The best way I can explain it is like this (bare with me)-
Every living thing has an energy field around it. The most common description would be an "aura"...
AURA- Inoccultism, a luminous appearance seen surrounding the human body; the radiation has been called Od, Odyle, or Odic Force. (Encyclopedia of the
Supernatural, volume 2, 1970). There is a method of photographing the energy field around an object to determine health status (but I can't recall
what it is right now). An aura is person specific; the color, pattern, shape and size depends on the individual... this is the psycic energy that
people like myself use (if you can manipulate someone's energy, you can, in essence, manipulate them).
A good example of radiating energy and people is thermal energy. We've all seen the movies, television shows, and whatever that utilizes this...
using a thermal camera, we can see someone standing behind a concrete wall, just by the heat he is giving off. In the movie "Predator", the hunter
uses thermal imaging at one point (the multi-colored view). Soldiers and fire-fighters are able to track somebody by the heat of their footprints...
they can tell how recently someone left by a color; on a nice, cold night, take your shoes and socks off outside, and quickly step on concrete... see
the mark your foot left? That isn't the same as thermal, but it's close. Or (even better), hold your hand against a cold glass window... you'll
see a mist along your hand on the window... remove your hand, the mist slowly goes away. These two examples deminstrate residual thermal energy.
The same can be said for psycic energy... Handling an object places an amount of energy equal to the time handling. Because this energy is more...
(how do I say this?)... okay... You're putting little psycic thumbprints on the object... the more you tough, the more you leave behind, right? If
more people handle the object, there'd be more psycic thumbprints...
So now, if an attacker (or for example, forensics officer) study-ies the object, he'll pull off these "thumbprints"... in a court of law, the wrong
thumbprints could get someone arrested... if you're a magic-user, using the wrong "thumbprints" could hurt the wrong person.
Hope that helps explain what psycic energy is and what it means to the photographs... as for the manipulation of energy... without going inot too much
detail... you know how you can change body heat? And you know how strong emotional fluxes also affects body heat and mental status? It is easy to
change yourself (in this sense)... but to change/manipulate another... that is a different post...