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This months Newham mag has gays and drag queens teaching little boys and girls

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posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I agree with you and I do not get it why others also do not agree. Its simple science. If you have a learning, impressionable mind of that of a youngster, its young years are the worst time to start filling with information that is not relevant to its life at this point in time. Its biology will begin to truly show when they reach puberty and then and only then should they be given the free will to travel whatever road they wish to travel. It should not be for adults to stand there and fill a young mind with misinformation. You may as well say the children's parents do not love them to their faces because after all, should not affect them, they will know biologically right?

- Can't at all do irreparable psychological damage that could leave a child lost.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

In Britain you would go to the Christmas shows called Pantomime, where the leading man was a girl, and the guys dressed as old women. Every straight person literally laughed their heads off, Kids were the main audience. Their was no big hoo-ha about it back then when being gay meant being happy. Things really have changed.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I know, even stated as much

Just wanted people,to note that Christianity can't be taught in many places due to government policy but lgbtq stuff is fine to be taught

Don't you see the irony

If you want to have a tantrum truthx go have your tantrum at the person who derailed it. I just answered questions

Report me, do something but don't act as the ats police, you ain't that doobie doo, just a pleb 😆Like me

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: oldcarpy

But its okay for teacher to read stories where dad goes off to work and mom cooks dinner and cleans the house isnt it?

Of course it is!

That is okay to impress on the kid. Even though it fosters sexual rolls in society?

Um... no. What a small closed perspective...

I was a stay-at-home mom. Not because it was my "sexual role" but because it was practical. Someone had to manage the home and family and I was better at it than my husband. I still am. Part of being that domestic goddess was to teach my kids life skills and responsibility too, and I don't recall gender or sexual roles being part of it. My son and daughter had the same chores and family expectations. That was their contribution to the home. Their job was going to school and getting good grades.

I also worked from home. So my kids saw both their parents working and earning and contributing. They also saw dad contributing to the housework, and of course, he did many repair/maintenance jobs that I couldn't -- and therefore did not -- do. They also saw dad cook -- because he likes it! Unlike me, who doesn't like to cook. I just like to eat good food.

So what did my kids learn? They learned that if something needs doing, it's everyone's job. They learned team work and cooperation and fair and appropriate division of labor. They learned work ethics and responsibility and the satisfaction of a job well done. They learned life skills and how to take care of themselves and their home and their belongings.

My daughter-in-law told me a couple weeks ago that my son does more -- and better -- cleaning than she does. I'm not surprised. I never had to tell my son to clean his room... unlike my daughter, whose room we called "the abyss" at one time. I never had to tell him to do his chores either, unlike my daughter. But my daughter still learned and somehow today doesn't mind keeping her own home nice!

So I really don't know why you think such stereotypes are necessary or appropriate or even accurate. No gender roles with this family. Just family rules.

So yes, by all means, let's have books about families with a stay-at-home parent!!!

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

No, what youre being exposed to is people who dont think like you, who have a different opinion. Acceptance is one thing, letting people with a SICK agenda teach my kids anything, is quite another. My opinion and I will fight for it, one way or the other. Coddling and nurturing a sick agenda is ruining society.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist
I still can't believe people are falling for this agenda!

In this months mag we have gays and drag queens reading gay books to little children and telling them that its great to be gay!

Surely this shouldn't be allowed?

who has allowed this to go on?

To me this isn't about 'tolerance' like they say, they are trying to tell children that it's normal behaviour, manipulating little children into being like them.

Should children be being taught about transvestites, transexuals, gays?

Children don't see what Adults see behind all this fake 'tolerance' bs. I wonder if schools even teach about heterosexual couples and pro=creation these days. Yes, we are over=populated but teaching children to be gay isn't the answer.

Below is a photo from the cover of the mag and a photo of the first paragraph from inside the mag:

It's 2019.

You might want to catch up...

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

Tranny is an offensive word. You demean yourself by using it. Do you use the N-word, too?

And some education for you: drag queens are not transexual. They are acting out a part. A trans person is someone who feels their gender identity doesn't match their sex. A transgender person conducts their daily life as a person of a different gender. A drag queen stands on stage dressed like a woman and lip syncs. Or in this case, reads to children.

In re: to baptists, perhaps you're behind on your news. There are myriad, recent stories about rampant molestation happening among the southern baptists. Here's one article:

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: Rokal
Stop being an idiot. You cannot change a straight person gay and vice versa. When these children grow, sure some might be gay, that doesn't mean anything.

Stop fearing gay people and drag queens. One more thing I find people like you are usually the kind of people who hate what they are hiding from the world, is this true with you?

How do you explain women's softball teams? Or would you suggest lesbians are just genetically superior at softball? Normalizing the behavior makes it a viable option for confused hormonal teens in a situation that is clearly environmental . 50 years ago, the world wasn't upside down. Now you have television implying that every family unit has a gay person.

Stop taking the "evidence" there "could be a genetic link " to the extreme that it is 100% genetic and environment plays no part. No science supports that. There have been studies with identical twins to disprove that.

Secondly, why would anyone think it is ok to talk about this kind of stuff about any orientation with little kids? The nonsense needs to just stop. There is nothing "normal" about a drag queen. This whole situation has done so much damage to society.
edit on 20-2-2019 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: Rokal
Stop being an idiot. You cannot change a straight person gay and vice versa. When these children grow, sure some might be gay, that doesn't mean anything.

Stop fearing gay people and drag queens. One more thing I find people like you are usually the kind of people who hate what they are hiding from the world, is this true with you?

How do you explain women's softball teams? Or would you suggest lesbians are just genetically superior at softball? Normalizing the behavior makes it a viable option for confused hormonal teens in a situation that is clearly environmental . 50 years ago, the world wasn't upside down. Now you have television implying that every family unit has a gay person.

Stop taking the "evidence" there "could be a genetic link " to the extreme that it is 100% genetic and environment plays no part. No science supports that. There have been studies with identical twins to disprove that.

Secondly, why would anyone think it is ok to talk about this kind of stuff about any orientation with little kids? The nonsense needs to just stop. There is nothing "normal" about a drag queen. This whole situation has done so much damage to society.

What are you worried about? The "gay" may wash off on the kids? And, even if it did, what's the problem? Seriously...

And it is genetic. That's the way people were born. Of course environment has some say in it (nature vs. nurture), but think about it for a minute: how many people identifying as gay have come out to their families/communities to terrible consequences? More than you probably are willing to admit.

And, ask yourself this: who in the world would want to identify as being a particular way that is looked down upon by WAY too many people in this world? People would choose that?


posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

What about the first season of Glee?! Would you start whistling Barbara Streisand songs


posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: Rokal
Stop being an idiot. You cannot change a straight person gay and vice versa. When these children grow, sure some might be gay, that doesn't mean anything.

It does... Children's minds are malleable. If a child grows up in a nazi family, and goes to a nazi school, there is a 99% chance the child will grow up to be a nazi...

Likewise, when children are taught about sex, about lesbian sex, homosexual sex, etc, most of those children will be conditioned to do exactly what they are taught...

originally posted by: Rokal
Stop fearing gay people and drag queens. One more thing I find people like you are usually the kind of people who hate what they are hiding from the world, is this true with you?

If there was any truth to this then you, and every left-winger, is in fact a hard line Republican... You probably don't like it when your absurd argument is used against you, do you?...

edit on 20-2-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Kudos for the strangest demonstration of Godwin's law.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Kudos for the strangest demonstration of Godwin's law.

It is a FACT. Sorry if you don't like facts, but when children are taught, and conditioned to be like x person, most children will become x person...

If children grow up in a Christian family, go to a Christian school, and have Christian friends, what do you think most of those children will become?...

edit on 20-2-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Feb, 20 2019 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

If you think children can be conditioned to be attracted and turned on by the same sex, that is an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence. Nazism is an ideology and Christianity is a religion. Children can be trained to alter their view of the world through either or both one of them. That is psychological aspect. Orientation, on the other hand, is biological and is locked. Why do you think that gay conversion therapy never worked on gay children?

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
That is psychological aspect. Orientation, on the other hand, is biological and is locked. Why do you think that gay conversion therapy never worked on gay children?

Orientation is not a biological trait, if it was there would be a gay gene, and it would have been found by now, but there isn't. Sexual orientation is a psychological trait that can be conditioned into young children. Does it work 100%? No, there will always be exceptions to the rule, but more children will emulate what they have been taught, and conditioned into being.

How many children have decided to follow their parents footsteps in choosing their careers? Why does a child who has a father, or mother who are cops want to become a cop as they grow up? Children emulate what they see, and what they are conditioned into being.

Why do you think so many children/teenagers who have been psychologically brainwashed by left-wing psychologists into believing that "sex re-assignment was needed," and then many of those children/teenagers became depressed, and many have even committed suicide because after the sex re-assignment surgery many realized they didn't really want sex re-assignment surgery, and it didn't help them at all?

edit on 21-2-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 02:35 AM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

If you think children can be conditioned to be attracted and turned on by the same sex, that is an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence.

Gender Dysphoria and Children: An Endocrinologist’s Evaluation of I am Jazz

April 5, 2018By Michael K. Laidlaw
As a younger child, when Jazz went to see this doctor, he actually had the condition of gender dysphoria. He was not transgender at that point in time. In fact, most children who suffer from gender dysphoria will no longer experience it by the time they become adults. In other words, about 90 percent of biologically male children who believe they are female as young children, when allowed to go through normal puberty and enter adulthood as men, will identify as biological males.

Take, for example, Cynthia Nixon of Sex and The City fame. In a 2012 interview with New York Times Magazine, the actress casually mentioned that homosexuality was, for her, a choice. “I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me.”

The blogger John Aravosis was one of many critics who pounced on Nixon. “Every religious right hatemonger is now going to quote this woman every single time they want to deny us our civil rights.” Aravosis leveled the same accusations against me in 2014 when I wrote a piece for The New Republic discussing my own complicated sexual history. Calling me “idiotic” and “patently absurd”, Aravosis wrote, “The gay haters at the religious right couldn’t have written it any better.”

For Aravosis, and many gay activists like him, the public will only accept and affirm gay people if they think they were born gay. And yet the available research does not support this view. Patrick Grzanka, Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Tennessee, for instance, has shown that some people who believe that homosexuality is innate still hold negative views of gays. In fact, the homophobic and non-homophobic respondents he studied shared similar levels of belief in a Born This Way ideology.

I’m gay – but I wasn’t born this way.

edit on 21-2-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct excerpt and add link.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 02:46 AM
Very well. If someone would read me a gay book when I was 4 I wouldn't feel like alien for next 10 years

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: KiwiNite
Very well. If someone would read me a gay book when I was 4 I wouldn't feel like alien for next 10 years

You don't instill children to follow a certain path by just reading a book... These days children aren't just "read a gay book once..." These days children are inundated with "sex classes, gay centered cartoons, etc, etc," day after day, after day, throughout their childhood, into their teens, and as young adults.

Heck, if ADULTS can be compelled/forced into certain behaviors, what makes you think children cannot?...

I can give you MANY examples of how ADULTS have been conditioned/compelled to certain behaviors which "they were not born with." For example: "The Stanford Prison Experiment," or even Project MKULTRA.

The mind of a child is still in development, and it is very malleable. You essentially brainwash children into certain behaviors, and they will emulate them. At least most children will.

Why is it that so many children who are sexually abused become sexual offenders? Why do you think that is?...

edit on 21-2-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:04 AM
Ok, just wanted to say thanks to all those who have supported me in this thread. I did leave it a while as I live in different timezone to others.

We won this debate!

Soon i'll go through the replies I havn't yet read and will reply to those I need to but be assured I have and will read them all.

Keep up the fight. It's the only way we can win this war!
edit on CSTThu, 21 Feb 2019 04:04:38 -06000000002804x038x0 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: dug88
Sometimes I wish I could just link one of the tranny boards on one of the Chan sites in here every time I see a thread of people arguing about this. Hell even on there they used to go pushing their # on other boards whining about acceptance and I don't think i've ever seen a website more accepting of humanity's #edupedness than those sites. Anyone that thinks that a good 90% of this isn't about sexual fetishes and generally about encroaching on traditionally female spaces because of feelings of failure as a man or generally trying to force acceptance on everyone for their fetishes would change their mind fairly quickly.

Every trans person i've ever met in real life never shuts the # up about their genitals or their procedure, or what it's like to have sex as a tranny.

This # is not something children should be exposed to. It's got nothing to do with tolerance or acceptance of people who are different. I'm fairly tolerant of most people...except people that push their # on everybody and force people to not only accept them but encourage them or they'll cry and throw a #ing hissy fit. # em.

We are just being protective and concerned... not bigoted which is the word that get's thrown around too often. There's certain people children DO NOT need to be around.

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