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In The Sex- Neutral, Color-Blind society Democrats want so bad, Cynthia McKinney would Be In Jail!!

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posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 11:36 PM
Just saying what I think here...why isn't Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in Jail right now? The Left screams when a white male Republican Congressman takes a bribe. So why not scream when a black female Democratic Congresswoman decks a security guard at his station?

By the way, this isn't the first time McKinney has had run-ins with security. In fact, she's had FIVE different altercations with the security staff, all for the same reasons.
She then has the audacity to wave the Sex, AND the Race Cards!!

Hmm...Rush the security guards to gain entry to the congressional offices..punch the one who tries to stop you...then scream sexism and win the sympathy vote??

Wow! Look at that! There IS a conspiracy tangent here!!

[edit on 5-4-2006 by Toelint]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:37 AM
Like you know what happened, there are so many stories floating around so i don't see how you know that she decked him. I heard she turned around and her cell phone touched the police officer. She is being attacked because of her views toward this administration. You just want to create a heated thread to get some points, this is a lame story and who really cares. I thought people were innocent until proven guilty?

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:17 AM
Is it too much to ask that the staff recognize the people they're paid to protect?

That being said, she's smart enough to get elected, but not smart enough to remember to wear the pin that wards off stupid security guards?

I'm not proud of either side in this incident. Seems like they both did as little as possible to make the job of the other easy. :shk:

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:52 AM
I have to agree with you, WyrdeOne.

But, Toelint, if there were in fact five previous incidents where she was not recognized, then I think that cuts against your argument.... If true, I'd have hoped that after the first time, measures would have been taken to prevent that from reoccurring.... Apparently, she has good reason to be miffed. Did this happen five times to anyone else in Congress???? Maybe she's not so off base.

[edit on 5-4-2006 by loam]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:08 AM
I agree with you toelint.....

however I have accepted that if you are black and a woman, you can wave sex and race cards and get away with alot..... and anyone that says otherwise is of course a "racist"

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:20 AM
In the same way, I suppose, that if you are a black woman, you can never actually be right about unjust treatment.... because, of course, she'd only be playing the race and sex cards....

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by loam
In the same way, I suppose, that if you are a black woman, you can never actually be right about unjust treatment.... because, of course, she'd only be playing the race and sex cards....

Unjust treatment? what is unjust about arresting a woman who obviously has no self-restraint?

stop making excuses and over compensating for past prejudices by over looking stupid behavior.....

I think we have a screwed up definition of what exactly is 'unjust'

if she wasnt permitted to teach somewhere, and it could be proven it was due to race, then yes...that is unjust.

What this woman did was just stupid...

[edit on 5-4-2006 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:32 AM
I would call failing to recognize a member of Congress "stupid behavior"... let alone five times, if true...

Moreover, I'd also call it "stupid behavior" to automatically assume she is pulling the race and sex cards... Were you there?

Please share your special knowledge with the rest of us....

[edit on 5-4-2006 by loam]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 05:27 AM
if she did what they are claiming, she should be in jail....
but then, if DeLay has done what they are claiming, he should be in jail also. he's white, isn't he?? ain't no racecard there, is there?

what happened to the innocent until proven guilty line? or is that only good if one is defending white male republicans?

my biggest question would be, if this lady is as she's being portrayed, who was the idiots who elected her??

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Is it too much to ask that the staff recognize the
people they're paid to protect?

It really doesn't matter if the guard recognized her or not.
The rules are in place for a very good reason. They MUST
have their identity pin on, or they have to go through the
metal detectors like everyone else.

It would be very easy for a bad guy to find a look-a-like and
have them slide through security. The identification pins serve
a serious purpose.

Other politicians have forgotten their pins and have had to go
through the metal detectors. It's not a big deal to do so.
Cynthia McKinney's ego wouldn't fit through the detector, that's
all. She thinks she's too good for it. But the truth is that everyone
else who has forgotten their ID pins has had to go through the
metal detectors. They have managed to do so without becoming
irate and physically dangerous with the Capitol guards that are
doing their jobs to protect everyone.

Cynthia McKinney is an egotistical idiot. She deserves to be brought
up on charges; at least for trying to intimidate a guard who was
doing his job very well AND she needs to be taught that she isn't
too good to go through a metal detector when she fails to do HER
job - wearing proper security identification.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by loam
I'd also call it "stupid behavior" to automatically
assume she is pulling the race and sex cards...

Hey loam.

I saw her making the rounds of the TV news yesterday with her lawyer.
She's claiming racism and sexism. She emphasised the words
'woman' and 'black' many times in each interview. She's definately
trying to intimidate those in this situation with her political position;
her race; and her sex.

Other female members and other democrats are not falling in behind
her. In fact, one female dem (can't remember her name) was interviewed
on TV and she said that there was no excuse for hitting a Capitol guard.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 07:17 AM
Yup, McKinney is making sure that the nation knows she is a Black Woman, and this is unfair.

Just like several Democrat politicians, they can follow the rules, Republicans too I might add.

Why is it that they always play the race card? Can't stand on their own merit?


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 07:27 AM
You know, i dont care what color she is, i dont care what party she belongs to.
If EVERYONE has to show ID, she should have too.

This is nothing more than arrogance on her part. It was Fox News who commented on her saying this was happening to her because of her race.

Deal with it Cynthia or get out. You are no better than the rest. And bringing out the race card just goes to show her mentality.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
You know, i dont care what color she is, i dont care what party she belongs to.
If EVERYONE has to show ID, she should have too.

This is nothing more than arrogance on her part. It was Fox News who commented on her saying this was happening to her because of her race.

I agree 100%. If however she knows that others get to pass through with no hassles and they have no pins and are being allowed by recognition it will be a problem. I guess when the court case comes up we will find out. Now its all just PR/Damage Control from both sides. We will soon find out.
The officers are after all being paid and employed by this administration so you never know what may shoot down the tubes.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 08:13 AM
If that was a 31 year old white male, he would have been arrested, on the spot, that day. Anytime you 'touch' a law enforcement officer, you can at least be charged with obstruction, and if you hit them obstrution w/ violence or even BOLEO.(battery)

Whether she is black, white or green, she KNOWS what she is supposed to do and how to have things like this not happen. She is a congresswoman, a representitive of her state, and should act as such. I also heard her state on the TV the night after that she had recently changed the hairstyle she had had for a long time, I guess in all braids. I mean, this to me seems like an officer doing his job, stopping someone who is trying to bypass security. I don't think she should do any jailtime but something should be done to prove a point.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
Like you know what happened, there are so many stories floating around so i don't see how you know that she decked him. I heard she turned around and her cell phone touched the police officer. She is being attacked because of her views toward this administration. You just want to create a heated thread to get some points, this is a lame story and who really cares. I thought people were innocent until proven guilty?

Well, here's what I DO know. This links to the AOL story:

Also, here's the first paragraph from the article. Read it and weep.

WASHINGTON (April 5) - U. S. Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer said Wednesday that Rep. Cynthia McKinney turned an officer's failure to recognize her into a criminal matter when she failed to stop at his request, and then struck him.

This was no accident! How do you misconstrue a fist in the head?? As for recognizing her on site, keep in mind that these security guards see hundreds (if not thousands) of people per day. Also, how many other congressional reps can't remember to wear their ID or at least their congressional pin especially when they're on their way to a "very important meeting"??

This lady thinks the whole world is out to hang a black woman for something and God help anyone who looks like a rope salesman!

Originally posted by Dawnstar
if she did what they are claiming, she should be in jail....
but then, if DeLay has done what they are claiming, he should be in jail also. he's white, isn't he?? ain't no racecard there, is there?

what happened to the innocent until proven guilty line? or is that only good if one is defending white male republicans?

my biggest question would be, if this lady is as she's being portrayed, who was the idiots who elected her??

Well, I'd say if Delay were running around in front of the cameras screaming, "I ain't in jail yet, 'cause I'm a WHITE man!!" then yeah, you have a point...BUT... Delay did go to jail. didbail himself out, and is awaiting trial in Texas, which is where he really faces charges.

[edit on 5-4-2006 by Toelint]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:55 PM

my biggest question would be, if this lady is as she's being portrayed, who was the idiots who elected her??

She is from my state, and we have been dealing with her for years.
Remember when the Saudian Arabian king offerd us 10 million dollars for the WTC to help and Dubya refused, she told him to give it to her blacks if the government did not want it.
She just got through paying for Isaac Hayes travel go be a star at a fundraiser for her.Has had to return the $$ yesterday.
She is a TOTAL embarrassment but for her Confressional district.
No votes from me.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:04 PM
What this stems from are Ms. Mc Kinney's questions to Donald Rumsfeld back in 05'. She wanted to know where the 2.3 trillion dollars the pentagon can't seem to account for and about his knowledge of DynCorp's involvement in human trafficing. Both issues Mr. Rumsfeld rather poorly dodged. She has been harrassed ever since by Capitol security. She apparently didn't get the memo that she should now act like the other complicit whores.

You see, these are things Uncle Rush will never tell you. That's why I'm here.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by loam
I would call failing to recognize a member of Congress "stupid behavior"... let alone five times, if true...

Let's see there are currently 435 members in the House of Representatives. Are these security guards supposed to remember every single one of them? That's a little much to ask from anybody. Of course there would be a constant flow of staff and lobbyist streaming in and out of the building each day as well. There's no way that the officers would remember everyone by sight.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
You know, i dont care what color she is, i dont care what party she belongs to.
If EVERYONE has to show ID, she should have too.

Agreed! I don't care what color she is or whether she's got a dangler between her legs or not. She should follow the rules like everyone else. I HATE it when people USE being a woman or being black (or being anything) as a reason not to obey the same rules as everyone else.

I saw her on CNN and she WOULD NOT say what happened. She kept changing the subject and answering questions that weren't asked. She was obviously avoiding answering the question: Did you do it?

My take on her is that she's a nutcase and if I had to guess, I'd guess she hauled off and smacked the officer in the head.

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