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‘It’s Disgusting!’ Livid Woman Screams About Veteran’s Service Dog In Delaware Restaurant

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posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: intrepid

LOL.........thanks. Sometimes I should where a shirt like that.

edit on 22-9-2017 by Tarzan the apeman. because: Had to be done.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

they dont keep their kitchens and table tops as clean as most restaurants......

I used to scrap restaurant kitchens, I know whats behind and underneath those fixtures.

Anytime you want to gauge a restaurant go behind the building and look at the service entrance and the ground around the dumpster. If they keep the outside clean, then they keep the restaurant cleaner, too.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 04:47 PM
This woman is very lucky that her behavior didn't trigger this PTSD disabled veteran, as situations such as this very easily could.
Also, I have to give the dog a lot of credit for the way he handled this situation. He did exactly as trained to put himself between his handler and the threat, in a non threatening way, creating a larger personal safe space for his handler.

edit on 22-9-2017 by Elostone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 04:59 PM
I didn't watch the video. I presumed it was a snotty, entitled rich white woman. I am a white woman myself and am so embarrassed to see this sort of stupidity.

Doesn't matter the color of the skin. Bad manners and stupidity is still bad manners and stupidity!

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 05:35 PM
Reading around other sources (including news sites geared at military personnel) there seems to be a rather blunt opinion that this dog was not in fact a service dog, but a PTSD/therapy dog.

They're not service animals (such as guide/aid dogs) and are thus not afforded the same legal rights to accompany the humans around everywhere like legit service animals.

The woman's a royal bitch for the overreaction, but if the dog in question is in fact only a therapy dog, then it should not have been in the restaurant in the first place. THAT MUCH I can agree with -- therapy animals are not service animals, do not pass go, do not collect $200. But having a s#fit over a legit service animal in your proximity is stupid. They're physical assistance animals for a really good reason you can't argue with.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 05:47 PM
I'll make it simple the man and his best four legged friend were in the right. The woman with the loud useless mouth should've been elsewhere, like in a different state.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

However, some State or local governments have laws that allow people to take emotional support animals into public places. You may check with your State and local government agencies to find out about these laws.

I tried looking for laws in Delaware about taking therapy dogs in public places to no avail.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 06:30 PM
To the OP. Ignorance is bliss.

'nuff said.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: Nyiah

However, some State or local governments have laws that allow people to take emotional support animals into public places. You may check with your State and local government agencies to find out about these laws.

I tried looking for laws in Delaware about taking therapy dogs in public places to no avail.


Examples of service animals that must be allowed into public accommodations under the ADA include:

psychiatric service animals, which can help their handlers manage mental and emotional disabilities by interrupting self-harming behaviors, reminding handlers to take medication, checking spaces for intruders, or providing calming pressure during anxiety or panic attacks

But it starts to get tricky

Under Delaware’s Equal Accommodations Law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities may bring service animals (under Delaware law, only service animals that assist those with physical disabilities) to any public accommodations. Owners of public accommodations, however, are not required to allow emotional support animals and pets. Public accommodations in Delaware must comply with both state and federal law.

So, they don't have to allow "emotional support" animals, but it doesn't say they must exclude them.

Trickier still.

Under the ADA, a public accommodation may not ask you questions about your disability or demand to see certification, identification, or other proof of your animal’s training or status. If it is not apparent what your service animal does, the establishment may ask you only whether it is a service animal, and what tasks it performs for you.

No need to prove anything to anyone.
edit on 9/22/2017 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Phage

Saw that. Thanks Google sleuth.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 06:40 PM

The relationship between a service dog and his companion — his partner — is one of mutual respect, trust, honor, faith and complete love. Service dogs can become the eyes, ears, arms or legs to a person in need. They lead, guide and protect. They improve the quality of life for so many individuals with differing physical and mental challenges. One partner of a service dog says, “I entrust my life to my dog — he has never failed me!”

A service dog can be any size or breed. It does not need to carry special identification, register with any agency or even wear a vest. The rules are very clear for public businesses —[ b] and they leave the field wide open for dishonest, unethical criminals to take advantage of the law.

Service dogs have been in the news lately because people have been cheating.

Business owners are complaining of a recent increase in the number of people “faking” the status of their pets as service dogs to gain access to areas otherwise off limits. Hotels, restaurants, trains and airplanes are all targets. For example, it is a widely accepted routine for top show dogs to fly from competition to competition in the passenger cabin of planes as “service dogs.”

This behavior is giving service dogs a bad name and is doing a great disservice for those people that need them.

Fake Service Dogs, Real Problem — Part 1 of a Special Series

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

Phage doesn't use Google. Phage IS Google.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: Deaf Alien

Phage doesn't use Google. Phage IS Google.

Now that's scary.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: Deaf Alien

Phage doesn't use Google. Phage IS Google.

Now that's scary.

Imagine mixing SkyNet with a sweater vest. You get PhageNet.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: slider1982

Yep. I also trying to gradually remove myself too. At the beginning of Sept. I deleted my FB account. I don't miss it one bit. My real friends can contact me by phone or email. The other so called FB 'friends' are merely casual acqaintences or people I may have only encountered once. For the most part, people disgust me.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 04:01 AM
I'm very fussy about stuff like this too, I don't agree with animals in houses for example... People with cats will say that they're clean animals, but that's just not true and they do walk poop and other nasties all over your house. These same people let them walk all over worktops and tables too. Sorry it just makes me feel gross. Then there are fleas and whatnot.

However, if I wasn't happy I would indeed ask quietly for a refund, not act like a complete retard screaming my head off. No need for that and not sure what it will even acheive.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Ok, it seems to me, if what she is saying is true, her real issue was with the woman saying something to her about her feelings about the dog being in a restaurant. It seemed that she was clearly upset about being PC policed by the woman who kept it going. Yes, she was over the top and should have just left if dogs in restaurants gross her out, but for all we know, she could suffer from a mental illness too.

Basically, people need to learn to not engage.

Also, I was at a seafood restaurant a couple of weeks ago, and there were 2 pit bulls there. One pit had the vest on and was very well behaved. The other pit had no vest, his owners weren't even eating there (we were in patio waterfront seating), and it appeared they just used the excuse of a service dog to rest after going to a parade. That dog aggressively tried to attack the real service dog as the guy was leaving. The service dog did not react, but patrons were scared.

So many people losing their manners nowadays. Such a shame.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 10:42 AM
some people kiss their dogs in the mouth

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 02:12 PM
People who fake the pet as a service animal aside .
The idea of a Blind dog was done by 2 women in 1931
Hats off lady's for a great idea .
Wile most of us want to pet them or touch them it is best to give them room to do there job and dont distract them this coming from a guy who loves dogs.
As for who is dirtier dogs or humans I do believe humans get that hands down .
Puppy's aside a Dog is a domesticated wolf . Wolfs are very picky and clean they are like that because keeping clean means your prey does not smell you as easy .
Humans well we evolved from a group that throws poop lol and some humans still throw poop .
Ps kissed my wife ( ugg halitosis ) so how is kissing a dog worse lol .
Ps kissing me is like kissing a ashtray I am sure . Bet you would rather kiss the dog .

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: Domo1>>> That woman was foul mouthed and had no class BUT she was right in expressing disapproval of that dog being in that restaurant. COMFORT animals are NOT SERVICE animals. People are so entitled and take advantage of the system in so many ways these days. They put themselves first and have no respect or understanding of the rights of others. No manners. You see it everywhere. People hop on the handicapped scooter sin grocery stores and at Wal marts. They're not handicapped, not even obese. They're just lazy slobs. They park in handicapped spaces. I can remember when those spaces were specifically reserved for wheel chair users, now they've increased the number available ten fold. If you need a dog to keep you happy and in control then you may need therapy. I'm not talking about actual service animals. Its been a long time since I've seen a seeing eye dog but they also have dogs that sense seizures. But so many dogs are hauled in because they just want them as companions and they don't care about the people around them. And the dog owners in that video had at least one person that was just as foul mouthed as that woman who was complaing. Was that at an IHOP or waffle house? Man, those places always get the losers.

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