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Crocodile Hunter - Steve Irwin is Dead

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posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 12:48 AM
I'm sorry for his family. Irwin chose to live dangerously and knew the risks. I'm guessing he left his family well fixed financially. Fate catches up with everyone.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 12:49 AM
Not a G'day for him. (I feel bad about that but couldn't resist!)

A shock but not a surprise.

He certainly took some risks but as others have said he died with his boots on. Although he was always chasing / wrestling them it was obvious he had great empathy with the animals he featured.

RIP Steve

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:01 AM
What a tragic accident.
Australia has just lost one of there best icons. A true blue aussie larakin who cared for his family, his country and his passions.

Ironic he can play with poisonous snakes, large crocs, spiders and various other dangerous animals.. yet it is a stingray that gets him.

Is it a rare occurance a sting ray stabbing a human through the chest?

I feel sad for his childerend who'll probably never know there father as good as the australian public adored him.
All that will be left are his tapes.

Truley a tragedy

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:03 AM
I go off to wikipedia to look for info on different kinds of alcohol for a few minutes, and the world goes to hell... damn.

You know, I feel damned sorry for all the "this guy's gonna screw with the wrong snake" comments I made now. I mean, part of me always knew he was going to get it, but part of me always knew he wouldn't, that he was a constant in some way, if that makes any sense.

RIP Steve. You'll be missed.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:05 AM
I wasn't a fan of his accent or his croc jumping, but he was a great bloke really, what a sad bit of news to wake up to.

R.I.P mate.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:18 AM
This is so sad, since i'm Australian i got this huge sinking feeling when i heard the news, the guy always seemed really cool and will be missed


posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:21 AM
I respected his mission to educate the public about wildlife. It will be a sunless day in the reptilian world. RIP Irwin.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:36 AM
He was a one fo a kind and wonderful guy. He will be missed.


posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:48 AM
I really liked this guy. This really, really sucks....

I'm going to miss you dude.

RIP Steve.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:48 AM
Wow, that's a bummer.

I too really enjoyed his shows and he seemed like a good guy definitely passionate about conservation and animals man I really do feel a little saddened at this.

RIP Croc Hunter.

I can't believe this guys dead when there are so many weenies running around the planet.


posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 01:52 AM
I feel so very, very sad. I have loved Steve Irwin - the Crocodile Hunter - for years. At first, I found his passion and antics a little odd but then I realized how authentic he truly was.

If only there were more individuals who lived their passion so fully.

He leaves a wonderful legacy for his 3 year old son and his 8 year old daughter. And his wife - who is from my neck of the woods - my heart goes out to her.


posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:03 AM
NOO! i just finished reading every post for the slim chance this is wrong.

My thoughts go out to Terri Bob and Bindi.

RIP Steve mate.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:18 AM
Sad, Sad, Day. he loved animals so much. Even the crocodiles he wouldn't use tranquilizers on for fear it might harm them.

Loved watching his shows, at least he died doing what he loved. If it was a choice between him or that ray, this is probably what he would have chose.

[edit on 4/9/06 by Keyhole]

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:35 AM
I'm so sad to wake up to this news this morning. The crocodile hunter series was one of the few educational programs that got my whole family sitting around together to watch.
We were always enthralled by Steve Irwins antics, truely interested in the facts that he presented about animals and amazed that he got away with what he did.
He was a larger than life, one in a million character who will be missed by many.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by transvaal
as a fellow QLD'er, i am sad to see that Steve has died. ALOT of people thought it was a joke here in QLD at first but wasn't. those who have met the man away from the camera know just what a wonderful & passionate man he was. my heart goes out to Bindi & Bob as well as Terri.

RIP Steve!!!

Me too, I'm also from Queensland, and have had the pleasure of meeting Steve a few times, even surfed with him once or twice, some of my friends worked at his zoo here.

He did a lot for conservation, this is what should be remembered, his love for nature pushed him far enough to spend large amounts of his personal fortune to buy up rainforest/jungle/forests all around the world to remain untouched for generations to come to appreciate our beautiful nature and animals.

Its a shame, he was a good man. RIP Steve.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:49 AM

Is it a rare occurance a sting ray stabbing a human through the chest?

Yes, extremely rare. They usually just swim away from danger and can't diliberatly use their stingers. It's instinctive and Steve probably just brushed against one by accident.

A one in a million guy getting killed by a one in a million accident.

[edit on 4-9-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:56 AM
I was shocked when I heard this in the morning news and his wife isn’t informed yet cause of her travel in the Tasmania Mountains.

The man is very popular in The Netherlands. Fact I watched a lot of his programmes. I wish the best to his family. Very hard to believe but life can take unexpected directions.

[edit on 4-9-2006 by Phenomenal]

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000

Is it a rare occurance a sting ray stabbing a human through the chest?

Yes, extremely rare. They usually just swim away from danger and can't diliberatly use their stingers. It's instinctive and Steve probably just brushed against one by accident.

I still cant come to terms with this,i thought a car crash,crock,shark maybe but sting ray??? i live in Australia and have never heard of someone fatally wounded by one let alone someone like Steve.

Hate to say it but thought of a spear gun accident cover up.

I hope Terri has been informed and not the last to know,she is said to be hiking in Tassie somewhere.

DrBones666 sorry you lost a friend i feel like i`ve lost one also.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 03:02 AM
What would they be doing with a speargun? Steve was a guy who didn't even Tranc crocs...

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 03:03 AM
My condolences to his family and fans but this was foreseeable considering his behavior towards wildlife. Depending on the size of the stringray, their spine can easily reach 6 inches in length and is needle sharp. It's used to defend the ray against sharks. Some folks confuse docile behavior towards humans as a sign of harmlessness. I wouldn't pet a porcupine. As an outdoorsman, I thought him as a dangerous influence on most of the public. Same with the Grizzly Bear man, they were prey waiting to be eaten.

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