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CPS Questioning Children At Polygamist Compound, Could This be Another Waco Incident?

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posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

I like the way you think, yankeerose.
In most domestic abuse situations, they do make the offender leave and let the victim stay. Good point.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 03:58 PM
how ever in this case, the victims are kids. since the mothers would be considered accessories to the abuse, and there are too many of them, it is easier to move the kids into protective custody. why the mothers? well, for this particular sect, even most of the women, ( who were raised as well to believe this) see no wrong for a thirteen year old girl to be married off. even against her wishes or desire.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 04:13 PM
True... I agree, but the forced separation of a child from it's mother can cause a fragile child's mind to fragment. The may disassociate themselves from reality and revert to a safe place in their minds.

Yes, the young girls that have reached puberty are in danger, but by forcing the separation of all children from their mothers is far more abusive and traumatic than the situation to begin with. Add to the fact that these children have lead a very sheltered life, and all they know is church and family... my God!

I understand that many posters here are not mothers... but we all were once fragile children that clung to our mother for survival.

Think of what this would have done to you.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by yankeerose]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by blackthorne

I don't know if they would continue to believe it, if the brute force was removed.
A little freedom might put a whole new twist on their beliefs and way of life.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by sizzle]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

i may not have been through this. i did have my dad die when i was 13 and my mom die at 17. yes, it was hard.

you have to think like a cop here. i was an m.p. for 4 years. when reporting to a potential crime scene with multiple witnesses and suspects, one must separate them. this is to keep them from working together to cover up a crime. these kids, if left with their moms, could be subjected to even more abuse. during which, you could here the moms saying " we treat you well. all we do is in accordance with our beliefs. tell the mean people who want to take you away from me that we are not hurting you." and things to that affect.

when the cops allowed the ramsey's to give the depositions together, they allowed them to possibly cover up a crime. they were able to watch and listen together what the other was doing and agree with it.

same thing with bush and cheney before the 9-11 comission.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:42 PM
I have keep out of this topic for this first couple weeks, trying to get a correct view on the subject.

Here it goes...

This is an Abombination, how can the CPS just storm is... how can they just raid and take the children?

The CPS has kept the women and children from seeing each other, they have kept them from sanitarty living conditions, they kept them from showering/bathing...

The CPS are acting like the SS from the 1940's...

There IS no proof of any child abuse...

There is no witness, only an anounomus phone call, and the witness NEVER came foreward...

So heres a run down... One woman makes a allegation against ONE man at the compaund... now the Radical-Femi-Nazis CPS, come in with dozens of Armed Men, attacked, and raid the compound.

And who do they take... who... the ONE man that had alligations against them... NO.... lets take the Hundreds of chirldern, and rip them from thier Mothers, and then lets put the CHILDREN under the STATE.


Some how, becuase the CPS didn't like what was going on at the compound, they are aloud to go ABOVE/AROUND THE LAW... There is no proof, nothing, only an unfounded allegation.

Each and everyone one of thee people have been Stripped of thier rights...

So now, with one unsustained Allegation, against ONE Man, has turned into over 400 children and thier mothers getting raided, taken from thier homes, and thrown at the Mercy of the state.

How can we just sit here and take this... What, becauae they are mormon, they dont deserve the rights afforded to our citizens! THE CPS is treating our citizens worse then they treat KNOWN TEARRORISTS.

So this is modern America... if your neihbor doesnt like you, they can call some Radical-Femi-Nazi in the CPS to come arrest your neighbors on alegations. ALEGEATIONS! There is no proof.

This is Nazi (blank).... people like to throw the word Nazi around alot, it installs fear in those that read it... but it is the ONLY appropiate thing to copare this situation to.

First they came for the people at Waco
I didn't care i didn't live there.

Then they came for the Mormons in Texas
I didn't care becuase i wasn't a mormon

Sound familiar...

A situation like THIS HAS to be otlined in our founding documents... let me just find it. Here it is....

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such Principles and and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . .

Key points in bold.

So just because you arent a Mormon, do not Turn a blind eye to your Fellow American...

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

I feel your anguish here. I live about 20 miles from this area and I feel helpless. CPS is full of stunts.
There was a situation near me a few years ago, where a neighbor's home was stormed by CPS. A child was removed. Then it was discovered that they had the wrong house, wrong child.
Did they say, "Oops! Sorry, here's your little girl back.(?)" No. They built a case around the family they violated, because the family was experiencing economic hardship, and their power service was interrupted. The little girl of two, was clean, healthy, happy and much-loved. She was a white child. They fostered her with a Hispanic family that spoke very little english. It took them nearly a year to get her back.
Their lawyer hinted that their was a black market within CPS for this type child. It was a huge battle to get the child back. She is still traumatized.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by sizzle
I feel your anguish here. I live about 20 miles from this area and I feel helpless. CPS is full of stunts.
There was a situation near me a few years ago, where a neighbor's home was stormed by CPS. A child was removed. Then it was discovered that they had the wrong house, wrong child.
Did they say, "Oops! Sorry, here's your little girl back.(?)" No. They built a case around the family they violated, because the family was experiencing economic hardship, and their power service was interrupted. The little girl of two, was clean, healthy, happy and much-loved. She was a white child. They fostered her with a Hispanic family that spoke very little english. It took them nearly a year to get her back.
Their lawyer hinted that their was a black market within CPS for this type child. It was a huge battle to get the child back. She is still traumatized.

It would be cases like that that highlight the abuseive nature of this Goverment Agency.

As much as it pains me to say this, this is the begining of the 4th Rhiegct. An overzealous instiution that does not care about acountablitlty.

You look back thru history, shaking your head in disgust, and wondering how tthe people of a nation stood by and let atrocities unfold in front of them.

But here we are, we are the Sheeple with the Blinders on, we are the unthinking, uwavering, Uneducated masses of Sheeple. We are idlily going about our lives, concerened only about the digits in our bank accounts.

There are several lines of our founding document, that highlight the nature of the situation we are living in...

it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another


that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

It is a dire time at the end of the American Republic...

The country needs to unite, needs to come togther with common bonds, our nation needs to be rebirthed... but i doubt that thsi episode will be the one to do it... 300 million americas, will not rally to the cause of a few hundred Morrmons...

So grab your Constitusion, and your shotgun... and your bible if that suits you... we are in the last days of the American Republic...

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 10:36 PM
Update on happenings at the Eldorado Polygamist Compound:

Sect members took the photos and video during the first few days of a seven-day raid that involved police agencies from six counties, the Texas Rangers, the state highway patrol and wildlife officers. Authorities were looking for a teenage girl who had reported being abused by her 50-year-old husband.

A sect member whose wife shot the video said sect members got the impression that state officials "were doing something more than they said they were going to do." The man declined to give his name for fear that speaking out would cause problems for his children, who are in state custody.

Tela Mange, a state Department of Public Safety spokeswoman, said officers are trained to protect themselves.
"Whenever we serve a search warrant, no matter where or when, we are always as prepared as possible so we can ensure the operational safety of the officers serving the warrant, as well as the safety of those who are on the property in question," Mange said.
The armored car was precautionary and designed to remove someone from the property, not to force entry onto the ranch, she said.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by blackthorne

I suppose to police, there is no to high of a price, to get a conviction.
And everyone is guilty; until proved innocent!

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:29 PM
Situations like this only serve to encourage separationist behavior, to force abuse further underground and keep more women from making the choice to leave build a new life outside of the religion in the future.
It only feeds the fear of the evil of the outside world.

I watched a short interview with the mothers this afternoon and found myself in tears over the anxiety and fear and sadness they must be feeling. I can not even fathom the depth of my panic if the same were to happen to me and my son. There was no doubt that they were sincere and no doubt that they truly loved and give their life to the children being taken from them.

We also have to consider that if the abuse is going on many of these women endured and possibly still do the same abuse at the hands of a few bad men, the have lived and grown up in the same oppressive enviroment and are every bit as broken and re-made to suit as the children in question.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 12:20 AM
Just for the heck of it; I want you folks to take careful note of the first part of that latest update:

AP - Police wore body armor, toted automatic weapons and were backed by an armored personnel carrier for a raid on a West Texas polygamist retreat, photos and video released Tuesday show.


posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 05:16 AM
Looks like help is on the way for those kids from the Polygamist Compound. Since the attorneys are pro-bono, maybe they have the kids best interests at heart. We can only hope.

SAN ANGELO, Texas - They don't know where they're staying. They don't know if there's a courtroom large enough to hold them all. And they don't know who their clients are.

But some 350 lawyers from all over the Lone Star State are converging on this West Texas city to represent free of charge the 416 children and scores of parents caught up nearly two weeks ago in a raid on a polygamist sect's compound.

"We've got a saying in this pro bono business here that it's `billable hours for your soul,'" said Dallas attorney Ken Fuller, as he geared up to head to San Angelo, about 275 miles away. He jokingly added: "We're just redneck lawyers. We're just going down there to make sure due process is followed."

[edit on 16-4-2008 by sizzle]

[edit on 16-4-2008 by sizzle]


posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by TKainZero

A light of reason cast upon a sea of intolerant arrogance.

There was an interview on the news this morning with an SS agent talking about how the children are "happy, becoming used to their [imprisonment] and soon will be placed in foster homes."

The chow failed to mention the children that have been hospitalized because of disease and infection they have acquired in captivity. She failed to mention the invasive medical examinations the children are being subjected to in a wild effort to find something, ANYTHING to prove the invasion and mass kidnapping was justified. And she failed to mention the grieving mothers, returned to their ramsacked homes, broken doors, and their childrens' empty rooms, petitioning the Governor for the release of their babies.

As if begging the tyrant king for lenience will do anything.

It's a good thing the scum wore body armor when they invaded these people's lives.
I hope next time they get to use it.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 12:13 PM

Sect's boys moved to temporary foster homes

About two dozen adolescent boys taken from a polygamist ranch were moved Monday afternoon to temporary foster placement outside the San Angelo, Texas, area, authorities said Tuesday.
"A judge did make that decision, and a judge did order that, and so this is really the first of placements," Texas Child Protective Services spokeswoman Marleigh Meisner said.

Two men were arrested for obstructing the raid, and it remains unclear whether the 16-year-old who made the initial call has been identified.

Authorities had moved the children Monday from the Fort Concho historic site to larger facilities at the San Angelo Coliseum and the nearby Wells Fargo Pavilion. Mothers who had children under the age of 5 were allowed to stay with their children in San Angelo, but other women were returned to the compound.
Six women opted not to go back to the compound when given the chance, Meisner has said, and they were taken to "a safe place."

A Texas Child Protective Services official updates the condition of children taken from a polygamist compound.
Children 'happy, smiling' (Video)

And I just saw some more pics on MSM this morning relating to that above article you refer to... very sketchy.

[edit on 4/16/2008 by RabbitChaser]

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 01:25 PM
Take note of this statement. Makes you wonder what Law enforcement officials have to hide:

FLDS members carefully documented the raid in notes, video and still pictures of police and child protection workers talking with families, but much of that material was seized when police executed one of two search warrants on the ranch, Parker said.

People, please take note of this armored tank, marked, 'SHERRIFF' on the side. What is Local Law enforcement doing with such a vehicle?

[edit on 16-4-2008 by sizzle]

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Oh, Get a load of this. From what we have heard, there has been no resistance. Why are we seeing pics like these?;_ylt=Are72E88S5u2S F1eejYwC1ZH2ocA#photoViewer=/080415/480/d8bb7e53191f472da85d00c7d6e2baac

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Marie, a mother of three boys, members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gets emotional while on the premises of the Yearning for Zion Ranch in Eldorado, Texas, as she responds to questions about their 11-day experience in a shelter in San Angelo,Texas Monday April 14, 2008.

God only knows what these women have had to endure.
Has anyone read the report of what these women experienced during their 11-day stay at the shelter in San Angelo?

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I would like to insert a personal comment about the possible shelter that the women might have been staying in.
I only know of one, in the San Angelo area. There was a crisis in my personal life, that I needed to spend some time there. Although I valued the availability of a haven of safety for the allotted time; there were problems at this particular location.
I will not go into all the details, but one of the mitigating factors seems to be a, Us vs. Them,' scenario, between staff and clients. There were times I felt like a worm for having to need their services.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 02:56 PM

A locked gate and a long gravel road leads various structures before reaching the main temple grounds of the 'Yearning For Zion' Ranch, home of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Eldorao, Texas, Thursday, April 10, 2008. When authorities moved to search the large white temple on the polygamist compound in West Texas, about five dozen of the sect's men prayed and cried around the structure, state investigators said Thursday.

Really sounds like a fearsome bunch doesn't it? Maybe those prayers are so powerful, is why they need automatic weapons, and armored vehicles, huh?

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