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Instantaneous Interstellar Communications And Gravity Shielding For Spacecraft!!

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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
While I agree with most of what you have said in your posts, I disagree with the 'alien' angle you have brought out. Have a peek here...

Some of the important directives/tasks of the departments/organizations under the Intelligence Branch, of the secret shadow government of the US related to UFOs/Aliens are:

National Reconnaissance Office(NRO).

Cut to save space. See above post for the details.

If you have the time and inclination, you can catch up with the info here...

So let's not hurry to conclude that the UFO phenomenon is all non sense. We know next to nix about what the black projects are up to. It's said that they are at least 50 years ahead of mainstream science.

And Matt had mentioned earlier that 'information' cannot travel FTL, but how do we know for sure that it has not already been accomplished? If they are decades ahead of mainstream science, then anything is possible.

The fact is that we don't know what the heck those black projects are up to and where their R&D has reached.


[edit on 28-2-2008 by mikesingh]

Wow. I must say you really are caught up in this bs. I bet you deride devout Christians for turning to the Bible to support all of their claims, even though you do the same here. You are digging for [false] information to fit what you want to believe. Everything in your "external source" is completely false. Everything!

First of all, we don't have "Star Wars" satellites *yet* though we're getting close. There's nothing super advanced for our level of tech about that. In fact, even if we did have directed energy weapons deployed in space, I highly doubt it would be of ANY use against an alien with the technology level to fly all the way to Earth from wherever it came. Hell, we're even getting close to being able to stop energy weapons. Look up meta-materials (I'm sure you heard about the "invisibility cloak" that is invisible to certain wavelengths in the microwave portion of the spectrum). Its only problem is it is too limited. We need something that encompases the entire spectrum, or at least large portions of it.

I know from personal experience that the Navy isn't involved in any coverup of "USOs" because they don't exist. They can cover something like that up from the public, but they can't hide it from the people that are actually out there.

If these aliens exist, then other governments would know about them. Have you ever heard the phrase "need to know?" It comes from security classification rules. Even if you have "Top Secret" security clearance, that does NOT mean you can look at Top Secret material. You must not only possess the clearance level, but you must also have a justifiable "need to know" that particular material. The reasoning behind this is that the more people know a secret, the less likely it is to be kept secret. In fact it's correlated to exponential decay, which makes it extremely important to keep the # small. Therefore it is very unlikely that several governments can keep a secret like this, especially when many of these governments have been so unstable (i.e. Russia).

As Matt mentioned earlier, which you said yourself, information cannot travel faster than light. The way we know that it hasn't already been done is that it CANNOT HAPPEN, as Matt mentioned earlier.

I am a scientist myself, and ex-military. I love sci-fi and I love following our most advanced tech, because it amazes me (even though the individual "jumps" aren't that big). I would love to have a "Star Trek" life. I would love to meet a [peaceful] alien civilization.

However, I'm also realistic. My head is not up in the clouds. I don't make things up or believe every Tom, Dick, and Harry just because it fits what I want to believe.

If you want to know our present level with energy weapons, look up HELLADS

[edit on 28-2-2008 by QuantumRule]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 01:07 PM
I started a thread on instantaneous long distance communication using gravity waves in the Alien and UFO section earlier this month. I am glad to see that official bodies are taking it seriously.

The Germans (and probably the Russians) have been working on this for some years now.

For those who are interested, if you go to
for 20 Euros they will send you the plans for building your own gravitational wave receiver.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating..

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by QuantumRule

Anyone that has done their research know that USOs exist. Not only do they exist, but there are plenty of military witnesses that claim to have seen them! Reliable, credible witnesses especially from the Navy. They are in a advantageous position to see USOs since they are always out at sea. A simple search of Youtube proves your claims are wrong.

The shag harbour incident is a good case to look at. There is another case involving a whole battle ship! Whether these things are piloted by our people or little green men, that is another issue.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:12 PM

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:13 PM
Oh, and Youtube videos and anectodal stories that are not backed up by solid evidence are no better than the parables in the Bible. They are worthless as far as proof is concerned.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by esecallum

A flourescent light tube as a container of low pressure gas connected to a low frequency 60 hz electric main source with a scale above it to measure mass change...

the light tube runs thru 2 parallel plates thru which a very low frequency field of 0.1 mHZ TO 1 mHZ is created.

Take a good look at the space craft in the Canada UFO sighting. Do you see what I see?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:36 PM
Here's the list of top cited stories on wikipedia involving "USOs.

A USO was seen in the Mediterranean in the 1940s and several frogmen climbed aboard. The fishermen contacted the frogmen but received only a nod in response.

The 1940s, frogmen, I think this was likely just navy divers, if this guy saw anything at all. Regardless, just a story (hearsay) with zero evidence, and only 1 eye-witness. Hardly compelling.

January 1960 in Golfo Nuevo (Argentina) in which an unidentified submarine was hunted down during some days by 3 Argentinian warships (including an aircraft carrier) as well as over 30 navy planes. Despite an intense naval bombardment, the craft managed to escape. Some sailors and eyewitnesses described it as a German latest type 21 developed by the Nazis 15 years earlier.

Wow, an intense bombardment of an unidentified submarine in international waters by the fierce Argentinan navy.....right. And witnesses believe it was a German model. I know their subs were good, during WWII, but wtf. I don't think this was an advanced species. Again, I don't think this happened at all. What idiot military leader would order an all out attack on an unknown submarine in peacetime when nothing has happened???? Come on.

In 1966, an Australian banana farmer witnessed a USO emerge from a nearby swamp[3]

Australian banana farmer.....that says it all.

In 1967, a fleet of Brazilian ships was followed by a submerged USO for several minutes[4]

This happens all the time. The US (and Russian) subs PRACTICE by "hunting" other navy ships, including our own. Typically the "victims" don't know until several days have gone by in which they'd be dead in a war situation. Our subs can even stay hidden from our best sub-detection equipment for days with ease.

Since the late 1980s, there have been many sightings of USO's around the Lake District, UK. Most notably, a sighting in 1994 at Derwent Water of two USO's. It lasted almost five minutes and was observed by 22 people. The area now receives regular USO sightings (perhaps one a year), as well as numerous UFO sightings in the surrounding areas. The most recent UFO sighting was in January of 2006, and the most recent USO sighting in the December of 2004.

Loch Ness has me skeptical of anything coming from these people. Don't get me wrong....I love the Brits. I've been there, and they treated us American sailors like royalty. I had a great time. However, they do like their ale. Loch Ness doesn't exist and neither do USOs or UFOs. It's also interesting to note that since this "incident" UFO sightings have become common in the area.....I wonder if UFO enthusiasts flocked to the area to see UFOs...I wonder if the local economy is benefitting....I wonder if this was planned by a local. That is much more likely than the alternative explanation, knowing humans and their love of money.

In Sweden in 1999, a supposed USO crashed into a lake, with spectators nearby[5]

Lot of information here (sarcasm). No pictures? In 1999? In Sweden??? Uh-huh.

The area around Laguna Cartegena in Puerto Rico is a location which USO reports frequently originate from.

Ok. Whatever....this doesn't say anything. At least the Swedes gave a year.

The Shag Harbour incident is the Canadian version of Roswell. Something crashed into the harbor. Nobody knows what it was. A lot of stories, very little consistency, and a huge government coverup conspiracy (and the US is even accused!) of something that was supposedly witnessed by dozens of people. Do you think people in the 60s were as stupid as people are now? Do you think they had the MIB "flashy thingy?" No pictures again. Only documents are Canadian military orders to investigate. That's SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Nothing out of the ordinary with that.

Don't trust civillian estimates of size....they are always very wrong. It's likely if anything happened here, it was a plane crash.

[edit on 28-2-2008 by QuantumRule]

Mod Edit: No Quote/Plagiarism – Please Review This Link.

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[edit on 28-2-2008 by Jbird]

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by QuantumRule

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by QuantumRule

First of all, we don't have "Star Wars" satellites *yet* though we're getting close.

Polyus, the Russian "black spaceship", was equipped with nuclear mines, a sensor blinding laser, and was originally meant to be the core of Mir2, the black space station. Its launch and unsuccessful deployment was a driving impetus behind the creation of the "Star Wars" technology.

I know from personal experience that the Navy isn't involved in any coverup of "USOs" because they don't exist.

There may be other reasons, such as not posing a security risk. And how do you know that the people out there havn't seen them but refuse to divulge their experience, perhaps for the same reasons pilots do not talk about UFOs? And once more, why would there be a need for a coverup when they do the covering themselves? No one in their right mind would say "here I am, I am from another world" when they see how everything else gets hunted down or winds up on the dissection table?

If these aliens exist, then other governments would know about them. Have you ever heard the phrase "need to know?"

They do, but it is only a handful, few governments, and very few within know. This is due in a great part to compartmentalization, and also to old policies put in place at the beginning of the atomic age.

The way we know that it hasn't already been done is that it CANNOT HAPPEN, as Matt mentioned earlier.

Thank you QR. A rule is a rule, and no matter how we may flex our minuscule muscles, it remains such. One strategically placed rock in space could end all of our great endeavors permanently, so we are in no position to call the shots. Maybe there is another brane universe somewhere past this one where the speed of light is not a limiting factor, but as long as we are here the rule will not change.

I am a scientist myself, and ex-military.

Did a tour in the USA '87. I was always talking about EM propulsion for subs and airctaft, and they thought I was whacked, until one day they heard it on the news Japan had outfitted their subs with EM propulsion...good day that was!

I don't make things up or believe every Tom, Dick, and Harry just because it fits what I want to believe.

And I have to be accurate if I ever will see funding. I believe it is still possible to have EM propulsion for aircraft.

If you want to know our present level with energy weapons, look up HELLADS

Will do. Sometimes there are exceptions, but it is not a general rule. Take for example the Chinese, I think they had a method of chroming their weapons that was not rediscovered until then 20th century. I think they were a little over 20 centuries or more with the metallurgical division of their military science. Same could be true for the US, there may be specific sectors way ahead of others, but since the progress of science is exponential, what could be a few years now could conceivably equate to centuries in the past.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by nikolat23

There is not much to see. But, one thing that stands out is the purple shaded "plasma" that was seen inside the ship. I suppose they had to make it some color, but using the same color from the Searle machine's "purple mist" is interesting.

Other than that, seems like an obscure UFO story.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

The purple color could be UV or x-ray emissions. Some plasmas are capable of creating such high energy and are the most logical explanation. Another interesting tell-tale was the toxic gas and its smell.

The report described sulferous and metallic smells were involved. Metallic smells can come from ionized gases. Sulferous ,.. perhaps sulfur? Sulfur plasmas are known to shine bright and closely match the sun's visible spectrum. Research "sulfur lamp" for example.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by QuantumRule
Wow. I must say you really are caught up in this bs. You are digging for [false] information to fit what you want to believe. Everything in your "external source" is completely false. Everything!

Wow too! It seems that you are in the know how of EVERYTHING that’s happening including the top secret black projects! If you don’t, then you say it’s not happening!! That’s some queer logic!!

You may have been in the Navy. I’ve been in the Army too – 32 years in Spec ops! So I know what the heck I’m talking about! Unlike you, I have an open mind because I don’t claim to know everything that’s happening.

As you must surely be aware, secrecy is a conundrum of wheels within wheels. Secret projects are so solidly compartmentalized that even in a project, one section may not know what the other is doing due to the internal security classifications. If that be the case, how do you expect the public to know what the heck is going on?

You may have served in the Navy for some years. Fine. But do you claim and profess to know all that’s happening in the shadows? You can’t because you’re not supposed to know. As you yourself mentioned, it’s a ‘need to know’ scenario. And you in your occupation did not need to know. Period.

First of all, we don't have "Star Wars" satellites *yet* though we're getting close.

Your source for this? How close? Shooting from the hip, as usual without back-up! Delightfully vague! How close is close?

In fact, even if we did have directed energy weapons deployed in space, I highly doubt it would be of ANY use against an alien.

Right! Who said the Strategic Defense Initiative was against so called aliens?

Look up meta-materials (I'm sure you heard about the "invisibility cloak" that is invisible to certain wavelengths in the microwave portion of the spectrum). Its only problem is it is too limited. We need something that encompases the entire spectrum, or at least large portions of it.

Old hat! So what's new here? And are you sure we haven't got it up and going already?

I know from personal experience that the Navy isn't involved in any coverup of "USOs" because they don't exist. They can cover something like that up from the public, but they can't hide it from the people that are actually out there.

Just because you don't know doesn't mean USOs don't exist. Everyone in the Navy is not supposed to be told everything that's happening! As I mentioned, it's on a 'need-to-know' basis.

If these aliens exist, then other governments would know about them.

How do you know that they don't? Have you asked President Putin? Or the director of the KGB? If you have, then let's know what transpired!

Information cannot travel faster than light. The way we know that it hasn't already been done is that it CANNOT HAPPEN

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."
Lord Kelvin, President, Royal Society, 1895.

I am a scientist myself, and ex-military. I love sci-fi and I love following our most advanced tech, because it amazes me (even though the individual "jumps" aren't that big). I would love to have a "Star Trek" life. I would love to meet a [peaceful] alien civilization.

Me too!

However, I'm also realistic.

No, you're not. You're more like an ostrich, neck deep in the mud.

Have you heard about this? Ah! This must have been a sci-fi study by the Air Force for the next George Lucas film on worm holes and FTL travel!

Teleportation via Wormhole-Stargates
U.S. Air Force Teleportation Physics Study

Eric W. Davis, Ph.D., FBIS
Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
4030 W. Braker Lane, Ste. 300
Austin, TX 78759
ph: 512 512-342 342-2187, FAX: 512 512-346 346-3017

This study was tasked with the purpose of collecting information describing the teleportation of material objects, providing a description of teleportation as it occurs in physics, its theoretical and experimental status, and a projection of potential applications.

Naturally occurring anomalous teleportation phenomena that were previously studied by the United States and foreign governments were also documented in the study and are reviewed in the report. The author proposes an additional model for teleportation that is based on a combination of the experimental results from the previous government studies and advanced physics concepts.

Two Kinds of vm-Teleportation Identified for the Air Force Study:

• Traversable Wormhole engineered as a “STARGATE” (via Einstein’s General Relativity Theory field equations, 1915).

Faster-Than-Light (FTL) solutions of the Polarizable-Vacuum Representation of General Relativity (Davis,Puthoff, Maccone, 2003; , Puthoff, 1999, 2000) induce a flat-spacetime version of the Stargate via engineering the vacuum EM parameters.

Everything in your "external source" is completely false.

Oh yeah? And since you haven't heard about all this before, it's all false and a load of crap! For you, yes.


[edit on 29-2-2008 by mikesingh]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

• Faster-Than-Light (FTL) solutions of the Polarizable-Vacuum Representation of General Relativity (Davis,Puthoff, Maccone, 2003; , Puthoff, 1999, 2000) induce a flat-spacetime version of the Stargate via engineering the vacuum EM parameters.

Dat's da guy right there. Lifestudent, if you are still interested in those warp matrix engineering equations, they are in Hal Puthoff's work.

Excellent retort MS, you have just proved to me once again I have a solid friends policy for ATS.

Getting over that FTL hump seems to be the challenge, then you would be most formidable. In that regard QR is right, and thus a friend.

I would say don't bring the UFO thing up and then we would all get along, but this is ATS and that is one of their drums in the band. Some people aren't ready for the alien issue.

edited out too much justice

[edit on 2/29/2008 by Matyas]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by Matyas
Correct. And if the Earth had no curvature, a shadow would "move" at infinite speed just before the sun's rays are parallel to the is just a change of direction for the light's emission.

First off none of you know what light is or what shadows are and how they work. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. Shadows do move parallell to the speed of light no matter what you want to call them. It doesn't matter what shadows are or what anyone calls them! The point is that our vision of shadows move at the speed of light, because they dictate light and light dicates them! And what the heck is infinite speed? Wouldn't that be 0? And then relative to what? Nothing! Which mean there would be no shadows! So in a sense you're correct! But did you mean this?

And time travel is so misunderstood! Time/space=same thing. Time travel = space travel. The traversing of space; this means space through space. Space is everything; matter, mass, light, material, etc. You can't go "back in time" because there truly is no time, only space and its movements and you're not going to rewind the unentire universe(or whatever you consider it to be)! But you can surely instantaneously communicate which would also allow for instantaneous travel, because everything already does!

Anyway, I'm outta here! This looks ugly with all the hoogly moogly psuedo-logic floating around. I feel a head ache coming if I spend 3 pages trying to explain the logicalities. I just wish people could and would think on their own instead of giving into fancy and fairy tale.

[edit on 29-2-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

OK LOVE, I can mostly agree with the first paragraph, pulsed lasers being an example, and I find no agreement with any part of the second paragraph.

If space is bypassed, by wormholes or warp drives, then it stands to reason reverse time travel is possible.

Please ponder this before you respond.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:12 AM
Reversing time is impossible, it's the same as reversing space, and in doing so you'd have to reverse the entire or unentire universe, however it is viewed here to these planetary primitives relative to what logic says.

If time travel were possible then in the instant it was achieved everything would be known. Maybe that explains me.

P.s. I added some edits to the first post because I wasn't finished yet and it had been a while since I toyed with relativity.

And you can't bypass space, space is all there is. So what are you trying to bypass? Maybe the terminology is what we need to find to make things clear and legible.

[edit on 29-2-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal
Anyway, I'm outta here!

Thanks for dropping by and caring enough to give us your input. It is always important to stick together, even if we completely disagree

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Matyas
Thanks for dropping by and caring enough to give us your input. It is always important to stick together, even if we completely disagree

We're always stuck together whether we agree on it or not, that is beyond our choice.
Have fun guys.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by QuantumRule

Look up meta-materials (I'm sure you heard about the "invisibility cloak" that is invisible to certain wavelengths in the microwave portion of the spectrum). Its only problem is it is too limited. We need something that encompases the entire spectrum, or at least large portions of it.

This is incorrect.

I am glad Mike pointed it out for us, as i had completely skimmed over that part of your posting without realizing what you had said.

You refer to this, correct?

Last year researchers from Duke University stunned the world when they announced a cloaking device for the microwave range. This device made use of metamaterials that had a negative refractive index for electromagnetic radiation. The metamaterials were carefully designed split-ring resonators with a structure size much smaller than the wavelength. Only 10 stacked layers of metamaterials were necessary to achieve the desired invisibility effect.


Possible applications in the future include perfect lenses that beat the diffraction limit, and optical cloaking devices which provide some invisibility for macroscopic objects

And they admit that it is limited currently, but make reference to future applications. would seem to follow that the report doesn't actually display the latest research done by Duke in this area. It just shows what they are prepared to make press releases about. So, it likely has already moved into optical wavelengths within their labs.

So, then let's check in with Purdue University, see what they're up to:

The Purdue University engineers, following mathematical guidelines devised in 2006 by physicists in the United Kingdom, have created a theoretical design that uses an array of tiny needles radiating outward from a central spoke. The design, which resembles a round hairbrush, would bend light around the object being cloaked. Background objects would be visible but not the object surrounded by the cylindrical array of nano-needles, said Vladimir Shalaev, Purdue's Robert and Anne Burnett Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

The design does, however, have a major limitation: It works only for any single wavelength, and not for the entire frequency range of the visible spectrum, Shalaev said.

...(snippity snip)....

Calculations indicate the device would make an object invisible in a wavelength of 632.8 nanometers, which corresponds to the color red. The same design, however, could be used to create a cloak for any other single wavelength in the visible spectrum, Shalaev said.

"How to create a design that works for all colors of visible light at the same time will be a big technical challenge, but we believe it's possible," he said. "It is clearly doable. In principle, this cloak could be arbitrarily large, as large as a person or an aircraft."

Seems that they have visible range cloaking figured out, but need to apply physical design tests to their theoretical model. Once again, one wonders how far they are into THAT phase, for them to have released this info.

If you check on Lawrence Livermore (LLNL), they have some of their own work in this area:

Scientists have already created an 'invisibility cloak' made out of 'metamaterial' which can bend electromagnetic radiation such as visible light, radar or microwaves -- around a spherical space, making an object within this region appear invisible.

Until now, scientists could only make objects appear invisible from far away. Liverpool mathematician Dr Sébastien Guenneau, together with Dr Frédéric Zolla and Professors André Nicolet from the University of Marseille, have proven - using a specially designed computer model called GETDP - that objects can also be made to appear invisible from close range when light travels in waves rather than beams

They ALREADY have optical range invisibility?

I could go on, but i have a thread on this subject here.

However, I am sure you know that the emerging field of photonics and plasmonics have made great strides in increasing our understanding of things like the interchangability of the light and electric wave function, and methods for inducing this.

And lets not forget the information that Zorgon has shared about the Predator and Los Alamos.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by QuantumRule
If you want to know our present level with energy weapons, look up HELLADS

Well that is but one project... and its testing phase 2.. well that was 2002

a field experiment for evaluating the concept developed in Phase I. A government furnished equipment adaptive optics system will be available to the offeror. DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: Military application: Includes Airborne Laser, the C130 Advanced Tactical Laser, Laser Strike Fighter, HELLADS, Relay Mirror, unmanned aerial vehicles, aircraft surveillance systems....

ACQ.OSD.MIL Congressional Report FY2002

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