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posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 04:48 AM
Ahhh Myke. Your a peep that’s barking up my tree dude.

a reply to: MykeNukem

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I don't think I can see past the illusion.

Right, because sight is just a sensory input feeding the illusion.
Many do see the world very different though, they have an overlay that presents them with spacial and temporally non linear information. But it's still just that, a sensory input feeding the illusion...

One thing I find compelling is scientific research, where it could as well be our peaking into more depth that gives the illusion more depth according to our understanding. If so it's, utterly useless to probe further and our influence on the whole must be understood, before any real advances in those scientific fields could be made.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Interesting thoughts.

Sounds like some form of entanglement.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

Then there was the glowing orb of orange light.

I'm sure I've probably seen your account before but can you point me to where you've discussed it or tell us about it here? Mine was huge, seemed to wink in an out of existence and would "pulse" to life like a globe filled with molten metal.

Then there's my mother....

Intriguing. Also tempting...Yo Mama jokes and all that...

OP: Don't count God out just yet maybe? I mean someone has to program the thing regardless.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: XXXN3O

Great post very interesting indeed

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79

You and me, we're all players in this simulation, but we're hooked up somewhere else and this is all a projection.

We're put into a dream state wherever we are, and perhaps sleeping for only one night. So in this reality we can have a very long dream but in actual time it only lasted 7 seconds. Now imagine dreaming for 8 hours.. It would feel like a lifetime.

This lifetime.

You know something? Not every NDE which gets reported is the tunnel with a light at the end where your mommy and your childhood dog excitedly await you with open arms. There are near death experiences by the thousands, the tens of thousands where the exact same thing is reported by all. And that is that when the person died, the next instant he or she flung her entire torso up removing the head from out of a pool of liquid where he or she was bent over and looking into. These people all report being quite terrified and being surrounded. Fortunately for us though, as they keep taking deep breaths and cowering from the people surrounding them, one by one the faces can be recognized and they say they remember who everyone is, they remember exactly what they had done and why and they then kind of lose themselves in laughing and so so many say they laugh because they can clearly see they are back in reality and that wherever they are is so much more vivid and makes much more sense and it is funny that this world could ever pass when it is night and day and that is life and this is something other than life. If they come back and tell us about the experience, they always have their brain smewhat wiped again. They can no longer remember what THAT was or how it works or what this is or anything but they are often able to live out the rest of their lives totally carefree. But yea, u can look it up if you don’t believe me. It’s the phenomenon where people in trauma or cardiac arrest RIP THEIR FACES IN A PANIC OUT OF A POOL OF WATER OR OF CRYSTAL LIQUID SUBSTANCE OR ??? AND FIND THEMSELVES IN REALITY

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

I'll check that out, thanks.

Funny enough I just watched an NDE video of a Christian guy who was dead for 10 mons and met Jesus and he explained the love he felt and the knowledge that he experienced and I'm thinking to myself it's interesting that people all over the world have NDE's but a Muslim and a Hindu and a Jew have different NDEs and then here's your post discussing yet another different experience of being dead and going someplace completely different.

Which begs the question if there is only one truth why so many different experiences?

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Do you belief in a God and that there is another reality where your soul will be magically transported to after you transition from this dimension to the next after passing this test?

Yes and you need to read some of my threads here on ATS where I have written that We live on as pure energy after death Parts I and II.

I can also sense energy and the pure hate that you are spewing in your post which seems to align itself with the bad and evil in the world. So why is that and why are you angry?

I think that Jesus Christ still loves you baby so begone with you

edit on 7-1-2023 by Waterglass because: typo

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

This is the same type of crudeness I refer to in my OP.

Good job.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: 19Bones79

There are many Christians that will have nothing to do with organized religion of any kind.

Some of those Christians believe in an Electric - Holographic universe.

It fit's the Biblical narrative, actually.

It's too in-depth to go into here, but there's lots of info on the web.

Nothing new under the sun...

Here's an old example from Chuck Missler:

Not sure if you'll watch it, but I think you'd find it interesting to entertain the idea.

Thanks for sharing that old friend. Hope all is cool & groovy in your world. Can we still say "groovy?"

Missler was carrying. Intellectually speaking I mean. I also found it interesting that around the 1hour15min mark he mentions Hal Puthoff and ZPE (Zero Point Energy) and his significant contributions in that arena. Seeing as how Missler was listing scientific giants and Puthoff was mentioned along the way is making me rethink a thing or two.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: 19Bones79

Which begs the question if there is only one truth why so many different experiences?

It's as legitimate a question as it comes. However, It depends, firstly, on what one believes NDE's are. I don't think we can get very far on that route either way.

A better and more academically-centered argument that addresses your question/argument is intriguingly offered in Varieties of Religious Experience by William James. I'm glad I didn't stop there though.

As far as Logic goes, it seems to me that pure agnosticism is the only valid response if we count on what can and can't be proven and as far as all the book-learning ever is concerned.

So that leaves us, I think, with the experiential more than anything. Again, certainly subjective arguably. Not to be dismissed however. I do think there's someone you can know and trust more than anything in this life. Why do I personally believe this: Because He delivers.

Don't worry I ain't gonna preach a sermon here and I'm quite fond of your contributions Bones. But if I had to give just one starting point it would be the prophecies about Israel and the fruition, so far, thereof.

I mean it could be a coincidence that the only displaced people to ever keep their national identity after being scattered, hated everywhere they went to the point some tried to exterminate them and then be gathered back and somehow defend itself against serious onslaught. That it is was predicted begs, at the very least, some consideration.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I appreciate your reply GUT, thanks.

Don't you find it strange how the prophecies center around a people who has rejected the way, the path and the light, i.e Jesus?

If I'm not mistaken these prophecies you mentioned are in the NT?

Basically the part of the Bible which Jewish people reject?

How can they remain the chosen people if they choose to reject Jesus?

I agree with you that logic can only take one so far and then fails to explain the deepest layers of our reality.

From what I gather William James wasn't concerned about the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the religious experience but rather the effect it had on people.

One could say NDE's align with his viewpoint on
religious experiences when taken into consideration as to how people are permanently changed in a positive manner after having those types of experiences.

It's all experiential as you observe, I agree.

It's the sovereignty above all else that makes me stand back and question it all.

I can list numerous examples from the Bible where I find that sovereignty repulsive and certainly not a moral high ground from which any foundation can be laid that I can associate my soul with.

And if I stand morally opposed, I cannot in good conscience deny intuitive reasoning that something that is described as perfect is in fact not.

I would rather be faithless than disingenuous to my own understanding of right and wrong.

If one turns a blind eye to certain behaviors because of sovereignty, then all other concepts of spirituality lose their value, in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 05:00 PM
They had help, especially from the USA in this latest incarnation, and have been accused by some of trying to gain dominion over every culture they scattered to.

I guess a simple goy has little chance of seeing the shining plan.

a reply to: The GUT

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: bluemooone2


posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: 19Bones79

I can list numerous examples from the Bible where I find that sovereignty repulsive and certainly not a moral high ground from which any foundation can be laid that I can associate my soul with.

And if I stand morally opposed, I cannot in good conscience deny intuitive reasoning that something that is described as perfect is in fact not.

I would rather be faithless than disingenuous to my own understanding of right and wrong.

If one turns a blind eye to certain behaviors because of sovereignty, then all other concepts of spirituality lose their value, in my opinion.

No way I'm prepared or qualified to take you on on this lol. However, because of that sincere respect I do, at the same time, wanna throw a few things at you in response.

Firstly, In my opinion one is neither a thinker or a feeler if they don't come up against those very feelings and thoughts if they tackle the Bible. I know you're both. It's certainly not the only struggle I've had on my way to personal conclusions. There are things I struggle with now, too, especially since my nature is textual criticism.

I think there are sufficient answers to your point above that might or might not come easy. And you might still basically feel the same about it all after a more in-depth inquiry. I had to bump heads with it a few times.

I suggest having that conversation yourself with this "alleged good God." You know, "If you even exist how can you sell yourself as 'good' when you seem so bloodthirsty & cruel?" Kind of just like we're doing here. Maybe you've even done it before, but please humor me and have a go at "Him" again. Not much of a friend--or God--if one can't comfortably ask honest questions & state their true feelings to Him. If a still, small voice does show up---don't outright dismiss it. Please trust that I'm only speaking for myself and I'm not in any way attacking your own questioning of the universe.

I just think there may be more in this for you than you presently can--or even should--just outright believe. There was for me. I'm sincerely interested in your thoughts either way. This may be weird, or it may be intellectual honesty, but I can "believe" and remain open to new information at the same time---my belief has to hold up or I'll toss it.

"Faith" does come into play--like any philosophy or scientific theory really--but what has been mind-blowing for me is the personal verification.

Oh, and the scattered & gathered Israel prophecies are in the Old Testament---some more specific than others.

Here's how it is for me---I couldn't prove God, but he proved Himself to me. Regardless of this discussion, keep on keepin' on, brother, I always read what you have to say.

p.s. - That one world government stuff too...where did we hear it first?

edit on 7-1-2023 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
...and have been accused by some of trying to gain dominion over every culture they scattered to.

Seems kind of obvious "by some" includes you but you weren't ballsy enough to say it?

Having said that, I'm no fan of some aspects of Zionism but I do believe they have the right to exist. Besides, Israel, too, has it's own reckoning about it all and if reports are to be believed it won't be pretty...but neither will it be their end.

edit on 7-1-2023 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Again, I appreciate your responses, your kindness is not lost on me. And honestly if you found that within your belief which I couldn't I say good for you and I am happy for you as well.

When all is said and done my viewpoint is something that I need to explore while at the same time allowing for people who have different experiences the validity of their journey.

Oh, and the scattered & gathered Israel prophecies are in the Old Testament---some more specific than others.

To what extent these are self fulfilling prophecies would be interesting to note, but I can't deny that I do find it interesting how modern day events are playing out thus far.

One thing that caught my attention is how in the Bible it predicts how kooky people would get and when you look at how upside down certain elements in our culture have become it's pretty on point how accurate those statements are.

And yet, I'm also very aware of which people play a massive role in this social engineering that's taken place.

More often than not I notice the surnames.

Even so, if it's all being self fulfilled it's pretty amazing how quickly and efficiently it has taken place and quite frankly it blows my mind at how effortlessly it seems to have come about.
edit on 7-1-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79
Surnames. Oy!
I get it, I didn't really mean to just leave the impression I totally didn't but it's a whole 'nuther discussion and again one I've bumped heads with.

My final conclusion: Of course they actually are a remarkable people no matter what one thinks of them. And similar to your thoughts on self-fulfilling prophecy, I've wondered if the psychological confidence of believing you are God's chosen people creates a more optimized (if you will) race? It's either something like that or they are chosen for at least one purpose.

So the cream of the crop as it were rises to the top even in the criminal element and what are those that control the world but the largest and most powerful criminal organization ever.

I guess I'm saying I don't think it's totally exclusive at the top, though it might be.

Back to self-fulfilling prophecy, that real possibility has kept me literally pondering for hours. I've become convinced a prophecy self-fulfilled doesn't necessarily negate the prophetic part. But that's not the only reason I was personally able to move past the possibility. It's also just so dang weird, preternatural even, that one philosophy that's not universal would somehow self-fulfill a philosophy most don't adhere to.

You also, I'm pretty sure, refer to the part about people becoming lovers of self, increase of knowledge, etc. Freaky. Deaky. Dead-on. Again, to be fair, someone really in tune with human psychology might make a pretty good guess about that...if there weren't so many other examples of eery accuracy. Intellectually, on my own & rudderless, I'd probably lean towards something along Jungian lines.

One-world government, currency, generational "empire" control (that finally suggested to me preternatural organization in itself) natural disaster/disease, societal breakdown, the perpetual conflict in the ME et al, etc...I've semi-joked before that it was conspiracy theory that led me to God.

When I added it all up, I found it could be heartily debated but I couldn't outright dismiss it. Really enjoying this conversation, I can only imagine how cool and wide-ranging it would be if we didn't have to try and type it all.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I'm going to admit straight away I did not read every comment of this thread so if someone else mentioned it, please disregard.

What is with more people believing the flat Earth theory? I was on Discord and a person was claiming flat Earth is real so I asked him to join a private channel to try to convince me. He didn't convince me but he had a TON of talking points.

I'm not going to list any of his arguments, even if some of the arguments were things I had never heard before. I don't want to propagate this nonsense.

I understand people are curious but it seems the education system has failed many. Probably on purpose.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux

What is with more people believing the flat Earth theory? I was on Discord and a person was claiming flat Earth is real so I asked him to join a private channel to try to convince me. He didn't convince me but he had a TON of talking points.

I have never looked into the theory to any great degree but I do believe there is a question or two posed by the FE crowd that might suggest we don't understand everything exactly right. Or possibly haven't been taught everything correctly for some reason having nothing to do with flatness. I don't even remember what the question or two was. But I do remember someone suggesting the Holographic theory might explain any seeming discrepancy.

edit on 7-1-2023 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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