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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
Daedalus Crater is also designated as Crater 308...

If you recall it is the area that we found the real "smoking gun" right next to it... (this image is reversed from the other Daedalus crater, but you can easily see where the small crater on the rim is)

Here is the original, from NASA with the "anomaly" easy to find without enhancements and its even visible in a browser.

I'm trying to remember because it was so long ago zorgon, but when you first posted this image, was it for the smoke coming up over the crater above the one with the apparent installation in it?

I just spotted that little smoke ball, and thought that was striking, not to mention awfully convenient for a location of such a thing. Am I just going senile, or has this been mentioned yet? It's just above that crater, at the rim of the one above it.


posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:29 AM
Here again is the Aristarchus Crater (Ari.C) from image. It appears to be a geometric shape protruding from the crater 'floor' right? The shape appears to be octagonal at its highest point, with buttressed spokes or arches coming off the octagonal portion of the rim...

Keyword is 'appears' to be. Here are some other images, you judge for yourself. The image was taken from here:


And appears to be fairly high res and quality, I don't know if any other higher res/quality images exist of Ari.C...

So anyway, all I did was rotate, crop and adjust some brightness and contrast for the following two images...

Image #1

This image appears to have the same features of the Copernicus Ari.C image including the octagonal rim and the spokes coming off the rim. Amazing since this is from NASA. The only difference if the coloration is not bluish but whitish.

Do you see the protrusion of the octagonal shape and the buttresses or arches?

Image #2

This is THE SAME IMAGE as Image #1, the only difference is that I have rotated the image #2 from the Image #1.

Now what do MOST of us see? I see a crater with indentations in an octagonal shape with ejecta material in the form of ridges coming off the crater from the impact center.

So the Ari.C can be viewed by the minds eye in two quite distinct ways. One looks like intelligent design was at work (image #1), the other (image #2) looks like a perpendicularly direct impact (almost 90 degrees or perpendicular to the lunar surface) spewed ejecta radiating outward from the impact site.

Now some of you MAY NOT see the difference from image 1 to image 2, but the majority of people see bumps and indentations according to the location of the lights and shadow in an image.

Surface shading is another important source of depth information. The gradients of shading across a surface due to reflected light reveal surface curvature. In the picture above, surface shading allows us to distinguish the bumps from the dimples.

Our perception of shape from surface shading is intertwined with our perception of illumination. Our visual systems seem to have a predisposition to see light as coming from above, probably because we have evolved in a world where our primary light source, the sun, is usually overhead.

Our predisposition for seeing the light as coming from above is so strong that if we invert the picture, it changes our perception of the shapes: the bumps become dimples and the dimples become bumps.


Now is the octagonal shape weird for a crater and the ejecta to form in such a way? It's odd thats for sure, but if you look at how liquids behave it more closely shows you how a asteroid impact behaves w.r.t the ejecta and patterning. Did you ever wonder why it always seems to be an island in the middle of a moon crater? the solids at the impact speed of a mile long asteroid behave MORE LIKE LIQUIDS than how we're familiar with solids...

Here's a hi-speed shot of a milkdrop:

And further on in time, see the drops formed in the middle of the milk impact?
They will fall within the middle of the impact site and redeposit, thus forming a center portion of most crater impacts.

This is still not octagonal, but you can certainly see how such a regular feature can be made naturally.

Anyway I'm no expert on this I'm sure others can expound better than I have on the topics....

[edit on 25-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:39 AM
Nice link! those are excellent images. Too bad they aren't in color. I've seen literally a hundred or so images of aristarchus, from every conceivable angle, black and white, and gold and blue and several variatons inbetween. One thing is consistent: The dang thing changes ALL the time.

[edit on 25-5-2007 by undo]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by undo
that's the point. there ARE blue glowies on the far side. so scratch that EARTHSHINE theory off the possibilities list. to keep it in the post you mentioned it in above is a form of disinfo. it can't be earthshine. so let's mark that reason off the list. purdy please?

Nope. Show me the images of the blue glowy things on the farside and then prove to me that the far side blue anomalies are composed of the same exact geology and have the same mechanisms acting on them as the Ari.C anomaly, then maybe...

Disinfo? Paranoid are we? This is my theory which is just as valid as the theories that others have for the causes of the blue anomalies, such as its caused by an ancient alien energy device located in the Aristarchus Crater.

Now thats a perfectly valid theory, if it gets proven wrong definitively then I'm sure it won't be discussed further, but until then let's come up with some other working theories like mine above instead of defending the alien device theory so staunchly.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by undo
Nice link! those are excellent images.
[edit on 25-5-2007 by undo]

Thanks it appears that my contrast has changed from image 1 to image 2, doh, I guess if I'm not too lazy I'll fix image 1 to match the contrast settings...

OK thats better-FIXED...

BTW What imageing software do y'll use, I'm having a heck time wrangling these large images and zooming in/navigating them...One that handles gif-jpg-png-tiff as well?

[edit on 25-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes

Originally posted by undo
Nice link! those are excellent images.
[edit on 25-5-2007 by undo]

Thanks it appears that my contrast has changed from image 1 to image 2, doh, I guess if I'm not too lazy I'll fix image 1 to match the contrast settings...

OK thats better-FIXED...

BTW What imageing software do y'll use, I'm having a heck time wrangling these large images and zooming in/navigating them...One that handles gif-jpg-png-tiff as well?

[edit on 25-5-2007 by greatlakes]

Hi GreatLakes...Fantastic images and points of view you've posted here

In answer to your question about imaging programs, I use Gimp on my linux box...Gimp is also available for Windoze completely free of charge at:

There are probably others you could use like PhotoShop or Paintbox Pro, but you're likely to pay for these (I think ??)

Keep up the great pics


posted on May, 25 2007 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Rilence

Hi GreatLakes...Fantastic images and points of view you've posted here

In answer to your question about imaging programs, I use Gimp on my linux box...Gimp is also available for Windoze completely free of charge at:

Thanks! I'm downloading it now, I was using mspaint for some images
and navigating is PAINFUL!

Hey undo:

Originally posted by undo
Oh do I have a doozy for you!

I found a couple very interesting versions of the same crater (Daedalus)

First, the light version. Look not only at the area highlighted in yellow
but at the left perimeter of the crater, on the upper edge and leading
due west! What do you see?! WOWZERS.

That stargates site is pretty good, some of the images I haven't seen before...They even have the fullsize? Copernicus Crater (Lunar Orbiter) photos there.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 05:55 AM
link ? that's my site.
those are just images i've downloaded from the net for people to see/download.

you talkin' about the /space/ directory?
there's also the /moon/ directory and the /mars/ directory

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 06:07 AM
I'm gonna let Zorgon address the issue of blue glowies on the far side. I'm trying to wean myself off of debate (not entirely mind you, but if i know someone else is more qualified to answer, i'm going to just step aside and watch!).

It can't be good for me to be in one debate after another (especially since i'm recovering from breast cancer and gulf war syndrome lol).

so in the meantime, i'm not posting any more images, even in defense of my own side. especially if someone else is more qualified to answer it. but i am looking at the clementine color far side. it's a field of blue glowies. some of them are very weird. none of them are the exact same shape. some are way too bright to see the blue unless you see them from the edge and then you can see the blue glowing out from the field of bright white light. many are half white/half blue. some are very small and a very brilliant blue, even bluer than aristarchus. got all kinds over here.

these clementine color pics are darn creepy on the far side.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 06:08 AM
Nice site, it'll take me some time to rummage thru your directorys

Found an image area that I found interesting, has this been displayed before?

It is from Apollo 17 Lunar image:

I've cropped it from the original large image.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Mouth

Originally posted by johnlear

Of course, the real story, as many of us know is that there were 2 saucers on the ground in the primary landing area and that is why they had to overfly and find someplace else to land. And we all thought it was great of Neil to bring the subject up on his '60 Minutes' interview when he really didn't have to.


The trouble I have with all of this "space stations on the moon" garbage, is that you'd think someone who is watching the night sky closely would notice some sort of activity going on by the moon. And yet, there isn't. Everyone continues to put down NASA for not releasing information, but they fail to remember that NASA is not the only organization watching

People have noticed all sorts of strange things happening on the moon since the very first telescope was invented, you might want to look into reading the book Alien Agendas.

How would they get supplies? wouldn't people notice all of the launches from Earth? Or do these aliens hide behind the moon all the time?

1. By rocketship of course
2. They might notice them, If they knew where all this was taking place. There could be a giant launch pad in the ocean for all we know.
3. That is where I would hide, or inside the moon

220,000 miles takes a while, even if you are going 10,000 miles an hour.

Time is an illusion.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 06:43 AM
well one more. i couldn't resist this one, because there are so many anomalies in it. it's almost like that "Where's Waldo?" puzzle. there is so much info, it takes your eyes awhile to find/see them all. this is far side. that place is like ..........there really are no words to describe it. lol

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 07:01 AM
Nice undo!

There are so many anomalies on the moon but I'm almost tempted to ditch the moon images and focus on mars due to the lack of resolution. The one thing for the moon images though is that some have not been tampered with since it was an earlier time period...sigh.

Anyway, wanted to see what the brightest spots on the moon were.
This is Copernicus Full Color mosaic (the orig image is 21 mb). It is a full flat image of the entire lunar surface in false color.

I don' t know if this is a valid method to turn down the lights of the moon but I just turned the brightness down and contrast up to reveal only the MOST LUMINOUS areas of this image.

image 1, original non adjusted, see Ari.C in little box, upper mid left.

image 2, almost there, Ari.C not very visible

image 3, lights out! No more Ari.C but lots of other much more relatively bright areas still seen.

Pretty neat looks like the lights of Earth and the night sky sat images!

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:44 AM
Originally posted by greatlakes

Here again is the Aristarchus Crater (Ari.C) from image. It appears to be a geometric shape protruding from the crater 'floor' right? The shape appears to be octagonal at its highest point, with buttressed spokes or arches coming off the octagonal portion of the rim...
Anyway I'm no expert on this I'm sure others can expound better than I have on the topics....

Somebody went to a lot of effort to try and explain Mike's photo of Aristarchus. I'm impressed. A movie even.

The blue glow might be caused by radiation coming in contact with air molecules. No wait. There is no air on the moon!

I'd sure like to see Hubble's photos of Promontory Agarum, Mosting A, Bullialdus, Komonosov, Ukert, Mare Orientale and Tsiolkovsky for starters.

I would also be interested to see if the images taken by Hubble of various craters are filled with spiders and snails and monkeys as are the Clementine images.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:50 PM
I am all for finding artifacts but all those pictures are simply over exposed terrain. That doesn't look like clouds at all nor does it appear to be floating above the ground in my opinion.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by TheBorg
I'm trying to remember because it was so long ago zorgon, but when you first posted this image, was it for the smoke coming up over the crater above the one with the apparent installation in it?

No I just posted the structure... I never had time to go back to it except those other small structures you or someone pointed out. I will look at the "smoke" tonight

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
So its possible that the cause of the extra luminosity of the Aris Crater is a localized effect due to volcanic (ancient) activity in a low gravity, low or no atmosphere (and other non-earthlike) environs.

It is also likely that they are fluorescent rocks, charged by extra strong solar bursts... and explanation readily offered by NASA

Many of the papers written have been through NASA JPL or other affiliated and if you believe that NASA has tampered with images in the past, well you may take some of the papers with a pinch of salt, but there it is.

Lemme tell you what I think of NASA... they are presenting three "faces" (at least) The first one is the old one...

"We must hide everything from the public..." If you look at their press releases this is still the policy of choice. Why they felt this to be necessary, is anyones guess.... Sure religious chaos, anarchy and revolution might have crossed their mind originally... It may even be possible that at the beginning they had good intentions of "protecting' us... (though I doubt it

Then you have Face Two... the reams and reams of documents and technical reports including documents on Bucket Excavators for extra terrestrial use and the Aquila corgo transport between the Moon and Mars....
So if you really take the time to research it is amazing what info is out there... Stargates discussed by the Department of Defense with working theories, Anti Gravity (gravity sheilding) work at MIT, LANL and AFRL, talk of work on Warp Drives between NASA and LANL... and so much more...

When you find these documents they ARE in the public domain, yet they are not easy to access by the public... You have to know what and where to search for and google doesn't work for this stuff...

So it is in effect "hidden in plain sight" I am sure they know that this data is safe from Joe Public, because most people will NEVER take the time to actually READ any of these documents, a fact that has been noticed here at ATS quite frequently... (One post said "Uh I read the document but found nothing unusual... could you quote me the key points?" :duh

NO I am not going to give you the key quotes a THIRD time (they had actually been posted) Then for those who actually do take the time to read them, many get bored quikly when they start talking numbers and formulas etc... So only a handful of people actually absorb the data...

The Third Face of Nasa is the Military Defense aspect. NASA has always been considered a "public" agency... but even as early as the Lunar Orbiter photos, according to the Defense Contractor who designed the Cameras, the images where taken not for science but for the DoD, who still hold the original high res images that we cannot get our hands on.

[Note to Pegasus crew... we need to write DoD for answers not NASA

Clementine satellite was a Military mission, for the purpose of scoping out the moon for a Defense application, mainly Ballistic Missiles on the Moon.

Now having said all that... looking closely at old and new NASA and other photos, and spending hours pouring through tech documents... will from time to time yield gold... A little anomaly missed here, a "slip of the tongue" in a document, or an innocent comment in one document, that taken together with others assembles a puzzle...

This is what we are doing here... searching for puzzle pieces to assemble the bigger picture.

Many of us with Pegasus also feel that NASA is "testing the water" and leaking out certain info. I have personal evidense that convinces me that they are planning some kind of release of "secrets" France open some of its UFO files, Britain did likewise... I expect that similar releases will come here soon...

Why? It all has to do with getting "back out there" before any other Nation does and sees whats been going on. China currently has the best shot. ESA and NASA are already partners... just look at any ESA site and you will see NASA in there as well. The Russians always have been partners with the USA in space matters behind the scene... I have seen the CIA reports...

So China is the only one thats a serious contender right now. Japan and India are making noise but I don't think they have a chance...

Now I am going to stick my neck out and predict that we won't let China get there.... If talks won't work I am willing to bet Space Command will have a surprise in store for them...

But they will try talks first... I would LOVE to be the "fly on the wall" for those meetings...
OH and yeah the first big one already took place in Sept 2006...


Griffin to Go to China: But What Will He Accomplish When He Gets There?

Okay so there is my opinion of NASA

And I for one will keep looking for those "gems" in the pics and docs

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Anyway I'm no expert on this I'm sure others can expound better than I have on the topics....

LOL many have expounded on this subject being all in our heads, from many different angles and for many posts...

But they are gone and we are still finding fantastic anomalies...

One of the things skeptic try to do is point at one or two images and explain how we are wrong in what we see. Okay granted not ALL of the anomalies we find are truly mysterious, and may be only merely intriguing... BUT several that we have shown are quite fantastic... and have convinced many people in this thread that there is certainly something going on.

A SINGLE IMAGE of a structure on the Moon should be enough to raise eyebrows and make one say WTF?... not hundreds JUST ONE... because if there is just one thing out of place on the moon we have our proof...

Please direct your non-expert opinion to the structure in this image...

And also to the following three items in Copernicus Crater.... the image that started this thread....

The Pipes...

The Control Valve

The Ancient Derelict Excavator

And after looking at those please apply your Milk Drop Theory and adjust it to explain Heart Shaped Craters... something that have found twelve on Mars so far...

Thank you

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by greatlakesike I said there can be MANY possible causes for the blue color appearing. Another possible cause can be that the crater is actually an ancient caldera (a large one) that is not completely dormant or dead. The caldera can be spewing out some trace gases causing scattering of light reaching the localized area and making the appearance of blue color.

If you read our posts you will see that all our presentations include a lot of links and detailed reports and documentation to back our theories... in fact that is why this thread is so popular.

Please be so kind and do the same. I would love to have links to all this volcanic activity on the moon...

Or yet another, the gases can be ionizing in the localized area causing a sort of fluorescence, just like the gases in a fluorescent light bulb

Again could you please provide us with sources explaining this "fluorescent gases" theory? It would really help us with our atmosphere on the moon theory... because you would require an atmosphere for these gases to hang around for several days to account for the fluorescence... Please provide us with the links to this data... it is afterall an ATS requirement

There are many others as well I imagine. So yes if there are blue-like features on the udder side o' the moon, these and many other theories may apply.

Well the cow may have jumped over the moon to get to the udder side...

Your imagination is wonderful, but in this thread we prefer research backed with documentation. It is expected and demanded of us, seems only fair we ask the same...

But yes, there are blow glowies over there...

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Here again is the Aristarchus Crater (Ari.C) from image.

BTW folkes... just to be clear Pegasus purchased the rights to use that image from Mike... Just a note

Originally posted by greatlakes
Nope. Show me the images of the blue glowy things on the farside and then prove to me that the far side blue anomalies are composed of the same exact geology and have the same mechanisms acting on them as the Ari.C anomaly, then maybe...

Those images are in the Clementine thread...

Disinfo? Paranoid are we? This is my theory which is just as valid as the theories that others have for the causes of the blue anomalies,

Yes YOUR theory is just as valid as ours or anyones, but it is not about paranoia It is about playing by the same rules. Our theories are required to be backed up with as much evidence as we can possibly present...

So are YOURS... I really want to see the data backing your volcanism and fluorescent gas theories. I am looking forward to it

[edit on 25-5-2007 by zorgon]

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