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Bush rhetoric and oil $$$

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posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 12:23 PM

Morality plays no part in any of Tietes arguement. It is a lost cause. He calls them doomsday prophecies...I call them reality.

I don't believe the world will explode, or we are going to see the next great depression. What I believe is that we will have a serious awakening among the masses to the fact that all the economic models and graphs and #'s are skewed in the favor of the elite, and someday they will fight to change it. We may not be there yet, but the problem is not going away...its getting worse. Rich are getting richer, poor are getting poorer. Its not communist to say that something has to happen. It cannot stay this way or we WILL destroy ourselves.

Communism has proven to also be a failed system. Whether thanks to currupt leaders, or just inherently wrong policy, it has still failed everywhere. Capitalism is just taking a little longer. Both are severely flawed.

I am an idealist. Not a commie. Not a socialist. I don't pretend to have the answers. I just know what we have now is not working.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Toadmund
Communism done right is a good thing, but it too has faults.

That’s the funniest thing yet. Communism has been tried many times in many places and each time it’s only resulted in MURDER and MISERY. It is the single most murderous ideology ever visited on the planet. Stalin, Mao, Castro, Jung-Il, Paul Pot have MURDERD perhaps as many as ONE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE

How many more must die before it sinks in with you Marxist? Marxist is a failed and murderous ideology. It’s failed every place it’s tried.

Marxist had to build walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN. Marxism is the reason why people in NK are force to moss and tree bark to survive. Marxism is the reason why people will brave sharks and 100 miles of the broad Atlantic on inner tubes just to escape it. Marxism is the reason why children were force to beat their parents to death in Cambodia.

Marxism = death.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 02:10 PM
Lookit, I'm not a Marxist, nor did I say Communism was perfect, you took my quote WAY out of context and you twisted it to favour your argument.
I was merely pointing out that Capitalism is destroying the world and creating a wide rift between haves and have nots, IMO and I think some here will agree with me. I also proposed ways to fix it.
Socialist capitalism if you will, through excessive profit tax, just what the Bushies are looking at. But of course, if they did it it would not be a communist idea now, would it?

I also said in principle communism was good, but human nature has to wreck it, you also got me 100% wrong there too.

Please work on your reading comprehension before you twist what I wrote to suit your argument.

Thank you.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 02:19 PM
I think an investigation into the Bush administrations is the key to get our country back on track....because think about how many people would be outraged to find out that waging war in Iraq wasn't due to 'terrorism,' that it was to increase profits for big oil company's. "The five largest oil companies, pulled in $113 billion in profit in 2005 -- compared to a piddly $34 billion in 2002 before Operation Iraqi Liberation." It's hard to believe that Bush doesn't have his hand in that pot, ya know?

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 09:34 AM
Who really makes big money on gas?

And really, what are you lefties complaing about? Your boys Gore and Kerry both advocated an increase in the federal gas tax AND I've been hearing for years how "enlighten" europe is since their gas prices are 2-3 times those in America.

Most people are happy when their dreams come true…

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