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Georgia Abortion Bill

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posted on May, 11 2019 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

What are 'female reproductive rights' ?

If you don't know, you're in the wrong thread and on the wrong web site. We have a motto here: "Deny Ignorance". Go educate yourself.

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

So just what was the piss poor decision that the 11 yr old made and isn't it kind of expected that 11 yr olds will make some stupid mistakes anyways?
And just what would be the piss poor decision that a couple would have made when the shelled money out to a fertility clinic in hopes that their dream will come true only to find late in the pregnancy that the little bundle of joy they were hoping for is so badly deformed that it will not be able to survive outside the womb if it even makes it to that point and is increasing the risks to the mother substantially.
As far as the hang the rapists bit the sad truth is that far too many even when convicted seem to get what's closer to a slap in the wrist
As far as the idea that end an unborn life via abortion is murder. Well it seems that many are more than comfortable when it comes to ending the lives of many some of whom are children by dropping missiles onto villages.
If the mass killing of nearly entire villages isn't murder as long as the political nitwits in govt can find a way to claim its for our national defense. Then preventing a 11 year olds pregnancy from progression to limit the risk of damage to her young body and mind isn't murder either!!
That case will be interesting to watch and could open up a completely separate discussion.
Will she get and exemption of so how long will it take. It seems to be a no brained to me you just don't force children to have children. Its not healthy. To refute that to me is placing the right of the unborn far above the right of the host carrying it and should but probably won't produce and outcry from every women and man of they have deep emotional road to a women.
The other discussion that might arise would be what is the child's parents agree that the best course of action would be to end the pregnancy but the girl doesn't want to? I'll be honest I don't know where I would stand in that one.
edit on 11-5-2019 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: EternalSolace

I like how you're so pro life, except if they are poor or stupid.

You are so compassionate and caring for your fellow human.

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 12:49 PM
Six weeks, huh? No one knows they are pregnant in 6 weeks. Ask a nurse.

As I am not a woman, I don't get involved in other people's parenting choices because they are none of my business. The Baptist sharia posturing of the right wing (who eschew regulations for literally everything else) continues to illustrate how most talking apes are "still cooking" well beyond the hundredth trimester.

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Mind showing me where the people voted for this law?

Yes, I do mind because it's obvious. All laws in the US are passed by a legislative body voted on by the people.

Now, mind showing me how telling someone their opinion on a law doesn't matter is not denying democracy? I have as much to say about the laws in our country as you do, thank you very much!


posted on May, 11 2019 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Phage

I also noticed a clause in there that declared unborn babies as persons for the purpose of representation in some instances... not 100% sure what that's about, but considering the rest of the bill, I doubt it's good news.


30 years in jail for if a woman has a miscarriage. Has the US entered the 'Dark Ages' ?

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: bastion

Catch up, my friend. We entered the dark ages some time ago.


posted on May, 11 2019 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Nobody votes for lawmakers to pass oppressive laws that violate the US Constitution and wind up costing the tax payers big bucks in legal fees, only to get shot down by the courts. That's not how democracy works in America. Lawmakers take an oath to uphold the Constitution, not to violate it.

edit on 11-5-2019 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 02:13 PM
So, what if a Killer asteroid hits the earth and wipes us all out, willabortion matter?

This is a silly argument, because it is a moral argument, and morals are as fluid and the beer in your glass.

peronal morlity is as different as fingerprints, so no therewill never be an answer that makes everyone happy

(like most things in life)

everyone has their own ideas on right and wrong, all one can do is find others with similar atitudes and get along peacefully,

even then some folks will feel excluded or that it's for racist or sexist reasons, My goodness now in junior and highschools it's "cool" to be gay in some form or another, hetro sexuallity is now deviant.

It's ok becuase any children the next generatrion has will feel the exact opposite!!

it's OK the USA was a fun expirement, and all good things come to an end.

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Not one word of that has anything to do with my statement.


That is the single most ridiculous and offensive argument I have ever heard and every time I hear it, it makes me completely tune out anything else that is said. YOUR opinion means nothing to me now.


posted on May, 11 2019 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: thedigirati

It seems with the moral fluidity of Ohio, this 11 year old girl might just see the courts award parental rights to her rapist too!

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

LOL! Triggered?


I get told that all the time on this site! But, when did I say that to you? When did I say that to anyone in this thread?

That is the single most ridiculous and offensive argument I have ever heard and every time I hear it

So, let me get this straight? You think that if lawmakers violate their oaths to uphold the Constitution and knowingly write laws that violate the Constitution and the attack the constitutional rights of their constituents, that's the voter's tacit will?

edit on 11-5-2019 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

When did I say that to anyone in this thread?

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

And, that's why people like you should never have a say in female reproductive rights.

As for the rest of your post, I don't care. As far as I am concerned, you forfeited your right to have any say on this subject by trying to deny others that same right. I don't deal well with fascist attitudes.


posted on May, 11 2019 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

And, that's why people like you should never have a say in female reproductive rights.

Well, aren't you the snowflake social justice warrior, defending ignorance when it fits your agenda!?

He/she didn't give an opinion, and I didn't reject or dismiss any opinion they gave on the topic. He/she couldn't understand the question:

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

a reply to: JAGStorm

Abortion is Murder . Hope I Cleared that up for you ...........

Is it not murder if they don't let that child get an abortion and she dies?

I Fail to Read the Logic in that Post . Huh ?

and when I restated the poster's question, he/she said:

Stupid Loaded Question , NEXT................

Someone who can't understand a question, that involves real life or death ramifications, probably shouldn't try to inject their deflective and dismissive comments as credible conversation.

As far as your righteous indignation of the defense of democracy...this has nothing to do with democracy. Your opinion falls under free speech. You have no right to expect to be acknowledged or respected for your speech, just not jailed or otherwise punished by your government. But, your speech in not the same as a qualified electoral vote on a balloted measure. Your speech, your opinions are just that, opinions. I have the right to reject people's opinions, including yours, all day long without violating anyone's civil rights or the tenets of democracy.

Not any of the state's citizens got to vote on defying the US Constitutional to award a fetus 14th Amendment rights and strip women of theirs. State citizens did not vote on banning abortion upon a audible heart beat, in violation of Roe V Wade. State citizens did not elect officials in good faith expecting them to violate the sworn oaths they took.

edit on 11-5-2019 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 04:24 PM
Good for Georgia. Law is a good tool. Liberals should be encouraged to move to some fallen state and go extinct.
Babies are innocent until proven guilty of being as dumb and fallen as their parents.
2-3 week into conception a new live combination of DNA is in place and a new human starts to form nervous cells.
It's not woman's body, not her DNA. This argument is dead and liberalism is sociopathic. I dont like many things about Russia but I like their law against public promotion of homosexuality. Killing kids is socially much worse and dangerous behaviour. Confusing children about their gender too. Such a law would make a diferrence.
Look at these stupid liberals. They dont know what to say. What a trash.

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You rejected him giving an opinion. Done.

Your words are meaningless.


posted on May, 11 2019 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You rejected him giving an opinion. Done.

Your words are meaningless.


The poster rejected the topic as stupid and loaded, when asked about a pregnant 11 year old rape victim dying and who should be punished if she dies due to her pregnancy, the rapist who got her pregnant or the state that denied her the right to an abortion.

Why should I have any consideration for their attempt to insult women, deflect from a topic they don't understand and insist on interjecting their ignorance into? Why I listen to you debase me and lecture me on how valuable their opinion is?

You obviously don't understand democracy and free speech, or civil rights either, for that matter, if you think that the state has the right unilaterally ban all abortion and force an 11 year old rape victim to give birth to her rapist's spawn.

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Lol. The law doesn't go into effect till the first of next month I think so maybe it will be taken care of before that. If not I'm pretty sure she will get an exemption. I mean if they don't give her one there is gonna be a media frenzy over it and they can kiss any chance of roe being overturned.

posted on May, 11 2019 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Why should I have any consideration for...

I suppose in your mind, you shouldn't. No one's opinion matters except the ones you agree with.

Should we stop Republicans from voting as well? Maybe shut down Fox News, since you likely don't agree with them. How dare anyone express a point you don't agree with!

That argument you used has soured. Everything else is irrelevant. You believe in the suppression of democracy and speech. At least be adult enough to admit it.


posted on May, 11 2019 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

This law will be overturned before it can be used. It should be easy enough to get an injunction against it, and the courts will shoot it down... as they should. It's a bad law.

If it has any effect on Roe vs. Wade, it will be to strengthen it.


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