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Reptilians do exist..whether you believe it or not

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posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Odium
The first step in denying ignorance, is to deny David Icke the platform to speak. He's done more harm than good...

Basically, it's simple. People have to display proof that these Reptillians exist. If you can't display proof, it is your opinion that they exist. This is not likely to be believed by the masses and instead will make it more likely they in turn do not believe about the idea of a New World Order forcing them out of the loop.

I don't desire to come off as rude, but without proof of such wild claims we're only forcing people away. We're only causing less people to "Deny Ignorance" and helping such groups if they do exist.

David Icke is a brilliant man. He has not done any harm at all. He has brought people to awaken to the truth! And if you can't see that...that is just too bad for you...

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by albie
These people who believe Icke without proof are no better than head slapping, women hating Muslims or witch burning Christians.

Icke knows this, of course. His talk of using instinct to find the truth sticks of 'faith' to me.

Faith: the robotic prerequisite.

Excuse me..but what you said there is very rude. I happen to Catholic, and I don't burn witches. No..David Icke is a brilliant man. I believe him because he knows the truth just like i have come to realize the truth, and the other sheeple haven't.

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 07:38 PM
whitelightwolf, I like your posts, and I like your honest way of speaking. There is clearly a real human typing what you are saying.

I believe in lucid dreaming because I can do it. I also believe in AP although I haven't really gotten there yet. I do believe your story about the blanket protecting you and everything. There's another thread on ATS about how blankets are perhaps protectional talismans for innocent children (not implying you are innocent.

Anyway, please, since you are obviously desirous of ongoing conversation at ATS, condense your posts into one. You might think it's respectful to give each member their own reply, but this wastes space. Simply enter a couple carriage-returns (the enter key) and type the member's name, to whom you are replying. I like to format my posts in notepad before pasting them. You can go to the RUN line off the START button in Windows and type notepad.exe for an easy way to open it. This gives you time and method to format one whole post to perhaps three or four members. It'll help.

I wrote a post on here about reptiles many moons ago. I'll search for it somewhere, but the basic gist of it was that if there's reptilians, then how come there hasn't been even one single traitor to their side? Not one single evolution among their people where one reptile decides that SOME (let's say, snake-loving) humans are actually okay?

Until one of them defects, I'll have a hard time accepting these lizard-men as a functioning group. It's just not probable that creatures would not have deviant cases, even if they are ant-like and totally machinated in their lives. They must still have life-force, right?

As for cloaking themselves, my question is this: How does Prince Charles' cloaking function manage to fool both 1: The Eyeball (maybe by beaming visual-frequency into our optic nerve or heads?), and also 2: The Camera?

The second question is the most salient, because if Charles looks human on film, then this means that photons are bouncing off his "faked" face and being perfectly absorbed onto the photographic emulsion, so as to represent a human. How in the heck does this happen?

I'm lumped in with the Icke-believers because I'm just a crazy conspiracy-history gold-standard American. I happen to like snakes, lizards, box tortises and all reptile creatures. I find them to be fragile, mostly vulnerable, and truly alive.

I do not fear reptiles in any way. Should I?

[edit on 24-2-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 07:54 PM
Thankyou smallpeeps for your comment. Now I get how to post forums, it was all so confusing to me in the beginning. Yes I like reptilies too. I owned a snake and lizard once...but they both died. I am taking a guess that maybe Prince Charles holds his form by drinking blood. just seems crazy. Wouldn't Princess Diana know. And she did state herself that the windsors weren't human ,that they were reptiles. Also, if she had her monthly menstruation, wouldn't Charles have noticed? Wouldn't the queen? Is this why people aren't allowed to see them because of that?...I wonder....I wonder if we will ever get to witness someone shapeshifting. i did have a dream about it... And that's really interesting about what you said about the blanket. i beleive it protected me also. And lol, I am an innocent person. I am a girl..and very spiritual. I don't like to swear either, because I feel like trash.Anwyays, thankyou, and peace*


mod edit to fix quote tags

[edit on 24-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 09:09 PM

whitelightwolf said:
maybe Prince Charles holds his form by drinking blood. just seems crazy. Wouldn't Princess Diana know. And she did state herself that the windsors weren't human ,that they were reptiles.

So then he is actually changing the very flesh of his face? Wow.

Also, if she had her monthly menstruation, wouldn't Charles have noticed?

Yeah, 'specially considering his lizardly fascination with "tampax" and how they are used. [oh those Camilla tapes. The things kings have to endure in this rude Information Age].

Uh, but without getting too graphic, what would her period have to do with anything? Do you think Diana was a lizard? If so, it's unlikely that she has a period like humans do, since only great apes have that. You raise a good point tho': If there's tons of servants who are ensuring the comfort of these "cloaked lizards", then why doesn't any of them talk?

Seriously, if your job was to ensure that Prince Charles' cut of meat was "properly maggoty and rancid" so as to please his lizardly palate, wouldn't you tell your neighbors?

"Dude, Prince Charles doesn't eat normal food! Also, I shaw lizard-skin sheddings in his bedsheets!"

...I wonder....I wonder if we will ever get to witness someone shapeshifting. i did have a dream about it... And that's really interesting about what you said about the blanket. i beleive it protected me also. And lol, I am an innocent person. I am a girl..and very spiritual. I don't like to swear either, because I feel like trash.Anwyays, thankyou, and peace*

You are certainly not trash, swearing or otherwise. I enjoy reading your posts and other people who have similar experiences surely do also. I never met a lizard-man, but at least I know they won't kill a nice girl like you in cold blood. That makes them okay in my book. Much better than some humans like say, Manson, Bundy, Hitler, Stalin, etc. Bring on the lizards, says I.

Why aren't "lizard men" more like velociraptor? Damn, I'd negotiate with that guy ASAP!

But no, they're always goofy bi-pedal fellows, not really ever harming anybody except via super-firearms (as with phil schneider). Why not Lizard-Fu? Why not hand-to-tail combat? Surely a lizard karate champ could do they flamingo kick from the end of Karate Kid with BOTH feet, balancing on his tail, I mean. But nobody ever fights them?

Seriously tho', I have read a lot about AP and from my experience with meditation and interviewing others (often people who are unassuming and TOTALLY uncomfortable with talking about it), I do believe in astral projection. I find that people are willing to talk honestly with me about it when they find that I respect their experience. I have heard testimony of first hand astral projection happening from within the dream state. Such a person is known to me personally.

I would so totally try to negotiate with a lizard guy. Humans are great because we have so much caring and compassion. We'd be great just as medics, if the lizards wanted to reveal themselves. Why not educate humans and allow us to contribute to their lizardly happiness?

I mean how much can it cost to keep a lizard guy happy when he smells like garbage and has no sizeable wardrobe? Probably very low health care costs also. I think we humans have it pretty good, compared to the average lizard worker. They should defect and ask us humans for some help, in order to get more blood or whatever, right?

[edit on 24-2-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 12:47 AM
The whole shape-shifting thing is not what it appears on the surface. No pun intended. The reptiles are energy beings. Ascended entities. Whatever you wish to call them. It's not a physical shape-shifting thing. The people in question are actually human.

What's taking place is a possession of sorts. The energy being can inhabit the same space as matter. It can possess the human body. The human could be willing or coerced. Or the human could have died allowing the energy being full control.

People get stuck on the physical so much. Science has shown the physical is mostly space. Science has shown other states of matter exist besides the 3 major ones. Why is the concept of conscious energy any harder to grasp than the concept of conscious meat?

Oh well, whatever. Who cares anymore. I'll go back to my padded cell now.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 04:39 PM

But if you saw these reptoid things in Florida, in your room. Wouldn't you be too freaked out to move...let alone grab a camera and take a picture of it.

Yes...those reptiles ARE all over Florida. They call them ALIGATORS!!

It is fascinating though that no one has ever taken a picture of a reptillian. Why is that?

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 05:56 PM
Yes they are definitely all over here. Some 80 year old gal here a couple of months ago was so startled at finding one in her kitchen that she grabbed her camera before she called for help.
And when she was informed of the reptilians fate she offered to adopt it.
Florida aint the sunshine state it's the home of the wackos and winos.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by longhaircowboy turn, that means you are calling my granda and grandpa as well as my cousin a wacko? Well..that's not very nice. As for the reptilian idea. I respect what you think. I know it's hard to grasp.

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

But if you saw these reptoid things in Florida, in your room. Wouldn't you be too freaked out to move...let alone grab a camera and take a picture of it.

Yes...those reptiles ARE all over Florida. They call them ALIGATORS!!

As for you...well..I don't know what to say. But I too in turn repsect your opinon. You obviously haven't come across a reptilian before. Hope you will some day. Just hope it doesn't hurt you...

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Yes small peeps, I can astral project. I keep a journal of it, and I have had fascinating experiences. Some of them involve me seeing my cousin who passed away. Another involves me going into the future. this is how I KNEW it was an astral projection. Before I went on my cruise. two nights ago, I had an astral projection, where I felt myself raise all the way above my house. then i was soaring at an inexplicable speed! So fast! And as I was soaring over the water, I realized I was already over the carribean. I saw a huge cruise ship, and saw exactly what it looked like. It said Celebrity Cruise Lines, on the side. then I landed on the boat and saw myself! As well as my mom talking to a few people. I saw my self with a few freinds. i tried to shout out, but nobody could hear me. Then I landed on a beach and felt the sand. I blinked a few times and thought, WOW! I can see!!! for real! I'm really here! This is real!!! It was undeniably an astrla projection, and i was aware of it. i tried to hold my awareness for as long as i could. And I touched the sand, I touched the water. I felt it all, it was amazing. Then when i woke up, the next day when it was time to go on our cruise, upon going there, it was the same exact ship i saw in my AP, and the same exact people I hung out with. Amazing huh? Do you have any experiences

By the way, about Diana. Reptilians in human form are not able to hold their form whilst they smell menstrual blood. They can not hold it, which is why Prince charles or the queen would have been able to sense it. Perhaps the secret service would be murdered if they were to tell anyone. Just like Phil Schineder.

And what about finding scale sheddings in the sheets??? or is that a joke?lol

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon
The whole shape-shifting thing is not what it appears on the surface.

And as for you, what interesting information. yes I have come across that before from David Icke. but i also believe that the good race of reptilians underground can make it look like they are human, by projecting an image into our mind.

Well peace!


[edit on 26-2-2006 by whitelightwolf]

[edit on 26-2-2006 by whitelightwolf]
Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link. I cannot even begin to untangle this quote-on-quote!!

[edit on 27-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 01:58 PM

I touched the sand, I touched the water. I felt it all, it was amazing. Then when i woke up, the next day when it was time to go on our cruise, upon going there, it was the same exact ship i saw in my AP, and the same exact people I hung out with. Amazing huh? Do you have any experiences

Very interesting and yes I do believe you. I haven't had an AP experience, but lucid dreaming is something I can do. Usually it takes concentration. I am often carefree and simply enjoying fun in the dream world, but if I want to focus and mentally prime myself before going to sleep, I can achieve lucidity. The best time to do it is early in the AM when you wake up but know you've got another couple hours of sleep. Awesome lucidity can come in that pre-dawn time.

By the way, about Diana. Reptilians in human form are not able to hold their form whilst they smell menstrual blood. They can not hold it, which is why Prince charles or the queen would have been able to sense it.

Interesting. Indian sweat lodges also do not allow women who are "moontime" women, IE having their menstruation. Apparently this time makes them very powerful and it disrupts the sweat lodge. Considering the natives in my area have been doing lodges for hundreds if not thousands of years, perhaps there is some truth to a woman's power when she's in this state?

For example, my ex-wife would mentally/emotionally morph into Chupacabra when she got her period.

Perhaps the secret service would be murdered if they were to tell anyone. Just like Phil Schineder.

I would be careful basing your life's beliefs on Phil Schneider in part or in whole. I've seen video of him, and he seemed more than a little bit lonely, confused and affected. I do not doubt that he believes what he experienced, but I do not see him as fully credible. In any case, I believe Phil is at rest now, and that what the poor guy needed more than anything, from what I can see.

And what about finding scale sheddings in the sheets??? or is that a joke?lol

I was joking. Who knows tho', right?

The lizard story is used to misdirect you, IMO. Did you know that the US is bankrupt and that actually the titleholders could forclose on the US at any time? Did you know those same titleholders are in the UK? I don't think they really want to take possesion of the US, but they will continue tightening the screws until the US citizens can't pay.

I don't think we need lizard theories to figure out that America (symbol of free world) is in trouble. From my research, the country has been bankrupt and under admiralty law (often called statutory law) since around 1938 (shortly after the New Deal). The Supreme Court has ruled on policy, not law, since 1938, around the time of Erie Railroad vs. Tompkins.

Judges can't tell you this, but if you read enough, you'll figure out how the chessgame of the courts is played. Look into the Uniform Commercial Code. Check out code 1-207 and ask yourself, "What rights could be prejudiced if a person did not know and understand this particular code?"

Oregon, (for one example) is a work camp under the jurisdiction of the capital D.C. land area, and the coporate US (and it's subsidiary corporation called "OR"). The citizens of the continental American cities are actually administered as property of the D.C. corporation called "US". The citizens of this "Policy State" cannot be told this of course. They'd surely be upset if they knew. Here is Oregon code from 1933 which is obviously socialist in its phrasing. Recently changed to sound much nicer. Most Americans and occupants of the Federal area known as "OR" don't know any of this stuff which is hidden in their code. I have been reading a lot more code recently.

SECTION 7. ORS 285A.171 is amended to read:
285A.171. [ - In consultation with the Oregon Department of
Administrative Services and the State Commission on Children and
Families, the Oregon Progress Board in adopting biennial lead
benchmarks shall give priority to benchmarks that have the
potential to yield a high return on human investment, including
but not limited to greater worker productivity
and future
monetary savings
- ] [ + In consultation with the Oregon
Department of Administrative Services, the Legislative Fiscal
Office and the Secretary of State, the Oregon Progress Board
shall establish guidelines, based on best practices, for state
agencies to link performance measures to Oregon benchmarks as
described in ORS 291.110. As resources allow, the board shall
assist agencies in adopting performance measurement frameworks
based on achieving results that contribute to the attainment of
Oregon benchmark targets and other high-level outcomes of concern
to Oregon citizens. At least once per biennium, the board shall
report to the Legislative Assembly on state government progress
toward developing a system of performance measures as described
in ORS 291.110 + ].

The italicized section above is the original, old code from 1933. The other text, with the 'plus' symbols is the new code. Nice, huh? This is what America is about these days.

In fact, I am learning that all Americans, due to the insolvency of the federal American Republic, became human capital whose job it is to pay down the national debt, year after year, ad infinitum. In fact, this conspiracy is much more sinister than lizards.

Disinformation can be the best way to hide something. I am afraid that this lizard stuff is just a ruse designed to hide the present state of the American people who call themselves US "citizens".

[edit on 26-2-2006 by smallpeeps]" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow"> Mod Note: Surround your snippet and link to an external source with these new tags: [ex] --> Begin external source content
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[edit on 27-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 03:51 PM
Smallpeeps that's really interesting. And yes I have found that you can make yourself astral project in the early AM. For instance I went to my old house. it was empty, but it was crystal clear. Amazing expieriences. I am truly thankful for having them. Another thing about reptilian shapeshifters. Have you heard of Arizona Wilders interview? you should listen to it. I believe it. Because I have seen these horrible things myself in Florida. No, not alligators, alligators are adorable...compared to those hideous humanoid reptoid things I saw. Nope...that was def not a gator. It was half astral projection, and then real because I opened my eyes! And i saw them for was a very wierd experience. Did you read my story about it?

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Anyways...I know you are skeptic about my claim, and that is good. Everyone should be, I even am. But...I did see the reptilians, and i know it sounds outlandish, but I did see them. Actually...I find it funny, your anime character looks mad, which makes me think that you are angry at me all the time. lol. Ohwell.. Well I'm sorry if I have made you mad, or annoyed you.

I will respect that. And on that note agree to disagree, however, be warned, that future claims will require more proof, as most of the David Icke stories are proven hoaxes.

You need to know not to come across like you know everything about everything. Anyone can just say "I saw this, and this, and this." But the problem occurs when they don't have any proof besides words.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 03:59 PM
Alright..I won't be so harsh on people...sorry bout that. But I swear to god I did* see two reptilian things. Ok so maybe they weren't Draconians..but they were was really wierd, and really scary. Next time. If I can, I will try to get a picture of it.

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 04:02 PM
I am not in a position to tell you, you didn't see what you did. But I am in a position to say I don't believe it. Now I don't know what you saw, and I can't be sure you're telling the truth, thus is where the conflict occurs.

Good luck with your hunt for the truth. I've found mine, hope you can find yours.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 04:09 PM
I think that is realy crazy.....?
I like your story,
But.. is it at all possible in the slightest that you dreamt this?
I mean think about what your saying.
6 foot aligator people chasing you to your bed?
I don't doubt that you belive this, as i know that some dreams can seem so real it's scary,
Having had my own with demons and devils,
I know the feeling of waking up, heart beating, cold sweat dripping form your forehead. But you must think as logicaly as possible. I could almost belive part of it, but shapshifting, no. Hidden underground communities, no.
My real problem is.... If they are so much more superiour than us, why are we up here still, why don't they destroy us, what have they got to fear?

Nice topic though.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 10:26 PM
quick question:

since when did d. icke become a credible source?

really, i don't see any credibility in the man.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
quick question:

since when did d. icke become a credible source?

really, i don't see any credibility in the man.

*sighs* if only people would just understand. i've found my truth already. Now I hope you wake up.............

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Well I just wanted to point out...for those of you who do not know what reptlilians are, they are an alien species that is half lizard half man. lol. Souds bizzare doesn't it? Well, I hate to say it, but it is true. There are countless people as well as myself who have seen these reptilians. I have seen them in Florida, and in my own home town. However, I have only seen them on the astral plane once. The only time I saw them in real life was at Florida. It was a very scary experience. Here are many links about reptilians. If I were you, I would research about it like I have. I have done a tremendous amount of research. Here are the sites...

if you believe these reptilians are so real and you have seen them... why dont you take a picture and use that as evidence instead of something you found on google? a picture is worth a thousand words. shape shifting aliens... riiight, and i built the first antigravity machine. take a picture if you see an alien, then i might believe you.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 12:27 PM
How many times do i have to tell you guys that, I did not make that reptilian picture. once again, I found that picture on google cause that looked like what I saw. And I thought that people might recognize it too, if they happened to see the same thing I did. However..I will keep a camera with me next time I visit my grandma and grandpa. And If I am brave enough , and If they do come, then yes i will take a picture...I understand that you don't believe me. It's fine. i have my own proof, that's it. I can't give it to you, because I don't have it. What I have seen, you haven't unless you are telepathic, maybe I could send it to you that waylol, but people haven't been like that in centuries. Anyways...I hope I don't see them again. really. And I really don't care what you think. You are alllowed to be skeptic, I would expect that anyways.

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 27-2-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
*sighs* if only people would just understand. i've found my truth already. Now I hope you wake up.............

And you wonder why no one believes you, or really likes you, your attitude is trash. I resent that. I would suggest you take a walk, or leave. You've worn yourself on the welcome party with me.

If you can't get more evidence than the quack master, then you've got nothing, for the last time stories and your so called "experiences" do not count anymore. This is the internet, learn how to use it, no one will buy this, or next to no one, who's get a bright mind, because you don't have anything to show for it. Do you realize that while some people may believe in "David Icke" they only make up less than a .001% of the worlds population. Why? He's got nothing, it's been investigated into, it's not there.

Now please, stop this nonsense, get some help or something, I don't really care what you do, but you best loose your attitude, or you will find that you will have no friends here, or anywhere else for that matter, grow up.

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