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The NWO... it's about time

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posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 10:36 PM
I hear all this talk, all these rumors. I look around, and I see pain, anger, malice, and stupidity. Every time I turn around another war has started, another assassination, and another conspiracy theory.
What is my point, one might ask? Well, perhaps I don't have the same idea of the NWO as everyone else has. Is it some tyranny? Is it complete control over the unwilling? if so, who will fight to keep them in power?
I say, welcome, here is you key, enjoy. Stay as long as you like. People non-stop complain about all of the world orders like some never-ending twilight zone marathon. Then when this new world order is found trying to step in and help (can't make it worse), everyone gets all annoyed, and conspiracy witch hunt on them. No wonder the world sux, no one can help, because no one will let them.
Ever stop and think, with all of this hatred, violence, oppression, and media, it would take a conspiracy to change it.
Just my thought, don't really expect anyone to reply to this, as there really are any cool pictures, or controversial questions raised. But I suppose you could always let me know what is supposed to be bad about the NWO, as I have not really done any research on it.


posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 12:40 AM
Yes NWO is good! Globalization is great! Monopolies rock!!! Go ! Go! Go!

Heck, I shop exclusively at Wal-Mart.. All these other choices are so confusing….

Join the club…

I support the New World Order/Global Elite!

What if the NWO WAS good?

The nwo could bring peace and harmony to mankind?

NWO: Are they trying to do good?

Globalization is GOOD!

There are good points, there are bad points to the NWO.

Cooperation between nations is certainly good. However, I’m really curious to know how all the pro-NWO folks believe all wars will suddenly stop!! How exactly will this work and come about? What happens to the currently repressed minorities? Will the Israel situation suddenly be resolved by the coming of this NWO? Taiwan?

Can you elaborate on why exactly your so gung-ho about this NWO? Why do you believe it will save you?

Originally posted by templersstorms1312
Is it some tyranny

This is certainly one of the biggest problems. A tyrannical government would have only to take over one government for instant control. As it stands it would be difficult to take over all nations instantaneously. Why even take that chance?

The Constitution was written to keep dictators at bay, yet 230 years later…

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 09:21 AM
Well. under the definition of New World Order meaning just a new world order, and not some giant conspiracy planned for years and years to take over the world by force, I believe I may be part of it. And I can't wait.
If the world is united for common goods, and people are left alone by the governments, there would be far less conflict. Without warlords stealing children in the middle of the night to brainwash and add to their army, peace will begin to come easier and easier. A new world order could eradicate all of the oppressive governments, and end all tyranny. It wouldn't have to wait for the approval of the self-proclaimed world police (UN) to attack someone who has slain millions of their own people.
Free at last, free at last.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 11:41 AM
[edit on 17/2/07 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by templersstorms1312
A new world order could eradicate all of the oppressive governments, and end all tyranny.

How? By being equally repressive and tyrannical itself? How will this New World Order deal with opposition?

Convince me, why would a one world government solve our problem?

And BTW, isn’t the United Nation a stepping stone to the New World Order?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 06:20 AM
When you put all the power in the hands of the few human nature shows that it does not bode well for humanity. One World Gov't? I shudder when i think of it.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 09:28 AM
What exactly are we waiting for - the NWO? How will it present itself? "Hey, folks, it's me!"? Are we waiting for chips implanted in our bodies, Brave New World SOMA pills, our brains hooked up to a Matrix-style computer system? Come on. The NWO is already there, if the Orwellian earth society is the standard. Double-think and double-speak are already here. The media, governments and corporations pull the same strings already. The "sheeple" believe everything they're told... or simply don't care anymore, as long as life is sustainable.

That we still can voice our opinions "freely" on boards like ATS doesn't mean anything, it is part of the illusion... illusion of freedom. As long as you're a "conspiracy nut", everything is fine because you are, unknowingly, soldier of the "divide and conquer" strategy. But don't you dare to hit the nail on the head, because the nail will hit your head and it's gonna hurt.

Why not support the NWO? Because it's not going to bring you peace. It's not going to give you a better life. It's not going to keep its promises of freedom, justice, happyness and enlightenment. Why? Because you are not entitled to have power. You are a slave. Yes, living standards for slaves have risen in the past centuries. Still they can punish and kill you for disobedience if they choose to: by raising taxes, polluting your drinking water or by declaring war, for example. And your children will have even less power. Unless you do something about it.

Why not oppose the NWO? Because resistance would strengthen them. If you find one way to harm them, they will know the next time and not allow this to happen again. Each time you attack and wound them, they will hit back even harder, more vicously defending their idea, become even more subversive, more powerful. Now we have YouTube and GoogleVideo to spread the truth, we can send mp3s and all that stuff... but then again, there will be DRM to control the contents that you browse and view, because of terrorism and music piracy and pornography and all that evil in the world...

What can be done? Ignore them. Thoughts control matter, because both are forms of energy. If you think a lot about the NWO, there will be a lot of NWO. And if you can't ignore them because Big Brother's eye is staring at you from a lightpole at the crossroads - ridicule them. Don't give them power by worrying, don't give them power by opposing. Think of Your World Order instead, picture it, with all colors, make a painting or meditate on your vision of a better world. What would you like this planet to be like? Beautiful flowers, clean oceans, animals, children, sun, clouds, rain, rainbows, happyness, peace, fresh air...? Make your list. Pin it to your wall. BELIEVE it is possible, KNOW that it is possible. Because it is. And you'll see how the evil Empire will crumble and fall, because nobody will be giving them power by being afraid of something anymore :-)

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 12:13 PM
The NWO is good??? Wow! Cool! I guess I've changed my beliefs.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:34 PM
do I get a chance to rule the world?

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by NegativeBeef
do I get a chance to rule the world?
You have it already. Think about it.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:50 PM
Well,firstly, who do you suppose is "trying to help?" Certainly not our elected officials. If you think that the majority give a dinker's damn about the general population, you are sadly mistaken. Those that do, George W., for example, are quickly corrupted by the wrong hands.

Yes, I said it, at one time, I do think Bush was well intentioned. However, it didn't take long for him to become just as corrupt as the rest of his "handlers."

So, again, I ask, who exactly is "trying to help?"

[edit on 19-2-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by templersstorms1312

If the world is united for common goods, and people are left alone by the governments, there would be far less conflict. Without warlords stealing children in the middle of the night to brainwash and add to their army, peace will begin to come easier and easier.

What gives you the faintest idea that this will be a reality in the NWO? The NWO on the surface probably is appealing to many. However, when one truly examines the ramifications of it, it loses its luster quickly.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 02:07 PM
Well, if THE NWO is bad, why not make an NWO. The NWO is the new world order. I'm sure you knew that. So why not overthrow the current world order with a new one that doesn't suck. You can't fight the current world order (CWO) without an NWO. I am not saying THE NWO is good, I'm saying why can't an NWO be good. Peace.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by templersstorms1312
Well, if THE NWO is bad, why not make an NWO. The NWO is the new world order. I'm sure you knew that. So why not overthrow the current world order with a new one that doesn't suck. You can't fight the current world order (CWO) without an NWO. I am not saying THE NWO is good, I'm saying why can't an NWO be good. Peace.

Question is, consisting of what? Here is my interpretation of what the proposed NWO will be:

It will basically be a "democratic" based form of government ruled by a central power. Now, the problem with that is a "democracy" that is under tyrannical rule, an all controlling centralized power, cannot work.

I mean, there are many socialistic ideas that go along with that, but,... I just don't see any form of globalistic government panning out for the good in the long run. Yeah, it may work for a while, but ultimately, it will lead to a one world dictatorship.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:07 PM
You should take a look at this video for some more info on the new world order.

The Secret Underground Lectures of Commander X

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