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UFOs are a waste or your time.

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posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by McGuirk
ok this is the last time im going to try to get through your thick head. Once again you just stated they are not here. how do you know they arent? just because you havent seen one? have you seen god? do you believe in god? like i said before, many of us have seen things.

the above religion question is just to show you that not seeing something doesnt mean its not real or is real. the only thing you keep saying is "they don't exist". do you give me or the other people an explanation for things we've seen? no. all you do is say we are 'crazy'. you are a troll and im puttin you on my ignore list.

Thanks I appreciate that. No I am atheist!

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Devilishkitty

I think that these are most common misidentified objects. Most of the UFOs that we see are natural phenomena like earthlights and so forth. The supposed daytime discs(if any are real) most probably are Military secret planes. There are also balloons like the yahweh ones and the Mexico ones. Trash bags, Planets satellites, and believe it or not spy planes from other countries. Yes the war of secrecy is not over. Many UFOs that you might see in the skies are secret planes from other areas. This is why they fly around at such high altitudes and such speeds. To evade detection

Aww Well Gee Wiz... I wonder why Blue Book and The Condon Report didn't just say that ?

Also if mainstream Science agrees with you and not me , why am I watching a show on the Discovery Channel right now listening to Scientists talk about the future discovery of Alien Life forms?

[edit on 11-11-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:59 AM
I must go to sleep now and I know that when I wake up tomorrow this thread will be a memory. But I will tell you all this, the government is messing with all you believers out there.

Could there be life out there? Probably, its a possibility, are they visiting us, Not likely.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:19 AM
Thank you for your thoughts Kitty...or your rant rather...

I'm sure your significant other isn't giving you attention or there is no significant other and you just need a little attention, that is understandable.

Well, UFO's are definitly not real, esspecially since I have seen one, I mean, I must have misindentified these objects, flying around 40.000 feet, spinning around each other...I mean, that must be a secret spyplane or something! yeah...

and "rosewell" was very well debunked by mentioning projects that didn't start until the 50's, I mean, the date must have been wrongly reported...

And btw, is your name Sara by any chance?
because I dumped her...and she was just as skeptical

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:30 AM
All I have to say is that it is sad that "Skeptics" increasingly have to ignore facts and rely on their belief systems just to go to bed at night thinking they are correct.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

That is a Shepard looking at a class of angel known as a “Throne”. Its most likely one of the Shepard’s that attended the birth of Christ, shown receiving the message from an angel of the birth.

So if a person witnessed a UFO in the 15th Century there is a good chance that person would have considered it to be an Angel right?

A person might want to incorporate Angels in their Art Work.

Judging by the descriptions of "Thrones" I can find online, it seems as if most UFOs would fit the description of a "throne".

Other than the object in the painting doesn't look like a chariot wheel, and doesn't have 6 wings or eye's all over it I guess you could say it resembles a "Throne". But no more than a regular modern day UFO looks like a " Throne".

So it kinda makes me wonder how many other UFOs people might have considered to be "Angels" over the years ?

[edit on 11-11-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 03:40 AM
Hello Devilishkitty

Please have a look at this thread :

I look forward to your comments. Thank you.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 04:17 AM
You said.."science has proved that they don't exist."

Where, when did science do that?

Like i said before, it only takes one of those pics to be genuine for the whole subject to be true.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 04:42 AM
well here we have it a waste of time so is working for someone else making them rich but some ones got to do it . because you havnt seen one doesnt make it not real because you are athiest dosnt make reliegion not real for those who believe all photos are 100% bunk realy well i have debunked a few myself just 10 minutes ago right on this site but in the last 20 years i have seen photos and video that to me suggest in my mind something is floating about and no one knows what it is and if they do they arnt telling , when i first started looking at
the ufo thing I 2 thought *SNIP* but looking more closer i found that all through history things in the sky were seen
look harder

Mod-Note: Profanity Removed

[edit on 19-11-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Devilishkitty
I must go to sleep now and I know that when I wake up tomorrow this thread will be a memory. But I will tell you all this, the government is messing with all you believers out there.

Could there be life out there? Probably, its a possibility, are they visiting us, Not likely.

But I have enough evidence to believe that when you wake up, this thread will still be here...

And I believe it is YOU who the government is messing with... Believing condon report was scientific and succesfully debunked the whole phenomena.

[edit on 11-11-2005 by TheBandit795]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 06:22 AM
Lets see i have never seen a UFO or anything else unusual in the sky.However that doesnt make me a complete sceptic regarding their possible existence,and i remain open minded on what gets posted on ATS.Not all pictures/video posted can be claimed to be hoaxes and a waste of time,and some appear very genuine indeed.The Nellis video showing a UFO being tracked on ranging cameras is imo a good example of this for me.
Posting on the forums that UFOs are a complete waste of time and stating that all the evidence seen so far is bonkum really borders on trolling in my opinion.Especially as your posting on a forum that has deny ignorance as part of it signature.A better way of putting things would have been to say show me the proof of evidence rather than flatly denying there is any conclusive proof at all and basically labelling everyone as fools.
It doesnt show much respect for the views of others on the forums does it ?

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Devilishkitty

1. UFOs are NOT real.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by Devilishkitty]

Do you know what is the meaning of the word "UFO". It is an Unidentified Flying Object. You just can't spit out something like this, it just isn't serious. The question is not about existence, it's about ourselves. There are things in this world we can't understand and explain, that is why we are trying to think about them, whether there is a flying cow, a ghost or a flying saucer in the air. Whatever is out there, the presence is noticeable. The point is to seek the answer, not to find one. Remember, that denying everything you can't explain is not the way to live your life. Also, for each and everyone the questions and answers we find are totally different. Don't buy the truth, don't be blind. Open your eyes, heart and mind and seek an answer to those things that are totally unacceptable, hardly understandable and unknown to any of us.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Devilishkitty

People here try to say Aliens are real why don't they shut banish them. They have no proof. So whats the difference, oh I forgot this is about keeping the people ignorant and no mod likes someone who could wake them up.

Extraterrestrial UFOs. Nop. 100% Sure of that. No proof. See ya.

Ah…here we go again. Where should I begin?? Hmmmm…

Of course there’s no proof that aliens & UFOs exist based on your perception, your condition of existence, your life experience!! Fortunately, in this case though, knowledge in the existence of anything in the universe does not revolve around your opinion(s) or your disad-vantage point.

While your opinion on the UFO phenomenon may have the blessing of some of the most prominent from the scientific community:

“UFOs have some pretty tough hurdles to get over…No hardcore astronomer or astrophysicist will put any credence whatsoever to UFOs. The physics just don't work.” David Aguilar, director of public affairs at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

There may be an indirect ‘fall to your knees in wonder’ or a crack of acknowledgement from some in the same community that humans do not ‘know’ & understand everything about everything:

“If you're going to assume these are creatures that travel through space...this would have to be a whole new sort of physics we just don't know about."
David Aguilar

Please read the following: ‘UFOs - The Truth Is In MetroWest?’, especially James Neff’s comment in reaction to the article is right on the money:

These beings are not traversing space-time as we know it or by any means we understand. That much is brutally obvious. If the first is a logical given, the second is also. If the universe is so large and there are so many planets that it's a pretty slim chance Earth is the only one with life, it is equally logical then to postulate that intelligences on these other planets have developed the means to arrive here by a method outside of our crude and limited comprehension of physics.

The evidence points clearly to the conclusion our small planet has been visited throughout the millennia and probably for millions or billions of years. The various military powers of developed nations don't drop untold multiple millions every year sending their finest pilots and most expensive aircraft to intercept these things as a joke. The evidence is that some of these craft are capable of entering and exiting our planet - and perhaps our dimension - at will, and that places them far beyond conventional earth physics.

The notion that alien intelligences have traveled from the distant stars to planet earth by conventional means was abandoned as absurdly ridiculous even by science fiction writers in the 40s. UFO skeptics always trot out this lame "space travel" impossibility scenario, putting the blinders on the unsuspecting, as if there were no alternative theoretical physics available to the argument. We've come a long way, baby...THEY haven't! Some 'skeptics' remain astonishingly misinformed.

And do yourself a favor B4 u become a self-proclaimed spokesperson for a generation by asserting that UFOs are a waste of someone's time & forming an opinion on whether or not ETs or UFOs can finally be identified & comprehended, one way or another, as simply existing or not in your mind. Please read the following I posted on ATS not too long ago about the limits of science & using the scientific method when attempting to study the UFO phenomenon:

[edit on 11-11-2005 by evilution]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 08:47 AM

You are pretty ignorant and immature with your responses. If you would act a bit more like an adult, it might be easier to take you seriously.

With that said how do you explain the pheonix lights sightings?

I don't care what you say, it is IMPOSSIBLE with technology right now to have a craft that is over a mile long, that hovers, and moves SILENTLY... instead of us proving to you that UFOs are real, why don't you show us some proof of these being military crafts? Show us your scientific proof you claim to have

Also what about the belgium triangle sightings? They were well documented by the military and government. They recorded the craft going from almost at a stand still, to mach 40 in seconds. I don't care what you believe, but that would completely vaporize a human if it was 'military'. Oh and that is if we somehow have the technology to make anything go from 0-mach 40 without making a sound.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 09:15 AM
Maybe I shouldn't feed this thread, but here it goes.

Brazil: Operation Prato: Documents leaked that clearly show pictures of glowing disc shaped objects photographed over the amazon. This was a government investigation.
Now, why would they take pictures of and research something that doesn't exist?
Brazil has even said (hope I quote this correctly) "They have technology beyond our comprehension". Doesn't that say something?
The fact that numerous people have witnessed dots moving from one end to the other of radarscreens at incredible speed. Are these people liers?

The battle of L.A: a picture is taken and the event is witnessed by thousands, the picture which was featured in the moring newspaper clearly shows a discshaped object.

Hell, just look at this quote for one:

"These UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the earth, either manned or under remote control, or both."

-Colonel Joseph J. Bryan III, Founder of the CIA's psychological warfare staff, special assistant to the secretary of the Air Force, advisor to NATO, and board member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP).

Why would he lie? Why would such a prominent researcher like Sarbacher lie? Why would the base commander Col. William Blanchard grant the newspapers to print that they had found a flying saucer in Roswell? Why would a major take a weatherballoon for a UFO? Why would those that found the UFO say it wasn't a watherballoon since they had seen serveral of those before if it wasn't? Why would Dubose later say what they found wasn't a weatherballon if it was? What did Kenneth Arnold see flying in formation and in group of 9? Birds? Not likely.

Hell, there are so many hard questions to answer, but I guess you could call them all liars. But I wont.

I'm convinced that flying sacuers have visited or are visiting, the real question is, what are they?

A few pictures:

On the other hand, I do understand your doubts, I often doubt too. Still, there are enough suspicion to keep it alive imo.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:13 PM
It's obvious to me that DevilishKitty hasn't even investigated the subject

This sort of fear-based response to this subject is unwarranted,
because if you investigate the evidence fairly, you'll see that
these ET's have been here a LONG time...if they were that
scary or dangerous....we'd know by now.

Unless these sceptics actually view the evidence
I don't think they should comment

to be fair, they should consider ;

* viewing all 400 photos on

* watching the video download 'Open Your Eyes' (available on ATS)

* checking all the NASA ufo footage, including the STS-48
'Worm' footage and the STS-80 'formation' over Africa

* watching the Rendlesham & Keckberg ufo documentaries

* check all the pictures at

* View the Mexican, Brazilian, Australian & European
footage available on the net

For me, there's so much evidence out there,
it's a bit silly to argue against it.

But then, I've seen metallic saucers. '77 and 2002

Peace to all

[edit on 11-11-2005 by Ganesh2005]

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 12:46 PM
Thanks for that ufoevidence link..
Those pre-1940 ones are some I have never seen.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Phood
Maybe I shouldn't feed this thread, but here it goes.

I'm convinced that flying sacuers have visited or are visiting, the real question is, what are they?

A few pictures:

On the other hand, I do understand your doubts, I often doubt too. Still, there are enough suspicion to keep it alive imo.

Those pics are not convinsing enough. I see a hub cap trown up threw the air and a lenticular cloud. What the hell kinda UFOs are those. There more like IFOs. You see, no real evidence. Just misidentified flying objects and a hoax. Same stuff all the time.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by noslenwerd

You are pretty ignorant and immature with your responses. If you would act a bit more like an adult, it might be easier to take you seriously.

Yeah l know, but you aint any better. You believe in Flying Saucers. Me ignorant?

With that said how do you explain the pheonix lights sightings?
Also what about the belgium triangle sightings? .

One word for that, Flares. Yes do some research, they where flares.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Devilishkitty

One word for that, Flares. Yes do some research, they where flares.

I have more than done my research on this.

FLARES DO NOT FLOAT IN THE AIR FOR HOURS. The military later that night dropped flares to try and play everything off. Can flares stay in a formation and move across a city at the same altitude? Flares also leave a smoketrail, these lights didn't have a smoke trail, they also didn't flicker at all.

This has been examined in detail, and there are picture comparisons of what the pheonix lights look like compared to flares.

Why don't you go do some research

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