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America is destroying itself.

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posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 07:33 PM
Just as planned, America is destroying itself mentally (breaking the American spirit), financially and in military might.

Theres no denying the USA went down a road to irreversable destruction at the beginning of the Iraq war and the USA's spirit and sense of superiority is being weakened and weakened in preperation for the UN/NATO domination when the New World Order happens between now and 2012.

As a non-USA citizen, my view of the USA today is one of sadness. I see you Americans getting bullied and hurt daily by your government and with the Patriot Act type laws, concentration camps being built around the US, the conditioning of young school children in shapeshifting and reptillian aliens through seemingly "fun" books and the de-sensitizing of school kids to heavy military presence by big black helicopters full of army squads landing in school playgrounds is obviously all for preparing and conditioning the US population for what is to come - 1930's Nazi Germany.

As David Icke and many other theorists have said, using the USA to destroy itself is part of the process of implementing the NWO.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 08:23 PM
lol!, Let me guess you are a David icke follower, its only a matter of time before that psycho organizes a heavens gate type mass suicide thing.

I would recommend not posting if you do not know what your talking about, I LIVE IN AMERICA and I'm fine, the country is fairly strong and there are no I REPEAT! No immediate signs of the NWO, there is speculation and suspicion but it doesn't mean anything its all fluff. What it comes down to is your just wrong.

[edit on 31-3-2005 by iksmodnad]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by iksmodnad
lol!, Let me guess you are a David icke follower, its only a matter of time before that psycho organizes a heavens gate type mass suicide thing.

I would recommend not posting if you do not know what your talking about, I LIVE IN AMERICA and I'm fine, the country is fairly strong and there are no I REPEAT! No immediate signs of the NWO, there is speculation and suspicion but it doesn't mean anything its all fluff. What it comes down to is your just wrong.

[edit on 31-3-2005 by iksmodnad]

thats a good point im gland we can see 2 sides to the story

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by iksmodnad
No immediate signs of the NWO, there is speculation and suspicion but it doesn't mean anything its all fluff. What it comes down to is your just wrong.

While, like you, I'm not sure an NWO is coming soon, (or is necessarily THAT bad for that matter...beside the point) some of the signs Driver has highlighted are indicative of an imminent revolution of some sort, whether fully national, political, military, whatever. Still though, an New World Order is not likely for quite some time.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 07:10 AM
I can see you guys could benifit from viewing Alex Jone's documenties such as Police State III: Total Enslavement, Amrican Dictators & Police State: The Takeover.

They will surely wake you up to what is really going on in your country.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 07:35 AM
Driver, the same things were said of the Clinton Adm.

Remember Waco? How about all of those no-knock-raids that happened at the wrong homes and killed people in 1999?

The list goes on.


posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:30 AM
I keep hearing about this Alex Jones guy, can please have some back round on him?

links anyone?

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:49 AM

He's like David Icke... he goes around exposing the truth of the NWO and global conspiracy to the public.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 11:12 AM
Alex Jones (born 1974) is a controversial U.S. documentary film producer and radio host who vigorously works to investigate his claims that a New World Order is attempting to conquer the world. Often characterized as a conspiracy theorist, though Jones and his supporters bristle at this label, and refer to him as an independent investigative journalist.

Getting his start with a call-in format cable access television program in Austin, Texas, Jones' manic speaking style and startling accusations against the United Nations, the Federal Government, shadowy secret societies, nefarious multinational corporations and other staples of conspiracy theory eventually landed him a call-in radio show which is broadcast Monday through Friday on a number of AM and FM stations around the United States, as well as on shortwave radio and internet radio through the GCN Network. Jones still broadcasts his show on public access television in Austin, Texas.

Jones' politics are essentially libertarian; he is an outspoken advocate of American Constitutional minimalism in government and extensive individual liberties, and vehemently opposed to crony capitalism and institutions furthering these causes. Among conspiracy theorists, he's thought to be among the most well-supported investigators in the field today with nods from the likes of Ron Paul, Greg Palast and Bev Harris; all of whom he has interviewed on his daily radio broadcast.

He is something of an offbeat local celebrity in his hometown of Austin. Jones has appeared in Richard Linklater's feature film Waking Life as himself, spouting his trademark firebrand rhetoric. He has also been featured on Good Morning America, 20/20 Downtown, 60 Minutes, The Discovery Channel, A&E, BBC, Trio, Court TV, C-Span and SKY Television.

Documentary Films
Alex Jones has produced a series of videos. Major themes of Jones' work include the emergence of a totalitarian world government, political intrigue, erosion of civil liberties and US national sovereignty, the misuse of government power, corporate deception, government corruption, and cohesion between disparate power structures. He allows his listeners to freely make VHS and DVD copies of all his films. Digital copies of his films can also be found floating around the internet on various web sites and P2P networks.

America Destroyed By Design (1997)
Jones' first documentary film from the mid-90s. He travels the country and discusses how he feels the sovereignty of the US is being subordinated to global interests.

Wake Up (Or Waco)
A video by Jones that documents the 1993 Waco incident with the Branch Dividians, as well as the cover up that followed.

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)
In Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove Jones infiltrated the annual secret gathering of the Bohemian Club. He was aided by certain members of the local press of adjacent towns, who had been attempting for a long time to enlarge awareness of the meeting, and which protested it. The group however was enraged by the way Jones portrayed the event, calling it sensationalistic and that it could cause people to not take the event seriously.

While at the grove he was able to film and publish video footage of the Cremation of Care ritual, in which some of the most powerful men in the world allegedly gather before a 40 foot stone owl, and burn a human-like dummy in effigy of "dull care." They then proceed to "read the sign" within its ashes.

9-11: The Road to Tyranny (2002)
Perhaps his most popular documentary, 9-11: The Road To Tyranny was released months after September 11th. In the film, Jones presents what many consider shocking information about government involvement in not only September 11th but the Oklahoma City bombing as well. There is also a bit of a history lesson with clips from the past with tyrannic situations that Jones compares to events happening today. This film was considered his best work to date. A must see for the skeptical.

Masters of Terror (2002)
In what appears to be a sequel of 9-11: The Road to Tyranny, Jones explains why he feels the elite are using manufactured terrorism to get the population to go along with pre-planned wars in an effort to grab the world's remaining natural resources, consolidate wealth and destroy the middle class.

Police State 2000 (2000)
The first of a 3-part series; Police State 2000 has Jones focusing on the growing militarization of American law enforcement with footage of training drills, an apparent attack drill by Special Forces on south Texas tows called Operation: Urban Warrior, and concentration camps.

Police State 2: The Takeover (2002)
The Takeover focuses on what Jones likes to call the "Problem-Reaction-Solution" paradigm that he feels is being used by the government to terrorize the American people into accepting a highly controlled and oppressive society.

Police State 3: Total Enslavement (2003)
Jones' third installment in his Police State series. The film documents the rise of the Homeland Security, Patriot Acts 1 and 2, the Total Information Awareness Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison surveillance economy and more.

American Dictators: Documenting The Staged 2004 Election (2004)
In American Dictators, Jones presents information about the major candidates in the 2004 presidential race. This film was released in Fall of 2004.

MARTIAL LAW: 9-11: The Rise of the Police State (2005)
Jones' latest film, due in the first half of 2005. A preview trailer ( is available at his web site.

Internet Presence
Jones has quite a network of web sites. His main site is ( (short for information wars), which is run by his wife; Violet Jones and updated daily. He also enlists the help of Paul Joseph Watson from England to gather news and run a site called ( Watson also runs (, which mirrors much of the same content. In April 2004, Jones and Watson debuted (, a low-cost subscription service aimed to help financially subsidize the bandwidth for all the free content being offered on other web sites. For $4.95 a month, he offers unlimited access to all his documentary films, radio interview archives, clips from his cable access television show and access to digital versions of books he and Watson have written. Watson's brother runs ( and also; a hosting service. Another site in Jones' internet arsenal that is not updated as frequently is ( (a take off of the Drudge Report). In the Summer of 2004, an independent site called ( appeared designed to help listeners search through the massive amount of information Jones puts out through his network of web sites.

Americans Against Arnold
In the Fall of 2004, Jones formed Americans Against Arnold; a group dedicated to presenting facts about Arnold Schwarzenegger, who Jones strongly feels is being primed by powerful people in the world to be the next President of the United States. Jones says Americans Against Arnold began as a counter to the Amend For Arnold group that also began in 2004 and are working hard to amend the Constitution so Arnold can run for President. The site got some mainstream press almost immediately with mentions on CNN and in print media such as USA Today. He plans on running radio and television ads.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 11:15 AM
Driver you are right about America destrying itself. I dont think comparing David Ike to Alex Jones is very productive though. Alex does not speculate he only talks about and does documentaries on what he can validate and document.

To the people who say they see everything a fine, I dont understand this. We have been slowly gearing up for this coming police state since 1949. Talking about Waco and the laws that were put into place is not seeing the big picture.

Everything that has happened since 1949 has been to set us up for the police state, it is a low arduous proccess that cannot be rushed for then it is noticed by the Republic. Its a ratcheting effect and takes decades to set it up, it is now in the home stretch.

Every chess piece is in place, all it is going to take is for the NWO to use either a bio weapon or a nuclear device on one of our great cities and all of the draconian laws will be put into force. There are a few more pieces that will go into place first.

1) The National I.D. card
2) The toll road system
3) A little more conditioning, like the show COPS people getting used to the Police acting and looking like a miltary group.
4) Getting people used to desinated protest zones.
5) Finish demonizing the public IE: Oklahoma City Bombing was done so that if there is a patriotic revolution, the true patriots will be seen as domestic terrorists and the public wont care if those those people are sent to detention camps. All the school shootings, make you believe no one can be trusted, not even your children

I am sure there are a few others, the point is once everything is on the chess board you will see a terror act that will truley devistate us to the point that the sheep that have not awakened will scream for Martial Law. Once our freedom has been removed there will be no way to get it back.

Once America is no longer able to do anything to stop the Tyranny it will spread worldwide and the NWO prison/slave planet will come to fruitation.

This is not a thoery this is what is wrong with the world.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 01:41 PM
Odium thank you for all the info.

This guy just seems like a typical "F* America bandwagon guy.

Its like when ever a terrorist attack or major event in the US happens he has a freaking field day.

[edit on 1-4-2005 by iksmodnad]

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 06:57 AM
i used to live in America and it sucked, I feel alot freer now that I live in an Asian country.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 02:56 PM
Take a look at this too -

The UK is too getting like America with the 'Anti-terroist' bill passing a few weeks ago.

It's so obvious they are "preparing" the major nations for a Nazi/police state society where civil liberties are gone. This is all in preperation for the NWO 2012 deadline.

EDIT: Just found another article on how bad America is getting -

[edit on 3-4-2005 by Driver]

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by iksmodnad
I would recommend not posting if you do not know what your talking about, I LIVE IN AMERICA and I'm fine, the country is fairly strong and there are no I REPEAT! No immediate signs of the NWO, there is speculation and suspicion but it doesn't mean anything its all fluff. What it comes down to is your just wrong.

You were expecting a sign? Marching band?
Wouldn't really work then would it?

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 07:08 PM
hmmm, odd, i'm in america and can still do basically whatever the hell i want, literally, including shouting off at the mouth about how evil the country is. but that can't be, afterall alex jones says i'm losing my liberties. who do i believe? the man on the radio and internet who tells me one thing or the free way of life i experience ever day that totally contradicts mr. jones? well i'm just plain confused.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Code 3
Everything that has happened since 1949 has been to set us up for the police state, it is a low arduous proccess that cannot be rushed for then it is noticed by the Republic. Its a ratcheting effect and takes decades to set it up, it is now in the home stretch.

Actually, it goes back to the early 1900s, when the plans were first formulated from Colonel Edward M. House's first novel, "Philip Dru: Administrator" which described a totalitarian state America under a democratically-elected dictator under emergency measures. Although such plans have been laid out by the early proponets of the one world government under an Anglo-American controls as early as 1880s and 1890s (Rhodes, Milner, Carneige, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, the members of the Fabian Society, etc.). Colonel House is said to be the son of a Rothschild associate by the German name of Haus who moved to Texas in the early days of Texan oil industry (drilling for kerosene oil).

However, between the days of President Theodore Roosevelt to President George H. W. Bush, the NWO plans have evolved time and time again to respond to the ever-changing events and circumstances of which allowed the NWO planners and doers plenty of opportunities to take gradual steps in all political, foreign, financial, social, legal and military affairs. We're talking about a lot of very smart people doing this types for decades.

Originally posted by Code 3
Every chess piece is in place, all it is going to take is for the NWO to use either a bio weapon or a nuclear device on one of our great cities and all of the draconian laws will be put into force. There are a few more pieces that will go into place first.

Exactly. Expect this month of April to be the start of something big coming.

Originally posted by Code 3
I am sure there are a few others, the point is once everything is on the chess board you will see a terror act that will truley devistate us to the point that the sheep that have not awakened will scream for Martial Law. Once our freedom has been removed there will be no way to get it back.

At some points I expect considerable resistance from those who opposes NWO elite coming from all over the nation. I'm certain that the NWO Elite will misread and underestimate the American people. Liberties are not something we are willing to part ways even in the face of terrible odds.

To be honest, a major terrorist attack in the United States would turn the whole American people against President Bush and his administration because they would consider this as a big failure under Bush's watch. Plus it would look pretty bad for President Bush as he doesn't wanted to go down in history as being the only President to have two major terrorist attacks on the US soil and it would look bad on the half of the American people who elected him for the second term. Expect a lot and lot of ANGER from them.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 07:23 PM
that's some serious research there oleneo and good for you. but, what if nothing happens this april? what if your prediction, just like so very many others, doesn't come to fruition?

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 07:28 PM
There is no NWO. There is not a single shred of hard evidence to support the NWO, is there? Does anyone have anything that could remotely be considered proof (no this does not mean bending a dollar bill saying it looks like an "N" therefore it must mean "NWO.")

In my opinion, the NWO exists as an idea and a title to events (9/11 = the major terrorist attacks, NWO = government becoming more powerful.) I want proof of an actual NWO group. How did the idea start? Either there is hard evidence of something called the NWO or it started as a guess by someone.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 07:40 PM
I've began studying this suff on the net since I was like 13, but you know things are bad, when the world's BIGGEST pop group of the late '90s are singing about it. I'm scared so I'm reading as many books on brainwashing, populations, mythologies, etc. so that I can see how they do it. And I'm also studying 'The American Revolution' and rebellions and revolts earlier in our history. Because if we can't learn from them, we are screwed. Check, and see the UN "powers" and legislation worldwide, if you want proof. The UN even has propaganda in some types of libary books on other nations. So we got to study them, study "Real American History", and stay UNITED, or they will screw us like Jive Records screwed the Backstreet Boys.

[edit on 4/3/05 by BSB2005]
[edit on 4/3/05 by BSB2005]
[edited out general quote and added to header - nygdan]

[edit on 10-4-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 08:48 PM
I agree completely driver.

When it comes to conditioning the youth, the list goes on and on way more than you stated. Honestly i believe that the government is working to condition them, and turn them in to soldiers... There is plenty of evidence for this.

Its amazing how the people are being brainwashed. . .

Many people arent seeing the truth because of this brainwashing. They believe they are just as free as they used to be. They believe that the United States is still a democracy. If they look beyond Fox News, they will see that this is false.
I believe there is serious need for a revolution in this country. But im quite confident the government (those bastards) have done a good enough job at brainwashing the people to think they have it good in america. So not enough people see the need for a revolution. Which leads me to believe this country is doomed.

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