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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Nov, 20 2018 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: Peeple

You’re hotter than Flo chick trying to get me to switch to Geico!! Lulz!

What is insurance? There are no payouts when you’re gone. That sounds sad... I was trying to be funny but it may take a while to figure out this social media again! My muscles have atrophied. I am cookie dough,

Weirdness? A bunch recently. But this one sticks out. Dream state almost and this time in my bedroom. I can see my hands but my eyes are shut! Something pulls me off the bed so I grab the mattress. I “see” a square space glowing with the words where the bottom of the mattress was , “Contact, too soon”

Not sure what that means but it was strange. And new. Happened this morning.

I think I can keep this smart phone for a while! We’ll see!

@Reverbs, nice assortment of differentness!! Now on to Turkey Day!

posted on Nov, 20 2018 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

Can I be your assistant if you do? I always wanted to take over the world. You're stealing my dream. I had half a day off yesterday and all I did was sleep. I predict a big nap lays ahead for you.
I'll start a revolution from my bed... some day.
How does bunny cream taste

My job is getting routine that makes it much harder. Maybe I'll quit. I had a nice experience but today morning I am over it. I want to sleep, it's winter...

posted on Nov, 20 2018 @ 11:00 PM

What language is the first sentence? Hood-anese? It's car insurances. Stuff people really need.
"Contact too soon" *drumroll* sounds freaky! Aaaaaaaaalieeeeeeeens!
You have the best weird dreams. Keep your smarty phone, we would miss you a lot if you're not swimming in the pool too soon. Swim! Like the other mainstream fishes. I bet you have an iPhone X. Do you?

posted on Nov, 20 2018 @ 11:59 PM

edit on 21-11-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2018 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Peeple

There were so many drivers in california without car insurance; that the court systems got clogged and no one was paying the tickets clogging that system... so much so? California just removed the insurance requirement altogether

Perhaps like the state of South Carolina... they have initiated a highway use tax that goes into road repair etc. which is actually what the police force ticketing is supposed to be paying for with their quota of citations... however the federal government pays for that out of its tax revenue.

However, since war mongering worldwide to buy troops for proxy wars? yeah rented military sucks... thats where the federal dumps the funds that the states dont use when they issue citations to extort more money out of citizens in shifting those coffers around instead of it going to exactly what it was intended for.

The federal reserve being a global entity or cabal as some would call it; has nothing to do with the global trade of currency. It stands apart from that being the issuer of all global funds... the issue is when they say the UN is not the global alliance and federally backed. The US going proxy in wars? Means Maoist doctrine is still going strong in the global effort to raise what is called third world countries to second world... it takes a world war to lift a bunch of them out at one time and get at least one or two of them to 1st world.

The US was offered a boat load to deal with the civil wars in various Middle Eastern countries. Obama turned down the last offer what negotiations took place I don't know; but Russia decided to pick them up and of course the global fed paid into their coffers a huge mountain of gold to restock much of their depleted coffers.

Basically never mind the lines in the dirt political rhetoric... it is a propaganda machine used as an excuse of divide and conquer. The world has already been conquered as globalism goes; the one's Bush called the Axis of "Evil" being a "Christian" is what led to the middle East fiasco to begin with... as those on his "list" as "evil" had no Vatican ties. Well as a supposedly world leader under a constitution of the separation of church and state? Meant he was starting a personal holy war based on his chosen faith... and dragging everyone else in the US and the allies through it; using lies and fabrications.

Of course there are oh so many countries with a lot of able bodied young men that have nothing to do except sit on their asses and point fingers. That's where the UN needs to grab them and train them as a global peacekeeping force; and get rid of all that proxy nonsense that allows a globalist cabal to rise instead of the world freedom and peace that is sought.

So think about what causes most people to fight; religion/ideology, money, and well both of those being politics? That's the real two party system.

Of course molding that "belief" is by design... get two people to believe in "god" and they think they can run around and witness reality instead of a conceptual delusion. Like two parents or captors giving someone Stockholm syndrome over the course of a lifetime; trying to rule their mind, body, by way of speech hoping the child sows the same speech to become a reflection of them... such a mirror is infinite in the chain of causation link called ignorance, using the link of name and form to do so.

A hot frying pan will become your teacher or parent, if one grabs it out of ignorance... even a child not knowing the difference of too cold or too hot? Will eventually learn the middle, instead of running from one extreme to the other... all truths relative and not are truth to the individual; when one has learned in such a fashion. Words are not needed... a brother or sisters keeper is not needed.

Why? Because knowing is knowing and their are degrees to that well as endless as there is experience... all component things have temperature. So so stupid ignorant grasps a hot frying pan then uses temperature as an excuse to not ever bother with it, ignoring the wisdom they could know that they are in constant contact with "temperature" or varying degrees of something at all times and places.

Of course losing that silly thing called consciousness; many equate with "death" being attached to the concept of "time" in the same way they are attached to "temperature."

Eventually such a conceptual fool; will learn they are only fooling themselves, and granting all that believe the same? A fools pardon.

BTW until the so called Turkey day? Halloween still rolls on... running straight into Christmas? lol does not one thing a god or father would rejoice that his child or son was dead to a world of concepts and the beings that perpetuate such hells?

There is no heaven in it, not in body, not in speech and certainly not in mind. All in all and thats all it is and ever will be, a heap of something moving into a heap of nothing, in an infinite expanse above, below and in all directions in which to do so.

So much spoken of with "jhana states" thats just room to rest; and of course anything deemed or termed as "wicked" means no rest; not even for the weary. As such a state is nothing but a dream, so life being a dream within a dream? Just means two have agreed to encapsulate a concept as real.

One bursts the other still exists and yet the germ or concept still exists in one of those spheres. Which one? HA!

posted on Nov, 22 2018 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

That post really made it fromcar insurances to heaven and hell and back. Germans like rules. It's unthinkable to drive without insurance.

a reply to: Reverbs

What was in that post before Edit came? Now I'm thinking dirty things...

I had a crazy dream, with ships and cars and a little talented boy who liked horrible music. Where does my brain get those ideas from?

posted on Nov, 23 2018 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Rules? Cut once; measure twice... is my motto for actual learning.

Children are already complete and "know" sitting on the floor with them at their level? Silently you become the calm mountain as they mimic in remembering how it was once the same for them... expectations are you have to be me and this is how we are going to do things.

At age two? They will get on the highest peak like a cat and challenge you since you have refused to ever get back down on that level with them... and remember and see and know you were complete and "knew" too. So now barking orders like a boss from the "top" to the bottom? They become the cat and climb up and let you know... WRONG I am here to remind you of right.

If the selfish parent still refuses? Then in the teen years they will and rightly so? Throw every bit of that parent or both completely away. As of course they should... since then they have become an impediment; to their earthly goal or mission a hindrance to finishing out what they already knew they should be doing...

It is a parents job to see them grow back to their adult sized body; upgraded to the new information and tech and then resume their previous body of work... as their own self reincarnated Tulku. Not to fall into a vat of stupid called the next generation to be soylent green for the ground.

Hindering that sort of thing, over the years? Is poison a mould of slavery not an advancement... I knew all right and wrong, practically raised myself with two children in "adult" bodies. Only later when they realized they were self absorbed and never really cared or properly raised their children? Did regret and whatever else set... well hey too late you will be reaped, and that's just the way it is as your deeds are your deeds your burdens are your burdens not mine.

As having a house or form why would I want your body pilled onto mine? Thats why in Buddhism? One burns their house down, the six gates... that's what a "purge" truly is.

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: Peeple

We have had years of stupid commercials with this weird/hot/kinda not hot chick named Flo, trying to make us switch insurance on every “spotsball” game on TV.

They also have an Australian accented lizard doing the same. And before that, a caveman.

I was trying to give you a compliment (but like explaining a joke it doesn’t work out to well).

Ah well! Hope you understand that I still love you and if that means not being a distraction... well, I would have hoped you would have appreciated it...

Yeah, stupid smart phone and probably will get signed up for da cloud.

Need a new computer (or at least a new OS, and, battery. 3$ part keeping me down!!)

Happening soon. But that also means not being around here(and quitting work)... sad. But tired of bosses and being poor.

Let’s kick the candle over and see what catches fire!!
edit on 24-11-2018 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: clarrise

posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 11:51 PM


New life new work?

edit on 24-11-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 10:20 PM

How exciting! Changes. Sorry I didn't get the joke. To quit is a big step! While you enjoy the state of being jobless you can use your smart brain and tackle the next maths problem. Don't let the system waste your talent working for "the man".

I'm slowly improving my relationship with my father. It's weird. For christmas I'll get him a book on how to program an app, if you rebuild your computer you could do the same. There's money in it too.

posted on Nov, 25 2018 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

BB! Where have you been and how was it? Did you do this black friday thing? I'm constantly worried about you my American friend, like you live in the jungle...

posted on Nov, 26 2018 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: Peeple

No black friday. I celebrate thanksgiving normally but the family is all over the place, so I just enjoyed two days off, and oh was I thankful. America is the Jungle? Maybe on TV I guess. Definitely my area is unique.. I'll say that.

I havn't been up to too much. I was dreaming of not being able to tell if I was alive or dead.. of course right before bed I was turning into a vampire in skyrim and I dont know # about skyrim so I was all confused trying to either do it all the way or fix it lol.. i did something that made it go away but I don't know.

Now I work for a bit.. maybe Ill leave early. Who knows.. I have to plan like 2 events but there are 4 or 5 of them this week. So i guess i should leave early to cut out some of my insane overtime right?
And having tomorrow off it only makes sense.

posted on Nov, 26 2018 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

If I'd go from what I watch you're full of zombies and aliens. Of course not silly BB, I get my information from ATS and that's why I think you're on the edge of a civil war. Gun lovers and protests against it. All a bit hysterical.
I'm free today!!! I'll enjoy cleaning my place. And snow.
Yesterday was crazy. 50 people waited in line, all idiots. Haha funny stories but only if you'd be a call girl too. And in the chaos one of my bosses was trying to coach me. I'll be so happy when this week is over. I even thought about quitting too.
Of course I won't. The plan says work a year.
I once was a vampire in skyrim too, I know exactly what you're talking about. I think it's stupid, but my ex husband was totally in to it. He was assassinating people in their sleep. It's really a cool game. Have you found your guilde yet? Are you a thief? Or a killer? Or a good person working with the law?

posted on Nov, 26 2018 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Civil war? Lol. No one cares to fight beyond words you goose. Its not like that in real life. Americans, If I can make one huge statement, are satisfied. The loud ones look stupid. Imagine a bell curve, and everything you hear is the flat part after the curve.

Im not a lover of guns, but I understand fear and love better than most.

Fear humans who lie.

America is the most peaceful Ive ever seen.
You just arent allowed to see that.
Smarts do nothing without good information.

The main concept I like in this area is "dont listen and react." Read and experience and learn. And act on your own choice.

Countries should be sub par organizations in relation to your own ideas, if you can state and defend your own ideas.
edit on 26-11-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2018 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I tried to be bad in skyrim a bit even became a vampire lord, but i don't like to do that apparently. It's not my style. I saved it before deciding on the vampire lord.

Im the good guy argonian..
Just killed some enemy I had no business beating.
He gave me amazing armor.
Took like 60 arrows. He ran down a cliff he couldnt get back up. He almost one hitted me at first.

If Im in a guild I don't know about it.. (I keep noticing things after the fact) Well I am I think with the dudes in whitefall is it? The comprades or comrades or whatever it is.. no the companions lol.. And Im helping the dawnbreakers.. I think.. Shh Im a noob.

But yea my conscience always is there even in games I guess. I feel others' pain. The "golden rule" is inescapable. I cant even feel for myself how I can feel for others. Lately Ive been being selfish to counteract it, but Im not sure that thats a good idea either.

And! Don't quit silly. That's too easy for you. Play the game on hard mode for a bit. The leveling up is half the fun.

edit on 27-11-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2018 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

If you say so... it's just extra hard because I work an extra hour every day and it's extra stressful because all idiots come up with the idea to change their insurance at the very last day when it's possible.
And I have Fallout 4 but can't play it, because I can't download it, but the plan says I get internet in March. I want spring!
Listen to me whining. Extra whining.
The cool part is my daddy talks to me again since I have a job. We chatted about music yesterday. And I get a guitar and a microphon for christmas. That's so weird. He says funny things like "I believe in you", calls me "friend" and whatnot.
It's nice, but weird.
Today my working week starts, wednesday to saturday, three days of terror and saturday will be after the storm.
My tablet always wants to write after with a big a, german word for butthole... I'm too lazy for this stress.
Only three days. On saturday it will be looking at the IKEA catalogue drinking tea with two calls per hour.
If I level up I hope it involves magic.
Do you have a house and a companion yet, in Skyrim? Or do they not want to work with you because you're argonian?

posted on Nov, 28 2018 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Peeple

You're nice but weird

You would also change your insurance on the last day, no?

At least you don't have fallout 76.

Its nice to talk with family.

edit on 28-11-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2018 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

That's what I'm aiming for, nice and weird. Mission accomplished.
Now I'll go in for the next 6 hours of terror. But it's not as bad as I expected this morning. Everything, cool, everything easy, no worries. What are you doing? Nothing but playing and working?
What events are you planning?
Tell me more about what's going on in Skyrim. Make me jealous. I'll soon be playing too!

posted on Nov, 28 2018 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

That's what I'm aiming for, nice and weird. Mission accomplished.
Now I'll go in for the next 6 hours of terror. But it's not as bad as I expected this morning. Everything, cool, everything easy, no worries. What are you doing? Nothing but playing and working?
What events are you planning?
Tell me more about what's going on in Skyrim. Make me jealous. I'll soon be playing too!

posted on Nov, 28 2018 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Playing and working. Yea thats about it.
The events are just random things a special menu item for cancer research 25% of the money goes to that. I have a bar night for all the bartenders in town. I have some other private bar thing. I have two food events but one looks like it will fall through.

And skyrim I can't tell you because I don't know.
I have a habit of making up my own game. Im not really following quests except by accident. Do you remember the light goddess one? Its some temple with light shining into the sky. You put some item in the statue and she flies u into the air alien abduction style.

Inside is "darkness" defiling the temple. You have to make the light beams unlock the doors. Something killed me so I went back to being random. I don't even remember getting the light ball item. Just rocked up on it and its like "quest completed" lol oops.

Im in morrowind I think?
There is this marka or macka something dude in another dimension taking over everyones mind. They are building him a temple so he can re-incarnate there. Hes dragonborn aswell. I have two people following me around everywhere. One is tje knight girl trying to stop macka or whatever and I have one of the companions? Following me. Made me wonder if I could have any more followers, start an army lol.
One of the jarls gave me a guard thing a housecarl? But I havnt seen her in awhile haha.
edit on 28-11-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

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