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U.S. used HAARP to cause the earthquakes in China and Tokyo and the Cyclone in Burma.

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posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:05 PM
Video -

EDIT: It must have gotten removed. Here's a new link.

EDIT 2: I think it may just be not working when it's embedded. It works for me on youtube just click this link to watch it on youtube. -

[edit on 6-6-2008 by Phazon]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:07 PM
"We're sorry, this video is no longer available"

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:47 PM
Those are some pretty intense accusations and though I'm not buying it, I have to admit, the video no longer being available is a little eerie.


posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:52 PM
Did the US also cause the last 1000 tropical cyclones and major earthquakes using HAARP? If so, how many centuries has HAARP been going. If not, why assume any modern event is caused by HAARP?

You need to show that such an event could not be natural ......

A video is not evidence

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Essan

I couldn't agree more!

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 08:23 PM
And here ladies and gentleman is our main event, here comes yet another ignorant America hating comment that has no real facts to back it up!

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 08:47 PM
i believe it entirely, The US is taking drastic action. I even believe Katrina was done by HAARP. think, it made GW bush look good when he was taking Iraq to hell. 9/11 was self sabotage and so was Katrina.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
i believe it entirely, The US is taking drastic action. I even believe Katrina was done by HAARP. think, it made GW bush look good when he was taking Iraq to hell. 9/11 was self sabotage and so was Katrina.

O my god, use your common sense before you suppose something is true, Katrina did not make Bush look just worse, they are called natural disasters, go to Google type it in and read about TRUE FACTS.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 08:02 AM
Wow, after watching several documentaries on you tube including this:

You Tube Link

I was surprised so little attention was given to this topic on ATS. And that it was so readily dismissed. It's unfortunate that we find endless posts on such trivial matters such as the validity of Obama's birth certificate, and his ability to speak in public, he might be Muslim etc. etc.. Who the f*ck cares? If we all acknowledge that, (for lack of a better word) 'secret societies' or the 'men behind the curtains' are the ones running the show, then why are we focused on the puppets?? (the Politicians) The agenda will be carried out regardless of who is in power.

Anyway it was aforementioned video that caught my attention. Jeff Steinburg, presents the motive behind the China quakes, and in the video in the original post Fulford presents a convincing case for the Method via HAARP, and the evidence? The strange aurora in the sky mins before the earthquake?

I want to point out that the earthquake was also suspiciously not preceded by fore-shocks, and incidentally the deputy director of the China Seismological Bureau reported there were no short-term anomaly of animals, underground water and other typical precursors, which can lead to a prediction of a major earthquake. And a real mystery is that a Taiwan satellite recorded a sharp drop in ionospheric density above Sichuan before the Wenchuan earthquake.

Read more: Original Source: News Article

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:33 AM
Without any good evidence of cause and effect, everything is speculation. It does make for a good story, and has some merit. The technology is pretty simple and I would think if there is truth to it, then every country would be building them.

Can you imagine the weather and planetary strangeness we would have then??

Since we know about the existence of HAARP, I'm less inclined to believe the stories about it being a super weapon. Could a form of artifical technology be used for weather control and plate movement? I think it is theoretically possible. What we need to be aware of is the fact all natural planetary systems are linked in constant communication via energy exchange. If man is trying to make adjustments to one or more of these systems, then we should be seeing some kind of direct effect and side effect. For example, what if the bee's, who can navigate by seeing torsion waves, are getting lost due to another interference pattern which is not natural?? I'm sure that is just insane.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

How does HAARP explain all the other hurricanes and typhoons, eathquakes and other inexplicable natural events that predate it...

Hurricanes and earthquakes have been happening for, oh I don't know, the history of the frickin' world. Let's have a bit of reality inserted here.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

How does HAARP explain all the other hurricanes and typhoons, eathquakes and other inexplicable natural events that predate it...

Ah, that's easy: HAARP is also used to prevent any natural tropical cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions from occurring.

So, if there are no natural tropical cyclones, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, then any that occur must all be caused bu HAARP ...... QED

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Essan

Oh, right... DOH!!

Should have thought of that myself.

So that means there is no such thing anymore as "natural" disaster? Only HAARP caused disasters? Hmmm...remind me not to piss off anyone in the neocon ranks, eh?

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 05:36 AM
Just gonna toss a bone out there, but someone interested in what's going on in the world weather and geoligcally wise, would be well off to check the storms that hit th eUS the beginning of the last century, and to see what the major faults and plates have been doing for the last several years, it's interesting to read about and, unless HAARP has been active for a very long time, for the most part both cyclical and predictive, to a small margin.
(IE, California will have a certain number of quakes a years based on past history, with a acceptable margin or error)

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
Just gonna toss a bone out there, but someone interested in what's going on in the world weather and geoligcally wise, would be well off to check the storms that hit th eUS the beginning of the last century, and to see what the major faults and plates have been doing for the last several years, it's interesting to read about and, unless HAARP has been active for a very long time, for the most part both cyclical and predictive, to a small margin.
(IE, California will have a certain number of quakes a years based on past history, with a acceptable margin or error)

Obviously, nature takes precedence and always has. It is a natural system that has several billion years of momentum. The real question is `can man impact a subtle change to this system, technologically or otherwise?

Again, obviously, many here believe man has a significant impact on weather and plate movement (for me plate's refer to the growing earth theory). Basic research on the patents behind HAARP indicate that it was technologically set up to be more than it appears to the public.

What is interesting is the anecdotal evidence that there are some interesting side-band effects from this technology. Running parallel to these stories are ancient stories of non-technological manipulation of the weather (aka: Native American Rain dance). Who can say which is more effective

[edit on 2-7-2008 by GriffinRD]

[edit on 2-7-2008 by GriffinRD]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by GriffinRD
Basic research on the patents behind HAARP indicate that it was technologically set up to be more than it appears to the public.

And basic knowledge of what a patent is shows that no credence can be placed whatsoever on such things
Just because someone claims something might be able to do something doesn't actually mean it can.

(and besides, in his patent, Eastlund only speculated on what he thought HAARP might be able to do, speculation that was not grounded in any scientific understanding of the principles involved but which has been re(mis)interpreted endlessly by others with even less understanding of the science involved)

After all, I can claim my new form of coat hanger can fly faster than the speed of light and record DVDs ......

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by GriffinRD
Basic research on the patents behind HAARP indicate that it was technologically set up to be more than it appears to the public.

And basic knowledge of what a patent is shows that no credence can be placed whatsoever on such things
Just because someone claims something might be able to do something doesn't actually mean it can.

(and besides, in his patent, Eastlund only speculated on what he thought HAARP might be able to do, speculation that was not grounded in any scientific understanding of the principles involved but which has been re(mis)interpreted endlessly by others with even less understanding of the science involved)

After all, I can claim my new form of coat hanger can fly faster than the speed of light and record DVDs ......

I've applied and recieved a patent myself, so I understand the process involved. The prior art requirement and broad claims are a necessary component of creating an enforceable patent. Never-the-less, if the science behind the idea was fully thought out and developed, there is a great chance it would never appear in any patent. Most companies today will not apply for patents due to the amout of propriatary information they must disclose. Add to this the possible Top Secret nature of the idea's expressed, then it is beyond comprehension to assume they would ever disclose such a dangerous idea or invention to the public patent forum.

If there is any truth to the idea's presented by Eastlund, scientific or not, then those truths would, by their very nature, be reomoved from public scrutiny. We can speculate all we want, but without any proof, scientific or otherwise, that is all we have; idle speculation. Which is fun to do here at ATS.

My idle speculation is that HAARP had a side effect not anticipated by Eastund or any of the scientists working on this project. Their original goals was as stated in the public papers, but once activated and tuned, I speculate that this giant bell they rung got and answer.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 02:51 PM
U.S. used HAARP to cause the earthquakes in China

Or MAYBE the Chinese caused the earthquakes themselves.

Nuclear Explosion Suspected at Epicenter of the Sichuan Earthquake

Evidence Triggering Sichuan Earthquake by Nuclear Accident Found by Rescue Crew

Asian News Source Claims China’s Deadly Quake Caused By Nuclear Explosion

Not that China would keep this a secret or anything.

Or, they might even want to "cover up" what the real cause of the earthquakes was.

Undergr ound nuclear explosion caused by the Sichuan quakes is creating nuclear contamination

[edit on 7/3/2008 by Keyhole]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by GriffinRD

My idle speculation is that HAARP had a side effect not anticipated by Eastund or any of the scientists working on this project. Their original goals was as stated in the public papers, but once activated and tuned, I speculate that this giant bell they rung got and answer.

You're not the only one thinking along those sort of lines ....

And I tend to prefer the possibility of human ineptitude over deliberate conspiracy every time .... but maybe just because I'm such a cynic I have less regard for humans than some.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Essan

You're not the only one thinking along those sort of lines ....

And I tend to prefer the possibility of human ineptitude over deliberate conspiracy every time .... but maybe just because I'm such a cynic I have less regard for humans than some.

I don't think your a cynic, arrogant most assuredly.

And since you have a fair amount of arrogance, you must also see that someone was watching that program to see if they stumbled upon such side effects. One can only imagine who, and what they were really looking for.

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