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How Did Republicans Go Wrong

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posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:30 AM
The Republican party destroyed itself when it got into bed with social conservatism. The country shifted heavily to the left socially, then the GOP had nothing left to get elected on besides selling their soul to big corporations. Funny thing is more and more of these mega corporations are controlled and operated by extreme leftists. So once that rug is pulled out from under them as well they'll have nothing left to stand on at all. They're all merely myopic, self-serving turd brains that don't even pretend to represent limited government in any way whatsoever.

I also find it humorous that the left are now following republicans down the same sewer pipe via their unhealthy obsession with identity politics. They are essentially turning themselves into the old religious right we all fought hard against to marginalize. Now it has come back upon us tenfold from the opposite spectrum in the guise of "P.C.".

Will be interesting to see which side smartens up first and returns to a more intellectual and pragmatic platform. All we have right now are idiots yelling at themselves in the mirror.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: sooth

Will be interesting to see which side smartens up first and returns to a more intellectual and pragmatic platform. All we have right now are idiots yelling at themselves in the mirror.

I'm betting on both parties imploding, leaving us with smaller, more doctrinaire parties. The Dems will feed the Democratic Socialists and Green parties, and the GOP will feed the Libertarians and produce a Christian party.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
It is really impressive how the democrats are able to turn everything they have done or are going to do into something good for the people. When in reality it is very seldom the case or I dare say the exact opposite. You can keep your doctor and you will save money.. Democratic President's promises.

When you look at our Nations history there was a party that was very prominent in promoting slavery, promoting segregation, and pushing
Jim Crow laws.... guess who.... it was the Democrat Party.

Look to your own post for the answer. You can't attack modern day Democrats with things dead people did wrong many decades ago.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox


The democrats wanted a single payer option like every other modern country on the planet, but what we got was the republican plan , RomneyCare. Which capped insurance company profits, but didn’t eliminate them completely which is kinda the whole point of a single payer option..

Wrong. The plan was written to fail (see Gruber), was passed without a single Republican vote and then when it failed it was the Republican's fault? Just LOL.

As for medical insurance, you really have no idea what you are talking about. The vast majority of health care expenses are the result of regulations. Passed by Democrats. 4/5 of the cost of hospital stays, procedures and insurance is adherence to governmental regulation. Passed by Democrats.

B) Example 2: brown vs. the board of education (intergration)..

Segregation was passed by Democrats. Jim Crow laws were passed by Democrats. Democrats voted down any type of integration or assimilation bill for 60 years. They even voted down Eisenhower's Civil Rights Act.

At least own that one.

C) The truth about immigration is that illegals commit less crime per capita than Americans do..

Not true at all, since by them being illegal aliens they have already broken the law.

100% of illegal aliens are, by definition, criminals. Period.

They are coming to get your guns!"

I'm not going to bore the rational readers of this post to link the 365345345345 times Democrats have laid out, quite plainly, that they wish for a gun-free America. If you have missed that, you are asleep.

2) all the media, scientists, college professors, teachers , celebrities, exc are all in a vast conspiracy to discredit conservatives..

It isn't a vast conspiracy, it is just the truth. A political worldview different from Liberal Progressivism is constantly mocked, derided, denied. Truth being, to a Progressive anything that is different from their worldview is the enemy. You don't need to pay people to think like a Progressive... you just promise the mouth-breathers free stuff and tell the elitists that they are helping said mouth-breathers.

Now when you threw scientists in the mix, I am assuming you are speaking about AGW.

Which approximately 16% of scientists think is true.

The 97% number is just BS that keeps getting spouted off as a truth.

4) large swaths of the FBI , CIA, exc are risking their careers and freedom to commit felonies attempting to set Trump up AND THE GOP OWNS EVERY BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE SUPREME COURT!!

The Republicans don't "own" the intelligence communities. They are full of life-members who are typically Democrats. In case you have missed current events for the last 2 years, there is a growing case that shows that the upper echelons of the CIA, DIA, FBI have indeed worked hard to not only keep Hillary out of jail, but attempted to sway the results of an election. By their own words we know this.

Conclusion... no crazy conspiracy theories here, just a minority of the US population attempting to remake America... you know, fundamentally transform it, the last Progressive President is quoted as saying.

I know you don't understand this because you are locked into a way of thinking that you can't get out of.

That's OK... those of us that are awake are working hard to save you.

Despite yourself.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Cutepants

originally posted by: 727Sky
It is really impressive how the democrats are able to turn everything they have done or are going to do into something good for the people. When in reality it is very seldom the case or I dare say the exact opposite. You can keep your doctor and you will save money.. Democratic President's promises.

When you look at our Nations history there was a party that was very prominent in promoting slavery, promoting segregation, and pushing
Jim Crow laws.... guess who.... it was the Democrat Party.

You can't attack modern day Democrats with things dead people did wrong many decades ago.

Well then, can we stop with the reparations talk?

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

I'm not going to bore the rational readers of this post to link the 365345345345 times Democrats have laid out, quite plainly, that they wish for a gun-free America. If you have missed that, you are asleep.

You can't even link to one instance, can you? As for your figures about AGW that is utter rubbish and you know it. Also, the vast number of intelligence and law enforcement agents vote Republican, because Republicans are more inclined to fund their agencies without question.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: rollanotherone

For sure, I'm white and I don't want to pay reparations. I've never been for it though, so I guess I'm not the right person to answer.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: sooth


A) When was the right wing not into social conservatism??

See by modern standards EVERYONE was a social conservative in the past..

That is kinda the point of conservatism.

“Uphold the traditions of the past”.

B) corporate heads are not leftist..

They are against anything they fear might damage profits.

So with Anything they feel might piss off a big chunk of People. They freak the hell out..

The over reactions probably come from the changing markets..

As the internet “steals” the opportunity to middleman commerce. It has everyone scared they may be next.

C) concerning identity politics I kinda agree.. but the left doesn’t want identity politics. 87% of the country is not black.. so white identity politics wins EVERYTIME!!!

This is s whole different topic but imho I think what happened is..

The civil rights movement chose to highlight black leaders to enpower the black population. So they willingly downplayed the roles of all the white civil rights champions..

But I think it backfired.. the path to hell is paved with good intentions after all..

It allowed the argument to sold as “black vs. white” by the racist side of things..

Rather than a “good vs evil” fight like it really is.

There is no reason little white kids shoulddnt grow up wanting to be the next MLK... or whoever his white equivalent was because god knows pop history has forgotten them..

All the “pro-black” groups who have never ever thought they had an opportunity to take over the white population was used against them as proof it was a “black vs white” fight..

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Cutepants

Is there a direct and reliable trail from your personal economic standing to slavery??

If not then why should you pay reparations???

Slavery vs abolition and racism vs equality HAS NEVER BEEN A BLACK VS WHITE FIGHT..

The racists just pretend it is..

Was John brown (white guy) of civil war fame/infamy responsible for slavery???

Hell no.. he attempted an armed rebellion to free the slaves.

Racism vs. equality is a good vs. evil fight..

Not a black vs white fight..

You are not born to your team you choose it.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Yeah, you're right. I just assumed rollanotherone was talking about specifically making all white Americans pay or something.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Pretty much everything you said could use some backing up.

Your logical conclusions are based on your logic. Flawed, biased, and incomplete.

You said illegals have a lower per capita crime rate. Of course they do, there are less of them than legals. Per capita means per individual as part of the whole. Of the whole population of Texas illegals are a minority and perform less crimes than legals do. Now if you can quote something that says the percentage of illegals compared to the percentage of legals you might have something.

As for forced integration in schools, I didn't read about it in a book or on a website, I lived it. The truth is that white teachers in host schools were transferred or terminated to make room for black teachers that came with the students. Two of my teachers were replaced by black teachers. And they weren't interested in teaching white kids. My English teacher would gather the black students together and talk to them separately, then have a pop quiz for the entire class. Much to her dismay us racist ten year olds still did good on the tests.

obamacare didn't need to be sabotaged. It needed to be put down out of mercy.

"They're coming to get your guns! Ask the people of Deerfield, Illinois how they feel about that...

Global warming being debunked by most professionals is based on the idea that it is entirely man-made. It has happened before in pre-industrial times. It might be happening, but it isn't necessarily our fault. At least not entirely.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

A1)yea because the republicans who help craft it pulled out last minute.. after the bill was set to be voted on..

So late in the process to scrap the whole thing would thing..

It was ALWAYS a moderate “meet In the middle option “..

It was a carbon copy of romneycare..

A2) this stuff is not subjective..

Regulations are a good thing.. are all regulations good?? Nope.

Regulations are in place because there was a problem that regulation was put in place to fix..

That said I wouldn’t doubt the regulations need big to be fixed.

however that still doesn’t excuse the fact insurance companies make .30 off every dollar spent on healthcare AND DO NOT PREFORM A HEALTHCARE RELATED FUNCTION..

There is a reason we are the only modern country on the planet without a single payer option..

Insurance companies are an unneeded middleman in an industry that is inherently not profitable..

Your premiums will NEVER cover the 3 million dollars you will almost certainly spend for your end of life care.

You can have parasite middlemen in sectors that are not life and death issues..

A3) we all pay for it anyway..

People with no insurance go to the emergency room and cost more.. the emergency room pivots that cost to their paying customers..

We all pay for it reguardless. The only question is how many middlemen are appropriate.

B) the civil rights act was passed by by democrats..

Because the civil rights fight was fought between northern and southern democrats..

The GOP didn’t champion either side..

After the civil rights act all the racists got pissed at the democrat party and went republican.

The pro segregationists wanted to CONSERVE the previous social order.. BY DEFINITION THAT MAKES THEM THE Right WING..

The intergrationists wanted a new social order.. BY DEFINITION THAT MAKES THEM THE LEFT WING..

c) LMAO..

That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard.. like just because it is a law means it is right or wrong.. that’s a joke..

D) there is not one single quote of an elected official saying they want to take all the guns..

Spare me the propagandized fienstien quote where she says ,

“She would not have allowed a grandfather clause in the automatic weapons ban”.

Something very few people would disagree with.. for damn sure it is not an extreme argument..

E) so what all the medua , scientists, exc are all just giving their honest and far more informed than you opinion and you just don’t like it???

Lol.” Since they disagree then they are the left and in a vast conspiracy against conservatives” lol

If they are not being paid off. Then it is their honest analysis..

When everyone else tells you your crazy.. there is a good chance you are..

F) damn right I was talking about AGW.. that’s not the only thing..,

A big chunk of elected republicans are avid creationists..

But me thinks your 16% Star is the BS claim..

Every real scientist with a social media or public personality are more than happy to confirm the 95% stat.. m

G) every department head in law enforcement is answerable to a trump appointee..

Trump can hire and fire anyone..

There is literally no way for anyone to have real evidence of doing anything illegal and trump not being able to see it prosecuted..

It is a laughable alternative reality a toddler should see through.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

A) lol the per capita crime rate is adjusted for population size..


B) it’s a big country but I have seen historical accounts and researchers who lived it and are far more credible than a random poster in an internet site..

The law said the best teachers would be kept and they DID NOT require black teachers at schools..

The law should have required teachers going first, but it didn’t.

C) did you really just pretend one incident was the same as a national policy?!!?

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: Cutepants
a reply to: rollanotherone

For sure, I'm white and I don't want to pay reparations. I've never been for it though, so I guess I'm not the right person to answer.

I agree. And I'm NOT white.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:35 PM

How Did Republicans Go Wrong

Close, but not the closest. "How did the Republic", go wrong. If you are inferring the people who are "Republicans" today are in favor of a "Republic" then correct. But do those "Republicans" understand the history of the "Republic"?? Today I hear "Republican" congress men refer to our form of Government as a "Democracy". Even President Kennedy, a Democrat, called our Country, a "Republic"! Well, as warned "A Republic, If You Can Keep It".

The power of words. What is so important in one name or the other? Because each name will inspire a different train of thought, on the subject. The Word, Republic, inspires a small well informed and educated mindset to guide the country's direction. Democracy will inspire a mindset where the individual sets the direction. As noted in the mindset of "Peter Strzok" He alone will save America, and he does not draw from the constitution his powers, its from the collective of the democracy, as noted by the "Democratic" collective displayed during his congressional hearing. He is a hero to the "Democrats". In my personal opinion, this is blatant treason, to our Constitution.

Where did "Republicans" go wrong? They forgot, or never knew, what a true Republic is, and the dangers involved, in keeping it. George Washington knew of a plot, a conspiracy, to overthrow not only Republics, but also Monarchies. He addressed it in a letter dated October 24, 1798. And the mechanism to be used? Democracy, to separate the people from their government(Of, By, and For)!

Revd Sir: I have your favor of the 17th. instant before me; and my only motive to trouble you with the receipt of this letter, is to explain, and correct a mistake which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged, often, to write letters, have led you into.

It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.

My occupations are such, that but little leisure is allowed me to read News Papers, or Books of any kind; the reading of letters, and preparing answers, absorb much of my time.

With respect...
George Washington

(The Writings of George Washington, transcribed from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799, John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor, vol.36)

No one can argue that the United States of America was not instituted by "Freemasonry" principals of the early 1700's. This is not a debate about what those principles were or were not. It is not a debate about Freemasonry, it is however a debate about our Republic and how to keep it!

George Washington, one of our founding fathers warned us that agents were at work in the United States, and also, Freemasonry itself may have been infected with some of those agents.

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati

the practices of the Jacobins, a political group advocating equalitarian democracy during the French Revolution. — Jacobin

George goes on to say that the societies of Freemasonry are designed not to be infiltrated by the mentioned mindsets, but, may have occurred.

George Washington's Freemasonry created to a large part, our Government, our Constitution, Our Republic. No argument can be made otherwise. George Washington's Freemasonry were free to discuss politics, to the point of creating a new "Republic". Today's Freemasons, are forbidden, to discuss Politics and Religion, in the temple, even though those of the past, were. Today's Freemasonry, is not, the Freemasonry, of the past. Is it not time, to un-gag the best and greatest minds on the subject? Maybe then, they could go back and address George Washington's concerns...

Now, our Country is divided to the point of a revolution, and separation of the people from their government is almost complete. And little doubt in my mind the genesis of that "Revolution" goes back to the powers and forces that would benefit financially from such a event. We all, are slaves to them!

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

You are exposed to a variety of historical accounts and you dismiss the ones you disagree with. Got it.

The law said the BEST teachers would be kept and best is just an opinion and in this case meant black. You can argue all you want but I know my teacher was a white woman with the last name Murray one day and the next she was a black woman with the last name Holt. That happened the day they started bussing black kids in.

No, I did not pretend one incident is the same as national policy. However, this is just one incident cited and you did say,

No elected official in American history has ever even proposed a prohibition o guns..

Those were elected officials who proposed and passed that legislation. And they made forceful seizure a potential solution as well.

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: DJW001

I really think the best tactic is not to play the “ if there was a magic genie that blinked all the guns away. Would we be safer?” Game ..

I their heads that becomes “proof everyone wants their guns!”

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel



Infowars is not a news source either lol.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

You don't have to. But in disregarding this statement of fact you have revealed something of yourself. More I feel than you could ever reveal about me. You don't know me or my past. You can only guess at best. But you seem absolutely confident in the belief that people on this site are lying to you. Which suggests in turn that you too are lying. After all, you are one of the people on this conspiracy site...

As I stated in regards to your first post - it was nothing but opinion. with not a single reference. I will follow your suggestion and fittingly disregard anything you say from now on as the prevarication it is.

Edit: If you rally feel that way about ATS, "A BS CONSPIRACY SITE", why are you still here? Do you have more BS to spread?
edit on 16-7-2018 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Well this thread is clearly an exercise in if the poster had read the OP or not. The title talks about Republicans doing the wrong thing but the content is just a typical Republican rant against Democrats (of course said behind a false veneer of being independent).

PS: Your agenda is rather transparent when you bring up the racist past of the Democrats then forget to mention how sides have changed in the interim. I wonder why you didn't mention that the Republican party was formed by a bunch of Socialists and was originally a Socialist party?
edit on 16-7-2018 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

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