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We were created by God.

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posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 08:31 PM
James you make me laugh, the things you say remind me of a younger time. James the things you say do make sense although I feel you need pay more attention at the words you are using.

James the fact of the matter is "Truth" is lying, while you seem to be trying very hard to be honest, you are being truthfull (in relation to how you feel).

In my book this makes a difference

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 09:11 AM
If God made us from His Image and Countenance, would that not mean that He is a Man? "Let us make man in our image in our countenance." Also note the "us".
Anyways, I don't think that God is an Ape. Therefore I just can't grasp the theistic evolution idea either.
But I wouldn't just base that on the bible either, since I don't believe that it is the ONLY word of God to us today. If that were it, then we all have a lot of studying to do till we come to a "unity" of faith, as if that will happen.

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by JediMaster
There was a Jesus and he will come again.

Ohh yes he sure will...

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 02:35 PM
Well I do say I was a bit rash saying many oh you hate me. But this is for Tyler.

Why do you not think that Jesus will come again? And I find that pic insulting to Jesus. But thats just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 04:19 PM
After watching all the debates on Christianity, I think I'm willling to go along with the notion that life on this planet was started by the Greys.

A bunch of very very schizophrenic Greys.

And if I can find them, I think I'm going to give them some Prozac.

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 05:01 PM
Tyler that a Borg Jesus!!!! We need the the USS Enterprise to save us
or pehaps Captain Janeway with all her experience might help?

JM you have no idea as to the Power of the dark side

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 12:19 AM
Jedi, Jesus won't come again because he died...and dead things don't come back to life, especially after 2000 plus years. Maybe in a sense the "spirit" of jesus will be reborn, but just because someone shares his ideals, and has a bunch of religious zealots praying to him, doesn't make him "jesus" it just makes him a dude who shares his ideals and has people who believe he's jesus.

Remember, just because you believe it so doesn't make it true...

Sciences answers the HOW? in the universe, Religion only adressess the question of WHY? so stop confusing the two.

The bible doesn't know crap about creation...genisis is a pile of crap....get over don't see buddha saying the universe was made by such and just adressess the question WHY?

Why are we even here? that's all that should matter to you...

How we got we live, how we'll end up, is all explained through science. And any God, would want you to be right...not wrong about the HOWs of the give in...TO SCIENCE!!!

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posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 09:29 AM
Greys! God created Adam and Eve, that is final! How
can you say life was created by creatures that don't
worship God! Those beliefs will have you punished by
God with no forgivness! These Greys are even worse then
your evolution! At least that happens here, on the planet
God made! You will be sorry when God comes and shows you
the truth, and maybe then you will repent.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 09:32 AM

Oh gosh oh golly quick! does my hair look ok? hows my dress, do you think these shoes go with this top?

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 09:33 AM

Oh gosh oh golly quick! does my hair look ok? hows my dress, do you think these shoes go with this top?

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 09:41 AM

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 09:47 AM
TOT: Let me just start off by saying that.....

You are an A$$.

With that said, do you have any usefull information to add to any conversations you engage in? So far I have only seen pure crap posted by you.

Maybe you would feel more comfortable at the Aryan Nation's forum boards. Maybe you just got confused with your limited intelligence, but if you need any help I'm sure someone here can point you in the right direction.

[Edited on 7-11-2002 by Dain]

[Edited on 7-11-2002 by Dain]

[Edited on 8-11-2002 by Dain]

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 10:02 AM
I'm not going to wait for anyone else to help you, so here you go.

All it took was a search on Google. Now why don't you go talk to some people who share your views.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 02:32 PM
Well, it seems that few agree with me. Well the Bibel is not crap. It is a holy book. Maybe some of it is not true but most of it is.

I will never give in to science. You can not change what I belive in.

I do belive Jesus will come again. He willl. Just because he died does'nt mean he can't come back from the dead. He is almighty.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
After watching all the debates on Christianity, I think I'm willling to go along with the notion that life on this planet was started by the Greys.

Crazy theory.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 07:01 PM
Lupe101 looking for a date

:m ad:

My Gods Better that your God nah na na nah

[Edited on 8-11-2002 by Toltec]

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 07:39 PM
Uh, we will repent? Bite me. I won't repent, I'll point and laugh, for when this "god" comes, he will either be a gray bald alien with huge eyes or science. Wait, science is here, so are the aliens!!! Wow, I guess I should get off line and take a shower, maybe cook them something, would they like fish or chicken?

posted on Nov, 8 2002 @ 11:26 PM
I think we've come to a "Dividing Line".

I believe that the Bible is the true word of God. I believe his words of truth and love were placed on the hearts of the men God chose to physically write them down. These writings, inspired by the Holy Spirit, were kept through time and eventually collected into the book we call the "Bible".

Now, THAT belief is what throws people, do you agree? If you do not believe that God speaks the truth, any debates on the topic are foolish. If you do believe God's word is truth, then his first words are just as relevant as his latest. I also believe that Jesus will return to earth, as he himself promises in the gospels and is foretold in the book of Revelation. Based on my belief that God's word stands through all time as a constant truth, why would he lie? Is the same God who parted the Red Sea and fulfilled prophecies concerning Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection going to lie about his plans for our future?

There are many people who claim to be "open-minded" (willing to hear out another's ideas, viewpoints, etc.) yet attack people with whom they do not agree. Any rational, truly open-minded person will see what God says for him or her self, and make a decision after carefully examining what God says. After all, nobody can force a person to believe a certain way, not even God. Why? Because we have free will. I believe God loves us enough to let us make our own choices, even when our choices blow up in our face! It is up to every individual to decide for themselves. If you believe that humans have a spirit (the part of a person that communicates with God and lives although the physical body will die), then choose wisely - eternity is, well, for forever.

posted on Nov, 9 2002 @ 03:00 AM
I don't believe god "speaks" at all

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posted on Nov, 9 2002 @ 03:15 AM
Why do you bother posting in the religion forum? It seems obvious that you have little interest or beliefs in that area.

Surely you would find it more benefical to stick to secret societies where you can talk about the wonderful freemasons all the time...

Originally posted by FreeMason
I don't believe god "speaks" at all

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