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Detroit Lions Ban Fan for post about black fans

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posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Necrobile

Excellent post. I literally cannot find human words to describe how much i loathe racism,i hate it with an almost demonic hatred. I have seen it,and keep seeing it right up to the present day,destroying my beloved country. I am 52 years old,and i can not remember a day in my life when ethnicity was not a divisive matter in my country,and the cause of much bloodshed and horror. But condemnation of racism (should be Ethnicism really) should be fair and across the board,no ethnicity should get a free pass.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: CB328

Are you and I agreeing on something?

Its summer....i know hell isn't frozen over. But we are agreeing.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

I disagree. If a gay person walked into a bakery and started yelling insults to the baker or his employees, the baker has a right to kick him out and refuse service. But if the gay person walked in and politely asked for service, but was refused simply due to his sexual orientation (which he cannot help), it becomes discrimination.

Surely you can see the difference between refusing someone who was deliberately being disruptive verses refusing someone due to something beyond their control.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: Cornczech

You are correct, there are no laws that say you can't call black people the n-word.

There are also no laws that say a private organization can't ban you from doing business with them after you call their black employees the n-word.

I can honestly say that it is unusual for a company, especially one that is struggling, to turn down revenue. I've seen how empty the stadium is in Detroit on Sundays.

A smart business, one that i'd expect will succeed, would have found diplomacy as a solution. A way to position themselves to keep the sale while saving face.

The Lions can do whatever they want. But my estimation here is they really screwed up a good chance to win, vs just rage quitting. And they look petty because of it.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Someone posted on Snapchat...they didn't run into the stadium and start verbally assaulting anyone. Your comparison is incongruent with what actually happened.

The bottom line is that a private organization saw fit to not only refuse subsequent service to an individual, but also made him give back something for which he already paid (the season tickets). The reason is still the same--they took offense to the actions based on the apparent beliefs of the individual. The decision was made to deny this individual a service/access to their property based on the personal views of the owner/establishment.

This guy was not being disruptive at the game, just posting his ignorant opinion on a personal account on a private social-media service. That is a MASSIVE difference that cannot be conflated.

But, we can agree to disagree with no harm, no foul. I've made my opinion on the topic known--I don't really see a reason to continue more, as I'm concerned that it may start down the avenue of incivility, and I don't want that. I'm tired of that on ATS.

Best Regards.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: MysticPearl

originally posted by: underwerks
I can't believe people are now expecting others to accommodate their ignorant, racist ideas. Used to be, racists didn't expect other people to accommodate them. Now they do.

What has recently changed in our society?

So when are the 49ers going to revoke tickets from all the Bay Area liberals who hate white people?

When they start posting their hate on social media like this jackass did!

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 12:29 PM
Help! Help! I need a safe-space for my hate speech! I'm being oppressed!

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: eNumbra
Help! Help! I need a safe-space for my hate speech! I'm being oppressed!

Just get some tickets to a Boston Red Sox game, you should feel safe there.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: CB328

We don't have free speech any more.

We have nice speech.

If you say anything that offends, then you get punished.

Nah its still ok to offend. Just has to be against White males, than your good togo.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Which is the first stop to the fascism destination....funny, they whine about political correctness and anit-fascism, but thats what they're creating......ironic how irony can be sometimes.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: ColoradoJens
Just get some tickets to a Boston Red Sox game, you should feel safe there.

Yes, and make sure to don an interlocking 'NY' cap for added security.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I wouldn't go that far...I don't want to be Don Zimmer'd and thrown face down by my bald head.

Reflecting on my post, although it was supposed to be funny, I realize it isn't. I did what I have accused others on this site of doing. I posted something in writing without really thinking about it - although Boston is known for having their fair share of racists, probably 95% of the folks at the game aren't. Bad generalization on my part.
edit on 16-9-2017 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: ColoradoJens
Reflecting on my post, although it was supposed to be funny, I realize it isn't. I did what I have accused others on this site of doing. I posted something in writing without really thinking about it - although Boston is known for having their fair share of racists, probably 95% of the folks at the game aren't. Bad generalization on my part.

Funny you mention the Sawx. That pitiful organization was considered to be the most racist baseball team for the longest time since the first black player they signed wasn't until July of 1959. Their lack of looking for talented black players is often cited as one of the reasons they sucked nards in that era. Wah-wah.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Yeah, I know. And BTW I'm stealing "sucked nards" if that's ok.

Hopefully for Boston today is different than back then.

I do believe a large percentage of the fans are like the majority of people everywhere in the US - not racists.

They may be semi-educated, tv watching brain dead zombies, but like I say they are no different than the majority of the US.

Fenway is still to this day known as a park where players get racially heckled, but it certainly isn't the only place that happens.

I always found it ironic to a degree that Boston has had some of the most incredible hall of fame black players without whom championships would not have been won. They've also had some of the biggest jerkoff white guys (not talking about Bird but more Red Sox) ever.

Sports, to me, typically represent race how it should be viewed - irrelevant. End of disjointed post.

edit on 16-9-2017 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: ColoradoJens
Hopefully for Boston today is different than back then.

Sadly it's not. There are a few recent articles citing Major League Baseball players who still refer to Boston as the most racist city they visit and the only place they have ever been called 'n-----'. Whether it's hyperbole and/or anecdotal it sill seems to be the general consensus.

Hell, Bill Russell refuses to attend many Celtics events due to how he was treated and he's the winningest player in Boston history.

And for what it's worth there's now a push to rename Yawkey Way since he was such a massive racist tool bag that both Tom Henry and John Harrington had to acknowledge this fact on taking over CEO responsibilities.

edit on 16-9-2017 by AugustusMasonicus because: Armaments 2:9-21 And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats...

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 11:46 AM
The guy's job is next just watch.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: ColoradoJens
Hopefully for Boston today is different than back then.

Sadly it's not. There are a few recent articles citing Major League Baseball players who still refer to Boston as the most racist city they visit and the only place they have ever been called 'n-----'. Whether it's hyperbole and/or anecdotal it sill seems to be the general consensus.

Hell, Bill Russell refuses to attend many Celtics events due to how he was treated and he's the winningest player in Boston history.

And for what it's worth there's now a push to rename Yawkey Way since he was such a massive racist tool bag that both Tom Henry and John Harrington had to acknowledge this fact on taking over CEO responsibilities.

I guess if you look at it historically it is better, now. Think back to the late 50's/early 60's in America. There was a much different view of African Americans in every aspect of life, including playing baseball. And it wasn't a good one.

Racist owners were not uncommon. Perhaps there are still some today but I don't know. Fans and the general public were much more openly racist.

I agree Boston is known for it. Like I said in my post I find the racism at the games in Boston to be completely ironic considering there would be no championships without the likes of Russell and Big Papi.

I'd like to bash them frankly because I hate the Sox and even more so the Patriots
(BTW did you know the Broncos are the only team that has a winning record against Brady in his career?)

That said, the few racist heckles that have been reported (and there only have been a couple that have been openly discussed Im sure there are more) resulted in loss of tickets, disdain in local columns, condemnation from the team etc etc.

I think it illustrates there are still stupid race baiters who ruin it for everyone. Things have gotten better, but we may be regressing.
edit on 16-9-2017 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: ColoradoJens

I'm sure it has improved but there was only up to go for Boston which had some much more serious racial incidents outside of sports than many other cities and is still fairly racially segregated by neighborhood. It's a shame, I do like Boston, I think it's a cool town (other than the slimy Red Sox) but they still need to get their act together in some regards.

Neat fact on Brady, didn't know that.

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