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Violent encounter with an alien being

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posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
reply to post by argentus

Sorry argentus I must of missed it.

You know, some thing is tugging me from my childhood thats really making me say 'do i need to go much further back' to find out wtf is going on.

I hate to say this, but after reading a few things, i think the answer may be yes.

I gotta say this again - but it is my experience from talking to people like yourself, that isolated up-close-and-personal encounters are NOT the norm.

I find that eventually the experiencer learns of past experiences, especially during childhood-puberty; and often learn of similar experiences happening to their mother/grandmother. I have found that it is mostly the female side of the bloodlines that are the ones being monitored - so in your case I'd be looking in that direction more than in your own past.

I am still curious to learn about your anger - are you normally quick to go from calm to full-blown rage in your daily life? In traffic? At neighbours? Because if this level of anger IS unusual to your 'norm' - then I will wager it reflects your emotional 'memory' of previous encounters - especially ones in which you were powerless.

There are cases on record with researchers I know of where similar levels of anger were exhibited by often meek and mild men in normal life. Under regression, it was revealed that the anger was often the result of being immobilised while non-humans were examining or in some cases, having sex with their wives or daughter.

I fully understand why people with no contact with people who have such experiences sit and laugh their heads off after reading this. It is simply unbelievable.
But after listening to, counselling and sometimes being able to report on - such cases for decades - I can only say that there is a lot going on that none of you will ever ever ever hear about.


posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:10 PM
Can you u2u me because I need a off boards chat.

It is very relevant. Thanks, daniel.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Dan, thanks for the honest answers.
You mentioned that you didn't want to "get into" the woods story. I looked through RATS and I don't know if that satiated my interest in that part of the story. Is there a chance you might want to share that story soon? I mean, you obviously knew something even before the regression done on you.

I am asking this question because your discription of this thing makes me ill. I have been experiencing something during meditation and there's a face in my head that sounds something like what you are saying. Obviously because I'm seeing it in my head, it isn't as descript. However, There's a reason I don't like running at night near the woods by my house anymore.

Anyway, since you are probably inundated with u2u's, I won't message you unless you want to get into the conversation. If there's still a lot to the woods part you don't want to get into, that's fine, but feel free to send me a shout if you're cool with letting me know.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by predisposed
reply to post by Dan Tanna

end of the day your a maniac. and like i said in my first part of the post. You will justify your decision. which you did. you think your perfect? well try questioning your self once in a while. as the propogated of violent actions, you must be held responsible for them. and you also say , i cant be bothered to quote you, but that you would next time blind both of his eyes.

I think, you should next time, try and resolve this peacefully.... not more violently. but hey. you know best right. come on doesnt anyone else believe in what im saying here?

i believe i have basically said what you said but he seems to have a one track mind that centers on "ME HOUSE- ME KILL" no offence mate (OP) really but you skirt a lot of very valid pts with a lot of repetition. but thanks again for sharing this im not trying to bring you down!

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by unnamedninja


Nope, me and the wife agree thats how we always spelt it.

Well, if it makes you sleep better at night, keep checking our spelling.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

No worries; You have a lot on your plate -- easy to miss comments amidst all the activity.

That was my concern, or intuitive concern or whatever -- that this was a creature that you have a memory of, albeit a possibly repressed memory, and that perhaps you "learned" in the past to think of them as malevolent. My opinion, the situation alone identifies any intruder as malevolent, let alone someone advancing upon my sweetheart.

As to the weaponry, I grew up in a household in the mountains of Idaho, and there were guns, knives, all manner of things. They were tools, and I knew damned well enough that I was expected to not touch them. When I was formally taught to shoot, and especially the safety of same, then I was allowed limited use, which increased with proficiency and demonstration of adherence to the principles of safety. Long-winded way of saying that I don't find it at all odd to surround yourself with weaponry, even with an infant in the room, and particulary if there turns out to be previous events you've had.

Cheers; wish you peace and safety

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by argentus

Yeah sorry i missed it first zoom through.

But, I am going to go through family history and ask some bare bones questions from family members.

Some thing is not right, and it is bugging me.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by chris_stibrany

Dude, when your family gets f##### over and you have to soul search as to why you was such a p##### and did nothing but watch because you don't like violence do not come whining and running to the boards because no one would help you with these nasty rough people.

You either stand up for your family or you let them be doormats.

Your choice.

At the end of the day, you in my house, at night, uninvited, you better had brought your own body bag to be carried out in.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Why havn't you answered my questions yet? You seem to be skipping over the rational questions and replying only to the ones that compliment your story.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Juist something that strikes me....... you might well find a lot of resistance from your family even discussing such a thing. I think many or most of us on some level resist even cracking the pane of awareness that such a thing might even be possible, and I'm referring mostly to abduction or other negative events. Much as many of us including myself say from time to time that we'd like to see a UFO or EBE, in our minds we're pretty much setting the terms of the event, and there isn't a one of us, I'd guess that wishes for an event as you've described.

Gonna hit it for the night. Hope you, Sophia and dau can work through this to be able to get sleep soon. Cheers

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by gumby51

Originally posted by Nola213
**Oh, btw are you a Star wars fan? did those face flaps, or slits look anything like the guy who was co pilot in the Millenium Falcon with Lando (Billy D Williams), in Return of the Jedi I think it was RoTJ. Did the face look like that, but only more "fishy, and larger eyes, and scales? Wish I could find a picture of that guy.

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You mean that piece of rubbish ? you think that deserves a damn answer ? welcome to the ignore button.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by BS_Slayer

This thread is intellectual cancer, and deep, deep, down inside, I think most of you know it but reality is so boring, you may as well drink another six pack and ask more questions about an imaginary event. I believe in many things, and my mind is always open, but I think the OP is either; mentally incompetent, or 100% grade A full of crap. Choice number 2 is the most viable. I sympathize with those of us missing screws, but I LOATHE liars.

choice number three...your thoughts are comprised of a reality in which you are totally right and totally wrong at the same time.

Choice number 2 is the most viable in your mind, IMO, because you either don't want to believe this to be true, or you do want to believe, but the safety of calling it BS is more comfortable to you. The safety of being the 'sane' and 'logical' one.

You do not loathe liars...your ego loathes that which it despises in itself.

it could be as true as fox news...or it could be true as the sky is blue...

I feel that it is not as fake as some would want to believe...

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by argentus

yeah its no fun dude. I have some stuff I need to go back through from the past.

if they say no, well no it is.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Want to know the truth about Dan Tanna? This thread says volumes of the fish being slayer.

Read this Thread in it's entirity. As of 6/22/08 he had a new CRKT on order (to most people that's just a cool knife). So Dan amazingly received the new knife just in time to kill a fish being? LMFAO! Not too mention, he is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shaken up, he still continues to post on DIFFERENT threads like he was never "attacked (if thats the correct term)", nor hacked up a possibly intelligent fish being.

Check the history of the OP.

I will print and eat this whole 700+ post, 38 page transcript printed in 2 font arial letters if he can prove his account true.

Hell, after reading the above thread, I seriously doubt he even has a bug out bag nor even has ANY wilderness survival skills.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:37 PM
I couldn't sleep, so I have made a picture from your descriptions to pass the time.

Does this look like the creature at all?

I probably have the colours a bit wrong, and the scales wrong. What do you think? Similar?

[edit on 6-7-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:38 PM


Nope, me and the wife agree thats how we always spelt it.

Well, if it makes you sleep better at night, keep checking our spelling.

Well it's a coincidence too far for me. Sorry if I caused offense or whatever but yeah, it's not your spelling which bothers me at all.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by iiinvision

some people here know me better than others, some in RATS are like how the hell you know that!?! they go off, check stuff, and go OK, thats real. You check out.

I am in no way going to forsake that kind of trust for a story that is false.

Wether people hate me, want to hurt me, flame me or what ever they want to do because they don't agree, then that is some thing even if i put a dead severed head on my desk and took a photo, they would say 'HOAX!'.

However, I have one thing to say. This happend, its real, it still is real and always will be real.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:47 PM
my first impression from Dan's account was to ask something similar, why the rage, why that blind fury?
but as i posted a few pages back, when you are face to face with something so foreign from "normal" reality regressing to an adrenaline fueled state is not strange at all, even less when what he sees appears to threaten his child.

Dan was in the minority, he reacted, I'm pretty sure most in the same situation would probably just had turned around and went back to sleep thinking it was all some weird dream...

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna

Wether people hate me, want to hurt me, flame me or what ever they want to do because they don't agree, then that is some thing even if i put a dead severed head on my desk and took a photo, they would say 'HOAX!'.

Not really, at least half of them would change their mind.

A detailed high quality photo of the head would be something big!

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

"even if i put a dead severed head on my desk and took a photo, they would say 'HOAX!'. "

Reminds me of this picture from South America.

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