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Enough is enough. Public massacres and school shootings must stop.

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posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Violater1

Enough is enough! Public massacres and school shootings must stop!

Pretty hypocritical considering the US gubment mass murders whole countries full of innocent people. But you wont hear anyone calling for a ban on that.

The US has killed whole countries?

If I understand your meaning, which one of those countries has become a new US colony?

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Ah, the old "pink slip" (what we called the hygiene orders)

I find it frightening that so many want to deny Constitutional rights because of a medical condition without due process/credible threat

Always good to see you (aka the voice of reason) in threads like this XC

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Violater1

Amen. I have had the exact same opinion for a very long time. Evil must be confronted and stopped by any means necessary.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
*everyone* why do these shootings keep happening?

*also everyone* treat's everyone around them like a human ATM's and sees other humans as resources with zero to no empathy

Mental illness like depression (no hope for the future, nothing to look forward to), sociopathy or psych drugs.

That kid looked like he had some mental development issues to start off with. Then he loses his mother, followed by being kicked out from his adoptive mothers home who takes his care money. He loses his girlfriend and gets into fights with her new boyfriend. He tries to socialize with White Nationalist groups but they don't want loons in their ranks either. So he feels alone in the world with no-one to stabilize him. He gave up on the health clinic that he was attending.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 05:26 PM
Well, if law enforcement and the government can't save us from ourselves, I guess we'll have to save us from ourselves. Or maybe we can save the government from themselves. Anyway, guns are here to stay and the only way to make people buy even more guns is to say they can't buy them. People want guns, both parties want guns. They talk about banning guns and gun sales skyrocket. The deep state ends up scratching their red baboons asses trying to figure out how to stop that.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: JBurns

I agree. I find this concept to be eerily similar to when Hitler decided to deny weapons to the "Jews and other inferior races." A lot of people think that he banned weapons from everybody but it was only for everyone other than germans. Singling out a specific group never works out for the better.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Like I said, people aren't concerned by the huge number of dead and displaced , the destruction of Infrastructure, and the decapitation of Sovereign gubments, replaced with a puppet state, loyal to the Oligarchy.

How do you make a "Colony" of ruins, bloated stinking bodies buried under tons of rubble, sown with mines?

I thought we were spreading Democracy and helping the people and children and all?

Do tell.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra


posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: yorkshirelad
a reply to: Violater1
Kids get expelled from schools all over the world but it's in the states where they grab a gun and shoot anybody in their way.

There are psychos in all countries but in the states they go for their gun and shoot anybody in their way.

There are angry people all over the world but it's in the states where they flip , go for their gun and start shooting folks.

The problem is culture and you US folks are so brainwashed into believing in "the gun" you just can't see it. In fact you are so brainwashed that you actually think more guns will solve the problem! Holy crap!

I live in the UK and could get a gun. There is no law preventing me from owning a gun along with almost everyone else in the UK. BUT like the vast vast majority of people I have no desire or need to do so. We do not have a gun culture which means guns are not at the forefront of the mind of the deranged, angry and psychotic. Obviously some do nothing is 100% but nowhere near the US levels of obsession.

When I meet a copper in the streets he/she does not have a gun.

When a traffic cop stops me (speeding once) he does not have a gun.

When cops come to your house they do not have a gun.

It's your gun obsessed culture that kills people.

Oh and please don't give me the "constitutional right to bear arms" crap. Your constitution was written when it took 5 minutes to load and shoot one round pellet of lead from a musket. I somehow suspect they weren't thinking of semi automatics capable of killing a room of kids in seconds! That "right" was intended to allow citizens to protect themselves from an overbearing government. Back then governments didn't have nukes !!!!!!!!!!! Reality check.

Here's your reality check:
Copper with out a gun

Psychos going for their guns (the M5 slaughter).

"We do not have a gun culture which means guns are not at the forefront..." You conventionally forgot about the Westminster Bridge incident where a knife was used.

This took me 0.000475 seconds to find this along with many many more gun and knife murders in the UK. Get your own toilet clean before you tell us ours is so dirty.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: ConstitutionalPatriot

You might want to rethink that "by any means necessary" part of that.

All too easy to become that which you are fighting.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Painterz
Let the blood dry on the ground before politicising it eh.

And hey. UK had one school shooting. We sat down as a society and said this must never happen again. We disarmed, got rid of our guns. And lo and behold, no more school shootings.
this is America that will never work here.
How many guns did you give up, your self ?
It would have to be done forcefully.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: Violater1

And this again is why you gun huggers will see more and more massacres. Enjoy them. They are yours. Horrendous and utterly preventable.

The excuse brigade. Knives, weaponised vehicles - well they seem to be the main two.

Vegas shooting saw more killed and injured than in all U.K. terror attacks last year.

How many school massacres in the U.K. brains?

Clean our own toilet? Well yes we are trying. However you guys are drowning in a cesspool and your answers for clearing it are to add more sh!t.

But it doesn’t matter. Almost EVERYONE outside of the USA can see your sickness. You guys can’t. So you’ll just keep killing each other, which frankly is a shame.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 06:18 PM
He took the words right out of my mouth

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

This won't be solved with the stroke of a pen. I agree with the notion of this being a result of an ill society and it is a phenomena that is really only about 50 years old. Upping gun control won't help. Not in America. That isn't a platitude, it is a reality. Unless we went full police state (and even then, the corruption would skyrocket) until all the guns were rounded up and destroyed, we'd simply create the world's largest black market for guns with a blanket ban.

Honestly, there is no good way of controlling 350,000,000+ guns.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: stormcell

originally posted by: toysforadults
*everyone* why do these shootings keep happening?

*also everyone* treat's everyone around them like a human ATM's and sees other humans as resources with zero to no empathy

Mental illness like depression (no hope for the future, nothing to look forward to), sociopathy or psych drugs.

That kid looked like he had some mental development issues to start off with. Then he loses his mother, followed by being kicked out from his adoptive mothers home who takes his care money. He loses his girlfriend and gets into fights with her new boyfriend. He tries to socialize with White Nationalist groups but they don't want loons in their ranks either. So he feels alone in the world with no-one to stabilize him. He gave up on the health clinic that he was attending.

No chance from the start. Except we can look back on it and see it. We need to start actively identifying this sort of thing before it becomes an active shooter situation.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Dutchowl

The people are law enforcement and government. And I don't think the solution belongs to any particular section of our society. It's weighed equally throughout for the most part, and honestly we don't have a real option to just "flip a switch" to fix this over night. It will be a process, and I don't think the bill of rights will be tested and we will still alleviate mass shooter situations.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: OrdoAdChao
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

This won't be solved with the stroke of a pen. I agree with the notion of this being a result of an ill society and it is a phenomena that is really only about 50 years old. Upping gun control won't help. Not in America. That isn't a platitude, it is a reality. Unless we went full police state (and even then, the corruption would skyrocket) until all the guns were rounded up and destroyed, we'd simply create the world's largest black market for guns with a blanket ban.

Honestly, there is no good way of controlling 350,000,000+ guns.
Back in the day this gun debate was still as strong as ever Bill Clinton made a comment that im waiting to hear come up again that just scared the crap out of me.
He said don't worry,we wont come after your guns "we will just stop manufacturing the firing cap and bullets" with that twisted grin he always had.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: ARM1968
a reply to: Xcathdra


Cool... Have you ever been around firearms (armed police from Wales / Military / etc)? Are you familiar with the history of the US and the reasons why we have a 2nd amendment?

I ask to get an idea of where your position on this topic is coming from.

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: Harpua

originally posted by: staticfl
a reply to: Violater1

Here's an idea. Go virtual for everyone. Stop the public mandated indoctrination and gun free zones. Have kids attend from home where they are safer and there could be a gun in the home if wanted. Take the money given to schools and buy a kid a computer setup good for 4 or 5 years. Done.

Sports gone, social skills gone... all because people don't want sensible gun legislation.

And the sensible legislation would be exactly like Maine or New Hampshire (Live Free or Die).

posted on Feb, 16 2018 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Massively different cultures and strict gun control. Show me the average sentence for a particular crime in those places and I'll show you a mandatory minimum from the states that is probably double. Criminal lifestyles and culture are completely different in most of those countries. And believe me, they're the ones with guns when they're not serving a short stint for gouging someones eye out over a bad debt.

China? Definitely an oddball in that grouping. I guess if we want to use authoritarian states as an example, it isn't so odd. Japan has a long held tradition of suicide to regain honor. Their culture is very different than the west even though they live a very western lifestyle. A mass shooting would be a dishonorable act, for sure. I guess I might be wrong.

I might add that the populations of the western countries you listed aren't close to ours. If you add them up, sure. But we are a large nation with easily as many guns as people (far more, most likely). I am not ignoring the elephant in the room, I am trying to get across that a ban is like shooting it when we could figure out a way to keep it from tearing the place apart.

The media is moving in the right direction for mass shootings by telling as little about the shooter as possible. However, in this case, that's going to matter a lot in understanding the unanswerable "Why?". And we can only attempt to understand and then attempt to prevent. Banning guns in a country with a constitutional right to them is not easy, and will not happen in the current political climate.

Why do mass shootings happen in America more? I'd say a big reason is due to our culture. Our society. We've created an amazing race to the bottom for so many individuals that this is what we get. We've mixed that in with "Guns, Guts and Glory" and a general apathy towards violence spurred by entertainment mediums. In short, we're losing our humanity voluntarily.

edit on 16-2-2018 by OrdoAdChao because: moar

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