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I met a demon through a trance

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 10:54 PM
I've been doing business with this lady for 4 weeks.She can cast spells,communicate with the deceased and give psychic readings.I needed a few spells casted upon people who did me very wrong in life.She claims demons give her this power to do so.I didn't think much of what she said or the seriousness behind it.I took her words into consideration and seldomly respected what she told me.

On the topic of demons,I curiously asked what they looked like and how they sound.She stated they look and sound just like us.I told her I want to see one.

3 nights later,at 4:30am,I'm wide awake propped up against my bed surfing the internet.suddenly I started to feel very woozy,comfortable,laid back,at ease and peaceful.3 nights prior to this I began taking new meds the psychiatrist prescribed to me for severe depression.So far,no side effects I'm aware of.Despite the fact my bedroom around remained the same,at the same time it looked as if the whole room was covered in a wavy transparent look.I was here physically,but not in the same atmosphere reality I was before.

In my mind,and in front of my mental view,everything was pitch black.I could sense there was an abundance of empty space all around.A hallow open spaced room.Like sitting in the middle of a gymnasium,nobody else around and the room is completely black.No light anywhere period.

The first image I saw was a very old wooden doll shaped image an old ancient woman.her neck stuck out 2-3" inches.Her hair was all white,parted down the middle and almost to her toes.She was hopping along side my face from left to right.She disappeared off to the right never to be seen again.The next image was an incent stick engulfed in fresh hot black tar covered in soft burning "baby" flames.It had a nice warmth glow feel.I looked up and saw a white feather standing straight up.The incent stick disappeared never to be seen again.The white feather then tilted sideways and began to swirl in a perfect circle rotation over a candle light.The candle light explains me being able to see the wooden doll and incent stick.I looked to my left and "her" staring dead on at the wick,speaking words.Words I did not hear or understand.My guess,casting a spell.I remember looking down at a small round table.She sat on the left side.

I looked straight ahead of me and saw what i "thought" was a very dark forest green,blended with the color black,tarp,which looked fresh,wet or glossy.It had a "L" shaped look,looking back at the tarp,was in fact a wing.the spirit,creature or demon was shielding half his face so I couldnt see all of him.This was in my best interest so I wouldnt panic or freak out.Slowly and eventually he began to move his face around so I could see his reflection.The flickering of the candle wick made things easier,but harder,to focus.I only saw just enough to know he wasn't human,what he is and what he looked like.

I looked at her again.She was still in the very same exact formation: staring straight into the candle flame,waving the white feather around and chanting words.

The demon,in his true identity, was no longer there.In its replacement was a very distinguished looking gentleman wearing a fine tuxedo,tie and all.He resembled a model from a jc penny catalog or a top notch lawyer from new york.He wasn't too thin or thick,the perfect weight.His hair was shiny black and perfectly parted back.He looked 100% human though there was something about him that was "off",not all human.An "L" shaped bone structure began to puncture out of his left side cheek and then back into normal place.It didn't pierce the skin,it pushed the skin out and then let off.Instantly his left ear turned very pointy like an elf and then back to a normal sized human ear and then Just like that his neck turned into a "reptile with scale" look and then back into normal human skin.

I realized then and there he was a shapeshifter,transforming from human to demon/reptile back to human.I couldn't believe it.Out of nowhere came floating towards me was a peachy beige piece of paper 8x11" in size.There were a bunch of words in writing,all scribble,I couldn't read.On the top it read in fluent english "contract".It was at this moment I was waiting for someone to say "gotcha" or "surprise" in a manner this was all a joke or make believe,nobody did.I looked at her and back at him thinking this has to be a joke right? I hear about these type of things growing up in church,in videos,stories,music songs,etc.I never thought in a million years it would happen to me,and it clearly was.

I never did sign the contract,not because I didn't want to,but thinking it was too good to be true.I was waiting for it to hit me,the reality.This was actually happening.

When I reflected back thinking about everything,I came to the conclusion I made the demon angry by not signing the contract that laid before me at that time.What happened next.

From out of nowhere,coming from the dark black space all around me,were tire sized faces.As fast as they appeared,they disappeared.It was that,click,fast.They were popping in from out of the dark into the candle light.They were all over the place and every face was completely different from the one before and after.None looked the same,all different and demonic looking.This lasted 7-8 seconds.The very last few seconds I recalled seeing a 2' tall creature,completely naked with horse hooves for feet and a pig looking body come towards me on my left side and then darted back off into the darkness.He was moving extremely fast.He moved a total 20ft in 1 sec,10ft to get to me and then 10ft to move back where he came.The same thing happened on my right side.One came right up to me and back where he came from,into the dark pitch blackness.It was like they wanted to play tag,like kids.No sounds were made,I heard nothing.I didnt feel threatened by any of them,or the demon itself.

In my opinion I strongly doubt that was there intentions.I believe they wanted to both attack and hurt me,but didn't.

The trance ended after that,calmly and smoothly.It was an interesting experience.The whole time I felt calm,at ease,peaceful and grounded.It felt like my body was "covered" in a stillness firm and peaceful spell so I wouldnt freak out when seeing the demon and creatures.I was nervous,excited and scared.I felt scared,but couldnt express it.Something was preventing that from happening,purposely keeping me calm from seeing what was in front of me.

edit on 13-3-2020 by Dripper because: typos and correct spelling

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:03 PM
You've opened a door you don't have the power to close, I f you did, you wouldn't have needed help. Good luck with this one.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:10 PM
Wow, that's quite a story. Did you follow up with the spell lady to ask if she helped do such a thing? It's great that you weren't scared. I think fear gives a negative entity power.

I wouldn't sign any contracts though

Be careful, Im not sure how wise it is to mess around with negative entities without having knowledge. Although, it is all very interesting. Please post if you have any more experiences. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: blueman12

I explained to her exactly what happened.She pretty much confirmed on her end it wasn't a dream,illusion or mind tricks.It was an actual event.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: Dripper
a reply to: blueman12

I explained to her exactly what happened.She pretty much confirmed on her end it wasn't a dream,illusion or mind tricks.It was an actual event.

Ahhh, i meant in person but maybe i missed that part.

Do you think you'll be expecting more experiences?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: blueman12

This happened at home,not in person.She has alot of power and I truly believe her.Yes,i'll be doing business with her more often.She gave me a psychic reading yesterday.I asked alot of questions about life,my life and other wonders.Her answers were interesting.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: Dripper
Well, reading your experience as an objective observer, it could have been a supernatural event as you suggested, or perhaps you passed out, or zoned out and started dreaming. You mentioned it being 4:30 in the morning and you started some new medication. So objectively, I would ask, which possibility is the correct one?

What did the contract say or what was it for? If it had no content or detail, that seems very consistent with dreaming. Everything you mentioned recalling sounds very much like a dream, though I am not trying to say for certain that's what it was since I don't know.

What would be interesting if you should have such an experience again is, could you find out some information or something that could not have come from your dreaming subconscious mind? Maybe you could ask the demon to prove who he is, maybe by stating some ancient information that is not common knowledge but could be verified. Maybe he (or someone else in the dream) could tell you something personal about that woman you mentioned that she never told you about.

Basically, if anything could come out of it that could confirm this is not just something from your imagination, that might even help you yourself to confirm what happened and what is going on.

When I was a kid some of my older relatives would say that they encountered a deceased friend or relative in a dream. At the end of the dream, they would always ask, "...nice seeing you you again. But before you go, would you mind giving me a lottery number that I could play tomorrow?" They claimed it worked! IDK....

edit on 13-3-2020 by Elcabong because: Added another comment

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: Dripper

Just curious, how did you find her?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: Elcabong

It's ok to question my experience to find any contradictions,misleading information or false statements to disapprove my story.It's fair

I was wide awake,eyes wide open,not dreaming.The trance was confirmed by the lady who put me "in" it.Yes,I started new medication 3 days prior to this event,no side effects I'm aware of.This trance happened only once while taking my prescribed medication.Side effects,on any medicine,would happen more than once over and over.For the record I have been taking it between 9-11pm every night,not 4-6am if that helps.

The only word I was able to decipher on the contract was "contract".The rest of the writing,which was alot smaller in print,was written in all scribbly curvy lines and not actual words from what I recall.what was it for? any contract with a devil/demon or lucifer usually means selling one's soul for whatever they want in exchange.

There were 2 women: the lady,with whom I am doing business with in the paranormal world,and the wooden doll mirrored image of an old lady with all white hair.

If I encounter into another trance,what ancient information that isnt common knowledge should I ask? This event has not happened before or since then.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Dripper

Well, just off the top of my head, perhaps ask the demon his name. Or what is this contract for? Your soul I would presume. Ok then, so why does he want your soul and what is he going to do with it? What is he promising in return?

Of course, not that you would ever agree to anything, you're just asking questions since he's coming to you.

Where does he come from or reside? How old is he? Does he know Jesus?

Or just ask in general, what can he tell you that you don't already know? That's a tough question for your subconcious, lol!

But, clergymen and those who claim to deal with demons say you should never talk to them. But I say, then how would you know he's a demon? Maybe he's some kind of interdimensional being that some people just refer to as being a demon out of religious ignorance. Apparently, he's not all that powerful since he needs your "permission" or "signature" to get what he wants, so what can it hurt to get more information that would allow you to verify this experience?

This doesn't refer to your experience and please don't infer that I'm belittling it in any way, but in most alien encounters I read about, I always wonder why do the aliens always say and do things that were done in old Star Trek episodes? These are aliens who have crossed millions of miles of space for goodness sake, why can't somebody ever ask them something relevant? So, that's why I think it's good to be able to verify.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: blueman12

She found me,from an ad i placed on facebook.ISO someone who can place spells,hexes and curses on others.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Dripper

Wow, that's very interesting! Did any of the spells, hexes or curses work?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:07 AM
For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: Dripper
You've been here five years it was nice knowing you, I predict you will be dead with in a year.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: JON666

The demons told you.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: Out6of9Balance

Nope it's the law of diminishing returns. They have sown to the wind seeds that will take root and reap of a harvest back upon himself.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Dripper

I needed a few spells casted upon people who did me very wrong in life.

You sought vengeance by contacting a medium to cast spells on people who wronged you and you wonder why demons are messing with you. I have no pity for you. You reap what you sow.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: JON666

They try to install rules and laws but really, they only apply if you believe so. You are the only one who can kill yourself, never belive a word caring hatred and fear.

Don't make contracts about such things with no one ever, demons or angels.
It's almost impossible to reverse them, and you will be their puppet forever,

Stay away from that women, she is a puppet trying to recruit more souls...

Let go of your anger towards your percieved enemies, but show no mercy if suble energies try to invade your private"sphere".

Sincerly NC

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Forgive them because they don't know what they do!

Everyone deserves a second chance...

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: Dripper
You're depressed and you're taking new medication. You're up late at night and likely tired. You've been seeing someone who is feeding your very active imagination, and you tell this person AND YOURSELF you would like to see a demon. Gee, I can't imagine why you would dream/daydream/hallucinate something of this nature. The experience, and the demon were all in your mind. None of it is real.

Please...instead of seeing a psychic, go see your doctor/therapist and tell them the new medication may be causing adverse effects on your psyche. I wish you well, and I hope you are able to overcome your depression.
edit on 3/13/2020 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

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