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Dulce Base- Right In Front Of Our Eyes ( My Theory)

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posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 03:08 PM
ok guys this will be updated daily as i investigate more on this the theory. This has to do with dulce base and and the town of dulce, new mexico.

as the old saying gose, if you want to hide something, hide it in plain view. the gov has people looking all over for secret entrances secret this secret that but my theory is dulce,nm town is the secret entrance. Yes i do mean the whole town.

Everyone is looking all around dulce, in other states eveyrwhere but what about the town. Im starting this thread off asking if there is anyone who has been to dulce, nm. I'm hoping to find people who have been in the town and seen the daily activites. If you have please tell me and others what u saw etc on a daily basis or you can aim me at slabent to discuss it further.

Here is some basic facts on thw town:

most of the land is owned by the american indains and you do have free acces to alot of areas around dulce.

here is some info on the indains that conrtol the land:

here is the Wikipedia search results:

the main things in dulce apperas to be a casino and a hotel:


pic of the town with some good detail:

ok guys i will update as i go along but plese let me know what u think of my theory. To me it makes perfect sense to have the town buildings etc secret entrances to the base etc please let me know and help out too to either prove me wrong or right.

Thanks for now

Trimmed long link

[edit on 9/11/06 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:00 PM
Shall I say it again?

I'm from Dulce. Grew up there. I'm a member of the jicarilla apache tribe. Graduated from High School there. Worked there for several years and every summer. Been into every building that existed at the time. Base entrance IN dulce? Or even close?

I don't see how. Forestry workers, oil and gas, hunters, etc, all traveled those mountains and traveled them well.

I've seen the creepy stuff in the sky. I've seen black helicopters. I USED to have pictures of them. No, I don't know what happened to those blurry pics. If you want to see ground level shots of archuleta mesa, I can show them to you.

I've personally been up on archuleta mesa. It was boring and has lots of trees and rocks. Our cable towers are up there. There have been multiple visits to the top of archuleta. Anything else?

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:12 PM
I too am from Northern New Mexico and have spent many plesant hours fishing, hiking, playing Black jack etc. on the Jicarilla land. I am truely astonished at the persistance of the
Dulce base myth.

If anything the base is in the San Luis Valley in S. colo., high strangness up there!

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:24 PM
some pretty pics from my hometown. Dulce, NM.

btw, thanks for visiting my town Whaaaa.

When I was home last July, The mountains to the right is archuleta. See the towers on top?

Another shot, different Angle

Next three are loooking down on dulce. From the top of Dulce rock, looking east/southeast. (as you can obviously see the sun settting the west (right of the pictures)

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:33 PM
thanks for the info guys and thanks snap for the pics i was gone for a little while and now back so i didnt know if any one was from there.

is their any starnge builidings or buildings that have been closed for a while or anything of that nature or dose the hotel/casino get alot of vistors for no reason that u can tell?

thanks in advance for the answers i think my theroy is going into the drain but atleast im still trying any and everything to find the truth

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:35 PM
Oh wow another Dulce thread.

Snapmouse those are some nice pictures, sure does look like an out-of-the-way town in the middle of nowhere.

Seriously where did the Dulce Base theory start?

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:41 PM
dulce is not a theory its a real base the theory is where its located research it a little there lots of good info on it here

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by snobirdis their any starnge builidings or buildings that have been closed for a while or anything of that nature or dose the hotel/casino get alot of vistors for no reason that u can tell?

There aren't any strange buildings in town. Because of the lack of entertainment on the rez (anyone from a small town knows this), there's always someone in every building. Even old burned out ones get visits from Drunk high schoolers or people just 'cruising'.

The hotel gets seasonal customers. Usually around Hunting season and in the middle of july. I still have relatives and friends who still live and work there. The picture of my house is rented by my aunt at the moment as I live in Kansas City.

The only odd thing I've ever noticed was lights in the sky. Things flying behind the mountains, etc. But that was when I was in Jr high and since I don't live there anymore, I don't watch the sky anymore. I do have SEVERAL friends with great stories of flying... things. But we pretty much just tell each other and keep them to ourselves. We don't need people telling us we're any more insane than other indians. heh.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 05:45 PM
sounds normal
thanks for the info im still gonna look into it aliite more but i think my theroy is gone

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by snobird
dulce is not a theory its a real base the theory is where its located research it a little there lots of good info on it here

Actually, it is a theory. There is no real evidence to suggest it exists.

The only "evidence" it exists comes from a few people who apparently had involvement with the facility. These stories are as old as the World Wide Web and hold little water.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by snapmouse
only odd thing I've ever noticed was lights in the sky. Things flying behind the mountains, etc. ... I do have SEVERAL friends with great stories of flying... things.

Things flying behind mountains?

Wow. Just as it is wrote in the dulce papers. There may be something in this afterall!

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 04:08 AM
ok snap one last question one block from the PAN AM building is an old high school that is now used by maken and hanger it is said that there is a elevator in this building leading to dulce and that it is a guarded building. Do you know anything about this?


posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 11:14 AM
Already active existing threads about Dulce. Please add input to those.

Thank you.


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