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Not only do we have Trump's golf course in Scotland, but his big ugly Bombs too

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posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: teapot
America has been storing it's filthy stinking WMD on British soil for 7 decades.

Perhaps if we did not have NATO command here also, we may have a leg to stand on telling them to take their crap home.

By leaning on the US and NATO members, the British have reduced their weapons stockpiles to only what's aboard your 4 subs, about 140 warheads. I would advise, don't have them all in harbor at the same time.
There are many reasons why the US and NATO forces store weapons in small caches around the world.

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
"We have US bombs in Scotland, I don't want them here, I can't see how it is a deterrent, more like a target. The UK can't launch these war heads anyway, they are launched using US codes, from the US military."

Same for germany, the population is "not amused" about being a target. Only because of the fact that one of the most rogues states on earth(at least atm) uses almost the whole world as if would be "gods own" territory.

And we are not even allowed to have a-bombs, but if they are a-bombs of the former allegedly united states, then it is ok, somehow...

For the overseas bonded "german" government, not the people of germany!

Merkel is the agent of your bonds, and left liberalism is now your religion.

Funny thing is, they turned you inside out yet again by inventing the movements and controlling your schools..

You actually believe you can free yourselves with diplomacy, that is and will NEVER be true
..because it is simply not the truth.

A new way to free yourselves must be undertaken, one without government and corporate lobby at its helm.

That gets you nowhere, try something new...which means NOTHING that has been tried before....something that will not..and cannot ever be suggested by anyone in power.

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Probably for the same reason, that America still wants to bomb its way to a terrorism solution, despite the fact that all this has ever achieved, is an elongation of the problem. Simply put, the MIC does not benefit from an end to hostilities, and the Intelligence element in the MIC do not benefit from an easing of tensions.

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Probably for the same reason, that America still wants to bomb its way to a terrorism solution, despite the fact that all this has ever achieved, is an elongation of the problem. Simply put, the MIC does not benefit from an end to hostilities, and the Intelligence element in the MIC do not benefit from an easing of tensions.

Finally something we agree on.

This is why the whole 'It's all Trump's fault' crap pisses me off so much.

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: ADSE255
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Then im guessing the planet is f#ed. Because guess who's running it. The Computer your using was marketed by a Psychopath. Your phone. Your Software. You're saying people who have high IQs are psychos which would include most of the Presidents. We're #ed.

Ye G W Bush, Clinton, Nixon etc were all members of the mensa club.

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: ADSE255
a reply to: nonspecific

It doesn't take a genius to see what he implied with his reply either.

I never implied anything. Trump IS as thick as #.

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

I never implied anything. Trump IS as thick as #.

Lucky he has big hands, otherwise this presidency would have been a disaster.

edit on 28-9-2017 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2017 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Its not all Trumps fault at all Wide-Eyes, and I would never suggest that it was. Its worth pointing out however, that whomsoever sits in the top seat in a country, automatically becomes responsible for permitting the nonsense to continue. Obama was, and he was called on it repeatedly by myself and others. Before him, Bush was responsible for allowing things to continue in the way they have been, and many people, myself included, called him on it and made it plain to see.

Understand, the things which are happening in the back rooms and the bunkers, the offices of the intelligence services and the MIC, are wrong no matter who is in power.

However, given that this man sought to win voters by implying that he was not for sale, because he already had a huge amount of money, peddled himself as a man whose honour could not be purchased, I think it is fair to point to that and say "Well... that was a heap of lies, now wasn't it?".

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: ADSE255
a reply to: TrueBrit

If he's a psychopath. Where's your evidence? Can you back up you accusations of the President?

No signs of Trump being a Psychopath, Psychopaths generally have a very high IQ.

I think it's safe to say that Trump's IQ is at least in the 140s. Mine is average 136. What's yours?

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Sorry but at this point I disagree. There are far more ways to create leverage on someone than just money.

posted on Oct, 2 2017 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

And yet, he mislead, i.e. lied to everyone, when he made part of his "sales pitch" to the country, the idea that he could not be leveraged, as have been all the other people before him, into either doing as he is told by the powers that be, or be finessed into doing as they would like, using money as a lever.

If he had been honest about it, he would not have used that at all, because you see, he has no moral conviction about him at all. The only way to be immune to leverage of the sort that these players can apply, is to be ideologically opposed to their existence AND be the bravest son of a bitch to walk the world, and he is neither of those things. To do battle with the forces which ACTUALLY threaten America, or for that matter any other developed nation, one has to be prepared to do absolutely anything, lose absolutely everything, up to and including ones own life in the process. That is, lose businesses, lose money, lose empires, everything one has worked toward in life, and ones life itself, because THAT is what it costs to free oneself from an operation of the sort we are talking about.

You cannot defeat the MIC with bravado. You actually have to be fully prepared to die at your post, with nothing remaining in your pocket, with all your family dead or doomed as well, have to be prepared to take your morning stroll in HELL, to defeat the powers he was suggesting he would be ranged against. The banks, the intelligence services, the puppet masters behind the worlds biggest and darkest events, these are not people you go after unless you are not only prepared to die fighting, but would consider it an honour beyond worthiness to die fighting.

His EVERY move so far, has played directly into the hands of the MIC. His every move so far has been about focusing wealth creation at the top, despite the whole problem with the United States traditionally speaking, being that the people doing the hard graft are getting paid the least, while those living the slackers life, in the penthouse they did not earn, with the car they do not deserve, and the swimming pool they did not work enough hours to possess, get all the plaudits.

That is what the MIC and the international banking cartels WANT! And its EXACTLY what he promotes! Crush the working poor, over inflate the earnings of those who do the least work, and tax the bejesus out of those who have nothing, and those who are working their way up, to placate the psychotics at the top of the food chain in the doing of it! You need to get this on board Wide-Eyes, the people who stand to lose the most from this mans Presidency are not those who can afford to lose a few dollars here and there. But they are the only ones who stand to gain anything.

posted on Oct, 2 2017 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

Oh Gee , Look Mommy , yet ANOTHER Thread Bashing U.S. President Trump ...YAWN .....GTFOOH.......

posted on Oct, 2 2017 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I disagree. I think he is doing the best he can do given the corrupt system he is wading through. I often say here that he was chosen but not for the reason that most people interpret.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: TrueBrit

I disagree. I think he is doing the best he can do given the corrupt system he is wading through. I often say here that he was chosen but not for the reason that most people interpret.

Even if Trump personally pulled every single orphan and kitten out of a burning combined orphanage and kitten home, the left, their media ringleaders, the deep state and their mouthbreathing supporters would still find a reason to criticise him.

Perhaps these people should remember that a NK missile can currently hit mainland Europe. If Iran gets this capability, it too will be able to strike mainland Europe.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Br34kingp01nt

The nuclear missile capacity of other countries is not a reason to have nuclear missile capacity oneself. Its a reason to develop effective anti-missile strategies, erect defence cordons through which no missile or MIRV or any other such thing, can penetrate in a functional state.

This technology is readily available in this day and age, costs less than nuclear arms do to maintain, and has less drawbacks than the nuclear armament option as well. In short, it is not necessary to threaten to turn regions to glass, in order to maintain ones borders and the safety of ones fellow human beings. It IS necessary to actually use defence budgets for defence, not offence.

And before I hear a damn thing out of any of the idiots who use sports metaphors where they ought not, NO a strong defence is a strong DEFENCE, NOT a strong offence.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

In your opinion.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Br34kingp01nt

As a matter of fact.

Examples of this can be found in the records pertaining to the Battle of Britain, during which the defensive actions of the RAF were shown to be staggeringly effective, even against a much larger force.

Our strong defence was proven to be very strong indeed, repelling even the strongest assault the enemy could muster.

Other examples are spread all throughout history, from the lone survivor of an assault by three hundred men, sitting atop a pile of spent brass and corpses, to fortifications which withstood artillery and infantry assault for weeks without ever wavering once, and so on and so forth.

The secret to a good defence is to commit to defence, rather than offence, as any examination of history which is unfettered by psychological conditioning to the benefit of the MIC, will attest.

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Br34kingp01nt

The nuclear missile capacity of other countries is not a reason to have nuclear missile capacity oneself. Its a reason to develop effective anti-missile strategies, erect defence cordons through which no missile or MIRV or any other such thing, can penetrate in a functional state.

This technology is readily available in this day and age, costs less than nuclear arms do to maintain, and has less drawbacks than the nuclear armament option as well. In short, it is not necessary to threaten to turn regions to glass, in order to maintain ones borders and the safety of ones fellow human beings. It IS necessary to actually use defence budgets for defence, not offence.

And before I hear a damn thing out of any of the idiots who use sports metaphors where they ought not, NO a strong defence is a strong DEFENCE, NOT a strong offence.

It doesn't work in that you are vulnerable to a first strike. Your reactive nuclear defence has to be effective all the time, the nuclear enemy only has to be effective once and you are done. You are broken and do not have the ability to counter.

In a time of crisis/conflict with a nuclear opponent there is every incentive to strike you first as hard as possible and absolutely no incentive not to. I don't like that idea.

posted on Nov, 11 2017 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: justwokeup

Yes, it has to be effective every time...

Which is the current status of state of the art anti-missile systems. Its damned convenient for the MIC, that most people are too afraid of what happens when they fail, to stop the proliferation of and reliance upon nuclear weapons though. Very convenient.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: cosmickat
The UK can't launch these war heads anyway, they are launched using US codes, from the US military.

Completely incorrect. The UK has complete control over the Trident launch system. See following.

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