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Albright worried about Bush's faith

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posted on May, 22 2006 @ 03:37 PM
Madeline Albright former secretary of state for both the Carter and Clinton(97-01) administrations and said she is worried about Bushes use of faith in politics.

"I worked for two presidents who were men of faith, and they did not make their religious views part of American policy," she said, referring to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both Democrats and Christians.

"President Bush's certitude about what he believes in, and the division between good and evil, is, I think, different," said Albright, who has just published a book on religion and world affairs. "The absolute truth is what makes Bush so worrying to some of us."

Bush, a Republican, has openly acknowledged his Christian faith informs his decisions as president. He says, for example, that he prayed to God for guidance before invading Iraq.

There is one thing that former Sec. Albright said that really stuck out to me:

"Some of his language is really quite over the top," Albright told Reuters on Sunday during a trip to London to promote her book. "When he says 'God is on our side', it's very different from (former U.S. President Abraham) Lincoln saying 'We have to be on God's side.'"

I prefer the humility in What President Lincoln had said, rather than the self- assured righteousness displayed by our current Commander in Chief.
It makes me alittle wary when this president uses God as a 'scapegoat' for his own decisions. I have always had a problem with War being declared in the name of God or God being the "decider" for war. Not to mention, if God is on Bushes side then why all the lies...aka reasons for iraq war.. Abu Grahib...NSA SPY Program..etc.

I was wondering if anyone out there thought that Albrights worries held any water or is she going overboard?

NOTE TO MODS:if this needs to be in religion section please feel free to move it( I was not sure if I should post this here or in religion) thanks
also I dont know why Im stuck in bold text mode sorry

Mod Edit: De Bolded.

[edit on 22/5/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:05 PM
I don't think Albright's concerns are going overboard, but at the same time I don't think her views hold much water. By her own admission, she had a very confusing religious background, and maybe she still has some issues to work out n her mind.

Bush is definitely a man of faith. But I have never heard him proclaim one religion as superior to any other. As a matter of fact, he has always stressed that people should worship according to their own beliefs, even if they are not religious.

When he says something like

"We have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom."

he is merely acknowledging the existence of a higher power. That is much different than waging war because Allah told him to do it. That is the much more dangerous attitude, imo.

Bush is a man of faith, but he is not a fanatic. When he says that he makes decisions based upon his faith, that means he relies on his religious principles for guidance, imo. That doesn't say God made him do it.

Just my .02

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:34 PM
Its all media whore BS. Bush and Not-so-Bright have a truely unwavering faith in Baal and Molech and the Prince of Darkness.

2 sides of the same coin kinda thing here with this one.

An eternity in Hades outta teach them!!!!

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:37 PM
I can't completely blame him for using faith a lot in politics. If you read the letter he got from the President of Iran, he pretty much got bashed by religious views; not surprising that he would want to use them to reinforce his side of the story.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 11:05 PM
hi guys and thanks:


original quote by:jsobecky
I don't think Albright's concerns are going overboard, but at the same time I don't think her views hold much water. By her own admission, she had a very confusing religious background, and maybe she still has some issues to work out n her mind.

Nice observation. She may not be the best person to be siting bush's spirituality and use therein... of course at the same time she WAS secretary of state TWICE... so there is a counter-balance here.. on one hand she has conflicted religious history- which could give her an openness and unerstanding or just leave her confused... Id have to go with the former here I dont think she would have gotten to be Sec of State twice by being easily confused....IMO... but nonethe less good observation jsobecky


original quote by:Census
Its all media whore BS. Bush and Not-so-Bright have a truely unwavering faith in Baal and Molech and the Prince of Darkness.

Interesting Census.. a little dark and satanic but interesting. By Chance do you have any links or source regarding Albrights satanic adventures? I'm not being a smart ass. I've just never really seen anything in about Albright and her connection with satanism... Bush on the other hand his affiliation with skull and bones is suspect enough to not have to post any links for him.

And last but not least:

original quote by:Omniscient
I can't completely blame him for using faith a lot in politics. If you read the letter he got from the President of Iran, he pretty much got bashed by religious views; not surprising that he would want to use them to reinforce his side of the story.

Omni I'm really glad you brought up the letter to Bush from Ahmadi-Najad
In which he seems to go on a serious "calling out" of what he sees as GWB's hypocrisies(funny how he doesnt see his own..IMO) But none-the-less This letter to me still holds alot of truth in it(the truth is sometimes the truth from the ones we want to hear it from the least)

Oh yeah I almost forgot:

original quote by:jsobecky
Bush is definitely a man of faith. But I have never heard him proclaim one religion as superior to any other. As a matter of fact, he has always stressed that people should worship according to their own beliefs, even if they are not religious.

On this point jsobecky I have to agree 100% Bush has repeatedly said as you claim as far as I know.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Census
Its all media whore BS. Bush and Not-so-Bright have a truely unwavering faith in Baal and Molech and the Prince of Darkness.

2 sides of the same coin kinda thing here with this one.

I doubt that is true, but even if it were, isn't that just another example of exercising religious freedom?

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Everyone knows that Jesus died on the cross to save the president from his (or her) sins. So of course they are bound to use religion a lot. And if the president thinks voices in his head are telling him “to go get Iraq” then I'm sure those voices, are voices of peace and righteousness (and not something else).
I think Bush is right to call Israel the holy land (even if a lot of it is sand) and to associate the Church with the elephant. It’s what Jesus would have wanted; trust me.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Liberal1984

Everyone knows that Jesus died on the cross to save the president from his (or her) sins. So of course they are bound to use religion a lot. And if the president thinks voices in his head are telling him “to go get Iraq” then I'm sure those voices, are voices of peace and righteousness (and not something else).
I think Bush is right to call Israel the holy land (even if a lot of it is sand) and to associate the Church with the elephant. It’s what Jesus would have wanted; trust me.

your sincerity is

But looking through the humor, you make a valid point. If any of the rest of us act on the voice in our heads we get locked up for Multiple Personality Disorder. Saying God gave the go ahead for a war or me is just pure lunacy. Ive never been much of an advocate of "peace through superior firepower". And jesus would probably carry an M-16 philosophy does really wash to well
thanks for your input liberal and have a great day!

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