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Announcing the 2007 Elections for President of the United States!

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posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
I'll announce my platform then (still figuring it out)

Since this will be a contest of political parties as well as candidates, it seems to me that you will not require a detailed platform until after the primaries. And if I recall correctly the ATS 2007 primaries will be in June. Just my thoughts.

Any guidance from the management would be most appreciated.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 09:10 PM
Only a couple of days till we can realy get this party started! I cannot wait, I have a whole bag full of good ideas for this race.

I am sure that this will be one of the most intelectualy stimulating political discussions that this thread has seen, as we have some realy intelegent people that populate this thread.

I am so looking forward to debating each and every one of you.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 12:40 AM
Chuck Norris doesnt need votes to win. he already won presidency.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:09 AM
I am looking forward to the upcoming debates because I am ready. I pledge not to slander me opponents, that ain't nice to do, nor is it the right thing to do.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 01:54 AM
....of part my running manifesto.

I'm looking for a strong America - BUT I'm also looking to create an America that realises it is part of the world and not above it.

I'm looking for peace globally, in particularly in the Middle East, and I have some ideas on how to achieve it - including one very special (and particulary controversial) idea that tests the core of American values.

I am opposed to "gunboat diplomacy"

The game is afoot from today

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:49 PM
Ok here we are whats the story? What do we have to do to get this bird off the ground?

I can't take it I am going to explode with political insight!

That does it.... The US needs universal health care, It should also be implemented that manditory auto insurance should be billed into the cost of a licence plate registration. The educational system needs to be revamped so that a student that is failing needs to be held back again and not just passed onto the next grade anyway. I want to chainge the Tax code to be either a flat tax or a pol tax. I demand full disclosure for UFO events and the events of Sep 11. The transparency of the government needs to be restored. Public transportation should always be free for everyone.

sorry, sorry, sorry, I couldent keep it back any longer!

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Is the new forum going to be open or will those who have waited to announce their candidacy need to just put it in this thread?
Not to seem anxious but well... I am.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 05:24 PM
After giving this a great deal of thought and consideration, I have
come to a conclusion.

I am announcing my candidacy for the 2007 ATS Presidential

I will be running under the Socialist pary.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 07:53 PM


The Vagabond



neformore (????)

I did take you off ban when I saw you post in the thread TJW. So long as you refrain from insults like the titor thread, I have no reason to ignore you again. I didn't believe in titor, just disliked your style or arguement so much it aggervated me into acting as though I was fighting for the titor side of things. Just refrain from insults like that thread.

[edit on 2-2-2007 by grimreaper797]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 08:04 PM
Since I still can't seem to find a thread to announce your presidency and everyone seems to be doing it here, I'll join in.

I will be running under the Reform party.

...If I can ever find the threads that I'm supposed to get to to be part of this

[edit on 2-2-2007 by Yarcofin]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 08:42 PM
Now that the ATS Presidential race is officially underway I would like to post a serious bid for this office. I know I have a lot of tough competition here on ATS and not a lot of people take me seriously because frankly I don’t take myself seriously. So here it is What U KNO’s serious bid for the ATS presidential election.

My platform for the reform party is simple. Government is supposed to work for the people not above the people. It is in my opinion time for this government to remember who the boss is and that isn’t the special interests or the ones that have the most money it is the people that vote that are their true bosses. It is time for us Americans to act and take back our country

We will do this by using the system as it was intended to be used, peacefully.

People by now should have a good working idea how this government is supposed to work. We don’t want a war in Iraq then tell your congressmen I write my congressmen at least once a week to tell him to ask for our troops to come home. Yes I don’t get many replies but it is my hope that by my example that others will write in and demand that we bring the boys back home.

If you don’t like who is holding office then don’t vote for them we do have the right in this country to write in a candidate to vote for. We don’t have to be limited to the two candidates that spend millions of dollars to get your vote. If you want real change get informed about the issues and vote for the guy that doesn’t have a huge ad campaign budget and isn’t a household name and vote for him. Perhaps if more independent candidates were elected the government would wise up and realize that they are being scrutinized very closely.

This campaign for ATS president is no different. For us we have our issues well defined and our stance on many of them have been very well thought out. Again I would like to state that I am looking for a true real change in the behavior of the government and I think that ATS can be a big part of that change. Many of us are voters in America and we also are very intelligent people that have our opinions very well thought out. We as a community can make a difference if only we were to work together on the issues that are important to us.

I believe that the president of ATS should be the voice of everyone in the ATS community and the ears from Washington. The president of this board should have the thoroughness to really listen to the issues in government and report them to us the ATS community and also take our recommendations and voice them to government officials.

The person that is elected should be one with a through attitude and a real insight into politics. We the ATS community are fortunate that we have candidates running that are as intelligent and worthy of the post as we do. In my opinion every candidate that I have seen has the aptitude and insight to make a great ATS president. So it is up to the ATS Voters to decide who is the most qualified for the job and not who is the lesser of the two evils.

Thank you for your time my fellow ATS voters this has been What U KNO Reform Party candidate for ATS President.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 10:15 PM
Alright, well I'm not going to spend alot of time writing my plans on
this particular thread, but I figure I might as well state the basics of
where I stand on some of the important issues.

Debt & Government Spending:
Being a socialist, no doubt people are going to think I'd be for star-
ting all osrts of programs that would cost more money, and eventu-
ally be noticeable in then form of taxes, well I am for creating a few
programs, one of those being universal healthcare.
Now, there are many things that this government spends obscene
amounts of money on that really are'nt needed, I would cancel these
programs and projects and use the money from them to both fund
the new programs, and to put additional funding into things that need
it, like the education system.

The War:
The war in Iraq is one of the greatest blunders that this country has
ever been forced into, and it needs to end.
A full sudden pull-out is not the answer, but we should not stay there
I would propse that over a period of 5-7 years that troops are strate-
gically redeployed, with less troops being redeployed each time.
While the troops are there, they would no longer be on offensive duty,
they would act as defenders of secured zones, and would more activ-
ely train the Iraqi military and security forces to be able to handle Iraq

Social Issues:
These are issues that I tend to fell strongly towards.
To make things short, I am for gay marriage, and am generally of a
libertarian ideology when it comes to social issues in general.

This is just a quick version of some of thethings that are part of my

I will, once the appropriate forums are set up, go into more depth on
these and many other issues.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by grimreaper797


The Vagabond



neformore (????)

Ok Grim, one more time, I'm on the Reform list..

Just pesterin ya man. I just don't want placed in the wrong forum, arguing with everyone else just yet. I got a huge group to weed out first. And you know who you are!!

*care to accept any "political contributions to come aboard my campaign??"* LOL j/k

For Democracy,


posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by grimreaper797

neformore (????)

[edit on 2-2-2007 by grimreaper797]

I did declare on the democrat ticket


posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 04:59 AM
Imho you are seeking the democratic party nomination. The term "democrat" is a slightly degrading form of old republican slang, though it may be somewhat forgotten in the present day.

[edit on 3-2-2007 by df1]

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by df1
Imho you are seeking the democratic party nomination. The term "democrat" is a slightly degrading form of old republican slang, though it may be somewhat forgotten in the present day.
[edit on 3-2-2007 by df1]

Yes, thats the one
I did say it here as well, and I do apologise if the terminology is insulting

posted on 25/0107/07 at 09:23 (post id: 2901470) - single - this post


I've thought about this and at this time I would hereby like to declare my candidacy for the 2007 Elections for President. I would consider myself to lean towards the Democrat way of thinking so thats the base I intend to work from, although I have a few reformist ideas as well.

Maybe that seemed vague - I hadn't had my first cup of coffee of the day at the time

My Fellow Americans. I would like to announce my Candidacy for the office of the President of the United States of America, as a candidate of the Democratic Party

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 10:49 AM
actually neformore, I was just in a hurry, and everyone elses stood out. they were like


then there was your post which was like

Yea the election looks like a good idea, I just wonder if I would be able to run. O and Im going for the democratic party.

lol not being insulting, just saying it doesn't stand out when in a hurry. toward the end.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 10:50 AM
lol The Borg, I did not realize I did that again. I guess I just wanted more competition for the libertarian base. Anyway I decided since I can't edit the list, here is the most up to date list.



The Vagabond

The Borg



[edit on 3-2-2007 by grimreaper797]

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
lol not being insulting, just saying it doesn't stand out when in a hurry. toward the end.

LOL no offense taken
Its a lot like me, quietly unassuming.

(Unless provoked!)


posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
the most up to date list.

One of the most articulate posters on ATS is missing from your list, Byrd. Surely the formidable Byrd will be the front runner regardless of party declaration.

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