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Scary: Top 100 quotes out of Christian chatrooms/fora

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posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:09 AM
I can't believe what i just read... i found a page trough which bundles an avalanche of quotes from Christian chatrooms and internetfora.

the things stated there aren't funny anymore, they are downright scary, i knew that in the USA you have a bunch of fundamentals who even dismiss hte theory of evolution, but most of the comments on this page are just retarded, ingorant on a new level and very dangerous imho.

here's the page i'm talking about:
Link to page here

Here are some quotes that i find mindboggeling...

Apes are just creatures twisted by Satan to mock Jesus by giving EVILolition credibility. Further more they are naturally lust crazed for human women. Since they are not natural creatures they should be exterminated forthwith as the tools of evil they are.

How can anyone beleive we evolved from monkeys heres a few questions for people who beleive that

1.If we did evolve from monkeys then how come babies arent born monkeys

2.Even Darwin said his theories were wrong before he died so why do you still believe them you really not believe the bible it says we were created in seven days not millions of years come we cant speak monkey

Just for a fact ape like creatures are monkeys Just in case certain people get on this thread

[about a girl being born with mental disabilities]

This girl is like a leper so what she needs to do is try and find god

if she really believes she can be healed from this state, she will be healed from this state

Most afflictions like this are caused by sins committed while still inside the womb. If she can repent for what she does god will embrace her and make her as human as you or me but if she chooses not to she'll always be like this

god tests every one of us [emphasis added]

Seriously i'm at loss for words, i cannot grasp the idea that there are people that dumb and ignorant...

Visit the link and see for yourself...

edit: fixed spelling

[edit on 14-1-2008 by XyZeR]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by XyZeR

Apes are just creatures twisted by Satan to mock Jesus by giving EVILolition credibility. Further more they are naturally lust crazed for human women. Since they are not natural creatures they should be exterminated forthwith as the tools of evil they are. come we cant speak monkey

Just for a fact ape like creatures are monkeys Just in case certain people get on this thread

I think some people are really confused and afraid after watching "planet of the apes"

most afflictions like this are caused by sins committed while still inside the womb. If she can repent for what she does god will embrace her and make her as human as you or me but if she chooses not to she'll always be like this

ok, this one scares me

i cannot phantom the idea that there are poeple that dumb and ignorant...

how do you phantom something?

[edit on 14-1-2008 by pavlovsdog]

[edit on 14-1-2008 by pavlovsdog]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by XyZeR

thanks for the link. its important to note that these are only the extremists, and probably very young and confused. That being said, it provides a good insight as to what people really use religion for. For some, it's clearly not used for love, understanding and patience.

For those that use it for love, compassion and understanding, kudos.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:48 AM
Yeah i'm sorry,... English is my 3th language, I'm sorry if i made some kind of grammatical mistake, i guess i was translating it from my language literally... But you get what i mean right.

what i meant to say is that i cannot believe that there are people out there who are so ignorant and brainwashed that they make claims like that.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by XyZeR

Wow, I'm gob-smacked ... is this for real ???

It's no secret that I'm not a christian ... but I've always believed that we should be allowed to follow whatever faith we feel drawn to and comfortable with (each to their own so to speak).

Some people are genuinely surprised when they discover (as a witch), I still believe in a God-source (although not as a bewhiskered old guy sitting on a throne in the clouds, with chubby-faced cherubs playing harps all day) ... if that were true can you imagine how p#@**~! off he must be after all this time ?

The things (if real) that are mentioned in that list are incredible (and not in a good way). Particularly the one that speaks of the child as a 'lepor' ...

Doesn't the bible say that God (the transcendental archetect of 'ALL' living things), create humans in His own image. I don't remember reading the bit that said ... 'unless they are imperfect in some way' !!!

Wasn't there a guy in the 30's-40's, who caused a bit of a problem because he believed the 'Aryan Race' should rule supreme (the Master Race I think he called it) ... and everyone else should be wiped out ... always thought that was a bit strange coming from a guy with dark hair, brown-eyes and a comedy 'tash' !!!

Doesn't the bible also say ... 'suffer little children to come unto me and be welcomed into the kingdom of God' !!!

Admittedly, I may not have these quotes down word for word ... but I'm pretty certain that's the gist of the message.

Y'know, the Oxford Dictionary & Theasaurus defines the word Pagan as follows;

PAGAN; godless ... irreligious ... heathen ... barbaric ... savage ... idolator.

Well, I can assure anyone who reads this (once they've stopped vomiting, after reading the quotes), that I am none of these things. I accept everyone for who they are ... and respect their personal choice of religion. So, can I just say ... 'Forgive them, they can't possible know what they do' ... and they call me a heathen !!!

This is an absolute disgrace ... and more so because it taints the Christians who do not have such a ridiculous, self-serving translation of the word of their God.

Appalled and sickened. Woody

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:12 AM
lol i just went toa irc christian chatroom, and got kicked because i said i played Counterstrike and Team fortress 2 (which are first person shooters), and someone said they are mindless violence and i disagreed and made a point....


But yes i find this very sickening.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by DaRAGE]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:18 AM

Just imagine vast fields of our sisters in Christ -- sisters brain damaged and comatosed, never to mentally return to this Earth full of sin -- inserted into pods that are themselves connected to a myriad of wires and hydraulic tubes (I know, it sounds exactly like the Matrix, and I freely admit, although it's certainly a very evil movie, some of the imagery is inspiring and inspired this post). The pods will be the most comfortable places on Earth, playing soothing music like Bible hymns and Mozart, their insides like a massage chair and covered in silk. A few intruding wires and tubes will, of course, have to connect to the women inside the pods to monitor their temperature and overall health, as well as the babies' of those that are pregnant. And of course there will be one tube reserved for the insertion of a man's seed whenever the women are at their most fertile. And only the best semen will be used. I haven't quite settled on a selection process yet, but I'm thinking some sort of Christian council could perhaps vote on the man who is honorable and moral enough to breed generations of these children. Perhaps one man won't be enough, for a little bit of diversity is always good. We should, therefore, most likely have a multitude of different men, one of each race. When the children are born, they can be sent off to special adoption centers, where they can be delivered to good Christian parents who are unable to themselves breed. Those that may be left over can be raised in God, brought up in Christian schools, where prayers are said thrice daily (at least), and in the summer, they can be sent to Jesus camp. If the schools are as good as I envision, then these children will make the perfect leaders for our future. But not just leaders, for if this idea is near as good as I am thinking, we will breed enough of these children to one day make up a huge percentage of our population, such that they can elect only the most Christian of people to the government. So even those that are not the brightest and best can contribute to God in some way.

Nathaniel, Jesus Loves Everything [Comments (107)] [2007-Sep-13]

So, that's why they got so upset when they finally let poor terri rest in peace!! She was part of the great christian replacement program...okay!!

I sure hope this guy was just joking, or has gone for some help at least!!!

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by XyZeR

don't worry about the grammar, having a third language makes you more skilled than most native speakers of english. i think a few mistakes here and there are ok.

anyway, wonderful...
kind of scary...

to think, these people have voting rights..

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:52 AM
Man oh man...

this one is my favorite i think...

"I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie".

Seems that some faiths do not embrace math as others do....

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:02 AM

i have had many of my threads and posts removed.. They do not like the TRUTH on this site. Time is short. i will go where at least they listen.

Bush is the the antichrist. America is Mystery Babylon the great. 911 was an inside job carried out by the fourth reich, used to start world war three, under the guise of, Bushes never ending war OF terror. Satan set up current day Apostate Israel. God is about to destroy it. 70 ad was just a picnic compared to what God is about to do to them via his seven Angels.

i will not post again. i has asked themto delete my password

Wakey Wakey.


One of God's two witnesses of Revelation.

Prophetboy, Christian Forums [Comments (42)] [2006-Oct-01]
Submitted by Mandrake

ok, really - I think this guy must be a member here now - if not we should send him an invite

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:22 AM

I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. What's worse is that he's sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!

Oh God, I laughed out loud so hard when I read this one. This poor poor woman.

Oh boy, is she in for a rude awakening one of these days...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:27 AM

These people are whacked. How do people get this crazy and still make it in the everyday world? Some of these ideas are grossly delusional.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Anatomic Bomb

I never thought of myself as a naive kind of person, but I'm still reeling. I can't believe such ignorance (to this extent) actually exists either.

It's one of the most revolting things I've ever read ... a real eye-opener. These people seriously need to extract their heads from their asses and get help.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:41 AM
This kind of lunacy is why I don't discuss two issues with anyone: Religion and abortion. Many people just cannot discuss them rationally or do so without resorting to personal attacks.

Politics used to be on that list, but our politicians in the US are so pathetic, I stopped discussing US politics out of sheer apathy and boredom.

Honestly, the religious mindset is a complete puzzle to me. Some would say they're wired differently. My personal belief is that they're not wired at all!

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:44 AM
Here is my contribution to your thread OP. The website R.I.T.A. (Rapture in the Air), is one of my favorites as a litmus test of what Christians think and believe about the end times. A while back, they had a scare that Jesus was about to return for them. I collected all the humorous quotes I could find:

"God can Rapture me now. I can join Jesus in the clouds satisfied, now that OU has beaten Miami 51-13."


-"Just wondering...will what we wear be left behind, like a bunch of our clothes on the ground? plus shoes, necklace, watch, undergarments...??? Or will what we wear just 'melt' away when we are changed into our new bodies while flying up in the sky to meet Jesus?"

-"If our prayers are answered, OUR dogs and cats will be accompanying us to Heaven!"

-"God cares about a sparrow falling to the ground, so I think he'll take care of our animals."

-(Description of those left behind)"There are only good, God filled people in Heaven. If you are not good and God filled, that’s why you are still here."

*****On the tribulation period*****
-"You’re not going to be able to go out shopping casually like you are now."

-"God’s wrath will be poured out on the world during that time. It will be His last-ditch effort to get people’s attention so they’ll turn to Him; unfortunately, the majority of the people will refuse to listen, and will die and go to Hell as a result."

*****Left behind letter excerps*****
-"By the time you read this letter, millions of people will have disappeared from the earth--including me!"

-"(If you visit the area cemeteries, you’ll discover that many of the graves are now empty.)"

-"Not only are all adult and teenage born-again Christians gone, so are the babies and young children, both the living and the dead."

-"That's right, my soul and spirit are still firmly attached to my body, which is now made of a material that can live in both Heaven and on earth! (It's the same material that Jesus' body is made of.)"

-"Those believers in Jesus who survived the Tribulation will go into Jesus’ new Kingdom as mortal believers. They will marry, have children, and hold jobs or own their own businesses."

-(expecting the Rapture in a few days but planning for tests)"The anticipation of waiting for the single most significant event of our time in addition to me needing to study for an exam I have next week......."

-"It just seems so POINTLESS to be sitting here retouching photos when we're probably going to heaven next week."

-"I agree, and am convinced and believe all here are appointed as watchmen . . Jesus has crowns for His faithful to cast at His feet"

-"There is a Christian man that I have become extremely good friends with in the last few months, over the internet and the phone, but obviously if Jesus is coming next week nothing will really happen with that. However - I will meet Adam in person next week and we have eternity to hang out together....and plus, I am marrying a King anyhow! =) That thought popped into my head recently....that I am marrying a King. (Never mind all you guys who are marrying Him too. Heh.)"

-"I was thinking that it would be really cool if God has a certain area for all of us Watchers at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. What do you guys think?"

-"How many more NASCAR races will there be if the Rapture does happen next week?"

-"Let's try to stick to the Bible so people don't get misled and think we're all crazies."

-"In hopes of the rapture next week, I want to leave a letter to my husband and father who I know will be left behind."

-"Let us all pray, every day, for the next month or so, that God really WILL come and get us within the next 4 weeks! Surely, with a whole forum petitioning God for this, He can't help but hear."

-"I agree Deborah. The Gentiles have alot to thank the Jews for."

-"I am not interested any thing about Hitler, he is definite in HELL now. Is that clear? I do not even want to hear about him when we talk about Jesus."

-"I think he means And... there's nothings god-like about them."

-"To paraphrase, "if your computer offend thee, cut it off. It is better to enter life without a computer...etc". "

-"I claimed that I wanted to go to EPCOT before the rapture and 2 weeks later I am at EPCOT without any planning (or budget set aside) for it. Amazing."

-(On the wedding to Jesus)"After Jesus, it would be King David...He was so amazing, the love, passion and FAITH he Had for his God was SO AWESOME!!! I know he is pretty good looking too!!! haha"

-"Our preoccupation with the Lord and the rapture is so enjoyable."


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:53 AM
LOL. there is some funny stuff there.
But we should point out for all the people with Anti Christian agendas (not saying anyone here but..) People like to use these articles to speak for all Christians, when in fact I would bet 90% of Christians believe in evolution and think these people are loons. Even the priests growing up believed in evolution.

So please do not say Christians think this, just a very small percentage of disturbed ignorant people who use good teachings to further a bad agenda.

Thanks for listening!

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:56 AM
I consider this the most entertaining thread of the day. Normally I try to insulate myself from this kind of hooey, but this has been an amusing diversion.

I was just thinking to myself, should I take my shower now or little later in the morning. Since the "Rapture" is coming, I'll wait. Maybe it'll happen before I really start to smell bad.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by ShiftTrio

I don't think it's a good idea to immediately throw the anti-Christian label out there. People are expressing their opinions. These quotes are obviously from Christians.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:06 AM

I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. What's worse is that he's sneaking some girl to his room behind my back. I need help, God! I want my son to stop being so secretive!

Oh God, I laughed out loud so hard when I read this one. This poor poor woman.

Oh boy, is she in for a rude awakening one of these days...

That one floored me also!! That poor Mom has no idea that sonny does not have any girlfriends leaving boy porn under his bed..the kid is probably experimenting like most kids and maybe has thoughts of being gay...noting to get riled about. Dealing with kids thoughts and feelings in a calm and rational way does more to help them than freaking out and accusing and condemning.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:07 AM
Again, my point was that people have already said in this thread, what Christians think, its not what Christians think its these people think who happen to call themselves Christians. and it should be noted MOST Christians do not believe in this garbage these people say.

You remember the SATS Not All Kooks are Christians, Not All Christians are Kooks, But these kooks are Christians lol..

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