

So if whoever you worked for tomm told you your salary was gonna be cut in half would you complain any? If they found someone to replace you for some reason would you then complain?

Does speaking out againist something that is not fair = complaining?

Complain yes, try all you can but to whine about it and stay in that situation is different. Your statement didn't have anything to do with minimum wage by the way. By me saying I'm worth $50.00 an hour doesn't mean I'm qualified for that amount.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by proof_tracey
I also appreciate the not so kind words because it is people like you that make me want to push a little harder.
Let me say that I am *not* asking for the government to bail me out nor am I waiting for a hand out. If that were the case I would have applied for and received government assistance.
I am saying loud and clear that I do not agree with the way the government chooses to run this country.

To just*mama* or whatever your name is. I was tired when I posted, forgive me for not speaking ever so eloquently, I tend to be myself when posting in forums.

And that right there shows that you have the potential to be able to REALLY make it in this world. The fact that you can recognize the truth and instead of making excuses (other than being tired, but I have been there and when women get tired, we speak irrationally quite often.. but you admitted it) you took it.

I really do hope you succeed in your life because you can. I believe that you are where you are bc you don't have the faith in yourself. That kind of faith can't be given to you. You have to gain it through proving it to yourself that you can do it. Good luck!!

edited to add: no more complaining and get out there to make something of yourself, not only for your babies, but for you!!

[edit on 28-7-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Solarskye

I may even agree with your OP if minimum wage was increased every 2 years or so..

But it was 10 years since the last increase and the economy now isnt better.

I just dont agree with you that a raise of a average of 80 cents is gonna make the economy much worse than it is now. Their are way bigger fish to fry than this if we wanna get americas economy were it should be.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by forthepeople]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by justamomma

OK. I can see that you are trying to speak to me. So I'm doing my best to be patient. The fundamental problem that keeps escaping this discussion is the reality of the human condition.

IF you make a worker cost more-- then you invest in that worker-- a cheaper worker, is easier to replace and does not hurt the company to lose -- so their won't be any investment in that worker. Now, you could automate away that worker or ship the job overseas when Labor becomes expensive -- and PART of the total failure of The REPUBLICANS, is that they pushed the idea that outsourcing jobs to China and India would be good for Americans. NO, it has been good for SOME stockholders.

I will be selling the last shares of my stock this week in the stock market. The smart money left this Card Game about two years ago. I was smart, but I didn't have enough money to take advantage of this trend. But the point is; "so much for not protecting our markets on the basis of helping out 'stockholders.'" Labor should come first and wealth always can occur from labor. Every time this country has supported wealth over labor -- our economy has failed.

Labor was asked to increase productivity and send that profit to the shareholder. The shareholder, unfortunately, invests in a world market where the returns are maximized. Enlightened self-interest helps millionaires in China and the US, but always manages to move to more dire working conditions around the world. The bar keeps getting lower, and lower and China lives in a fog of factories and people who toil.

(and in my perspective, those who are refusing to figure out how to better their situations themselves or through the help of personal friends and family are just as greedy as those who you are citing to be greedy).

>> Refusing to "figure out?" I knew a guy from Mexico who did some work for my dad. I asked him, if he wouldn't want to learn carpentry -- he said that digging ditches always made him money, so why learn more? That was refusing to figure out -- but his stubbornness is what also helped him to survive. But there is always going to be a limited number of people who can figure out enough to get ahead.

When someone is poor and stressed and insecure -- they are likely to become JUST GREEDY. This is human nature. Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs is now a bedrock of psychology. Maslov proved that if people do not have basic needs met, they do NOT develop more enlightened. People who worry about food, safety and shelter, are not going to become your enlightened Executives in the future. They will always be Greedy, because they are always in fear that someone will take from them.

Poor health, economic insecurity, and low education create people who will be angry and less educated. Stress in mothers produces more stress hormones, which have been shown to affect the brains of babies. So, the mothers at the short end of the stick will have more violent and less intelligent kids, and the people at the good end of the stick will listen to Experts who explain that these people are lazy and stupid.

It will never be solved because the stress of being poor makes people destined to be poor.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Wait, you were just saying to her "forget making a living writing,"

And now you are telling her that she will succeed because she doesn't want a handout and can make it if she tries harder.

Both of these are assumptions and "wishful thinking." We all wish that Tracy will do better but people also can win lotteries. The people who think they can make it, have better odds.

What is Tracy going to do, if she doesn't make it? Will she have to accept that she is a "loser?" I have to fight that feeling myself, and I and my wife make a decent living.

She doesn't expect the Government to give her a handout. That's great. But I expect the government should make sure someone pays her a living wage in return for her work. And I expect that the Government should protect jobs and NOT let companies import things for pennies. Ford motor is moving to Mexico and GM is moving to China while Toyota is moving to the US but without Union jobs and protections.

Businesses have to give workers medical benefits and deal with Sarbanes Oxley -- which impacts whether they choose to set up shop in the US. The other thing that makes it a no-brainer to ship the jobs over seas is that our government doesn't put tariffs on the Ford car from Mexico and the GM car from China. Why the hell is Toyota even bothering with this sort of largess and charity from the government to the corporation?

Why are ANY businesses left in the US if they can get cheaper workers in other countries and they don't have to pay anything to sell their cheap-produced goods in America?

How can Tracy compete with someone making $1 a day?

She cannot.

And the rest of us might be joining Tracy very soon, no matter how clever and hard working we think we are.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

My brother got involved with drugs at his high school. Instead of going to prison, he went to therapy. He now manages 100+ people and makes over $250K. WE have both gone through depression. I'd say we can thank FORTUNE and our place in this world a lot more than hard work. And some people do NOT know how to get ahead -- it is a skill and it is networking. If you didn't get born in the right family -- chances are you will never get it.

Well, let me say first off that there are ppl that are born "lucky," but are they really lucky? Someone who is born into wealth thinks of wealth as a priveledge and when if it disappears (which it can), what then?

This is also how I think of America on a much larger scale. Especially this generation, we think that we are owed comforts as though it were part of sustaining life bc we have been handed that for the most part. If our family is poor, it must be everyone else's fault but ours.

There was one year that my dad pull in only $3,000 for the whole year, and that was his gross income, not net. He had my mom and 3 daughters to support. Instead of complaining, he sold his comforts, mom got a job being a "greeter" for the city (so she could maintain being an actual mom), and they had help from family. Dad never complained to or about the government keeping him down, he never gave up and settled, but instead, he figured out a way to start his own business so that he would be the deciding factor in how much he got paid. (and you say I was handed EVERYTHING ALWAYS by my parents

He knew that is wasn't about "luck." If someone doesn't feel that they can be creative, inventive, savvy enough to figure out how to take control of their lives, then they shouldn't complain in settling for other ppl to dictate to them how and what they are going to do and make.

Everyone has a skill that they can use to make money. It is just up to them to figure it out.

Sure, if you want to call it "luck" then call it luck, but your brother wouldn't be where he was if he hadn't gotten out there to do the work himself. If he had stayed in a MW job snorting coke or whatever it was he did, then the "bad luck" would have been his own fault.

That arguement is hardly in opposition to what I am saying on this thread and in fact, kind of proves that even a junkie can turn their life around.

You seem to not get the point about hard-working people in third-world countries. The thing that allows hard work to pay off -- is all the damn Liberal institutions that you and your ilk take for granted and want to destroy. That tough love crap didn't work for the entire length of human history -- but that doesn't stop people from still using it. Wow, I guess the Dark Ages, Slavery and Serfdom must have been a panacea -- no lazy people, why did anyone decide that we needed America to be free in the first place? We just created a haven for laziness.

No, I got your point. I was just trying to save you the embarrassment by pretending that you knew your point is validating my point .

cute......."ilk"........... but before you speak out of your arse by labeling me incorrectly, read the whole thread.

Good for you, not raising lazy kids. People every day accomplish this amazing feat behind the safety of a white picket fence, and grew up without the sort of questions in life that distract from a good paying job. I don't want to speculate, but I've known a lot of church-going people who have these huge networks of support. They think all the worlds problems would be solved if everyone were like them. The world cannot support the number of wasteful, hypocritical, SUV-driving Christians as it is. The callousness towards the environment, towards the unfortunate, and the head-in-the sand concept that Charities and begging can solve any of these huge problems fits hand-in-glove with the White-Picket-Fence Christo-fascists in this country.

huh? Who is saying anything about being like me. Just don't whine that bc you don't have I have abtained through hard work.

I'm not saying we don't have a problem with culture, where people are always looking for an excuse. But as successful people in America, WE cannot be whining about our responsibility to help others succeed just because people abuse it. America was doing a lot better economically, when we were treating the people at the bottom better. I'd be happy if they never had to work. Because I don't worry about people getting something for free. I worry about the wealthy taking everything and making me fight over the scraps.

I am not responsible for anyone but me and my children. Who *I* decide to help w/ my earnings should be my choice, not the choice of a federal gov't that obviously doesn't know how to handle MY money better than I do.

Get a clue. BY the above statements you made, in essense your philosophy is :

poor person: "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine"

comfortable person: "what's mine is yours and what's yours is yours."

Ridiculous!! And not what this country was meant to be about. There are plenty of other socialistic govt's in other countries you can go pick from to live under. Call me in ten years and let me know how you feel about it then.

NOBODY is helped by crass people who put them down. Some people need a dream as a way to get by when the don't have energy to play with their kids. I don't know, with the diets we have, if more of us aren't just losing all our energy to begin with. Nobody has been helped by tough-love talks, only the conscience of the self-satisfied who never cared about anybody but #1 anyway.

BS! I have been helped more by ppl that have been blunt w/ me than by ppl in my life who have given me a bit of monetary help. I appreciated the monetary help, but I am where I am bc of the truth.

Quit holding ppl back w/ your excuses. I was born no more priveledged than over half the ppl who are complaining. I was not an ilk type and these presumptions you are making about me and other ppl are wrong. You are defeating your owarguements by the crap you are spewing.

A single mother is NOT going to get ahead in this country unless they are EXTREMELY lucky. For a thousand that make it, a million did not.

considering who you are addressing (ie me), I feel very justified in saying you are speaking out of your arse again. You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Go back and read my past posts before you say this to me again.

Free healthcare and free education and maybe someplace to leave the kids that isn't a car and maybe we can talk again about getting rid of welfare -- but until then, I'd support 3 times more for people than for bombs.

This shows your lack of knowledge. Healthcare and education are and NEVER will be free. Someone is picking up the tab for these things. So before you go regurgitating what you are hearing from obama, do your research and learn the facts. I am not responsible for another woman's choices, particularly when I have taken responsibility for my own.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
reply to post by justamomma

Wait, you were just saying to her "forget making a living writing,"

And now you are telling her that she will succeed because she doesn't want a handout and can make it if she tries harder.

Get a grip! I didn't backtrack and say she would succeed as a writer. I said that with that attitude (and yes, should have clarified, with that maintained attitude and determined effort) she can succeed........ I didn't say she would succeed by writing though.

People than can take the truth and use it rather than running away, crying like a baby are the ones that have the greater chance of succeeding.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
I knew a guy from Mexico who did some work for my dad. I asked him, if he wouldn't want to learn carpentry -- he said that digging ditches always made him money, so why learn more? That was refusing to figure out -- but his stubbornness is what also helped him to survive. But there is always going to be a limited number of people who can figure out enough to get ahead.

pardon me, let me clarify that statement. refusing to figure out how to get what they want opting instead to complain that it is not being given to them. better?

When someone is poor and stressed and insecure -- they are likely to become JUST GREEDY. This is human nature.

Thing is, we are NOT in a third world country YET, thus, if they are poor that is their own fault based on their choices in life. If they are stressed, may I recommend some yoga.... does wonders! And being insecure sounds like a personal problem to me. I am not responsible for others feeling "secure".

Greed is greed and there is no way around it. I think those who have built their wealth should not feel guilty because others who have the same opportunity refuse to take it. I sure as hell don't. I feel sorry for the children of parents who won't do more, but unless the parents want to hand their children over to me and let me raise them as my own, there is little I can do to help. I won't support the parents and it is their fault their children are living under the "comfort" level.

Since you admit that greed is human nature, I am not sure why you are so ademently preaching against it when it comes to ppl who have earned what they have.

Poor health, economic insecurity, and low education create people who will be angry and less educated. Stress in mothers produces more stress hormones, which have been shown to affect the brains of babies. So, the mothers at the short end of the stick will have more violent and less intelligent kids, and the people at the good end of the stick will listen to Experts who explain that these people are lazy and stupid.

Then they should direct that anger to something profitable for them w/out taking it from my and other hard workers pockets. Where do you think the money comes from all these programs? the gov't isn't paying for it. So think before you speak..

I am at the good end of the stick because I got tired of being on the short end.

No matter how much we give to these ppl who refuse to get themselves off the short end, they will never be off the short end bc they are choosing to stay there.

It will never be solved because the stress of being poor makes people destined to be poor.

Again, sounds like a personal problem to me.

G'dammit dude, you are arguing w/ a single mother who had nothing other than the responsibility of two children when she started down this "single" path. I was not from a "well to do" family that bailed me out of the consequences of my choices. I have done what you are trying to prove can't be done, so what's your point?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:52 PM
I bet she lives in a single wide and drives a kia
She is a pompus ass that justamomma

[edit on 28-7-2008 by forthepeople]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:56 PM
It all boils down to personal responsibility and it doesn't matter if the government is involved or not. You can have family and friends or nobody and it still boils down to personal responsibility. Raising minimum wage will never fix that, only that person can. Work hard, quit whining and take responsibility for yourself. Quit blaming everybody else and blame yourself for where you are and figure out how and what you're gonna do to defeat the odds and become a winner and not a statistic.

And please think about your children. If you don't have any and can't afford them then don't have any. If you do have children and are in a bad situation then show your kids what it takes to make it.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by forthepeople
I bet she lives in a single wide and drives a kia
She is a pompus ass that justamomma

[edit on 28-7-2008 by forthepeople]

Even if that were the case
, at least I worked for it.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:59 PM
And those people work for their $6.55 it isnt handed to them.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by forthepeople
And those people work for their $6.55 it isnt handed to them.

and if they want to live in their single wides or settle for their kias that is fine with me. Just don't expect anyone to make it better for you.

btw... when I said that I am proof that it can be done, what that meant was I am proof that you can have two dependents, little to your name, and still work your way up to where you are living in a nice home (sorry, I didn't feel the need to settle in this department), nice vehicle, comforts, and savings.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Sorry about the "ilk" comment. You certainly are one of the people who boot-strapped, and not the white-picket-fence type.

The problem is, you sound EXACTLY like the white-picket-fence people who don't give a damn. You might help people and that is great. You might blame nobody and teach your kids to strive to be better -- that is a winning attitude.

But to get ahead at work, I find you have to adapt the attitude and world-view of the boss.

The poor nations that people leave behind, and come to America to escape, have EVERYONE, thinking that poor people are lazy.

That's what I meant when I said; "your ilk." You've adopted the belief system of the people who create these problems as well. You are totally not getting what I am saying. You adopting a 'can do" attitude is absolutely fine. You not understanding why we should have Universal Healthcare and social safety nets, is a belief system that is promoted by the Robber Barons.

I look at people like Clarence Thomas, and they have adopted the mean spirit of the people who used to keep people like him down. There is a great middle ground and I think you should listen to some of Obama's speeches on that matter. We can ask people to have personal responsibility without forgetting our duty to help them out.

I'm not "whining" about minimum wage because I'm not in that boat. I'm pretty angry at the whiners who think THEY are going to be hurt by helping out the little guy. Unless you are making that money on the Nikes shoes that get built for $1 -- YOU are not going to be hurt by increasing money going to labor.

I totally get your comment here;
This is also how I think of America on a much larger scale. Especially this generation, we think that we are owed comforts as though it were part of sustaining life bc we have been handed that for the most part. If our family is poor, it must be everyone else's fault but ours.
Yeah, I kind of was debilitated with too much comfort. Not that my dad wasn't West Texas and made me work for things -- more from my mom who was "hey you tied your shoe -- you are so special." Then when you meet adversity, you think you are supposed to overcome it too easily. That makes you weak.

But, you don't have to figure out economics to get promoted in this economy. It really helps if you think and talk the right way, however. It's also a good way to make friends with Republicans, is to adopt their way of thinking. Become one of the "safe" people who think right. Collin Powell was a good soldier and did what his commander told him to do. And held up a little white powder at the UN and lied about Iraq.

So much is stolen at the top in this country -- and this crime is covered up by a debate about $.70 more for the people at the bottom. Your story is compelling and uplifting and I don't take away from that. But your story shouldn't also be a cop-out for keeping the system the way it is. Our economy is failing BECAUSE we don't waste money on people. We waste money on bombs and in exporting money to corporations overseas. You can spend all you want on education and health care, and at least it stays inside the border.

I wouldn't mind living in some of those Socialist countries --- but it is a LOT harder to get in to them than it is the USA. That should tell you something.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:42 PM
I just have to wonder why don't we ever get all these well-to-do NeoCon men discussing their favorite topic of the "lazy poor" and it's always a mother of 6 who did it all on her own that we have to debate.

Are all 10,000 of these amazing people blogging on the web?

No offense to those of you who actually are mothers of 6 who did it all without one government hand "up."

But I'm from what used to be the upper middle class -- and we got "hand ups" all the time -- and I did OK for myself and don't collect food stamps.

Why can't the same program of affirmative action and over-pay work for the working poor as well? Hmm?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:02 PM

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by justamomma

"The stress of being poor makes people destined MORE LIKELY to be poor. "

Is that better? I didn't say it was impossible. This just seems like a religions debate. Heck, I could be just fine if the system continued on as it does. My kids are going to a good school. What do I care?

How can I be speaking out of my rear? I don't know you or know if what you claim to be is or isn't real. I don't pretend to know. I'm talking about my opinion, and some relatively accurate facts on which I base them. I cannot know what is true for each and every person -- only stats based upon what is true for MOST people.

It is not an absolute of ALL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY vs ALL GOVERNMENT HANDOUT. This is a false either/or debate.

Here is the issue to me; Tell me, how some guy in bare feat, with a family starving in Darfur, other than the one-in-a-billion exceptional person -- who is going to start a nano-technology company in Darfur, where some oil companies are helping to wipe out people in their way? Maybe an oil executive's kid? Maybe nobody? Mostly desperate people and those taking advantage of them.

What makes us different? We have roads. Some places even have trains. We have schools and running water and fire stations that help put out fires. We have a system of laws that protects not just the oil executives property -- but the barefoot man's property. And sometimes, the poor guy can sue if the product he bought explodes on him -- sometimes, but that is changing. Some places we have parks where people who never spent any money to enter, can come in and kick a ball -- amazingly society has not collapsed from the weight of this.

In Mexico they have low taxes and nothing to help lazy people. In the Netherlands they have high taxes and a LOT to help out lazy people. On balance, it appears that putting up with a little too much for lazy people, creates a more prosperous society than a country that does nothing for the poor -- just in case someone was even thinking about being lazy.

Exceptionalism should not be the guiding principle for how we treat people. Whether we look at a social policy that only helps the handful of people who overcome poverty, or we look at the worst criminals to decide how we treat over a million convicts in prison.

This country keeps lowering the bar and it is becoming less of a country to be proud of. And I am sick and tired of this.

>> By the way, what sort of job do you do Single-mom with two or six kids?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:58 PM

[edit on 28-7-2008 by forthepeople]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

Sorry about the "ilk" comment. You certainly are one of the people who boot-strapped, and not the white-picket-fence type.

The problem is, you sound EXACTLY like the white-picket-fence people who don't give a damn. You might help people and that is great. You might blame nobody and teach your kids to strive to be better -- that is a winning attitude.

But to get ahead at work, I find you have to adapt the attitude and world-view of the boss.

well, not all boss' are mean, ya know. I know a couple business owners who have ppl working for them and they give their employees every opportunity to make good money.

As for me, I work for myself. I don't have to be anyone's boss but my own, so I can keep my earnings (minus what i have to take out to give to ppl I don't know)..

I am not a cruel person by any means. And quite honestly, even though I knew that I had to work when I graduated highschool and did work hard, I used to take the same position as many of you on here do.

It wasn't until I was put into the same position (maybe even worse than some) of these "disadvantaged" ppl that I realized, we are not disadvantaged in this country by ANY means!! We have the ability to do something w/ ourselves that many other countries don't have. Even a person who has no legs has every opportunity to use their head and invent real services and products for ppl; especially now that internet is available. In this country unless there is something mentally wrong w/ you, the opportunity still exists for all.

This "poor me" attitude and relying on our gov't to not only regulate personal and business affairs, not to mention the "handouts" ppl take is going to destroy what makes this country so great.

I take this hard core stance because I have done it and I am not a genius by any means, I am just a typical average person who had the goals of earning my own money, setting my own hours, and having a comfortable (not spoiled) life for me and my children. Again, I honestly believed that there were ppl who couldn't help their situation until I was one of those ppl.

The poor nations that people leave behind, and come to America to escape, have EVERYONE, thinking that poor people are lazy.

That's what I meant when I said; "your ilk." You've adopted the belief system of the people who create these problems as well. You are totally not getting what I am saying. You adopting a 'can do" attitude is absolutely fine. You not understanding why we should have Universal Healthcare and social safety nets, is a belief system that is promoted by the Robber Barons.

You still have me pegged wrong. Do you even understand WHY doctor prices are so high? It is because of programs like medicaid, insurance fraud, ridiculous lawsuits, etc. These programs are what causes the problem, not solve it. If doctors could be paid directly and ppl would quit running to them for every little problem, then prices would go down. They have to make a profit too and because they are valuable and their service is a higher skill than say toilet cleaners, they deserve to make better profits.

I don't understand how I am considered a thief when I pay for every service and product w/ the money I earn. In fact, I am not. The thieves are those who help to push up these costs through demanding free services that I have to help pay for through taxes and higher costs.

I look at people like Clarence Thomas, and they have adopted the mean spirit of the people who used to keep people like him down. There is a great middle ground and I think you should listen to some of Obama's speeches on that matter. We can ask people to have personal responsibility without forgetting our duty to help them out.

uhm, I listen to obama merely for the fact of keeping up with the current events and if you want to see my "picking" apart of his socialist agenda, there are plenty of my posts on him in the post section of my profile.

obama is pushing to keep the poor man down. He is wanting to erase individuality. He is the pushing to keep the very problems that we have in our society around.

People don't understand what this country was meant to be about and so in their uneducated views, all they hear is change change change. Yeah, we'll see change w/ him, but REALLY look at his issues and you will see the change is dangerous not only for the poor man, but for every person who wants to maintain their right to individuality.

I'm not "whining" about minimum wage because I'm not in that boat. I'm pretty angry at the whiners who think THEY are going to be hurt by helping out the little guy. Unless you are making that money on the Nikes shoes that get built for $1 -- YOU are not going to be hurt by increasing money going to labor.

I am sure your intentions are good, but have you heard the saying "the road to hell is paved w/ good intentions."? the best thing I can do is to help try and educate others about what this country stands for because yes, I will lose everything I have worked for if this socialist agenda keeps trekking along. My kids have more of a right to what I earn than some woman on food stamps kids.

But, you don't have to figure out economics to get promoted in this economy. It really helps if you think and talk the right way, however. It's also a good way to make friends with Republicans, is to adopt their way of thinking. Become one of the "safe" people who think right. Collin Powell was a good soldier and did what his commander told him to do. And held up a little white powder at the UN and lied about Iraq.

your first sentence is right on. Before this venture on the single mother path, I had no clue about the economy. Heck, I am still learning things bc I would eventually like to be able to help others get out of their situations by empowering them, not handing them freebees..

btw....... I am not republican either. They are looking for the same ultimate goal as the democrats, they just go about it differently.

So much is stolen at the top in this country -- and this crime is covered up by a debate about $.70 more for the people at the bottom. Your story is compelling and uplifting and I don't take away from that. But your story shouldn't also be a cop-out for keeping the system the way it is.

If my story can inspire just one person to put the food stamps down, get out a piece of paper and pen and start listing out ideas for how they can start on their own path to be their own boss and then go after it, then that would be great. However, that was not my point.
My point in telling my story is that what I have gone through IS the American dream and if more ppl would take responsibility for their choices and quit relying, this country can come up w/ real solutions to problems that, yes, are real, without giving the gov't more power to control our lives.

I wouldn't mind living in some of those Socialist countries --- but it is a LOT harder to get in to them than it is the USA. That should tell you something.

Be gone then! And take some others that don't want the opportunity to make something that is really theirs of this life! This country wasn't meant for ppl like you. Saying the pledge and wearing red, white, and blue doesn't make you an American at heart. Working hard and making something of your life does.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:50 PM
On the way to my job at GovCorp today I saw some Privies begging in front of the GovResort Hotel. Only 20% of the population is Privies. They could get a job at GovCorp if they just got a PH.D., signed a security oath and submitted to a Reliability Board interrogation while a drill removed a small but none essential brain sample. Whyat's so hard about that?
They keep trying to sell homegrown decentralized technology and medicine not approved by the CorpConsortium. They are just crazy savages.
They don't have to be shabby. They just need a GovCorp job so they can get housing and medical benefits like everybody else.
When the Privies get a survival allotment increase my GovCorp salary does not go up. What's fair about that?
Privies have kids? That part wasn't serious was it?

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