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Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad

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posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000
What if you are waiting in line for the bus or a subway? Sometimes you can't just walk away.

Then this tech is not introducing anything new. There could be normal loudspeakers broadcasting adverts at the train station. I would be surprised if this doesn't happen now.

there are no loud speakers because people would complain. This is a way to try to get around that, and I am guessing people are also going to complain about this.

People complain about everything. If people get up-in-arms enough then, like I said, regulation will ensue. Local governments love to regulate every little thing.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Griff

Come to DC and ride the metro not using earphones. I bet you'll understand then.

I lived and worked in DC area for 15years.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Griff

Im not sure why you think those who are trying to explain this are FOR this technology.

Never have I said I am for this. I hope it doesnt happen. However, it will be just like all the crap Im forced to see and hear against my own wishes.

I wish all those annoying drivers w/ their hip hop blaring would turn it off. But its not going to happen. I have no choice but to hear it. That is what happens when we leave the privacy of our own home. We are subjected to sights and sounds that we may not find very appealing.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by IAttackPeople
Is this loudspeaker targeting an individual for harassment, following them around, and shouting in their ear every so often?

No? Try again.

Not yet...

Oh, so we're speaking in wild speculations then. Okee dokee. I guess that makes it easy to envision a near-future where shouting robots (that only you can hear) are following you around telling you to drink Bud Light.

I DO NOT want a supersonic blaster heating my insides while I'm up there.

Gee, nobody would think of maybe turning off a potentially harmful device (and you don't know if the ultrasound created by audio spotlights is harmful) before people had to work in the vicinity. That never happens.


No. Not really. You are just making things up.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Im not sure why you think those who are trying to explain this are FOR this technology.

I think this is great technology when used in situations for which it is appropriate. It seems like a cost-effective solution for museums, galleries, trade shows, etc where you wish to deliver an audio program without disturbing the surrounding area and avoid the expense of individual audio units. This seems to be Holosonic's core business. This stuff has been around for several years.

Now some clever ad agency has used an audio spotlight in a novel campaign to trick people into thinking someone is talking to them. Meh. Prettly lame. I'll eat my hat if this application catches on and we have a world where every street corner is peppered with audio spotlights pitching tampons.


posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:19 PM
"A 30-year-old man died this afternoon while walking down Park Avenue. He was apparently struck in the head by an ultrasonic tampon."

Depending on the range another good use is secure communication over a given distance. Say 1000ft just to be safe. It is untappable and could possibly be immune to high gain microphones as well.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by apc]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Griff

Im not sure why you think those who are trying to explain this are FOR this technology.

Never have I said I am for this. I hope it doesnt happen. However, it will be just like all the crap Im forced to see and hear against my own wishes.

I wish all those annoying drivers w/ their hip hop blaring would turn it off. But its not going to happen. I have no choice but to hear it. That is what happens when we leave the privacy of our own home. We are subjected to sights and sounds that we may not find very appealing.

hey leo. I have to agree with this post of yours 110%. I would have to say after reading all of the pages of this thread, not many, if any, are for this technology catching on. It just has the potential to get out of hand whether it is used by the government or just by advertisers. Either way, people will be very pissed off. The whole scenario is a double edged sword. We all like technology that helps us out as a society, yet technology at the same time has a potential of abuse for inappropriate things.
on the hip/hop blaring issue. Turn it down I say!!!! I would like to preserve my hearing as long as possible.
Another sad thing i must say is that we have to use the term "privacy of our own home" Very very loosely these days.

[edit on 12/13/2007 by palehorse23]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000

Originally posted by palehorse23
My worst fears lie in the fact that if this form of technology gets into the hands of a powerful person, or even a joe schmoe that wants to try and get people to listen to him, there could be some serious repercutions.

this kind of technology has been in the hands of of powerful people for decades and they have been using citizens in the US, Canada, UK and Australia for target practice.
check out this site
Debbie Newhook

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:58 PM
Great thread!! I was totally unaware of this!

You can be sure that if it's being used by ad agencies right now, the tech has been around for a while. I wonder if it's being used in any other ways .

Wait a minute, all of a sudden I want to buy a new car!! And shop at Wal Mart!! Hmmm...I also think president Bush is doing a great job!

I knew my aluminum foil helmet would come in handy some day

I know it's not a laughing matter, but if you don't joke about it, it'll drive you to hear voices that DON"T exist!

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
Project Dark Knight anyone?

For info on dark knight check out his threads:

[edit on 12-13-2007 by CPYKOmega]

I was wondering when the Dark Knight angle was introduced. I was reading through the post before I said the same thing. haha Whether DK is truthful or not, this technology sorta add some believability to what he says. He did say that we'll all be able to hear stuff in our heads (or think it's in our head), but it won't be real. This proves that it's possible?

[edit on 14-12-2007 by Quazi176]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 07:00 PM
I thinking mass riot control or taking over large populations. If this is being done today, the some government agency had prefected it decades ago.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by pjsconcrete

It's ok to joke about it a little. But this has to not be allowed to be in the general public on a large scale. Things would get waaayyyyy out of hand. I think we need to get the word out about it so people know what might be in store. I think if people realized the possibilities, they might want to actually do something about it.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Quazi176

It does add some validity to his claims. And as he has stated many times he believes it will happen without a doubt, which only fuels the fire. I only hope he is incorrect.

People need to realize that the technology that is out there today is so far advanced that no one can tell whats real or whats manufactured. If you don't believe me just take a look at the latest technologies described in this thread.

Is Dark Knight real?

Only time will tell.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Quazi176

Darknight said in his first post about this topic:
"2 years ago, a friend of my wife informed us of a coming event that will make ww III look like childs play. A mass attempt to rule by sheer fear is coming, and its going to start low and slow in 2007, and build up and up till Oct 28th, 2011, for a final blow out either late oct 2011 or early 2012. "

I would like to draw to your attention the phrase "A mass attempt to rule by sheer fear is coming" I would like to say that this started slowly decades ago. They have been persecuting innocent humans for decades. The group of people who have been targeted are your average truth seeker like many of the forum members on ATS. They have instilled fear into most targets preventing them from speaking out. This group of targets is growing incredibly fast. I live in a small Canadian city and I have because of activism and the refusal to keep my mouth shut about this, found 7 other targets in a city that has the population of 80,000. I believe that the number of targeted individuals is astronomical. I am a moderator on a forum for multi stalked, I am a member of three other forums and we all are Target Individuals. I am in touch with many other Canadian and American targeted individuals who do not partake in the forums. I want to emphasize that the number of targets globally is astronomical. This is how they will attempt to control the masses. This is a fear based tactic to control the masses and the masses are starting to fight back and reveal what is happening to them.
Re: "Are you hearing voices? Or is it an Ad?"
The targeted individuals of the world have been the target practice for this kind of technology for decades. Their cries for help were ignored and many found themselves in the clutches of mental health, thus successfully silencing them. This technology was invented in the mid 1970's. Targeted Individuals (TIs) have had more than voice to skull (V2K) applied to them, they have also been the human guinea pigs for the new technology of directed energy weapons. In fact, many people of the world are subjected to the directed energy weapons and get terribly sick and no one doctor has a clue what is wrong with them. Some of these people have no clue they are targets and the effects on their health are being closely watched..
This fear based technique of torture/harassment is part of the big picture of controlling the masses, chipping us, and feeding us more fear through the media. Another world changing event will happen that will be similar in nature to 9/11. This will be the catalyst to convincing the remainder of the masses that chipping will be required to protect us and war a necessary evil. Those who oppose being chipped, like me, will be detained in one of the many internment camps throughout the world or left to die without shelter and food. This does not have to happen, if we, the targeted Individuals, could get our story to the masses, but corporate media, will not allow it. We are so under reported, we are so ignored, we are so feared because we have the knowledge that this is happening to the masses globally.
Debbie Newhook
Nanaimo, BC

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by palehorse23

Absolutely!!! I forwarded the website to everyone in my address book, and most of them were outraged! This is just another way the government is trying to control the minds and will of the people.
If this happened back in the 60s, there would be mass protests. I think the people (most of them anyway) are already controled.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 07:43 PM
This marketing tactic has been around long before being admitted to. Some years back, early 2000s or so, Soda companies were installing this into soda machines trying to change people's thoughts into buying their soft drink and not the surrounding companies. Nothing new from let's say, Coca Cola, as they did this in the 80s with commercials. I'm not for this as seeing it as subliminal( still use often with advertising) brainwashing messages, but more so as hurting/confusing the mental health of 'normal' people, not to mention people who actually have "hearing voices" problems.

[edit on 15-12-2007 by dreamingawake]

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Gools

I'll have to agree,
As if I'm not going crazy as it is with all this information piping through my mind via monitors at home, work, school, roadways....

Cause you know if "they" can do this, then "they" can make you think other things and therefor per sway you to act upon them, all the while thinking it's just you.

[edit on 15-12-2007 by WalkOn]

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 09:48 PM
Sounds ghostly, I had a similar experience once while I was getting ready for school. There were no tv's on or anything and everyone else was sleeping. I heard a woman in my left ear out of no where say: "Are you alright?" and I freaked out and ran outside, and then I heard a little girl laughing happily. I went back inside to find all of the cabinets opened and an egg broken on the floor.

Could have been a ghost.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 12:51 PM
I can't believe everyone on here is acting like this is some crazy foreign technology. They've been doing this for years! I seen this tech first shown in Popular Science when I was 12!

One use for this tech is the military has a bigass speaker kinda thing on their gunships that they point at oncoming vessels, it sends out an insanely annoying noise and they are deterred from coming closer. It's not like the US navy doesn't WANT to shoot those guys, I'm sure they do... but it's a pretty effective tool.

Secondly, yes, anyone who walks through the 'beam' can hear the noise. Not just one person at a time... It was only meant to direct sound in only one spot, instead of the entire room. I think it's a grand idea

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Griff

Come to DC and ride the metro not using earphones. I bet you'll understand then.

I lived and worked in DC area for 15years.

So, you agree with me that you can not ride the metro and use a sound producing device without earphones?

Why would that be? What law does that cover? I feel this is no different.

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