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Reptilians do exist..whether you believe it or not

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posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 04:15 AM
Sorry to be the first to break it to you, but in every field or interest, there are plenty of people with contradicting opinions and beleifs. That don't make the subject 'poo'.

From what I've read Icke is intelligent but has a very bad grasp of science.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 04:22 AM
The first step in denying ignorance, is to deny David Icke the platform to speak. He's done more harm than good...

Basically, it's simple. People have to display proof that these Reptillians exist. If you can't display proof, it is your opinion that they exist. This is not likely to be believed by the masses and instead will make it more likely they in turn do not believe about the idea of a New World Order forcing them out of the loop.

I don't desire to come off as rude, but without proof of such wild claims we're only forcing people away. We're only causing less people to "Deny Ignorance" and helping such groups if they do exist.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 04:27 AM
These people who believe Icke without proof are no better than head slapping, women hating Muslims or witch burning Christians.

Icke knows this, of course. His talk of using instinct to find the truth sticks of 'faith' to me.

Faith: the robotic prerequisite.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 06:35 AM
Well, but I have listened to him. And phil and him sound the same. Also, look up Credo Muttwa...

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 06:37 AM
I's hard to believe. But I* myself know they exist..or I know for a fact that there is an underground base. but you don't have to believe that, I just wanted to get othes opinons, k?

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 10:27 AM
Okay, thanks for telling us you *know* because of your 100% has to be true sources and your expertise. Now go and proove that bonsai trees are really reptilian created too.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 09:21 PM
I've never seen the movie "They Live" But I've heard of it. Yes I did see base in the astral. I've actually been to it twice, but I don't know why. I just remember that, when I slept I think I sunk down into the bed, and underground???? In my spirit body of course. It's very confusing...but with all due respect, I really hope that never happens again with the creepy slimy looking evil reptilian things...

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 09:26 PM
No...same thing... they drink blood to mantain their human form. But they are able to project too...

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 09:28 PM
Look...I don't want to get in an argument ok..I'm psychic, and I know these got a problem with it. Talk to a leading satanist, ask him about reptilians, and you can kiss your sorry ass good bye...

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Look...I don't want to get in an argument ok..I'm psychic, and I know these got a problem with it. Talk to a leading satanist, ask him about reptilians, and you can kiss your sorry ass good bye...

'cuse me? With that language and no proof expect yourself to be banned very fast. Why do you try first posting more proof than "they exist because I saw them, and I'm psychic so it's true", these sources you have provided show me that people have imagination, that's it. You have no hard core proof.

1. Easy on the language jack, you're still new and all I know, but that stuff doesn't fly here.

2. Edit your posts, quit back flinging it so you have a new reply for every single quoted person, it's very annoying to read though 5 posts from one member replying to a topic we don't know anything about.

3. Provide some hard core proof, your "word" and someone elses "words" don't cut it. Not online? Too bad, get lost. There's information on almost anything on the net with the power of google. That's why it's called the information super highway. Nothing is kept exclusive to books as long as this wacked out idea of yours.

4. You've posted multiple topics having to do with the same thing in at least 3 or 4 forums. Why don't you bundle it into your own 1 thread, and stop making assumptions based on some crack pots or what we can't proove. Your word is a load of crap on the internet my friend. Welcome to the World Wide Web.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 12:35 AM
Hi White
I agree, what you said on the New World Order! Time is Ticking...
Ok first things first Genesis 6 I feel these reptilians may be just that or similar, Demons Falling Angels that probably mated with the Dino's - who knows, the one thing I do know is that their evil! Too many people have seen & experienced them for all of them to be crazy that much I know! I Thank God I haven't had that experience with them, but I do not doubt others have! Many probably have, and don't remember! The mind has a tendacy to do that, whenever things become to much for us! Or they have something to wipe away the memories who knows!
Everyone however has a right to their opinion, too bad it can't be spoken with more respect for one another! I mean lets think about this for a second, do you yourselves, when you have something important to say, you post a certain thread, do you have joy when others in turn rudely try to disqualify your belief or your experience! I know it boils down to one thing and one thing only...... Until one experiences that which is shared, its hard for one to actually believe! But then you can look in turn at yourself again, and say How would I feel to be treated as such! Im not saying everything is true on here, Im not ignorant lol I know a scam when I see one!
Read in between the lines, one knows when one is telling the truth!
As for White, hold fast you will win the battle! It only takes two!
Blessings Angel

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 01:19 AM
This is a response to waffleprime, from the now-locked thread 'There are no Reptilians'

Once again, instead of hunting for the cold hard proof, you have to first understand that science is only now beginning to discover how life and our perception of it works. However, our 5-senses are limited to a narrow electromagnetic frequency visual range, along with the untapped consciousness in our brain. Humans are severely handicapped, but we all have this potential to see and experience vibrations and frequencies beyond our everyday comprehension. Read a few David Icke books and you'll soon find out how it all fits. You'll then realise that the notion of Reptilians are indeed plausible. This is a bit different to 'having faith' in something without evidence, as the physical evidence side is explained, particularly in the book 'Infinite Love is the only truth - everything else is illusion'. You'll discover there is indeed a science side to it, but it's something that our scientists are on the whole too ignorant to tap into - like the notion that 97% of our DNA is 'junk dna' - this is hogwash. This is complete and utter denial of the truth.

If you scrape the surface of this topic, it's very easy to brush this aside and demand 'proof'. But the more you dig into it, particularly the science behind it and the conspiracy to hide it all, it becomes something immensely fascinating and let me warn you, the rabbit-hole goes deep, very deep - you have to be prepared to forget everything you know about the world and how it is constructed. This is why it is so difficult. But once you get over that hump, the concept of the extra-dimensional becomes surprisingly and ridiculously easy to grasp. Rather than just reading a couple of Internet articles, get hold of some David Icke books and get the GUTS on the matter. Get to mininova, there's a torrent available of his book collection. You will be amazed.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 03:51 AM
Consider the extraterrestrial Reptilians (ERs) the 5th state of matter. The science, that is released for general human consumption, can barely do anything with the 4th state of matter (plasma). We as humans are the first 2 states of matter (solid and liquid - mostly liquid - and on occasion, gas). The subterrestrial Reptilians (SRs) are just like us in the 'state of matter' department but are evolved/engineered reptiles (instead of evolved/engineered apes). The SRs don't mean humans harm but it's best to leave them alone right now. The ERs are a completely different story, however.

Consciousness can control the states of matter. Being conscious at different states of matter is part evolution. The ERs have just been around a lot longer and have evolved to that state. No big deal really. It's nothing special, mystical, spooky, unscientific, outside the bounds of logic, or any other rationalizations humans tell themselves. It's not some belief system or religious cult. There's no faith involved. There are no dues or fees. Just a willingness to use the brain for something more than linear thought.

Look at the human advancements and progress further. Did humans know about plasma in 1899? Did they think about anti-gravity horses? Or dream of cloaking devices for their carriages? The dark ages don't go away because the majority of people feel safe in the dark.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
This is a response to waffleprime, from the now-locked thread 'There are no Reptilians'

Once again, instead of hunting for the cold hard proof, you have to first understand that science is only now beginning to discover how life and our perception of it works. However, our 5-senses are limited to a narrow electromagnetic frequency visual range, along with the untapped consciousness in our brain. Humans are severely handicapped, but we all have this potential to see and experience vibrations and frequencies beyond our everyday comprehension. Read a few David Icke books and you'll soon find out how it all fits. You'll then realise that the notion of Reptilians are indeed plausible. This is a bit different to 'having faith' in something without evidence, as the physical evidence side is explained, particularly in the book 'Infinite Love is the only truth - everything else is illusion'. You'll discover there is indeed a science side to it, but it's something that our scientists are on the whole too ignorant to tap into - like the notion that 97% of our DNA is 'junk dna' - this is hogwash. This is complete and utter denial of the truth.

If you scrape the surface of this topic, it's very easy to brush this aside and demand 'proof'. But the more you dig into it, particularly the science behind it and the conspiracy to hide it all, it becomes something immensely fascinating and let me warn you, the rabbit-hole goes deep, very deep - you have to be prepared to forget everything you know about the world and how it is constructed. This is why it is so difficult. But once you get over that hump, the concept of the extra-dimensional becomes surprisingly and ridiculously easy to grasp. Rather than just reading a couple of Internet articles, get hold of some David Icke books and get the GUTS on the matter. Get to mininova, there's a torrent available of his book collection. You will be amazed.

I agree with pretty much everything you say there, and I've read several of Icke's books, including the latest one you mentioned, but the fact still remains that Icke doesn't offer any proof beyond 2nd hand reports and ancient mythology.

I can see how the things that people say are crazy and implausable, like shape-shifting, can be easily explained by the holographic universe theory, but he still doesn't make his case well enough.

I'm interested in the whole Reptillian thing, but until more proof is offered, it's nothing more than a bit of sci-fi fun for me.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 10:44 PM
Interesting Riot isn't it, You said that well, You too Arm, Velvet I know how you feel as well, but lets hope & pray you don't find out the hard way!
However you believe Velvet just make sure to have a firm belief within your being, because if they do show face you will need every inch of your Faith to Fight thoes evil things off!
Some say, oh they can erase one's memory of ever having contact with one!
I firmly believe when one has contact with such an evil entity as them, one never forgets! They love that too, they love fear, so I turn it to a spiritual experience, One that I will Always Win! For I know who is on my side, and has already Won The Battle For Me! But like I said on my Thread, we all have a piece of the puzzle, we all can benefit from each others knowledge & experiences. So I thank you all very much for your thoughts! Very helpful indeed! Your in my prayers! Angel

Thank You White for the mail, and once again very very good Thread! Your a Very Strong Women White, a Warrior in Fact for God! Good Job!

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 04:07 PM
so, anyhow...there still are no reptillians...en masse astral plaining doesn't can claim its denial of truth..but, its denial of fanaticism...without hard treads the line between believing and knowing...

there are no reptillians...well there "might" be somekind of reptile man out there...but, there isn't a big stupid conspiracy where there out to eat us and grey's soaking are blood.

all the talk of psychic and astral absolutly crazy talk. i'm sorry but, there is still no proof of reptillians.

look at all the evidence of reptillians. no proof just stories....if there was reptillians why is everyone over the years just sitting on your duffs talking about it? go out and get rid of the things...this I think is another reason why they don't exist because if t was really that serious..there would be a revolution.

also to think humans are handicapped in someway is ridiculous...there are no limits for us, or anyone...I don't know how to install a washer..but, I can learn how.

[edit on 16-2-2006 by waffleprime]

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 05:56 PM
Ok Waffle
You have the right to your Opinion, but shouldn't you do it with a little more class, then to put the cabash and say White is really and for that matter everyone else who has seen them, were all delusional or Hallucinated the whole event, is really what you were saying in a nut shell. Well how about if you do a little more research before you say for sure, they don't exist! That would be fair to White and the rest here yes?

Check out coast to coast web site, they had a guest on there just the other day, who has a lot of written knowledge from Miltary People etc. Very Interesting in fact, has photographs you name it for proof. Then let us know if that gives you maybe a little more belief in this or not! Its fine if you don't believe we all respect that, just that you should respect thoes who had an experience! Hopefully you yourself will never come face to face with one thoes evil things!
But check the site out it is rather fascinating! Good Day! Angel
The Gents Name is Richard Sauder His Site and Info is about Underground Facilities & UnderSea Facilities as well, some are drawings and he does have some pictures as well ! The above link to Coast, is the recent review of what they discussed the other night, with links/books/web site but his personal web site is Would like to hear from you again, after you look into all this info, let me know if it changed your view on this! If not that of course is fine too!

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by AngelWings9999
The Gents Name is Richard Sauder His Site and Info is about Underground Facilities & UnderSea Facilities as well, some are drawings and he does have some pictures as well ! The above link to Coast, is the recent review of what they discussed the other night, with links/books/web site but his personal web site is

You apparently do not know how easy it is to get a website. A .info domain, well that just tells me, "I'd like people to think this so lets tack this on".

Do you know how easy photoshopping, and all this other web design stuff is? Anyone can have a website. Anymore the only way to figure how legitamit they are is to look into a string of whois records, and what not online.

With photoshop, you can't tell real from fake in a normal occasion. What are legit sites you ask? Examples:

These are legit. They're hosted by the owners or the government. The DNS is by the owners or the government. They OWN the server that the site is on.


[edit on 2-16-2006 by Shugo]

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 09:40 PM
I hear you Shugo
And your so right about that! But George Noory & Art Bell Both do Incredible Detailed Searches, Information regarding who they have as Guest on their Site! They George & Art, are not about to just have any Jo Shmo come and be a guest!
But I understand what your saying, But Not ALL our fakes & phonies!
Some People, Are Intelligent & Do Have Facts & Proof to back what their saying!
Was a good Point! But I for one know they Exist! Maybe because a Friend who was in the CIA was in the company of them and seen the underground facilities etc! But thats not the only reason for my belief! I know what you say, proof is in the pudding!
Just keep doing research! Or better yet, maybe you will meet someone you know that wouldn't fabricate anything for that matter! Time will only tell! Let me know if you ever do!

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 02:15 PM
I had a dream... It maybe that I'm psychic and have access to other planes, but my
common sense says that I had a dream.
No Freddy Kruger, no reptilians, just a dream.

I agree that people can have their point of view, I agree that ex-Coventry goalkeepers
can suffer a breakdown and now make several thousands of dollars on the lecture circuit, while talking about phenomena that cannot be proved in the physical world.

Aahh, the essence of being free.
I'm troubled that these demons/aliens/hybrids or guardians of the grays wander the earth posing as leaders of powerful countries and yet, never slip up and show their true identities.
Aliens never land on the White House lawn and all these UFO groups are always behind the goverment men, when it comes to discovering the truth... they never get the girl.

I know (whisper)... everyone's in on it.
But it just seems that the NWO has so many plots afoot and employ entities of so many worlds and religeons with the sole task to kill/ maim/ disillusion and cause heart-ache to
the humans on this planet, that the terrain demands that errors will be made and these enemies of us open-minded, key-clacking truth-guardians will be caught in the spotlight for all to see.
But not today. Today we'll just watch and wait for them, because we know they're here, don't we?

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