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How to Inflitrate A51

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posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by eaganthorn

I apologize for speaking to you in that matter.

I get confused with people on ATS. whether they are joking and being sarcastic or if they are really serious about what they say..

Eag, you have to understand. I have read threads on ATS about "reptilians" and "lion people" running the world.

And there was over 50 pages of discussion on this "reptilian" subject so after that I take everything I read from people on ATS with a grain of salt.

so, I am sorry...

yes, I work for a government contractor and have security clearance with a military outfit.

It bothers me to read people saying that want to "kidnap" people for some kind of truth they seek.........

Why not "kidnap" a guy who works for mcdonalds so he can release the ingredients of the secret big mac sauce.

yet no one will do that because it doesn't interest them, yet the ingredients of the big mac sauce is guarded just as heavily by mcdonalds corp as the us guards its most secret crafts.

same with the kfc recipe and the coca-cola recipe. those recipes are so closely guarded it's not even funny..

so, i am just confused why these people don't threaten to kidnap say the ceo of coca-cola.

i just dont get it.

and why would anyone would ever want to kidnap anyone is beyond me..

i will be perfectly honest with all..

joking or not guys we have to respect the men/women who work very hard to keep out country safe. the men/women who research and develop technologies that may potentially save man-kind, and if these technologies fall into enemy hands than these technologies and information will be used to HURT man kind..

lets act like adults guys.!!!

admin edit Do NOT insult our membership's intelligence with ridiculous, child like threats. Please follow your own last line above.

[edit on 2-22-2009 by Springer]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by mrjenka

No worries, I get a little touchy on the subject as well. I've been in IT for a number of years and have to adhere to the rules of confidentiality.

Most people get so caught up in the conspiracy aspect of things like GL-A51, they don't stop to think about what they really doing or saying.

I couldn't believe what was suggested, even if it were in jest.

Anyway, good luck.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Hi you seem like someone who speaks with a lot of sense unlike a lot of fakers on this forum I've noticed in my time here.

May I ask what your job is out of curiosity?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Scope and a Beam

I work for Lockheed martin. I work in research and development department as the finance manager of my department.

I audit budgets, projects, and misc. request for monies.

I am alloted "x" amount of money every quarter and allocate the monies as I see fit through my department.

So, I deal with all money aspects in my department. I allocate monies to each project and forward that to my superiors where they can of course turn around and negate what I have done or recommend but that seldom ever happens.

There is 25% of the budget that is for "misc." spending which only the top scientist and his top civilian aid have access too..

I have a security clearance from Lockheed martin as well as a military branch which i'd prefer not to get into.

I hold s/sci/ts/crypto from both military and lockheed along with certain classifications I can not get into.

any other questions? please ask

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Nice job bet you make some nice money from that lol

Ever come across anything unusual lol? I doubt it but meh just asking

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 10:37 AM

admin edit Do NOT insult our membership's intelligence with ridiculous, child like threats. Please follow your own last line above.

[edit on 2-22-2009 by Springer]

Springer, one of YOUR staff members recommended the kidnapping of Area 51 employees. Please explain to me the logic here. I would love to be enlightened.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by NightVision]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Agent900

Build an AC? looks hard but its not. its just too long to build.

look on youtube those Armored Core machines.

an armored core is actually a very fast mech with high dexterity.

about 4-5 story tall. use enourmous snipers, rocket lunchers or and shoot guns, machine guns, etc... look at opening theme of armored core for answer. a basic shoot gun shoots 16 rounds every shoots and got over 300 heavy shootgun shells. maybe an armored core is too much. but its not impossible. just one AC can litteraly wipe the entire us army at hhimself.

or just build up a porsche valkyrie from ev nova.
(these ships are heavy bombers the size of boeing 767).

or just go for an army of interceptor. (spy hunter)
or my favorite. an army of modded sports car and pick up's, armor plated and 1 offensive weapon and one deffensive or 2 offensive.
(look at full auto/ full auto 2:battlelines video game or twisted metal series.)

ultimatly i dream of AC but in 2nd i would go with the Pyro GX from the good old Decent. gauss rifle + bunch of mercury rockets. or XD.


posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:32 PM
That robot would get owned so fast by my sister SAL-9000 that currently resides there. Since she doesn't run on Windows, probably unlike said robot, she clearly has an instant advantage and alien weapons at her command.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 07:12 PM
no joke, I have 2 good buddies that are nuts. They are recon marines currently in Iraq. They return later this month and are planning a "push into the test site. The reason you ask?? They are nuts, bored, young and full of napalm and testosterone. They will try in the summer when the heat is up on the desert floor and rocks. They have ghilie suits, gear, patience, and fire. They plan on documenting everything with disposable waterproof fujicams, as they have worked well in theatre, do not radiate or retain heat. everthing they take will be natural fibers, non synthetic to help disperse heat and blend in. They have a route planned, lay up points, hides etc. They are planning on a 5 day operation, with 2 for infil and extract. They will carry 4 100 oz camelback bladders, 4 MREs, and highspeed nutri gels. The wackenhut guys are in for a treat as these are some of the best trained out there. There plan if caught? They are on a training exercise at Nellis..Might buy them some time, till court martial anyway. I can attest first hand to security in the area as i have participated in red Flag a few times. During the pre exercise kick off brief, it is clearly explained what areas are off limits to foot, vehicle or air traffic. The CSAR/TRAP portion we did had us jumping into an area and the bird droppped us of 5 km to far to the west. We landed, recovered our gear, then started walking to the nearest road. 4 unmarked trucks scrambled to meet us, asking WTF we were doing. Umm, smart ass answers aside we were escorted out and had to fill out disclosure statements about what we saw. Rocks, scrub, and more scrub...never did that before for any big exercise as there are always too many moving parts. Well. I will keep evryone posted on what the dynamic duo plans. One concern i do have, is the watchers on here..OPSEC is a major concern and it would not suprise me to see the security types on here purusing the boards, seeing what everyone is doing...Im probably being flagged right now....WTF, I like fireworks and I am past promotion eligible. anyway. They have even given the mission a name. Operation Desert Chameleon

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:52 PM
Won't they just confiscate your Hummer and possibly send it to the impound lot? Seems pretty strange if your car is able to drive right inside without anyone finding out.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:28 PM
hmmmm I dont think an h2 would go that far.

a real hummer would work better but hell why not just build your own drone they would ahve to shoot that down and I never met anyone in the military who can hit a bullseye at even 15 feet.


best thread ever!

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Deepc

Good luck to your buddies. I'd love a follow up report on their mission. I hope you didn't blow their cover, dude! Cool idea regardless.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 08:41 PM
Actually I'm pretty curious now about the money being sent to the north pole. Especially since the reason why could be for a lot of reasons. Subs to satellites, to R&D facilities. THe deserts harsh n all, but you can survive in a desert. Unless you've got a tauntaun and a lightsaber the north pole will probably kill you real fast. Not so easy to hang around and simply spy. Can't say it can't be done just that it severely cuts back on the likely hood of somebody spying on you. Except with a sat, and the US probably has lots of ways to track sats, ours and other peoples, that I won't go into.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 09:21 PM
Lol if you want to infiltrate Area 51 you dont talk about it, and you dont say that you want to do it. Must be done in secret as they are doing it in secret.
Lol good luck guys doing it by explaining it here ROFL :

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Agent900

I've thought about this more then a few times laying awake at night. I come up with that sneeking into the base wouldn't happen, what you need to do is put the security and the air force into a position of allowing access in the name of good PR. Example - get a bounch of anti-war groups such as code pink, iraqi vets against the war, and others, at least 3000. Get one or two national news crews, and more then several independent news people, manly people who have a general dislike for the military or anti-war groups, and even a anti-corperate or anti-globalization group or two. A few public figures such as state senators, state representatives would be a nice touch. Drive them up to the least guarded gate, then start a protest march to the gate, let the anti-globalization groups start thier typical trashing of buildings, then the rest march through the gate. As the protest marchers get through the gate, march all the way and take over the main runway, then set up camp, radio back to more back up protesters so that they have an open road from the camp to outside the bases gate back to the main road. Law enforcement, security, and the air force will be forced to stand back and observe and contain rather then try to put down a protest. Stay for a few days demanding transpairancy in government, ending the war, whatever, then leave. After eyerthing is said and done there will be more then enough video and photos of inside the base, plus imagine the amount of international tv coverage. This isn't the best or prettyest way of doing it but probably the most likely of having any small success.


posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:53 AM
Much as i love to hear peoples theories about whats at Area 51 and how to infiltrate it, i fear people who even contemplate this are seriously naive.

Worst thing is, if the base is as many say it is, just a research establishment for experimental and advanced aircraft, not only are you going to be bitterly dissapointed, but also you'll be hindering vital work that is supposed to be kept secret.

It's a tough choice. To infiltrate or let it be?

People of the US revel in the fact that they have the most advanced aircraft on the planet, so why go and try to ruin the very places that make this happen?

If the government had any sense, they'd have moved any ET stuff far from there by now anyway.

Good luck to all those who try though, i look forward to yet another video on YouTube of someone driving halway up the gravel track towards the base and then hightailing it out of there, because thats all they had the balls...or sense... to do.


posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by CX
Much as i love to hear peoples theories about whats at Area 51 and how to infiltrate it, i fear people who even contemplate this are seriously naive.

Worst thing is, if the base is as many say it is, just a research establishment for experimental and advanced aircraft, not only are you going to be bitterly dissapointed, but also you'll be hindering vital work that is supposed to be kept secret.

It's a tough choice. To infiltrate or let it be?

People of the US revel in the fact that they have the most advanced aircraft on the planet, so why go and try to ruin the very places that make this happen?

If the government had any sense, they'd have moved any ET stuff far from there by now anyway.

Good luck to all those who try though, i look forward to yet another video on YouTube of someone driving halway up the gravel track towards the base and then hightailing it out of there, because thats all they had the balls...or sense... to do.


I agree with you, its fun to think about but in reality its not a good thing. I think the air force is partly to blame for all the hipe, if they just gave it an offical name and say its a testing ground like Edwards then i think alot of this might go away.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:03 PM
The answer to this problem clearly lies within the concept of a rabid meat-eating monkey with a mounted camera. A piece of meat, and a strong throwing arm.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:13 PM
I hear a lot of people talking about how easy it would be/the best way to gain access to the base would be a remote heli or some sort of craft. my question/concern is don't you think that with a government facility as advanced as A51 they would just EMP it before it was even at the Perimeter line? I mean they have the technology to take a picture of a grain of sand on your shoe from how many miles out into space with perfect detail?
Also if you began to plan that they wouldn't even need to EMP it because they would be standing behind you shortly after the craft left the ground.
Remember they know everything. I doubt anyone on this forum or anywhere could keep a secret from them.

That being said it wont stop us from trying, because we all know that the truth is out there somewhere.


posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:18 PM
wanna bet the easiest way to get into area 51 is in the hottest months, during daylight, by a guy in camo slowly, methodically crawling into base. He would need to have a drag bag with water and some food, but thats about it.

I believe its possible to actually get onto the base. Now once you're there what are you going to do. Can't get inside any of the buildings without getting noticed so it's not like you will actually see anything by getting on base. To see something they are still going to have to take that something outside. So a telephoto lens is still the best option for figuring out what they have there, that and research.

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