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America: Show Radical Islam No Mercy

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posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 12:55 PM
Justmytype, i'm going to call shennanigans on your story


well, it's simply bigotry against islam
i have no idea why anyone would have a problem with regular islam
well, aside from atheists who just don't like religion in general

this thread is about EXTREMISTS
and how we're going to deal with them

your post is spam, as it adds nothing to the conversation but a poorly reported story from a supposed eye-witness who has already voiced prejudice against a religion and is therefore biased

and it has a racial slur against arabs...

posted on Dec, 30 2006 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Justmytype
So So wrong! It was actually the attempt to cleanse the white devils from thier school. You see a very early born muslim extremist association which was called "The 5 Percenters" who were deciphals of Allah within one years time of my freshman year to my sophmore year which events took place I noticed my black friends names for example....... Jordan named changed to Justice follower of Allah. He wouldnt even give in to a teacher calling him by his given name and would cause a seen if he wasnt acknowledged by his muslim name. As time progressed it seemed that half the school converted into this group and one stoner kid kicked the # out of one of these 5% types and they came to school with over 3000 members with bats and knives the next day.

So what do I think about this thread, we fu"d up bad, wake up they are already amomngst us and have been for a long time coming, they just dont look like we expext "camel Jockies".

First of all I'd like to say that you have absolutely no clue or that you have a clue and are just using this as a convenience to mark Islam. 5%'ers are bastardized version of Islam and is more of a jailhouse version of Islam.
I have never seen Islamic people in Manhattan standing around screaming out anti-white stuff , but I have seen goon squads of 5%'ers in shiny turbans and big gold necklaces standing around preaching white hatred while claiming to follow Islam.
They are on the same level as Aryan Nation in the Jailhouses.

I think the only person that needs to wake up is you. Whats with the "camel jockey" crap btw? I'd say you were just as bad as 5%'ers if not worse.

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 03:18 PM
OOP's Did I offend someone? Well, I'm sorry, Im not religious..anyway this is not "Spam" but fact of an actual event that took place. The subject was on extremist muslims correct? Well the context tells the story of the 5% muslim extremist that were claiming thier hatred in my High School prior to 9/11. Now am I a racist, not really because the Muslim Religion accepts all, meaning, white ,black, spanish etc. Now I have no issues with if your white, purple or green but for all those who believe in the worlds biggest child molester in history and will die for the belief of becoming greatness "I am your problem". 1 more thing dont try your sh#! here it dont work especially with someone who believes Religion in all forms was created to control the masses from chaos between humans.

Remeber this, when the sh#! does hit the fan in my country 'The Mighty USA". Remember this, it wont matter if you are a good muslim or a bad one, becuase our own citzens will clean this country of your beliefs and send you back where you came from. All its going to take is one more stupid terrorist attack on our land, and that will ignite what your peoples dont ever want to see. It will no longer be called racial profiling but muslim cleansing.

To all the political correctness United States citizens on here, remember this it will be your life or thiers its your choice, think about how these peoples destroyed thier own countries, are you going to allow it in your own backyard, I think not!

Just my thought and if honesty is wrong then lets have a good old fashioned woods party for the muslims.

posted on Dec, 31 2006 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Justmytype
OOP's Did I offend someone?

Just my thought and if honesty is wrong then lets have a good old fashioned woods party for the muslims.

You didn't offend me, like I said you are saying things that you believe to be true but aren't. 5%ers are not even a religious group. These people have nothing whatsoever to do with this topic. You are using your experience which you BELIEVED in your mind to be something brought upon you by muslims.


What We Teach
1. That black people are the original people of the planet earth.

2. That black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization.

3. That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to
understanding man's relationship to the universe.

4. Islam is a natural way of life, not a religion.

5. That education should be fashioned to enable us to be self
sufficient as a people.

6. That each one should teach one according to their knowledge.

7. That the blackman is god and his proper name is ALLAH. Arm,
Leg, Leg, Arm, Head.

8. That our children are our link to the future and they
must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected and educated.

9. That the unified black family is the vital building block of
the nation.


posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 03:07 PM
sorry i have not been around for awhile...holidays and all....

but the recent hanging of saddam hussein is relavent to this particular subject. now i'm not gonna lie and say that he was hung at the wrong time (should have been hung back in 91 by bush sr.) but his hanging sends a good message to these radical countries. and that message is that we are NOT going to tolerate their kind of radical violent beliefs in our society.

it also shows them that we can play on their feild. hanging is a brutal way to die, but the fact that we did go in..capture saddam, and have him executed is a strong statement by the US. so it also lets these other terrorists know that we will not go easy on them if they are indeed guilty of commiting these crimes.

now about some of the points addressed saying that i am against is actually quite the opposite. i don't aggree with some of their culture, but the fact is that their religion is getting an extreamly bad name because of these radicals. they twist and distort islam to fit their agenda. they constantly malnipulate it so that they can gain more people to do their dirty deeds. well i for one am sick of it. it makes muslims in this country (USA) have a bad name. Now everyone in NYC thinks that every cab driver with a turban on his head could have a bomb or something. it's not fair to the innocent muslims who just want to practice their religion in peace.

i'm not saying that we need to go out tommorow and nuke everyone in existance....but i am saying that we can't be scared to confront some of these countries that are contributing to this madness. countries like iran and North korea are dangerous. they constantly spout violent rehtoric and make serious threats. NK called sanctions on it's nuclear program "an act of war" and iran has said many times that he would like to "wipe usa and isreal off the map". Bush might not be the best guy in the world but can you even remeber him saying that "we should wipe country X off the map".

the problem bush has faced is that he's not ready to stop pulling his punches. we linger in iraq because he doesn't quite know what to do (he also wants the oil). we can't just sit in iraq and let it become a stalemate or a loss like veit nam. the US needs to try some of these insurgents (POWS??) in a court..and then use the appropriate punishment. poltics is dirty so he doesn't want to look like a bad guy by holding public executions because it might ruin his immage..but what he doesn't understand is that we won't control that country (at least not yet) through good will and talks. We can only control that country by ruling with an iron fist. he can only stop the daily attacks by making examples of those people who would defy his authority. it's very unfortunate that he might have to kill some rebel fighters in a way that the US is not accustomed to..but if he ever wants to be taken seriously by that part of the world, he would start being tougher on terrorists.

saddam ruled his country for years with no problems and less attacks than we haev there now. i'm not saying spray nerve gas on women and kids..but lets take this scenario as an example. lets say that the US forces capture some iraqi rebels with a lot of bombs and somehow we find that they were trying to blow up a building in iraq or something. it may sound harsh, but they should be publicly executed by the US army. as long as they have a trial and are truley found guilt...then the us has gotta come down harder on them.

like i said in my 1st post...we are fighting an ideaology. the only way to win against something like that is to scare the people that belive in that ideaology. we have to make it very clear that if you are an extreamist muslim terrorist, then we will have no mercy on you. you will be jailed, tried, and excuted just like saddam. that is the only type of action that they will understand.

it's sad that the world is comming to a time when it seems like the only way to stop violence, is through more violence. but in the case of radical islam...there might not be a choice. we need to crack down on the countries i mentioned before, as well as be tougher on people who are convicted of being terrorists.

the thing is that we are involved in a centuries long religious battle in the middle we like it or not. if we don't put some kind of end to the violence, in 50 years we will see grave consequencies. lets hop on iran now before they DO build a nuke and are REAL threat. lets execute more of these terrorists so that these isurgents know they will may a steep price for carrying such violent beliefs.

my ultimate hope is that one day the ME can be a wealthy place like UK or the US. right now they are a third world country. the poverty and despair has grown out of control. worry abot moving isreal later..there are bigger things to deal with right now. we have kids getting blown up in iraq every day and most of the people there are angry with the US and want them gone. every day more and more people are becoming desperate and we are only helping feed that desperation by not having a clear cut strategy, or exit plan.

so lets clean out the violent ideals and bad people who prey on the desperation of others..then after that lets help them build a soceity where even the poorest citizens will not have to live in the stone age. yes it might take a lot of bloodshed and it will be tragic and not for the faint of heart. like i said americans (because of our great wealth and abundace) would not jump at the idea of public executions in iraq of criminals...but just like we showed them that saddam can fall, we have to show them that ALL of radical islam can fall as well.

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 04:13 PM
spawwwn, 1 question

what does saddam hussein have to do with radical islamic terrorists?

i understand that he was a brutal dictator and everything
he was by no stretch a fundamentalist islamic terrorist
he didn't support terrorism
in many ways he kept it out of iraq (though horrible, morally reprehensible methods)

posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul[/I]
spawwwn, 1 question

what does saddam hussein have to do with radical islamic terrorists?

see that's exactly what I was saying in my above post in the beginning...I don't necessarily agree with saddam himself being hung. It should really been osama or zaraqawi (however you spell it) or a known terrorist leader. that would have really sent chills up potential terrorists spine. saddam was ousted from power because bush wanted to get saddam for his dad, and also because he had so much power at the time that he let it go to his head and felt that attacking another country would help the american spirit. Bush didn't know that he wasn't going to fight a dictator..he was going to fight a religion and a belief system, which is not something you can stop by simply dropping a few bombs.

saddam was a bit of a martyr. I strongly oppose his brutal way that he came into power, but at the same time I sympathize with him. Really he had to do what he had to do to keep his country stable. He had to be the man he was, because that's how you control that part of the world. In fact I respect him in a way. Saddam held his country down for over 10 years. He did for 10 years what the USA HAS NOT been able to do AT ALL..and we have been in iraq for 6 years now. So really who are we to judge what he did? Yeah it was screwed up killing all those people....but on the other hand how did he keep his country from exploding the way it has been for 6 years? If those extremists only understand violence, then that's what we got to give to them. Because if we don't, they will just come back stronger. They will laugh at us and say how our spirit is weak and we are scared to die for what we believe in. What's worse, they will say that we don't even know what we are fighting for...and that is a statement that is quite true. Yeah we have an idea...but ask the average american what we are fighting in iraq for...and u get 5 different answers. Granted all 5 might be valid..but the point is that if you asked those extremists why they fight, they would all tell you the same thing. Whatever belief they have is what they fight for, and they prove that with all these milita groups from all these different areas preaching essentially the same thing. They are united, sick as that may be. USA however, is not.

So in a way it backs up the point I was trying to make with this thread...and that is that we have to be more ruthless if we are truly going to make advances in his war.

You are 100% right I agree saddam didn't allow that radical terrorist stuff in his land. Iraq was not the bombed out shell of a war torn nation that it has been since the US invaded. Saddam kept things quiet, and you know what over the last few years, say maybe 2 or 3 years he was acting like a nice guy. He held elections in iraq (even though he was the only candidate to choose from. you could either vote yes or no for saddam) and was even becoming somewhat of a diplomat.

He even offered to HELP the USA after 9/11. That's where bush made his mistake. He went after saddam because his daddy wanted him to. Saddam was killed so that bush jr could go up to bush sr and say "look daddy, I got your hated arch nemesis!". Saddam was a scapegoat. The USA should have took saddams help, and teamed up with him against terrorists. Saddam would have showed us how to deal with these people in a way that they would respect, and he gladly would have returned to his old ways if we had given him a constructive way to do it in.

But unfortunately the USA is paying the price for their arrogance. All we did was kill the 1 man who could have helped us. Great job.

Like I said, saddam understood something about his people that the USA has yet to see. They don't understand politics, diplomacy, or peace through compromise. Whoever is the most ruthless, has the most guns, and kills the most people, wins. They understand ruling by fear. People feared saddam, so they respected him. Iraq didn't have daily car bombings because saddam didn't allow it. The people or militia that might have committed those acts, were swiftly hunted down like dogs and killed. It sounds sick to us americans, and I admit it is...but if that's all they understand, then we have to treat people that way.

If slaughtering violent militia members and dragging their dead bodies around in the streets is the only way we will stop the chaos..then it has to be done. People don't understand (at least not in the main stream) that the militia is going to fight this war forever. They will fight for generations, can you say the american people will willingly fight a war for 40 or 50 years? better yet, is it even wise to fight an overseas war for that long? I think the answer to both those questions is yes.

Like I said american kids are trained to fight....then go home. That's why everyone is so adamant about pulling them out. USA believes that you fight...come to an agreement, then come home and pick up the pieces of your lives. Unfortunately it's not going to work that way with the tactics we are using. And even worse, the militia we are fighting doesn't believe that way. They believe you fight for what you have to and you keep fighting and if you die then your children will continue the fight. Until we control iraq the same way saddam controled iraq, then we can never leave iraq. American pride also plays a big part of this because americans would not want to see a pull out with iraq the way it is now, because I’m sure a lot of people would feel that USA would be labeled as cowards who lost a war to a bunch of "ragheads"...and USA would never want to make it self look that way.

That's why I’m saying we need to hit them harder. This war won't be won by the weak. SAddam understood that the only way to keep his country stable was by being more brutal than the next guy..and until bush or actually, until our NEXT president realizes that..then iraq will just continue to deteriorate day by day

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 10:20 PM
Even if you weren't incredibly annoying just for posting all in italic print, I'm shocked at your apparent support of Saddam.

Yeah, he held the country down. A dictator's gotta do what a dictator's gotta do, you seem to think. Drop men feet-first into fish shredders for amusement. Torture the opposition in prisons that would be too graphic for a horror movie. Decapitate dinner guests, then make their families mop up the mess. Gang rape daughters in front of their families, or merely kidnap them and use them for entertainment, while the family suffers from not knowing where their daughter is. Cut the tongues out of those who have spoken out against the regime. Chain men to the wall and then slowly cut off their genitals as their wives and family are forced to watch. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

You're either incredibly ignorant or an incredible sicko. Wake up, already.

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 02:11 AM
Destroy and rebuild? Perhaps to stop the advancement of the United States' brand of "freedom," America itself should be destroyed.

However, since it appears to have all the military power, hitting it in the pocketbook is better. And with your increasing debt, and the money you are spending on a war which will not succeed but to install a temporary government like the Shah of Iran.

A government which, insha'Allah, will be toppled and make way for Shar'iah.

The Zionist policies that America continues to pursue will lead to her own destruction. And do you know what? After America is no longer of any use, the Israeli's will not even remember but as a "comma" in the history books. (just as Bush said Iraq will be)

[edit on 5-1-2007 by AbuMusaab]

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by AbuMusaab
A government which, insha'Allah, will be toppled and make way for Shar'iah.

How can you hope for something like that? The people it will effect most are innocents who had done nothing wrong. If anything, America needs to gear towards better democracy rather than capitalism.

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 05:03 AM
You should study true Shar'iah. It is a beautiful thing when it is correctly implemented.

With all the coming problems in this world, Shar'iah is the only way to achieve true justice.

[edit on 5-1-2007 by AbuMusaab]

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by AbuMusaab
You should study true Shar'iah. It is a beautiful thing when it is correctly implemented.

I have. It's implemented differently in every country. It not only includes the teachings of the Quran and Hadiths, but also laws made by present day Islamic courts, and cultures. You understand that only Muslims are to abide by Sharia, right?

My previous reply was addressing your comment on your advocating the destruction of the US. As a Muslim, how can you propose such a thought? It not only goes against the teachings of the Quran, but the whole notion of Islam.

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Even if you weren't incredibly annoying just for posting all in italic print, I'm shocked at your apparent support of Saddam.

Yeah, he held the country down. A dictator's gotta do what a dictator's gotta do, you seem to think. Drop men feet-first into fish shredders for amusement. Torture the opposition in prisons that would be too graphic for a horror movie. Decapitate dinner guests, then make their families mop up the mess. Gang rape daughters in front of their families, or merely kidnap them and use them for entertainment, while the family suffers from not knowing where their daughter is. Cut the tongues out of those who have spoken out against the regime. Chain men to the wall and then slowly cut off their genitals as their wives and family are forced to watch. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

You're either incredibly ignorant or an incredible sicko. Wake up, already.

Now, I know Saddam was no Angel, but I also know your a bible-hugging Yank,so I am going to ask you this:

Did you just make this up or do you have any actual proof that any of that happened.

Thing is, alot of these things Saddam has supposed to have done that I hear on this site are news to me and I have my ear pretty close to the ground. Enlighten me.

It's kind of like flyersfan saying he killed 200,000 people on Monday, but then by Wednesday she is claiming it was 2 million.

Where do you people get your "facts" from?

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Even if you weren't incredibly annoying just for posting all in italic print, I'm shocked at your apparent support of Saddam.

Yeah, he held the country down. A dictator's gotta do what a dictator's gotta do, you seem to think. Drop men feet-first into fish shredders for amusement. Torture the opposition in prisons that would be too graphic for a horror movie. Decapitate dinner guests, then make their families mop up the mess. Gang rape daughters in front of their families, or merely kidnap them and use them for entertainment, while the family suffers from not knowing where their daughter is. Cut the tongues out of those who have spoken out against the regime. Chain men to the wall and then slowly cut off their genitals as their wives and family are forced to watch. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

You're either incredibly ignorant or an incredible sicko. Wake up, already.

Now, I know Saddam was no Angel, but I also know your a bible-hugging Yank,so I am going to ask you this:

Did you just make this up or do you have any actual proof that any of that happened.

Thing is, alot of these things Saddam has supposed to have done that I hear on this site are news to me and I have my ear pretty close to the ground. Enlighten me.

It's kind of like flyersfan saying he killed 200,000 people on Monday, but then by Wednesday she is claiming it was 2 million.

Where do you people get your "facts" from?

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by stumason

Where do you people get your "facts" from?

From Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. I recall reading a early 90's report from the former on widespread use of torture including goughing out eyes and electric shocks. Sorry I don't have the link.

The Baathists, like the Nazis, kept detailed records as well. Uday supposedly kept videos which I'm not going to watch despite their alleged availability on the web. Look, I'm not defending the use of propaganda to make Saddam look worse than he is. However, I think Saddam and his sons were suffiently sadistic regardless if there's proof of a human shredder.

Here's a decent story (which I'm not claiming as proof BTW):
Newsweek: The Saddam Files

And why the "bible-hugging Yank" comment?

[edit on 5-1-2007 by Political Veto]

[edit on 5-1-2007 by Political Veto]

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 04:04 PM
I think that with what I know about Islam, the chance should be given for it to 'modify' itself. If they preach peace, yet continue with what they do in the name of allah, then they will get the Holy War that they want, it WILL come.

In my personal opinion, I think its going to happen at some point, so I would rather it be done now, whilst the West is strong and can make the war the least painful for Humanity as a whole. When the nuc's start flying it get really ugly...

I think it will be decided in 10-20 years either way.

ed singer

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
I think that with what I know about Islam, the chance should be given for it to 'modify' itself. If they preach peace, yet continue with what they do in the name of allah, then they will get the Holy War that they want, it WILL come.

'modify' itself?
what's wrong with MAINSTREAM islam?
sure, radicals need to change, but that's not so much an issue of islam as an issue of really ignorant people

In my personal opinion, I think its going to happen at some point, so I would rather it be done now, whilst the West is strong and can make the war the least painful for Humanity as a whole. When the nuc's start flying it get really ugly...

are you saying the west needs to go to war with the religion of islam?

I think it will be decided in 10-20 years either way.

in what way?

ed, you're being awfully vague
care to elaborte?

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 04:55 PM
I'll admit that I havnt read this thread in it's entirety, but I do beleive the titled should be rephrased from "America : Show Radical Islam No Mercy" to "America : Show Radical Republicans No Mercy" !


posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 05:19 PM
I am not advocating the actual physical destruction of the USA, just the economical.

America's economy needs to be crippled, and insha'Allah, one day it will come to pass where it will no longer be able to fund it's misadventures and manage things at home. Or things at home will become so neglected that all the sheep will eventually realize what's going on and wake up.

Since the latter is not likely to happen, other means must be pursued.

P.S. Ignorance is not innocence.

[edit on 5-1-2007 by AbuMusaab]

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by AbuMusaab

P.S. Ignorance is not innocence.

[edit on 5-1-2007 by AbuMusaab]

So not knowing or being aware about something isn't a viable defence?

Thats a bugger....Nice bit of "peace" and "tolerance" from you there....

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