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Negative Blood Type (RH Factor) and Alien History

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posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:20 AM
I just found out I'm O+, I would have thought I might be negative, haha. Don't know why I'm telling you guys this thou.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 01:08 PM
Are humans the only ones to have a rhesus factor? I mean, if other mamals did as well, then that woould mean all life stemmed from monkies? It does not add up. I know cats have A blood and B blood,and recently they just started showing up ab blood cats. So there is an antigen there, and if we all have this antigen, then whos to say the monkies got the antigen first? Sounds like something we all have.


posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

You say you were completly aware while they were operating on you so you must have seen what they looked like?

What would happen if you were in an accident and were taken to hospital?Wouldn t they soon discover your new blood?

Someone I know used to sweat this like copper stuff that would stain his jeans just above the knee and would rust earphones that he wore at the gym. All his jeans had the same rusty mark that would never wash out.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

You say you were completly aware while they were operating on you so you must have seen what they looked like?

They mainly fit the typical grey description big eyes grey dry skin humanoid look. There they communicated telepathically to me and had a calm soothing voice. I told them to change me for the better any way they saw fit.

They respected my wishes and went ahead with the "operation" After that I was given codes and rules to go by. I then woke up the next morning and haven't looked back.

What would happen if you were in an accident and were taken to hospital?Wouldn t they soon discover your new blood?

Actually its a 2 part answer. I can tap into events before they happen in a sense my foresight prevents me from having accidents. So my life is literally in control.

Lastly if a doctor is necessary he wont have a chance in hell in getting the blood. When I send a signal to my brain my body will lock up. My veins collapse, plus my blood is gluey and crystalizes if exposed for more than 1 minute. Try imagining sucking sauce up through a needle and you get the idea.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

You do understand you physical body is proof, could you gather some blood and take a picture or something and proove to us that your telling the truth?

Because this is the internet! we hear all sorts of crazy stories everyday, why should we believe you out of the million other stories.

Show us proof and we all would be VERY thankfull for it.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by _Phoenix_]

[edit on 8-2-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by amatrine

Are humans the only ones to have a rhesus factor? I mean, if other mamals did as well, then that woould mean all life stemmed from monkies?

Many published studies over recent years have shown that chimpanzees mostly have Blood type A, almost no Blood type O, but never Blood type B. The other great ape, the gorilla has Blood type B, almost no Blood type O, but never Blood type A. In these 'man-apes' species, said to be the ancestors of man, there is NO Blood type AB in either. Generally speaking, man has both Blood types A and B, and Blood type AB. Blood type O, in man is by far the most common in virtually every racial group.

The following chart does not indicate positive or negative RH:

ABO Blood Type Distribution Geographic Study" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

I think the above chart gives a different perspective when looking at blood types worldwide. This would mean that AB is the least common. The why would require research. For the record, I do not know my blood type.

In my opinion, aliens/watchers/controllers/shadow people and or government do not abduct their own, but, rather those that have the power to make a difference in this chaotic crazy mixed up world.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by amatrine

Only the members of the primate family have the gene, a protien marker on the red blood cells.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:45 PM
Hey. I have a ton to put here and don't really have the time right now. Not sure how many people have already pointed out the following or would like to know... I run a facebook group called Rhesus Negative. I have all the latest info on that blood type there, plus the odd myth and a few Basque related things. Don't mean to spam TOO much but please check it out if you get a chance. Ok. Some clarification. My sister and I were both born with O rhesus negative. Neither of my parents has it, though I believe both my grandfathers did. One was from Northern Scotland, a scottish-french-norwegian mix; the other was from Finnskogen, a Finnish community in Norway.

Re: psychic ability. I tend to internalize my thoughts to a great extent, and this may lead some people to think that I'm psychic. I don't contribute to conversations in the usual way, and sometimes blurt things out seemingly randomly. Other times I steer entire groups of people into doing things. But psychic? I think everyone is psychic, depending on one's definition.

Re: skin and hair colour. Blood type is a separate gene from both of those, though I imagine certain groups tend to have the same phenotypes expressed. I'm brown haired, green-eyed, as is my sister. As is my mother. Oh. Except she has A+ blood. Notice?

Rhesus negative is one of the most significant of QUITE A FEW blood groups, so I don't know how much weight should be put on this exclusive blood type. Yes, there is the stillborn issue, which native americans also have with diego negative (I believe as many proteins are involved in this group), and I've now heard Kell negative in Northern Europe has similar issues with fetuses being attacked in the womb.

The whole Basque equation is undoubtedly one of the most exciting things about rhesus negative, and I recommend anyone with a passing interest to look further into their culture.

Yes. Neandertals. This has come up, and although no neandertal mitochondria exists today, it's possible (still accepted for the most part?) that they contributed to the European gene pool, and assumed to be the reason for rh-.

Finally. I think 14% is way off. If one considers the number of europeans who are missing SOME of the rhesus proteins then yes. Or the number of asians or native americans with same. But the number of people who are completely rhesus negative is much smaller. 1/10'000 asians and africans have it. That already drops the numbers in a big way. 1/1'000 native americans. Not a big deal in either direction. 17% of Europeans. 40% or thereabouts of Basque/Euskarians. Where did this "14" come from I wonder... There are only around 2 million full Basques in the first place; the other significant populations with rhesus negative are the Welsh, Scots, Irish, Norwegians, Finns, Australians, Canadians, and possibly Americans. If someone could explain where this 14% comes from I would be very grateful. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

I told them to change me for the better any way they saw fit.

The devil is a liar and the father of lies. What you did was give them access to your heaven. What they probably did was give you someone elses crap and implanted you so they could benefit from what you have.

Most people are fighting to keep them away.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by diPurgatorio

Welcome aboard, I hope you share big time with us when you get the time. My interest is the Basque connection and the unique language.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:03 PM
As far as I've read, only humans have rhesus negative. I don't know if I'm allowed to quote it, but I found a paper from a science magazine describing it. I quoted it all in my facebook group, though. I know that it began in Europe, possibly in the far West. It may NOT have begun with Homo Sapiens, but rather with Homo Neandertalensis. This second branch of humans is now extinct, but is believed to have contributed to our gene pool nonetheless. Or mine anyway

The other stereotypical neandertal features besides rhesus negative are large brains (not necessarily more complex, and there's debate as to how many skulls need to be found to get an accurate statistic), thicker sternums (the bone on your chest connecting the ribs), a differently shaped skull with a stronger brow (orbital ridges for the anthro-inclined), an extra vertebrae at the base of the spine, differently-shaped feet, a slightly different gait (how they walked), different skin thickness and amount of body hair, more muscular overall, and generally denser bones. You can take my word for it or check any good physical anthropology textbook. Somebody here mentioned monkeys, and no offense but if anyone still uses that term to describe the higher primates then they themselves probably ARE monkeys, not just descendants.

Interesting how creationists almost consistently present the argument for evolution incorrectly. It's like they're not even listening. Are scientists the same way with religion?

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Thanks Witness2008!!! I really do feel right at home.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:15 PM
Could just be paranoia but I do it too. Very scared of heights. I read blood type B produces testosterone better than A or O at high altitude, and that rhesus negative has issues with oxygen and carbon dioxide delivery. Always take vitamins before going out. I imagine that if everyone had rhesus negative we might not feel the need to, and it's possible we'd have built our cities differently. Hey anybody here want to start an Atlantis? I want to live underwater! Take care all, I'm out for today.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Ok heres the deal Im not putting up for one person only so I will have to get support from more people on this thread. You get the support of at least 5 people and Ill put the proof up. But I will need a link to post the shots on as it will come from the camera.

More than 5 people on here say they want to see it than it goes up. Less than 5 it never sees the light of day. And this is 80% alien blood were talking here, not exactly an ebay item.

Thats the deal take it or leave it its up to everyone here.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by camain
I am b- negative, have pre-cognition, and an IQ of 182. Brown hair and eyes. I have a high threshold for pain. I can actually trace my heritage back to 66AD. I am descended from Abraham Clark, (signer of the Declaration of Independence), as well as Charlamagne.


I'd think that someone descended from Charlemagne could actually spell his name correctly.

Bear in mind that many people given IQ tests as children seemed to test as high IQ, but it's an anomaly of the tests they used. Sorry if you've been given misleading information.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

Hi Drakiir,

We are all just sharing experiences and knowledge, personally I ask no proof of anything from anyone here. It's good you showed up again.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Badge01

I'm sure that I have misspelled on this thread also, and I am a published writer. I like the civility of this thread. Your point on IQ lost any of its value because of your first line of thought.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Well I'm not demanding proof, but since you have offered to show it if you can get 5 people to ask, then I for one would love to see what you have to offer.
Afterall, we are here to share experiences and evidence is usually pretty scarce, so who wouldn't want to see it?
Even if you don't, I'll still keep reading.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

Yeah thats cool I know your ok with experiences its just some people get so trapped up in proving this proving that, that they have no idea that it will change nothing. I could post ten pics of things on this site and they would still get picked apart. I've seen this happen to lots of other people on here and ATS and disappointing to see. I could post the interior of an alien ship for example, people see it say "whoah" and the world keeps turning.

I like reading through different people experiences and stories its good to escape the everyday mundane world. Im ok showing it but its wont revolutionize the world, or make the planet turn upside down, or cure desase. Its blood on scissors (different blood) but thats it.

Revelation seekers wont find anything interesting about it.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:38 PM
Sorry. What I meant to say was its up to anyone on this thread to decide if they want to see it or not. Pheonix is the only one demanding proof for truth. And I respect other people views and support so thanks.

I don't doubt a single experience here and enjoy reading other peoples posts.

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