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Satanic and Mind Control Manipulation in the 'Rock' Music Industry

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posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by GirlNextDoor
Something to ponder:

One of the killers at Columbine and the shooter in the Nebraska mall shooting both ranted about the power Rock & Roll had over them.

Also, both were on antidepressants.

Which makes me wonder again about brain chemistry and demonic influences...

The Columbine kids were the product of CIA mind control. Both had parents heavily involved in the CIA . The fake reactions of the shooters parents is evidence of this, they show no sadness or remorse to the death and claim that the boys were simply bad kids. The fact is, the boys were very well liked and kind of popular at their highschool. They weren't 'outcasts'. They had severe multiple personality disorders and the symptoms were known to others who knew them.

All kinds of red flags when it comes to Columbine. Those kids were put through psychotraumatic mind-control and were purposely allowed to envelop themselves in violent videogames, psychopathic self-journalism and death-metal. Taken separately, we could consider those things just to be whacky bad kid behavior : combined, you can see that it was a formula.

Does all music do this to kids? Absolutely not. Consider the circumstances and then ask yourself if Satanism and mind control had something to do with their parents being so sketchy and involved with the CIA. I believe it did.

The recent VTech shooter has red flags in his past as well. These kids are trained to split their personalities into fragments, when their violent and abused personality comes to the front they are then told to go and kill. The way the VTech shooter went about his business without any emotion and with deadly accuracy was indicative of being trained to pull off this shooting.

Now, what do these shooters have to do with the music industry? The same processes that lead them to do these things have been used on alot of well known musicians from birth. Alot of well known musicians had VERY strange and abusive pasts that they won't speak of. Ask yourself why?

[edit on 1-1-2008 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by DodgeG1
Have any of you seen the interview with Bob Dylan? He admits to selling his soul to the "commander chief of this world and another world"

That right there scared the crap out of me when I heard him say that.

Rolling Stones admit this as well. Alot of people refuse to believe it. Musicians will literally say 'I sold my soul to the devil' and people will think it is whimsical figurative speech. They forget the fact that satanism is real and that 'black magick' is not make believe to these people. Crowley was a real man, who had his hands in real governments, who knew real people in power around the world. Crowley's influence in the music business with alot of 'Rock stars' is well documented. Crowley literally endorses the sacrifice and rape of humans, particularly, blond haired-blue eyed children. This is all fact and you are free to research this material at any time. Crowley was just one proponent of satanism and he was involved with world leaders. Imagine how deep it really goes?

People state that these musicians are just being figurative when they talk of being possessed, or having multiple persons within them, or this and that. They forget that in satanism there is a literal practice of giving oneself over to lower dimensional entities, which results in other-worldly inspirations as well as incredible 'gains' of power and status in this already satanically-founded society of ours. They negate the fact that these artists openly admit to doing all of these things behind closed doors.

I don't really expect anyone to believe this, because it's not easy to accept. I love Bob Dylan, but I know what he really is. He's a musical genius who knows how things really operate at the highest level and he chose his path a long time ago. He is a depressing figure because he knows there is no going back.

You hear this often from admitted satanists: there is no going back. Why do you think that is? Because many rituals involve child molestation/rape/murder, animal sacrifice, drinking blood, murdering a homeless person or vagrant etc. These are seemingly fantastic things that you can't imagine anyone doing, let alone the rich and famous: but here's the sick thing: it's real. People really do it. And many whistleblowers or former satanists / mind controlled agents have come forward to testify about this.

It's all very disturbing and we want to believe it's fantasy. Rock stars are just normal people, they don't really think they are Gods, they wouldn't really participate in satanic rituals and admit about it later! It's just entertainment... Hollywood isn't evil.....
etc. etc. Denial is an extremely complacent thing. What we have to realize is that in this world there are normal people, and people who want to devour the normal, people who will do anything for power etc. They think and operate within a completely different paradigm, and as a result, they can walk around in broad daylight, running out society, selling out concerts etc. and nobody thinks twice about their professed satanic ties.

Oh well. You can't force people to recognize demonic influence - they have to admit to themselves that it's real in order to see how out in the open it is.

[edit on 1-1-2008 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by NewWorldOver

The Columbine kids were the product of CIA mind control. Both had parents heavily involved in the CIA . The fake reactions of the shooters parents is evidence of this, they show no sadness or remorse to the death and claim that the boys were simply bad kids. The fact is, the boys were very well liked and kind of popular at their highschool. They weren't 'outcasts'. They had severe multiple personality disorders and the symptoms were known to others who knew them.

Can you sight sources to back up any of your statements? Or are you stating your opinions as facts?

The only fantasy I can see if from the people who want to take the responsibility away from those who commit crimes and put it on some outside secretly evil source, CIA, the Devil, whatever.

[edit on 1-1-2008 by zerotime]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

NWO, I typically love your posts. You're one of the people on this board who takes a great deal of time hashing out their thoughts.

However, on this occasion I simply can't agree with much you've posted. Morrison and Hendrix were heavy drug users who simply lost their direction and turned into blabbering fools until finally overdoing it and dying (not to say I don't worship those guys in my own way-not religiously). I am a recent graduate in Music Industry and Production, and as far as the business goes, its pretty evil, but that's all over because of a slew of things that I won't discuss here unless I am asked, because there is a lot of info I have on that. (by the way, if anyone needs a good producer or vocal work give me a pm-end shameless plug)

My point is that if the devil is controlling the music industry, he's about to lose his medium, because its all being outsourced to smaller and smaller businesses. The industry has collapsed and the big wigs will be nonexistent very soon.

In our business classes, we discussed Morrison heavily. He was always an alcoholic and the music did nothing to change that either way. In an interview with his producer, he said that on the first record, the guy usually came in and ruined every take because he couldn't so much as stand up let alone utter words.

As a hardcore enthusiast/performer/producer, I can attest to hundreds of people (including myself) that have had their lives improve because of metal. I have had a pretty bad problem with drinking until just last year, when my work pulled me out of it.

Basically, I see where you are going with the thread, but I think your theory has more to do with the lifestyle than the music, or even the message within it.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 08:12 PM
All I can do is repeat myself: this isn't isolated to heavy metal. This is relevant to the music industry, the art world, media in general. Big wigs manipulate artists, often from childhood, and plant occult ideas in their head. Satanism is encouraged at the higher circles, if not rampant, and first-hand accounts corroborate this.

Jimi Hendrix never went insane from '___', he was prolific with or without it: Morrison however went insane if he DIDN'T get his fix. He was an alcoholic because he had multiple personalities and voices in his head. Both men were victims of circumstance, none-the-less, they were manipulated and eventually murdered. The music industry is full of bright stars and there are plenty of black holes willing to devour them. It's my belief that many of these stars have deliberately gone into the abyss... at least that's what they seem to say for themselves.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by NewWorldOver
Morrison however went insane if he DIDN'T get his fix. He was an alcoholic because he had multiple personalities and voices in his head.

Jim Morrison had multiple personalities and heard voices in his head? I have read a lot on the Doors and Jim Morrison and never read anything claiming that Morrison had multiple personality disorder.

Again, can you provide any sources for your statements? It seems to me that in each post you are making things up.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 08:44 PM
a very Touchy Subject Indeed.
being also the lead player for "Misery the Metallica Experience"
It Bothers me alot thinking that I may be contributing to the possible
music side of the decline of civilization.....
first off I`m forced (kinda) to tune to a-440..ggggrrrrrrrrrr
when I play in other projects other than my own "Project 432"
I always have to tune to 440 cause basically no ones tuners and keyboards will go to 432
and it is weird for the musicians to get used to and to have to jump back and fouth between tunings with other bands....

for me its not a problem either way but for others it might not be so easy.

so for the most part a do agree that the "powers that be" do use our precious music and musicians againts un-natual ways


[edit on 1-1-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:03 PM
I am sorry but those 2 links are rubbish and so is the 20 mintue video. The links are to a self proclaimed Illuminati-ish camp. The 20 minute video is for buying a 4 hour video of satan in rock.

My opinion is that neither is a good source for "satan" taking control of rock to subvert anyone.

Rock and roll has been bashed since its inception for being evil.

If that were true, then Satan definately has control of all the major network's morning shows. Those 1 to 2 hour piles of cow flop make my ears bleed. ("and next on the Morning Show....more Bush bashing, a massive 18 car pile up where everyone dies....oh, and a low cal chocolate cake that won't go to your hips or butt")

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by zerotime
Jim Morrison had multiple personalities and heard voices in his head? I have read a lot on the Doors and Jim Morrison and never read anything claiming that Morrison had multiple personality disorder.

Again, can you provide any sources for your statements? It seems to me that in each post you are making things up.

I recommend watching the material referenced in my first post.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:11 PM
and also
Heavy Metal uses alot of what are called "Tri-Tones"(already sounds evil huh?)

and back in like the 13th century(or something real old)
the church decreed that it was FORBIDEN to use the tri-tone(the root and a flat 5)
which is like say and e note as the root and the flat 5 would be a b-flat
interval in would be killed for this.........

just to play it you see that it is hands down the scariest sounding
combination of 2 notes ...
as soon as you hit the second note it actually sounds like the emotion
of "death itself). creepy

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

You're right, I guess I got the Metal part from other posts. Sorry about that.

The fact is though that Morrison was a alcoholic by the time he was 15 or 16. Well before he was into music, during his film school years. The damage had begun.

The higher ups in music could care less what the message of the music is, they only care what sells. I see the top 40 of today and ask you, what demonic (or any) message do you get from any of these songs? The stuff with the least content is what is selling.

Elliot Smith, Curt Cobain, Morrison, Hendrix... All guys with tormented lives. But so was Van Gogh and Pollack. Are these artists also satanic? No, they are strung out and drugged up.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by NewWorldOver

I recommend watching the material referenced in my first post.

You are kidding right? You are going by information found on this website?

I'm sorry but I can't listen to the video without laughing out loud. Every written (real reference) in that video are metaphorical statements which the videos author then twists into their own agenda.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:21 PM
one last thing to finish this off
if you continue and play the tri-tone of the second note and then again
for the next note and play them (all 4 notes) as a chord then you
have the freakiest scariest chord alive the dredded TRI-CHORD.
and the tri-tone is the 6th note up the scale chromaticaly
so you play the root with 3 cascading tri-tones and you get.
the root and well as the scariest chord on earth.
freaky stuff

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus

The fact is though that Morrison was a alcoholic by the time he was 15 or 16. Well before he was into music, during his film school years. The damage had begun.

Good point. Keep in mind he claims to have been possessed by a shamanic spirit when he was a kid. Kind of lends credence to the voices in his head. This is something he supposedly confided in to his band-mates and very few people, but it's now a big part of the 'Morrison legend' so to speak.

Originally posted by Maya432
and back in like the 13th century(or something real old)
the church decreed that it was FORBIDEN to use the tri-tone(the root and a flat 5)

Is that true? Makes sense, considering that occult knowledge includes the use of chanting or manipulation of sound waves. They understood that certain tones were 'holy' and could unlock ethereal realms. An investigation at the Roselyn chapel once concluded that 'mysterious' sculptures and shapes situated throughout the church were actually musical notes represented by geometrical shapes. When these notes are played in tandem, they unlock the 'gateway' that supposedly exists within the chapel. People report feeling electric sensations and that they are very close to the other side when standing inside the portal.

Gregorian chants were modeled to set the church to a certain frequency in the same way, almost as if to 'channel' a divine force. This is the SAME theory that goes with satanic music, and I wish I would have gotten into it earlier, we are on the 4th page now.

Basically, musical notes are vibrations, and different frequencies, when combined, can actually transverse dimensional space and time - supposedly. Keeping this in mind, what are deep and heavy vibrations in the 'demonic root' notes going to do? They're going to lower the vibration and bring about a frequency that channels demonic energy. Interesting theory, no?

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

aye interesting post...

google 'Masamuro Emoto' and the effects of thought and sound upon water molecules... he even shows the effects of beethoven compared to death metal.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

aye interesting post...

google 'Masamuro Emoto' and the effects of thought and sound upon water molecules... he even shows the effects of beethoven compared to death metal.

This is some amazing research. I'm blown away by the procedures he uses. Here is a photograph of water frozen before praying over the source

And the same source of water, frozen, after a prayer is offered

Pretty amazing. Frozen water (or snow flakes) are also geometric patterns which can be recreated with sound machines (as examined in Maya432's thread). These same geometric shapes are similar to the ones carved in the Roselyn chapel depicting specific harmonics and notes.

Check it out - he does a procedure where he writes thoughts/phrases and names onto a piece of paper (imbuing it with mental energy) and tapes the paper to water bottles overnight. The results he gets from this are astonishing and I'm suddenly tempted to write little blessings on a water bottle and drink it tommorow morning

But really... there are all kinds of implications to this... being a descendant of local native americans in the area I remember one elder explaining that all the disease and sickness people suffer is from their water sources. We have pure unpolluted water with no giardea etc. and our ancestors lived long and healthy lives.

Maybe there really is something to 'holy water' and perhaps masaru has proven this!

He has also proven the effect of thought on water, which we are comprised of : now consider this, if you're listening to music which goes on and on about depressing topics or how much life sucks etc. what's going to happen to the cells in your body? They fracture, distort, etc. and before you know it you feel like #&%$. I believe people confuse this sensation with 'releasing bad energy'. They don't seem to realize that they aren't releasing anything; they are absorbing it.

Masaru's study is really bringing this into clarity for me now. Thanks for sharing.

[edit on 2-1-2008 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:21 AM
First off, NWO, please do not take this as a personal insult because it is not meant to be. But I believe this mindset might explain a bit behind your reasoning:

Imagine how deep it really goes?

The reason I say this is because, especially with this site, the imagination can really get one carried away.

I say this mainly because when I take into account ALL of the different, sometimes seemingly CRAZY stuff I have read on the 'net, I find myself asking myself "what if?"

Now you have admittedly stated that you are the YOUTH. Well, then you are precisely the audience that All music is directed to. Every musical artist I have read interviews with usually state something to the point of it being either "for the kids" or "about the kids" etc.

Well believe it or not, musicians, like a good majority of people, have an agenda they believe in, great or small. Whether it is political, personal, or economical, it is an agenda.

Alot of what you say I believe has some merit to it i.e. managers manipulating recording artists to sell records (which wasn't exactly your words, but rather my interpretation of the underlying evil)

I also don't think this thread has really addressed those claims. If satanism in music is influencing young girls to be more prematurely sexually active, well then, Bubblegum Pop is the most rediculously satanic music around.

I guess the bottom line, to me, is this:

If something makes you feel bad, evil, aggresive, hateful etc., then stop indulging in it (be it music, movies, games, books, internet etc.). You have this option, and hopefully the intelligence, to recognize this.

I don't listen to rap music cause it pisses me off! But nothing makes me feel greater and more happy than King Diamond, Manowar, Emperor, Immortal, and Satan being blatantly sang about in music.

To quote my all time favorite musican Devin Townsend:

"and Music, well it's just entertainment folks"

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:22 AM
To say I am a HUGE Jim Morrison fan would be the understatement of the year. My 3 year old son's teacher told me last week that when the kids were picking songs to sing in class, my son picked "Break on through to the other side", they ended up going with Ruldoph the rednose reindeer (true story). I have read every book ever written on the man at least twice(no one here gets out alive 9 times) heck I even at luch at Barney's beanery last week. I assure you I know as much as you can know about the man without actually meeting him. He was not possesed, he was on acid, coke, pot, and whatever else he could get his hands on. And when you take all those drugs I assure you, several different personalities will shine through. Than man had a problem with drugs and alchohol, but he also felt the music. If you have ever performed on stage in fron of people you would understand the HUGE high you can get from having the entire audience captivated by you. His mixture of charisma, sex appeal and wrecklessnes from the drugs and alchohol, combined for a very amazing performance. Don't believe me? Watch this...

[edit on 2-1-2008 by kleverone]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

Hi New World,
Great topic, What about the rock groups that are admitantly satanist?

You know I am not real big on conspiracies, but the entertainment industry, surely is nasty, and dirty, and disgustingly evil.
The music is filthy, the horror movies are vile., and sick beyond imagination,

Something is going on.

Do people crave this sorta decadence, is this what we want for our children?

and movies like Saw, barf

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 12:52 AM
Please don't get me wrong, I love rock music, I love all music, but some of it is really gotten bad,

I know a black metal rock musician intimately, he is a satanist and has been since he started listening to Marilyn Manson at age 15,

I might add, he is a good person.

He is my son, it was not easy to see the cuts on his arms from his offering of blood sacrifices as he was growing up, dragging tombstones home from the cemetery, his alter to satan in his room, collecting dirt from graves, I had my husband take them back, good grief what a weird few years.

He would go wandering in the cemetery for hours, I would go looking for him, worried he would hurt himself, or get in trouble.

He read every book he could on the subject, Anton LaVey and the like, and Crowley.

He got into Kabbalah, I waited and let him explore, I hoped he would grow out of it, he has, it did teach him a lot he is a highly intellegent and philosophical individual , aged well beyond his 23 years, he is amazing.

I think the thing that got us through this was my knowledge of ancient religions and texts, the lines of communication were always open and I saw myself in him , always searching, always searching, he grew up in a home full of books on every subject pertaining to the metaphysical,


[edit on 013131p://bWednesday2008 by Stormdancer777]

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