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Alex Jones' Solutions

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posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 09:35 PM
Why do you keep asking the same question when many people have continually answered you already? It's very obvious that you are just here to try and bring down public opinion of him for whatever reason, but I will treat this as an honest thread nonetheless.

His solution to the global elite is to expose them in any way he can. What we do with the information he gives is entirely up to us. I'm not sure what else you can expect one man to do, it's more than most so i don't see why you are hounding him.

If you want specific examples of some of the things he says:
-don't take the vaccines
-get involved in local government
-protect yourself by stocking up on food and weapons for self defense
-don't drink fluoridated water
-inform others

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 09:39 PM
hey maybe ya start mentioning all the things he's caused alarm about yet nothing ever pans out for the guy. I mean gimme a break. He needs to tone it down so THAT WHEN SOMETHING BIG HAPPENS PEOPLE LISTEN.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by icecap

Thank you Icecap I was looking for specifics. I'm not trying to, as you say "bring down public opinon". I'm just curious as to how someone could know so much about history but know nothing about the lessons it has taught us. It just dosn't make sense to me. Sorry

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Tuebor

Originally posted by Tuebor

Why are you so hung up on solutions?

Did you type this before you thought about what you were typing? I'm not trying to be rude but it must be the case. If you think Alex Jones is accurate in what he is saying then how is anything going to be solved without some sort of solution? When there is a problem you need a solution, right?
...Well, maybe you don't? I think you might have just blown my mind...

[edit on 11-6-2008 by harvib]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by jboogienoj

Originally posted by jboogienoj

Oh and I feel alot of his philosophies are a little outdated. The right to bear arms. I'm sorry I don't think everybody should have guns...
[edit on 10-6-2008 by jboogienoj]

Wow did you just call the bill of rights outdated. I think we need to have a clear understanding of each article in the bill of rights and why it exist.

[edit on 11-6-2008 by harvib]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by jboogienoj

Oh and I feel alot of his philosophies are a little outdated. The right to bear arms. I'm sorry I don't think everybody should have guns. I don't think guns should be sold like that. I'm also not a fan of hunting, unless you have to but not for sport. In my opinion only law enforcers should carry weapons. 2 cents

[edit on 10-6-2008 by jboogienoj]

While you're at it, how about we do away with ALL of your constitutionally protected rights?

What makes cops so special that only they should be able to carry guns?

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by harvib
reply to post by Tuebor

Originally posted by Tuebor

Why are you so hung up on solutions?

[edit on 11-6-2008 by harvib]


What I meant to say is why are you repeating yourself? It should have read WHy are you so hung up on asking the same thing over and over? IMO, you got the answer but that isn't good enough for you. You have already made up your mind about Jones.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Tuebor

Based on the flimsy solutions that I have been given I think you are right. I have got my answer, it would seem that although AJ is a brilliant historian, a dedicated actavist, and remarkably articulate. He cares nothing about offering any real solutions. Just seems strange...

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by harvib

I love listening to Alex Jones. He is right about flouridated water being bad his solution is to buy an expensive Berky water filter. A better solution would be to demand flouride not be added to our water and have a class action lawsuit against the chemical companies supplying local authorities with flouride. Alex Jones needs to make money also so he pushes the berky water filters.

It is good that he is exposing the corruption of one segment of our political class but people need to be careful. If the political or military class become paranoid it will make matters worse not better for average people. A cornered rat will fight. It is important to allow people the opportunity to escape rather than fight. Alex Jones is smart enough not to threaten politicos but he is demonising the military. We need the soldiers to stop being soldiers and rejoin mainstream society; that will not be possible if they think they are in danger of being convicted of war crimes.Only the behavior should be demonised not the soldiers otherwise the soldiers will become tools of corrupt politicos.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 03:02 PM
Yea I am coward for being anonymous -- but I have a lot to lose by saying something. Jones waffles on a lot of things and his latest blunder is sideing with Karl Rove because of the latest 911 truth movement gullability. He offers nothing but BUY MY VIDEOS -- his minions are ill informed and follow everything he says without questioning his motives or his facts. He is just a public access television comentator. If he was of any credibility he owuld be some renegade on the Sci Fi Channel -- or someplace else. he just yells louder than anyone else and if that doesn't work he bullhorns. I know he has been in two movies.. but the director is from Austin. Big hairy deal. He has screwed over people like the late Michael Corbin and Bill Cooper-- among other struggling reporters and gets all the glory. I think it was Cooper who said that Jones was a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor--which makes sense when you consider that Jones would NOT talk about the scandal surrounding the Catholic Church and the trafficing of boys to the elite. Try bringing up any scandal with the church involved and he will shut it down.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by harvib

ALex Jones isn't the solution. He doesn't present solutions for us. Sometimes, he shares HIS idea of solutions for himself with us. Alex says that WE are the solutions. Anytime someone stands up to the New World Order in any way or spreads unknown information about the NWO you are part of the solution. Alex doesn't tell you how to do this. Not everyone can do what he does; not everyone can afford to be arrested or tased; not everyone can leave their jobs for days or weeks to go to protests; not everyone has money to donate. Not everyone can run for office. And Alex doesn't talk about some solutions (with good reason) that may involve violence, illegal activity, armed revolt, or civil war. Sometimes he hints at it or allows a guest to say these words but he assumes that most of his listeners have the understanding that a physical fight may be in the future. When he refers to the government acting like Hitler and Stalin we can imply: "How were they defeated?" He discourages any violence as a "last resort" not to be used until "the very end". But he leaves it up to each of us to decide when "the end" is. When enough people have been put in camps or even outright killed, "the end time" will then be obvious and the "solution" obvious. He is careful enough not to elaborate on that on air as he does not want to be yanked from the radio or prematurely arrested himself for inciting revolution. He advocates peaceful means until such time when non peaceful means become the only solution left that hasn't been tried. His basic solutions are don't watch commercial TV and their "news" programs and propaganda; don't use their "medicines" or their "drugs" that help them fund your enslavement and affect your ability to resist enslavement and think clearly; don't take their vaccines; home-school if at all possible; grow some of your own food; excercise your right to weapons and practice with them and carry them; always keep a camera of some sort on you and be ready to use it; talk to others and spread the word; support candidates that care about you and support the constitution.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 06:43 PM
Alex provides his solutions by charging money for it.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by estar
Alex provides his solutions by charging money for it.

That is an ignorant statement.

HE and his film makers make a point of offering their videos and documentaries on the internet free of charge.

"DVD Of The Resistance": Watch For Free, Spread The Word


posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by eradown

So for the Alex Jones fans out there. Do you feel empowered after listening to him. Do you feel like you have the power to make a change. If so how. It seems like the concensus is that he dosn't offer many solutions except to stay out of the governments way and to spread the word about how powerful they all are. A few posters have already expressed the belief that the same faction has been in power for thousands of years. Dosn't sound like a message of hope to me but I would be interested to hear how others can see it different.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by harvib

I listen to him for entertainment. After listening to him work himself into a frenzy, I feel sane. That aside, he actually is very good journalist. He is the only reporter who has done the Texas governors mansion arson story justice. He makes mainstream journalists look like a bunch of overly proper Barbie dolls. I don't always agree with him and if he ever ran for office ,unless I knew for certain he was running against the antichrist, I would not vote for him. I think what is refreshing about him is that he tries to tell the truth as he sees it and most of reporters are trying to kiss up to the powerful.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:55 AM
I think that Jones shies away from "offering solutions" other than do your own research and vote the right people into office for a couple of reasons.

1.) He loves the republic and would rather not see it destroyed, i.e. "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."
2.) He is not going to call for a "revolution" because he is not a military strategist, and I tend to think that most will feel it is incumbent on the guy who calls for armed conflict to offer advice on how to do so.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by harvib

As for the question of does he motivate people, I think he does motivate people. He doesn't always have great ideas but some of his guests do come up with creative ideas for alleviating some of the suffering out of control powerful people cause. For instance Willie Nelson mentioned that groups of people in Austin are secretly planting food gardens on unused public and private land. This caused me to do some research on gardening clubs and what I found was that in areas that have community gardens and clubs the value of the homes go up. People in areas with gardening clubs which donate food to food pantries are able to sell their homes faster and at a higher price. Something as simple as gardening clubs could make a difference between economic prosperity and economic poverty.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 12:09 PM
The solution is positive little things like that, which break the global economy of false scarcity. The solution is breaking the chaos so the elitists can't have their order, since they can only survive off bile and suffering. The solution is not being a slave to the wage, not focusing your entire life just on the bottom line. Sometimes you'll have to lose out, but you know what, back down the line it will be paid back with interest. The solution is really looking at nature and see it in its true and wonderfull colours and not with the tainted philosophy and incomplete science of people who want to paint the world the colour of strife.

The simplest solution is not to be afraid and do what is right, and it's really simple, because most people have empathy and do know what hurts and what heals. Pick healing. If this becomes a dominant cultural meme the violent revolt, which will change nothing, just change the puppets, won't even happen.

The good news is I see this happening, at least here in europe. A few years ago the visit of a high ranking official was a great public event and people would topple over themselves to get a glimpse of the current puppet, these days when one of these guys appear people tend to go out of their way to not even see him. This is positive change.

So start with breaking the control memes whenever you can. This will ripple up eventually into legal and institutional change. But the most important step is people's minds. Especially if you come to the conclusion you are working FOR the new world order, because then you can quit. It's happened to me and it's very reinvigorating.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by harvib

In theory, anything's possible, but I cannot see the Elites openly donating all information.

In the second quote, you cut my sentence off half way through. The tyranny is the dark. The dark has been running the planet for roughly four millenia. The light, in regards to the cosmic sense, does always win in the long run. But because of the law of free will, it doesn't appear that way.

Where do I get my evidence? Mostly crossing certain readings with meditation to arrive at my own answers. If you like, I will U2U a link for you that I have found very educational.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

I would appreciate that link.

Also if tyranny is the dark who or what is the light? And how does the light end up defeating the dark?

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